Boo to the Halloween on the Highs Seas Crew

The girl from the crew had been pointing out where the turtle was going and now that we got our fill she told us to swim over to the reef….OK, I am a bit more excited now.

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Now I don’t know the technical names of fish and sea creatures…but I know we saw Dory fish (Tangs), parrot fish and sea urchins and cucumbers, tube things, fans, and coral and other fun stuff like that. Feel free to name things for me.

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I was very impressed with my camera down here. It was the first time I really got to try it out. I had used it last summer in Jamaica while snorkeling but the water was so rough that I had a lot of trouble that day and didn’t get anything good.

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Some video that will make you sea sick.

At parts the reef was really close to the surface and I scratched my foot on that yellow coral…that hurt!

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Claire once again!

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We had the option to use flippers or not and Claire and I chose not to.

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Rob…who looks dead.

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It was cool to see a sand dollar.

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Continuing with more pictures.

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This was the most variety of creatures I had ever seen snorkeling.

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There were just so many colors…, yellow, blue, red, purple, black…it was amazing!

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Taking a peek above water.

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Every so often I would have to look up to be sure Claire was around and that I wasn’t too far from the group. I got so lost what was going on underneath me it was hard to remember that I was there with family.

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At parts the reef was really close to the surface and I scratched my foot on that yellow coral…that hurt!

I learned that lesson on Aruba and it took ages to heal, too.

We had the option to use flippers or not and Claire and I chose not to.

I prefer not to wear flippers, too.

The photos are absolutely amazing. I am glad that you got to see all kinds of stuff.

First time poster on your reports and I wanted to know what camera you use. I am going to Jamaica in May and I was looking to get some type of water camera.
Glad you did get to see fish, and wow so many!

Such pretty colors and they are so bright even underwater.
I'm so glad you finally got to see some fish. The sea turtles are beautiful but you need a little variety.
I learned that lesson on Aruba and it took ages to heal, too.

How is snorkeling in Aruba? Have you been there more than once? Is there anything else there you suggest?

I prefer not to wear flippers, too.

My feet are so wide that they often hurt me.

The photos are absolutely amazing. I am glad that you got to see all kinds of stuff.

It was such a great excursion.

First time poster on your reports and I wanted to know what camera you use. I am going to Jamaica in May and I was looking to get some type of water camera.

Welcome! The point and shoot that I use and used underwater is an Olympus Tough. They have about 40 billion models...ok that might be a slight exaggeration. LOL. But they are constantly coming out with new models every few months.

Glad you did get to see fish, and wow so many!

Such pretty colors and they are so bright even underwater.

I was so happy with what I saw down there....and there is more.

I'm so glad you finally got to see some fish. The sea turtles are beautiful but you need a little variety.

Yes, everything was great and we saw so many neat things.
One of the crew hollered that there was an octopus so I went in search of him…and found him. He was a fast moving guy though and hard to keep up with him.

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Every so often he would stop and blend in with his surroundings. It was just amazing. I kept trying to get pictures to see if I could capture him. I think some are failures while others I succeeded.

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Bottom left in the picture above.

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See how he has changed color in this next picture?

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I know in some of these pictures I posted he was blended in with the bottom but I can’t seem to see him now. I did though when I edited them and was just amazed at how well he could hide himself.

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And now he is in more open water and harder to hide.

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That was such a cool sighting.

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I think that is Claire.

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A snorkel selfie.

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Abby was using a noodle to help stay up. She did a lot of complaining. LOL. She liked what she saw but she said it was hard work. She had been practicing snorkeling all summer long in swimming pools and was actually very good at it, but out in the ocean it was slightly harder and you can’t take breaks.

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School is in session!

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I think this is a cucumber. He looks like he has a face!

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This looked like a hammer on the ocean floor that had been absorbed into the sea life.

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It was great, but it was now getting time to go. I had seen pretty much the whole area we were allowed to be in and I was very happy with it. I made my way back to the boat and kind of hung back as everyone climbed up the ladder…..ladders and me…not so great when getting out of the water. I am not graceful at ALL!

And look who I saw again while waiting…..

