BL Summer Challenge 2009

Thursday QOTD:Do you eat organic food? All? Some? None? Is this a change you want to make, or not something you think about?
If I could afford it, I would eat all organic. I value that there are so many fewer preservatives and "fake" ingredients. I also like to support organic or small farms. Even not being able to afford organic foods, there are a lot of things we can do. One is to reduce our consumption of junk prepackaged foods. I was grossed out yesterday reading the ingredients of the supposedly healthy Special K granola bars (it was a free sample) - multiple types of sugar & corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, etc. If all those things are in a 90 calorie bar, there can't be much "real" food in it. Changes that we have made include buying organic whenever it's on sale, eating fewer packaged junk foods, and eating less meat. I mainly shop at Super Target, since natural food stores are 20 minutes away. They still have a good selection of natural and organic items. I really like buying Newman's Own brand - their salsa and pasta sauce are comparable in price to regular brands. They are not organic, but they don't use corn syrup or hydrogenated oils. At least I can pronounce all the ingredients!
Thursday QOTD:Do you eat organic food? All? Some? None? Is this a change you want to make, or not something you think about?

I also read Jillian's book and have been trying to eat more organic food when I can afford it. YOu are finding it in more and more places these days without going to specialty stores. I also have loved going to local farm markets to get organic veggies.
Monday QOTD (Thanks, Lisa!): What Disney princess or "humanesque" (Peter Pan, not Pluto) character's clothes would suit you best?

Hmm......that is a toughy. I'm most comfortable in a pair of bellbottoms, comfy fitted but not tight girl t-shirt (you know the kind made for womens that are fitted) and either flip flops in the summer or slip on Uggs. Not sure what Disney character dresses like that lol. Maybe Violet from The Incredibles? back on the workouts?

Not yet - I leave for Vegas tomorrow and haven't gotten in my grove yet :) Hopefully once I'm back.

Tuesday QOTD: When do you eat the bulk of your calories? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Snacks? Or are they evenly distributed throughout the day?

I'd say evenly distributed usually since I try to eat smaller meals throughout the day. Most meals are around the same amount.

Wednesday QOTD: Bippity Boppity Boo! pixiedust: Your fairy godmother has magically transported you to the future, where you are your goal weight. How will you celebrate? Remember this feeling and your plans when the going gets tough!

I'm planning on getting a pair of Lucky Brand Jeans as a reward!!!

Thursday QOTD:Do you eat organic food? All? Some? None? Is this a change you want to make, or not something you think about?

I've started reading Jillian Michael's book, Master Your Metabolism, so now I'm thinking about eating more organically -- if I could do it, and if so to what degree. Just curious what other people do!

I eat about 90-95% organic. Pretty much I don't buy it unless it's organic except on a few things I can't buy organic like coconuts, fresh pineapple, etc. I go to whole foods, trader joes, a local health store, a free range local buffalo farm, a local organic farm, and a few local farmers markets, and a raw food store.

For me, I'd rather pay more for quality and buy the best food I can. I get pastured eggs from a farm here in PA where the chickens run around totally free and eat ony organic food and grass. I pay $4.50 a dozen for them, but they are totally different even down to the shell being thinner and the eggs are larger. Sometimes I even buy raw organic milk fresh from a farm where there are only a couple of cows and they are totally grass fed. The milk is about the same cost as most organic milk except you pay a deposit on the glass bottle it comes in - you get that back when you return the bottle. Same with my cheese, I pay $6.99 for a block of organic raw goats cheese. I usually get one that is like a less salty feta and a cheddar. I'll buy buffalo meat that is grass fed, its not certified organic but they do not use any pestisides and they are only fed hay when the weather conditions do not allow grazing. This farm is literally a few miles from me. Right now I'm trying to get into a CSA in a local farm that is not ceritified organic, but practices organic pest control as do a lot of local farmers (You have to research the practices they employ). I'll pay more for brands that are high quality, like I love Artisana Organic Raw Tahini and Artisana Organic Raw Coconut butter. I'll spend more on those jars for the quality of them because I can eat the coconut butter right out of the jar because its so good. I've learned that I have to remember I can't buy every kind of fruit and veggie I want and eat it before it goes bad, so I try to buy less more often and mix it up. Also, my nuts I buy from a Raw foods store because I know the are truly gotten from a raw source and not conventional brand that has been heat treated and still labeled raw. In fact - I have to call because I found out that I can buy 10bls of really raw california almonds for $4 per pound. That is an awesome deal. Then I can make my own almond milk and almond butter and freeze most of the actual nuts. It's all about figureing out what you consider important and what quality your willing to pay for. For me, I don't buy myself the junk (Course DH does for him and the kids), but I'd rather not buy the processed foods and have really good clean organic minimally processed foods that I know have as little hormones, antibiotics, etc.
But every staple I buy is organic like olive oil, spices, nuts, chocolate, raw organic cocoa powder. Occasionally though there are things I can't find organic, but a lot of time I just won't buy it if I can't buy it organic. These days almost everything I would want is organic. The prices are going down for these things too.

