BREXIT......How do you feel Brits? Excited??

just ponder this for a second

people from another country who dont speak our language, have a different religion to us coming to our country and taking our jobs. They come here in such great numbers that our way of life, our language, our society become the minority and in parts of our cities and towns there are more foreigners than us...

Doesnt this sound like what all the Brexit Leavers were saying over the last few weeks, something very similar to what Nigel Farage has been spouting over and over??

Actually Im talking about MY country Ireland, and what the British did to us, from the Norman invasions right up to when we fought OUR war of Independence 1919 to 1921. They came to my country, took over our land, made our language and religion illegal, and so much more.

I just find it strangely ironic that now the tables have turned, and The UK was part of The EU, they didnt like being told what to do, didnt like foreigners coming to their country, didnt like being ruled by the European Parliament and Commission, so they voted out.

They did it us, Scotland and so many countries around the world, but now in 2016 when it happens to them they have a temper tantrum. We didnt have that luxury, they caused a famine in my country, and half the population died!! (there was enough food being produced in the country to feed the population but it was being shipped out back to the UK , the Irish main food was potatoes which failed 2 years in a row)

Good point.

Obviously independence is much more important to those that aren't free to make their own decisions than to those that are ruling. When those that are ruling end up under the thumb of someone else, suddenly independence becomes much more important.

That's probably why the vote went the way it did.
All of our London friends are thrilled...cautious but thrilled. They want their autonomy back. Quite frankly, I was surprised when they joined the EU in the first place. I've always seen England as its own powerhouse. One of our brit friends is a teacher and was charged with sexual misconduct by a child whose religion prevents men teaching girls. Her family had been trying to force the school to make this change. The charges were dropped when our friend was able to prove he wasn't working the day she claimed it happened. Then they found out the family goes town to town filing charges, trying to insert their religion's law over the gov't law. A disturbing situation indeed. Happy for England and I hope they regain their steel spine, strong global presence.
All of our London friends are thrilled...cautious but thrilled. They want their autonomy back. Quite frankly, I was surprised when they joined the EU in the first place. I've always seen England as its own powerhouse. One of our brit friends is a teacher and was charged with sexual misconduct by a child whose religion prevents men teaching girls. Her family had been trying to force the school to make this change. The charges were dropped when our friend was able to prove he wasn't working the day she claimed it happened. Then they found out the family goes town to town filing charges, trying to insert their religion's law over the gov't law. A disturbing situation indeed. Happy for England and I hope they regain their steel spine, strong global presence.

Hi I am from the UK I voted remain. I am from
London the relgion you talk about if I understand correctly has nothing to do with the EU. Those here from other countries they are not affected by this change.
Hi I am from the UK I voted remain. I am from
London the relgion you talk about if I understand correctly has nothing to do with the EU. Those here from other countries they are not affected by this change.

My understanding is that traditionally immigration to the UK was heavily from former colonies. An English expat coworker said that the most popular food in the UK was probably chicken tikka masala. Certainly blaming EU membership for a cultural/religious shift in the UK might be ignoring the big reason.
Just to add some more to my posts about not believing everything you see in the media - with regards to the "petition" for another referendum supposedly signed by 3m people - mostly false names, with many from Vatican City, Korea etc and the whole thing now shown to be a spambot.
Just to add some more to my posts about not believing everything you see in the media - with regards to the "petition" for another referendum supposedly signed by 3m people - mostly false names, with many from Vatican City, Korea etc and the whole thing now shown to be a spambot.

I saw that as well. The media was sure eager to report on the "petition," obviously with no vetting...
My understanding is that traditionally immigration to the UK was heavily from former colonies. An English expat coworker said that the most popular food in the UK was probably chicken tikka masala. Certainly blaming EU membership for a cultural/religious shift in the UK might be ignoring the big reason.
I think it won a poll for most popular take away meal some years ago! As a foodie I'm glad to say the current number one is apparently the good old English favourite Roast Beef dinner with Yorkshire pudding etc - yum!
I think it won a poll for most popular take away meal some years ago! As a foodie I'm glad to say the current number one is apparently the good old English favourite Roast Beef dinner with Yorkshire pudding etc - yum!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Yorkshire Pudding is not what we Americans call pudding, right? Isn't it more like gravy and dumpling/pastry? And please describe in detail. I'm hungry!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Yorkshire Pudding is not what we Americans call pudding, right? Isn't it more like gravy and dumpling/pastry? And please describe in detail. I'm hungry!

This is a Yorkshire pudding

So nothing like American pudding lol
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Yorkshire Pudding is not what we Americans call pudding, right? Isn't it more like gravy and dumpling/pastry? And please describe in detail. I'm hungry!
Similar to your popovers - this recipe from a very popular UK chef James Martin
My mum is from Yorkshire and traditionally they sometimes had it cooked in one large tray as a dessert perhaps with sliced apple baked in it or served with golden syrup but mostly these days cooked in individual sized portions and eaten with roast beef and gravy. Very popular Sunday lunch in country pubs etc.
This is a Yorkshire pudding
View attachment 177589

So nothing like American pudding lol
I love Yorkshire pudding. :love:

As for Brexit, we have been following this closely and to say that we're surprised is an understatement. I wonder (and worry) about the Netherlands now and of course other nations too. Whatever happens, hopefully the USA will be supporting the UK in any way it can. The UK is a good ally and friend.
I love Yorkshire pudding. :love:

As for Brexit, we have been following this closely and to say that we're surprised is an understatement. I wonder (and worry) about the Netherlands now and of course other nations too. Whatever happens, hopefully the USA will be supporting the UK in any way it can. The UK is a good ally and friend.
Thank you Planogirl. A lovely comment after some terrible ones on here.
As for Brexit, we have been following this closely and to say that we're surprised is an understatement. I wonder (and worry) about the Netherlands now and of course other nations too. Whatever happens, hopefully the USA will be supporting the UK in any way it can. The UK is a good ally and friend.

The US will always support the UK. They have a permanent place at the front of the queue.
My understanding is that traditionally immigration to the UK was heavily from former colonies. An English expat coworker said that the most popular food in the UK was probably chicken tikka masala. Certainly blaming EU membership for a cultural/religious shift in the UK might be ignoring the big reason.

I think the food in England has gotten so much better by leaps and bounds with the ethnic influence.
I had the best paella outside of Spain and the best Indian I think I've ever had, also ..a wonderful Russian meal.
We're foodies so always on the lookout for great meals.. Of course the good old Sunday roast still steals my heart ..
I am sad about the reports of racist incidents being reported since the vote. People telling folks from other countries to get packing and get out. So much ignorance.
I think the food in England has gotten so much better by leaps and bounds with the ethnic influence.
I had the best paella outside of Spain and the best Indian I think I've ever had, also ..a wonderful Russian meal.
We're foodies so always on the lookout for great meals.. Of course the good old Sunday roast still steals my heart ..

What is the joke about Europeans? The perfect European experience would be British manners, German organization, French food, and Italian romance. The worst would be French manners, Italian organization, British food, and German romance. I'm sure there are variations aplenty.
18 pages? Apparently the ban on talking politics only applies to US politics then? :rotfl2:

I have many British friends and all were shocked and saddened by the outcome. Then again, all are under 60 and most live abroad now or have at some point, so that puts them in the demographic that voted remain.
Personally, I think it is a colossally stupid mistake.
What is the joke about Europeans? The perfect European experience would be British manners, German organization, French food, and Italian romance. The worst would be French manners, Italian organization, British food, and German romance. I'm sure there are variations aplenty.
Not anymore, it's fabulous now!


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