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I had booked this excursion for one thing mainly….turtles. It had a high chance of seeing them and I was so happy that we did. My only disappointment was that there weren’t more. I have seen pictures in other reports where people are basically swimming with the turtles and there are several all over. We just seemed to have this one guy. That being said, I was super happy to see even one and the rest that I saw made up for it totally.

Time to climb up.

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We had complimentary drinks. You could have some kind of punch they were serving or soft drinks.

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It was hard work snorkeling but it was so much fun.

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Abby needed a rest.

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We were now headed to a beach where we would have lunch and some time to swim and relax.

Rob was enjoying some of the punch…well I think he had several….and just let Abby nap on his leg.

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Look!!! There’s the Fantasy!

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The crew started doing things with the sails and Rob went to help…well sort of…he became the manager of the punch jug.

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Gail made the comment that how was it that Rob always seemed to find himself in charge of the beverages everywhere they went. LOL.

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Your photos of this snorkeling trip are amazing but these are totally breathtaking. I've never seen anyone get pics of an octopus before! That's a lifelong memory for you.

Thanks! It was a lot of fun and so neat to see all the different sealife
As we were making our way to the beach, Katie told us that we would have to swim to it….what? She and Thad had done this excursion a few years ago and she said the boat only could go so far in and then we had to swim. Hmm I didn’t see that in the description. Oh well……we were wet already.

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Sure enough, when we arrived they anchored the boat and were told we had to swim to shore. We did have the choice to ride in the dingy as well and we could also have anything we wanted brought over to the shore on the dingy, so we did load a few bags in there.

The swim was harder than I expected. I am not sure if I was going against the current, or I was just so tired, but it took a while to get there. And I was hungry too.

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We walked back to the area they had a little buffet set up for us. It was kind of wooded back there and the bugs were in plenty. Good thing I brought my bag and it had bug spray in it. We all sprayed ourselves up.

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We got some food and settled down to eat.

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There were hermit crabs all over and the kids just loved them.

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Katie and Thad got some food from a little stand on the beach. They had been here before and said the food at it was amazing. You had to pay for it, but they didn’t care one bit. I think they had tacos or some sort of food like that.

As the kids were eyeing the hermit crabs, one of the guys grabbed one and brought it over for them to look at.

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The little stand to the right in this picture is where Katie and Thad got their food.

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There were also chickens running around all over. LOL.

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I was just taking random pictures, but when I posted this on facebook Gail commented that did I notice who was belly up to the bar…..that would be Rob. Hahahaha.

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This was the food stand.

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Once we were done we headed out to play in the water. Geoff was tired so he found a chair and just sat most of the time.

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We went over and left our bags with him.

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Time for some water fun!

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What an exciting day. The pictures were wonderful.

It's not such a bad thing being in charge of the punch jug.:rotfl2: :drinking::idea:

The food looked really good. Was that included in your excursion price?
When we arrived we were practically the only ones here but now a few more boats were arriving, including this party barge. The music was loud, the people were loud and they were definitely having a good time.

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I hightailed it to the bathroom before it got too crowded.

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Gail had asked when on the boat about using the bathroom and the girl crew person told her the island one was probably better so Gail waited and used it when we arrived. Gail pointed me in the direction and warned me it wasn’t too great.

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Evidently the chickens are using it too. LOL.

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It was gross. Just dirty and smelly and on the lines of an outhouse with concrete floors. And what was even grosser is I did not have shoes with me. I really had to go though and I tiptoed in and went and got the heck out of there and cleaned off in the water after.

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I headed back to the gang.

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They were all having a lot of fun.

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We had a discussion about bathrooms and I found out Alexis is a pro pee-er in the water. ICK!!! They go to a friend’s lake house a lot and she always just goes in the water. I was so disgusted and I was surprised Gail would not force her to use a real bathroom. I know people do it…I do not! It totally grossed me out! Thank goodness Claire was on my side.

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I sat on the edge of the water and drew this.

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And then I took one with the water washing it away. I thought it was cool.

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We had a lot of fun splashing around and just hanging out and talking. The kids really had a great time.