Course that all goes out the window when I eat out.....we all know they use the most industrial versions of food they can find. Can you say vats of fats that aren't healthy and meats that are full of hormones and antibiotics and of course hardly any organic foods. Luckily the area I work in has quite a few places I can get organic meals at or some that are partially organic.

wed QOTD -- great question!! i will reward myself by grabbing any pair of jeans and slipping them on looking for the 'big' pairs

QOTD -- i have read tidbits from various authors (Dr. Oz, Jillian..) on eating more natural foods. last night while walking with my neighbors this actually was brought up. i was surprised at their response of "I'm not paying $5 for a gallon of milk" and such, like a knee jerk reaction. Yes it can cost more, but I was pleasantly surprised to see ordinary name brands at Whole Foods, which can be bought at any grocery. the more I read and think about it, the more convinced I am that the processed ingredients are just truly "junk food" i am not 100%, nor do i think i ever will be, but I think any changes that I can make are great! and I will say the meat at Whole Foods and Trader Joes is superoir, IMO. sometimes i just stop and think "do i really need sugar in my pasta sauce?" i brought that up to which my neighbor replied "I know, but I still add more sugar to the sauce anyways" YIKES!

Totally agree on the pasta sauce - I make my own using organic ingredients that I buy at whole foods. If I put any sweetner in, it might be a teaspoon of honey......but not always.
Have a good week everyone, I leave in the morning for Vegas to visit my mom. Saturday and Sunday my Mom and I are flying to Denver to see my 93 year old grandmother (probably the last time I'll get to see her) and we have tickets for LOVE at the Mirage on Sunday night. Then a more relaxed Monday and Tuesday back in Vegas before I come back next Wendesday. Wish me luck in not gaining this weekend.

Have a healthy and happy Holiday!!
enjoy LOVE! it is an awesome show!!

i'm bummed....i'm up 4 lbs from the start of this challenge and didn't lose anything this week. i'm having trouble with the first step...getting in the right mindset. i'm going to keep working on it...can't give up!
One Last QOTD for the Road: Do you plan on participating in BL8? Why or why not?

It's the end of the BL Summer Challenge, but I can't be too sad. This has been a great learning experience for me. Even though I didn't lose like I wanted, I did feel like I know the combination of things I need to do to lose, and it's all going to come together this Autumn!

I will definitely be a participant and coach for BL8, because I am determined to make this the best BL ever for me, losing and learning all along the way! :goodvibes

Thanks for letting me coach the last week, I think this has been my most productive yet! :woohoo:

Maria :upsidedow
Good morning everyone!

Congratulations to last weeks biggest losers!!:cool1: And a big kudos to you, Corinnak on being this weeks biggest loser, and on losing every week!! :thumbsup2 That is really an accomplishment to be proud of especially during the summer months.
i'm bummed....i'm up 4 lbs from the start of this challenge and didn't lose anything this week. i'm having trouble with the first step...getting in the right mindset. i'm going to keep working on it...can't give up!
:hug: Sorry you had a gain as I did, but I think if I didn't have this challenge in the back of my mind, it could have been so much worse. Gotta keep trying and never give up, and we will get there.

One Last QOTD for the Road: Do you plan on participating in BL8? Why or why not?

