BREXIT......How do you feel Brits? Excited??

There's room in both the US and Canada, but I'd look at Canada. Most people here in the US that are willing to move when a vote doesn't go their way typically threaten to move to Canada, so it might save you a 2nd move. ;)

I understand! Canada seems nice not sure they would have us though! I am medically retired and disabled my wife needs an IT job... I can't imagine that cranking up the point system.

We have the pleasure of your Mr Trump in Scotland today pleased about our outcome. I am sure that will delight the Scotland folks.
What is weird is my news channel is focusing more on dogs being at the polls and GOT possibly not being able to film because of this vote o_O

The GOT situation is big news too. It has brought huge economic prosperity to Northern Ireland, not just directly from the cast and crew but the tourism aspect. GOT tours are a major source of revenue. It would be a huge loss for the region if the studio moved filming locations. Also now because of the financial situation, they may may find it harder to continue filming as they have been
We have the pleasure of your Mr Trump in Scotland today pleased about our outcome. I am sure that will delight the Scotland folks.

They'll end up delighted because he's building them a golf course.

He'll probably open a pub in Ireland, a millinery in London and sponsor a spelling bee in Wales before he heads back to the US. ;)
Not British, but as a citizen of the world, I worry about the trickle down effects. Tribalism isn't good for Africa, it isn't good for the Middle East, and this seems like it has the potential to reignite all kinds of old wounds not only in the UK, but throughout Europe. If anyone is familiar with the trivia website Sporcle, one of the popular quizzes is the Countries of the World. I finally can get all of them. But we may be entering a new period of map realignment, depending on how the dominoes fall. Scottish independence being the first to hit the table, but with an angry populace on the edge we've got Catalan independence, the previously mentioned Ireland tensions, Walloons and Flemish in Belgium, Spain is also agitating about Gibraltar again. I'm not sure what the British thought they voted for, is what we all are going to get.
They'll end up delighted because he's building them a golf course.

He'll probably open a pub in Ireland, a millinery in London and sponsor a spelling bee in Wales before he heads back to the US. ;)
With his name in huge glittery letters.
I'm a Londoner and I voted to leave. Why? Because ultimately the EU is run by the European Commission (the European Parliament has very little actual power) and it is not a committee of democratically elected officials. The Commission votes on and picks it's own members. The tipping point for me was when countries voted down the EU Constitution and the European Commission put through many of the points in the Lisbon Treaty anyway. What I think more people would be happier with would be if the UK could leave the EU but remain part of the European Economic Area/European Free Trade Association like Norway and Switzerland for example. Gives greater autonomy to the UK while keeping Europe more stable. Unfortunately I think the EU are going to try to completely screw us over.

It's also a lot harder for a large organisation like the EU to be held accountable for any actions. I'm not saying it's likely but there is always the possibility of someone (who mostly likely would be on the short side) becoming head of the European Commission and deciding that the Empire of Europe would be a really good idea. History has shown us that empires (and I'm not saying the EU was one and/or wants to be one) don't last and have the potential to cause more harm than good. No one organisation/country/person should have too much power because as they say power corrupts (just look at FIFA).

Ultimately a vote to leave has put all the pressure on the British people to demand that our parliament truly represents what the people want. We the people were ignored when we marched in protest to the Iraq invasion (largest ever march in our history I believe) unfortunately and were ignored when the Countryside Alliance marched against the fox hunting ban -largest march in our history until the Iraq one - which was thankfully ignored because more people wanted it brought in.

I also think that Scotland should wait to have their referendum about leaving the UK because as lots of people have said we don't know what is going to happen. It could be that the pound levels out and we get alright terms for leaving. If there is a panic mentality that's when everything will fall apart. As I said on FB this morning everyone just needs to take a step back and wait a minute before doing anything rash because unless you can see the future/travel in time no one knows what will happen.

I will however also admit that not only did I convert some money to US dollars yesterday when the exchange rate was at 1.5 (just in case) but I'm also really glad I've already booked and locked in the cost of my next two Disney holidays :lmao:
I've just had a very interesting conversation with a good friend over Facebook.
She voted out so I asked her why (because I have yet to see any credible evidence that it is a positive move) - she's fed up with all the immigration and 'them all coming here and stealing our jobs'.....this friend is currently back at school to train as a nurse so she can move her family here to Canada!!!