Finally it was time to swim back to the boat. I think Gail took the dingy back again, but Abby swam this time back with Rob.

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Goodbye pretty beach!

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Time to head back to the port.

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The Allure was in port, but docked in a different area.

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Hello Fantasy!

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The crew also told us they had shirts for sale. Claire and I each got one as did Alexis and I think Rob did too. I know Claire and I got long sleeved ones and this shirt is one of Claire’s favorite shirts now. She wears it all the time.

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We got off the boat and still had a little bit of time, so I wanted to look through some stores. It looked like there were some places nearby. Geoff said he would come too but Claire headed back with the rest of them.

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We really should have went that way too. Most of the stores were closed. I went to find a bathroom and that was quite the search. I found one that looks like someone used every bit of the walls and floor as their toilet….another was just overflowing….finally I found a decent and clean one.

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We wandered back and I think Geoff did go in a few stores.

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It was longer back the ship than I had thought too.

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As we approached the ship we saw people coming from another path and realized there was another shopping area closer to the ship. After to talking to some other people once back on the ship I found out that it had better stuff over there. Darn it!

We got back on the ship and headed our separate ways. I think Claire was swimming with Alexis at this point.
How is snorkeling in Aruba? Have you been there more than once?

Unfortunately we were in Aruba just before I got the hang of snorkeling. I learned it later on the same cruise. Graham said that the snorkeling was amazing. We have not made it back there, but a visit to the ABC islands is high on my to do list.

Is there anything else there you suggest?

There is some really pretty architecture around and some nice beaches.

My feet are so wide that they often hurt me.

I have the same issue.

I really loved the photos and this sounds like it was a really great excursion.

Unfortunately we were in Aruba just before I got the hang of snorkeling. I learned it later on the same cruise. Graham said that the snorkeling was amazing. We have not made it back there, but a visit to the ABC islands is high on my to do list.

Thanks for letting me know. I have some plans that include Aruba and I am debating on snorkeling or doing a private excursion that will take me to the natural pool which looks so cool.

There is some really pretty architecture around and some nice beaches.

Great to know! My cousin went last summer and is going again this summer and she said the whole island is so pretty and clean.

I have the same issue.

I hate my feet. I have so many shoe issues.

I really loved the photos and this sounds like it was a really great excursion.

It was highly rated by me. Geoff even went and filled a form out on the ship praising it.
It was sail away time and I took a few pictures as we left the port.

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This is always one of my favorite views.

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I went in search of the rest of the family.

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The kids were riding the aqua duck over and over.

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Time for a beverage!

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After the fun on the Duck we showered and got ready for the evening show.

Peter Pan was walking by.

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Tonight was Magic Dave. Katie said they had seen him before and Jude just loves him.

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He was funny but definitely geared more towards the kids. It still was a good time.

Claire had gotten really sunburned today. I usually bring stuff along for soothing it but this time I did not have it with me. We headed to the gift shop and bought some aloe which was pretty worthless according to her. The next day we find something better at the shop that had not been on the shelf when we first looked and that helped a lot more.

Back at the room to drop off the popcorn bucket and slather Claire in Aloe.

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The water started getting a bit rocky this evening. The captain even announced that it would be this way till at least midnight. It was funny as at one point Aunt Laura messaged me to ask when the rockiness would be done with. LOL! I wish I had my magic mirror with me.

We took a walk before dinner.

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Tonight we were back at Royal Court.

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We got one of our favorite drinks….Princess Delight!

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I think this was Amanda’s appetizer.

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I think this was my salad, probably a Caesar.

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And the fish.

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Ferdi did some tricks tonight as well.

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I have some plans that include Aruba and I am debating on snorkeling or doing a private excursion that will take me to the natural pool which looks so cool.

That sounds pretty cool. We did this excursion when we were in Aruba:

We really enjoyed it.

My cousin went last summer and is going again this summer and she said the whole island is so pretty and clean.

Yes, that was my experience, too.

I hate my feet. I have so many shoe issues.

I hear you. Buying shoes is a recurrent nightmare.

That is great that the girls got multiple goes on the Aqua Duck. What a shame that you ended up with some rough seas in the evening.



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