can my life stink anymore????

party of 3

<font color=royalblue>i can't believe that i will
Apr 1, 2005
ok there i was driving on the highway going to see Mom at the hospital and i'm crusin' along listening to my disney music and all of a sudden.......

my car died!
OMG what do i do??????

i called dh, aaa, work......

dh came to get me, they towed it to the garage and i'm ok. i just stinks. something else for me to deal with!!
Oh my! I'm so sorry.. Hopefully it will be something simple..
Did you check the gas...? LOL Just trying to make you smile!!!
It's not a Jaguar XJ is it? Exact same thing happened to my FIL a few weeks ago, engine cut out when he was doing 70 on the motorway.

Glad you're ok, must have been very scary :(
Oh Holly, that just stinks!! And right when you were getting your grove on!

Hope it's an easy fix, and glad you are OK!
Oh no, not the Hollvo!!!! Glad you are ok!:hug:
OH Holly
I'm so sorry to here this. You really don't need anything else going wrong. Hopefully it will be a quick and inexpensive fix and you'll have it back quickly.

I hate car trouble.
Oh no! Poor Holly! Our Volvo did that to us (YEARS ago, before we were married). We'd just turned onto a hilly road in the Lake District (AKA middle of nowhere) and everything just turned off. This was before cell phones, so we had to ask at a nearby cottage to use the phone (lucky there WAS a cottage:scared1:) and we thought it might be the fuel injection :scared1::eek: - turned out to be a fuse in the electrics :faint: Hope yours is something so simple (and cheap) :hug:
Holly - i am sorry that it seems life keeps throwing you challenges.
This has happened to me twice- once it was my alternator, and the other one of my engine cylinders - both times on the Mass Pike!

Here's hoping for a better day.
Holly- I am so sorry to hear about your problems, I hope the fix is a small one.

Car trouble throws me into a tailspin.....I'm sorry that happened to you!
:hug: I am soo sorry Holly. DH says there are a lot of little things that could cause that. Hopefully yours is an easy fix.
That happened to me going 75 mph on the tollway a couple of years ago! It was also the alternator. The cost of missing the work meetings, and work time was more than the repair and towing. It's frustrating, but that's what happens when we own these man-made pieces of metal!!

Hope you get it figured out!


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