Umm.....that would make you an immigrant stealing a Canadian job my dear! I am about to get a migraine from my eyes rolling so far back into my head!
Funny about Canada! You would think they would be sick of hearing it every four years. I also don't understand why every time a vote doesn't go some peoples way, people threaten to leave. I'd rather die on this hill than move or give up my US citizenship !!!

It's ok. They don't ever really move. They just like to spout off about it and make threats.
For those who might not know

As an EU citizen
1. Under the E11 Heath insurance scheme, if I need emergency medical treatment while in an EU I dont have to pay
2. When you pay tax in EU countries, your contributions are accumulated. This means that if you spent a few years working in a different country and then go to your home country, you are eligible for benefits.
3. Freedom of work and travel, which means any citizen from a member country does not need a visa or work permit for another member country.

These are just some of the things that UK people have now lost.

Not quite true the EHIC which replaced the E111 allows medical treatment the same as the country you are in, So if for example that offers free treatment you would receive the same, if they have to pay for certain things you would pay for the same. Its not always free which some people have been caught out on. It may also stay as its not run by the EU as there are countries in the scheme which aren't part of the EU such as Switzerland, Iceland, Norway & Leichtenstein. Its down to how well the UK negotiates its exit.

So who does?

Its a reciprocal agreement amongst European countries, so the individual country involved will pick up the tab but its not all free its on a like for like basis.
I will however also admit that not only did I convert some money to US dollars yesterday when the exchange rate was at 1.5 (just in case) but I'm also really glad I've already booked and locked in the cost of my next two Disney holidays :lmao:

Always an upside!!
I still have a UK credit card (for family/friend gifts over there) and paying that off is going to be pretty sweet for the next little while!! Lol
I've just had a very interesting conversation with a good friend over Facebook.
She voted out so I asked her why (because I have yet to see any credible evidence that it is a positive move) - she's fed up with all the immigration and 'them all coming here and stealing our jobs'.....this friend is currently back at school to train as a nurse so she can move her family here to Canada!!!

Umm.....that would make you an immigrant stealing a Canadian job my dear! I am about to get a migraine from my eyes rolling so far back into my head!
She's going to show them, isn't she? Loud and angry is easy. ::yes::
Cogent reasoning? Now that is much harder. :D
They'll end up delighted because he's building them a golf course.

He'll probably open a pub in Ireland, a millinery in London and sponsor a spelling bee in Wales before he heads back to the US. ;)

I heard that Scotland were not bought by the golf course or his waving dollars. They had demonstrations to not let him in and one guy had golf balls with a certain symbol on I shall not darken these beloved boards with
I'm a Londoner and I voted to leave. Why? Because ultimately the EU is run by the European Commission (the European Parliament has very little actual power) and it is not a committee of democratically elected officials. The Commission votes on and picks it's own members. The tipping point for me was when countries voted down the EU Constitution and the European Commission put through many of the points in the Lisbon Treaty anyway. What I think more people would be happier with would be if the UK could leave the EU but remain part of the European Economic Area/European Free Trade Association like Norway and Switzerland for example. Gives greater autonomy to the UK while keeping Europe more stable. Unfortunately I think the EU are going to try to completely screw us over.

It's also a lot harder for a large organisation like the EU to be held accountable for any actions. I'm not saying it's likely but there is always the possibility of someone (who mostly likely would be on the short side) becoming head of the European Commission and deciding that the Empire of Europe would be a really good idea. History has shown us that empires (and I'm not saying the EU was one and/or wants to be one) don't last and have the potential to cause more harm than good. No one organisation/country/person should have too much power because as they say power corrupts (just look at FIFA).

Ultimately a vote to leave has put all the pressure on the British people to demand that our parliament truly represents what the people want. We the people were ignored when we marched in protest to the Iraq invasion (largest ever march in our history I believe) unfortunately and were ignored when the Countryside Alliance marched against the fox hunting ban -largest march in our history until the Iraq one - which was thankfully ignored because more people wanted it brought in.