It's the end of the BL Summer Challenge, but I can't be too sad. This has been a great learning experience for me. Even though I didn't lose like I wanted, I did feel like I know the combination of things I need to do to lose, and it's all going to come together this Autumn!

I will definitely be a participant and coach for BL8, because I am determined to make this the best BL ever for me, losing and learning all along the way! :goodvibes

Thanks for letting me coach the last week, I think this has been my most productive yet! :woohoo:

Maria :upsidedow
Thanks for coaching this week. I missed most of it, but read through all the posts, and loved the qotds.

Todays' qotd, I am definitely going to be part of BL8, and after an emotionally draining summer, I am feeling motivated to get back into a routine of exercising, and cooking healthy again. I am up 13 pounds from the beginning of this challenge, so though it wasn't a losing challenge for me, it really did help me to come here and get support and inspiration from you all. I honestly know it would have been way worse if I hadn't kept you all in the back of my mind on those stress eating days. School starts for my son on wednesday, and I am off work so I'll be heading back to ww, and the grocery store to start the week off right.

We are still on vacation, and heading to my sisters camp tonight for 2 nights, and then we'll have a couple days to just relax at home before school starts.

Have a great, long weekend!
One Last QOTD for the Road: Do you plan on participating in BL8? Why or why not?

I will be there with bells on and feel ready to actually coach a week! Why? I'm not done yet and this challenge has helped keep my head in the game with the QOTD and weekly weigh in. I feel like it's just the right amount of accountability for me. I'm not a fan of the semi-public weigh in at WW, nor do I necessarily stick with a strict weigh in schedule left to my own devices. It seems like a small thing, sending in my weight once a week, but it really makes all the difference. Therefore I want to extend a HUGE thank you to the weightkeepers, and especially to Shannon for keeping the weights this round!

I will deff. be in the BL 8 challenge and am scheduled to coach a week in November near thanksgiving! I feel this summer challenge has really helped me stay on track and I have had pretty good success. I lost the gain I had last week plus another couple pounds at wi this week so I am pretty pleased with that!

Have a great day all (12 sleeps till I go to Disneyland!!!!)

I'm looking forward to a Long Weekend, even though we aren't doing anything major. It was a lazy week for me, and I didn't get my weigh-in done this morning, so I'll do it tomorrow.

MelanieC - enjoy Vegas!

One Last QOTD for the Road: Do you plan on participating in BL8? Why or why not?

::yes:: Definitely will be participating and continuing as Weightkeeper. This summer I had a diffficult time staying on track with weightloss and pretty much everything else, so I have not met any of my personal goals for the summer, but I did de-stress and learn lots about what motivates me, so I'm ok with the results. I know I would have done worse without doing the BL challenge. I know BL8 will be more successful for me. I have bought a notebook to try recording exercising into and I'll see how that goes :goodvibes

It has been a pleasure sharing and learning from all of you :goodvibes

I am aiming to post the final results on Monday evening! Reminder post for weighins will be done on Sunday!
Good morning, losers! :goodvibes

It's a bittersweet day ending our summer challenge. Some of us did better than others but we are all winners for sticking with it all summer long!

Thanks, Maria, for being our coach this week! And a big thank you to all of our coaches this challenge!
And a BIG, BIG, thank you to LuvBaloo for being our weightkeeper and to donac for being our COW keeper this challenge -- and for staying on for BL 8! And, of course, THANK YOU to all the participants! All of you are what truly makes for a successful BL challenge! :flower3:

I finished 9 pounds down for the challenge and 13 pounds for the year. Now that doesn't sound like a lot for someone with as long a way to go as I but I can guarantee if I hadn't been part of this group there were be no loss at all -- and maybe even a gain! :scared1: This is the first year in a long time that there is a loss that is sticking so I will celebrate that!

Also, I grabbed a pair of shorts yesterday from my closet that I hadn't worn yet. I was in a hurry so I just put them on without checking the size -- they were a little snug but comfortable enough to wear. When I took them off, I realized they were a size down from what I have been wearing all summer! So remember, there are other ways to measure success besides the number on the scale.

Thurs. QOTD: Do you eat organic food?

I have been adjusting to buy organic when I can. We now eat organic beef and eggs. Our paper had an article recently about "the dirty dozen" of produce that retains pesticide residue -- it was an eye opener because more than half of the fruits were the ones that DS eats. DH and I figure after 40 plus years it may be too late for us but it is not to late for DS so we are improving in this area. Organic fruit tastes better to me!

One Last QOTD for the Road: Do you plan on participating in BL8? Why or why not?

You bet I'll be there! I've learned a lot about what does and does not work for me and I am ready to apply that knowledge and make some really good progress this challenge -- there is a WDW trip at the end of the challenge to motivate me even more!

So don't forget to send your final weigh-in to LuvBaloo today and to keep an eye on this thread for the posting of the results.

I will be posting the new challenge thread later today or tomorrow. We will just be signing up and having a couple of QOTD until the chanllenge officially starts on 9/11.

I am looking for a coach for the first week of the challenge -- 9/11 through 9/17. Please PM me if you are interested! I have a few other coaching slots open, too. Thank you LuvBaloo for coaching our first week!

Thanks all and onwards and downwards!
Congrats to all of you who participated and stuck with BL7!!!! I have been extremely encouraged this last week and half just chatting with you ladies and seeing your success!!! I'm very excited for the opportunity to be joining you.... so on that note

One Last QOTD for the Road: Do you plan on participating in BL8? Why or why not?

Yes I will, because the motivation that you get from others who are making healthier choices with you is worth its weight in gold!! It's not easy doing it alone and knowing that on the days I'm struggling I have a group of great people to come talk to can make or break it!!!

I have to add my story of pants that fit or maybe don't fit so well!! Got to love being able to put on a new pair of pants!! Anyways today we are doing a lab outside where I have to mark distances well I'm really wishing I had brought a belt to school today because I feel like I'm losing my pants LOL...not that this is a bad problem to have ...but in front of my 10th graders not so much LOL!!

Hope you all have a great weekend!!
Jenjolt - :lmao: that's a great story, unfortunately it made me think of a bunch of 10th-graders faces if their teacher moons them :lmao:
Jenjolt - :lmao: that's a great story, unfortunately it made me think of a bunch of 10th-graders faces if their teacher moons them :lmao:

It's the stuff nightmares are made off...believe me I'm considering going down to our Dean's office and asking for the string they give the students to keep their pants up LOL!
One Last QOTD for the Road: Do you plan on participating in BL8? Why or why not?

Absolutely! This has been great for me. Even though I started half way through, I have really been able to stay motivated by reading every ones success. I have even been motivated from the post of off plan days. It is reassuring that others have the same bad days and that you can just move on and make sure that the next day is OP.

Thurs. QOTD: Do you eat organic food?
No, there are not very many places around here that I know of that you can buy organic. The ones I know of are just too expensive. We rarely purchase pre-packaged food and try to make almost everything with fresh fruit, veggies, and whole grains. MelanieC- that is so great that you have so many local options.

Thanks to all the coaches. And to LuvBaloo and Donac for their hard work too.

Jenjolt- I am dreaming of the day when I am considering having to use string to hold my pants up for the day.:rotfl2: Way to go!

lisah0711- 9 lbs down for the challenge sounds awesome. IMO any loss should be something that you are proud of. Especially is new pants to wear are the reward.

Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend. We are pulling out the smoker for a turkey breast and maybe some ribs. Yum
Congrats to all of our summer losers! This was my first BL and I had a great time with you guys. I had a teeny loss today, so I'm happy I at least ended the challenge on a down note! I lost approx 11 pounds during summer BL and I honestly can't believe that number myself! I beat my goal for the challenge, which was 10 pounds. I still have a little ways to go to my overall goal weight, which brings me to the QOTD...

One Last QOTD for the Road: Do you plan on participating in BL8? Why or why not?
Definitely! I'll be starting as a loser and hopefully shifting to a maintainer sometime along the way. Those last 5 pounds may be pesky!
One Last QOTD for the Road: Do you plan on participating in BL8? Why or why not?

Even though I didn't lose any weight this summer I am happy with that considering how slow I am moving. My entire body seems to be off. Yesterday was one of the first days it felt okay until we went to work at fil's house and the uneven slope did a n umber on me. I can't wait until BL8 starts.

Congrats to all those who have lost weight this summer. Keep up the good work and join us for BL8


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