I also think that Scotland should wait to have their referendum about leaving the UK because as lots of people have said we don't know what is going to happen. It could be that the pound levels out and we get alright terms for leaving. If there is a panic mentality that's when everything will fall apart. As I said on FB this morning everyone just needs to take a step back and wait a minute before doing anything rash because unless you can see the future/travel in time no one knows what will happen.

I will however also admit that not only did I convert some money to US dollars yesterday when the exchange rate was at 1.5 (just in case) but I'm also really glad I've already booked and locked in the cost of my next two Disney holidays :lmao:

To the bolded, you have identified the basic game theory that is at play (the classic Prisoners' Dilemma), but in this case Prisoner A has already publicly made their move, i.e. the UK voting to leave the EU, and they're now fundamentally asking Prisoner B, i.e. Scotland, to not make its move in order to strengthen their own, i.e. Prisoner A's, position. Logically at this point Prisoner B might as well make its move as well and lock in the lesser of two evils, functionally harming them both but avoiding at least some of the potential harm to themselves, as Prisoner B's obligation to Prisoner A was voided when Prisoner A chose freedom. Sure, the UK may negotiate good terms, but Scotland, by staying, may be able to negotiate far better terms.
Another implication for me is that now that UK is not part of EU , I no longer have the freedom of work there like I had previously. I have lived and worked in Edinburgh and London for about 6 years. Now with Brexit it means that I can not return to live and work in London the same as I did before.

Every one of my UK friends, people in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland are all very worried now. None of them voted leave and they just cant believe that this has happened. They are worried about their childrens future and their own financial situations

This is incorrect. When Southern Ireland became independent a clause was put into the agreement that allows Irish citizens to enter the United Kingdom, live, work and vote in perpetuity. Your status is unchanged.
Also the EHIC which replaced the E111 some years ago is NOT an EU agreement. It is covered by the European Economic Area and is unaffected by the Brexit vote.

It is difficult to talk about this momentous decision without breaching the DIS political guidelines so I will just add that everyone I know is truly delighted by the outcome, that we look forward to, once again, being an independent country able to interact with the whole world rather than being dictated to by the sneering elite of corrupt officials in Brussels.

ford family
This is going to affect retirement accounts in the US as well as the UK. I wonder when folks (particularly in the US) will realize it's not all a lot of talk that doesn't particularly involve them.
Oh yeah, we woke up this morning knowing we now have to work longer before we can retire. Being in our 60's, we don't have a long amount of time to recover the losses that our retirement accounts will see over the next several years. :(
Oh yeah, we woke up this morning knowing we now have to work longer before we can retire. Being in our 60's, we don't have a long amount of time to recover the losses that our retirement accounts will see over the next several years. :(

I don't think you'll see a long term issue in the market - at least not due to Brexit. The Brexit dip will probably be offset by the end of the summer, if not the end of June.
Oh yeah, we woke up this morning knowing we now have to work longer before we can retire. Being in our 60's, we don't have a long amount of time to recover the losses that our retirement accounts will see over the next several years. :(

My Ds did a study abroad in London years ago and remained friends with several students he met there. They are all in their early 30s and everyone of them feel disappointed, very sad and worried
This is incorrect. When Southern Ireland became independent a clause was put into the agreement that allows Irish citizens to enter the United Kingdom, live, work and vote in perpetuity. Your status is unchanged.
Also the EHIC which replaced the E111 some years ago is NOT an EU agreement. It is covered by the European Economic Area and is unaffected by the Brexit vote.

It is difficult to talk about this momentous decision without breaching the DIS political guidelines so I will just add that everyone I know is truly delighted by the outcome, that we look forward to, once again, being an independent country able to interact with the whole world rather than being dictated to by the sneering elite of corrupt officials in Brussels.

ford family
Alrighty then. The choice made by some UK citizens to move from the front to the back of the line in a global economy is somewhat hard to understand. But, if it's all about personalities....


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