BL Summer Challenge 2009

Monday QOTD (Thanks, Lisa!): What Disney princess or "humanesque" (Peter Pan, not Pluto) character's clothes would suit you best?

:lmao:, Maria, of course, we can have fun on our challenge, especially the last week. I have to agree with Kathy. I think that the Cinderella dress in a larger size would look good on me. I have a large bust and small waist and those hoops would cover up the stuff below the waist that doesn't look so nice.

Remember nothing tastes as great as being thin feels. That's one I try to remember. I thought of it as we were hiking up a small mountain on friday, and I could hardly breathe. It was much easier last year, and next time it will be easier again. have a great last week of summer:)

Glad to hear that you had a good time with your family. I know that you are looking forward to your time with Michael this week-end. I know that you will be doing a lot of swimming with your little fish!

This is our last week before school starts, too. No child care so DS will go to the office with us for a few hours this morning. Then we will take turns staying home the rest of the week. We are actually kind of looking forward to it. It is only four days as our office is closed on Fridays.

I will be posting the opening thread for BL8 later this week. I don't want to take anything away from this challenge. Ususally we still chatter on the old thread for a few days before the final results are posted then go to the new thread. A lot of people who took the summer off are coming back for fall.

I want to say a big thanks to our weightkeeper, LuvBaloo, our COW keeper, donac, and all of the folks that coached this challenge. It was great having a different coach each week and gave us a lot of new perspectives and ideas. And we are all to be congratulated for sticking this out all summer long. It wasn't easy but it was always a lot of fun and much better to be in the wagon together!

Have a great OP day all!
Hi everyone. We got back from DW 2am on Sat morning. Then I spent Saturday and Sunday getting ready and bringing ds2 down to college. So far this morning I had to go grocery shopping since I start school tomorrow morning.

I made it through the 4 days but it was tough. The weather was very hot and humid. Every time I left the room my hair was dry and within 2 hours my hair was soaking wet(my hair seems to attract water but it is really badevery time we go to Fl). FIrst day I got a blister on the heel of my left foot. Dh found some moleskin and borrowed some scissors from the store at POFQ and fixed up my blister. ON Thursday we went to AK and came back to the hotel early so we could go for a swim and have lunch. As I was walking to lunch my right knee gave out on me. I spent the rest of the day in the hotel room icing the knee and it was tender on Friday but I got through the day. I never rented a wheelchair (maybe I should have but I guess I was too stubborn) My legs still hurt from the knees down but they are getting better each day. My toe is still swollen but with the cool weather we are getting here in jersey I think it will go down soon.

Princess question I am really a lover of villians but I do like Belle because she is brunette like me and we both like to read. I would also like to wear her blue jumper. I think the aline looks good on many people.
Monday QOTD (Thanks, Lisa!): What Disney princess or "humanesque" (Peter Pan, not Pluto) character's clothes would suit you best?

I'd have to say Sleeping Beauty's dress, the one the fairy's fight over being blue or pink. I'd like it in the blue, the nice seaming in the top with the open neck and then the swirly skirt would be great.

Kathy & Dona - I'm glad you both enjoyed your trips. :goodvibes
If you forgot to report in for last week, you still have time! Tomorrow morning I'll do up the results post. Here's the list of missing reports:

Eeyores Butterfly

Have a great day!:goodvibes
Good Morning All!!! Good luck with your last week!! I'm really looking forward to joining you all with the new fall challenge!!!!! Got up this morning and worked out and am working on 2nd bottle of water YAY!!!

Monday QOTD (Thanks, Lisa!): What Disney princess or "humanesque" (Peter Pan, not Pluto) character's clothes would suit you best?

Since I'm a teacher and often dress very conservatively at work I liked to think my wardrobe is most similar to Mary Poppings with the longer skirts and button up tops...although I do enjoy dressing up so that would make her chalk drawing park dress perfect!!!!! I also enjoy the colors red and blue...the only thing I wouldn't be so keen on are those way I'm wearing heels all day teaching 10th graders Biology!
hey thanks for the welcome home's even though i wasn't very faithful in posting over the summer :goodvibes

glad the summer question was asked, it's really motivating for me to read your answers

clothing? hmmm....maybe a cross between Collette the chef on Ratatoutile (i know i spelled that wrong) and Mrs. Incredible in her everyday clothes. i'm not much of a fancy dress kind of girl

made it to spinning class and committed to an early workout tomrrow a.m. with my co-worker so i have to go! man i feel really out of shape! it's been 3-4 weeks since I really worked out! shame on me! :headache: and i'm paying the price..... back on the workouts?
Monday QOTD (Thanks, Lisa!): What Disney princess or "humanesque" (Peter Pan, not Pluto) character's clothes would suit you best?

I am thinking either the fairy godmother's dresses from Sleeping Beauty :laughing: or Ariel's "town" dress - the one she wears on the tour and in the Kiss the Girl song. I probably couldn't pull off that BIG bow she wore in her hair, though.
QOTD: What Disney character's clothes would suit you best?
I don't know. Do any of them wear shorts, t-shirts, and crocs? I'm all about comfort. I like to dress up occasionally, but wouldn't be comfortable in a princess dress for very long. Maybe when I get to the point where I don't have to wear a Flexees "fat suck-er in-er" under all my dress clothes it will be a different story!

We had a nice healthy dinner the last 2 days, but I have to work some exercise in somewhere. I had a lot of back pain over the weekend and pretty much just sat in the recliner with the heating pad on for a couple days. It's feeling much better than it was, but still not great. I think maybe some Wii yoga would help, but that would require getting off the darn computer!
QOTD: What Disney character's clothes would suit you best?
I don't know. Do any of them wear shorts, t-shirts, and crocs? I'm all about comfort. I like to dress up occasionally, but wouldn't be comfortable in a princess dress for very long. Maybe when I get to the point where I don't have to wear a Flexees "fat suck-er in-er" under all my dress clothes it will be a different story!


Lilo wears something similar!

I think I would wear what Jane from Tarzan wears at the very end. It is kind of a tank top with a little longer than knee length sarong. That's what I would think would look best on me but what I would like to wear would be what Jasmine wears when Jafar has her as a know, the red outfit with the higher ponytail.

QOTD: What Disney character's clothes would suit you best?
I'd love to wear Belle's dress. This is weird but gowns seem to look better on me than regular clothes. For something more "everyday" - HA! - I think Esmeralda's outfit would probably fit best.
Replies will come after I get settled at work later today -- for now the QOTD --

Tuesday QOTD: When do you eat the bulk of your calories? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Snacks? Or are they evenly distributed throughout the day?

I admit I am very bad about this. I eat about 40% between as breakfast and lunch, and then the other 60% for dinner and post-dinner snacks...I'm going to try to get more balance by eating a mid-morning snack of yogurt, and less after dinner.

Maria :upsidedow
i prefer to eat my big meal at lunchtime but that rarely happens. usually i find myself 'saving' for dinner based on what it's going to be. usually breakfast 25% lunch 25% dinner 40% snack 10%..........roughly
I eat a little something every 2 hours or so but save the bulk of my points for dinner as that is usually the meal I get with my dh and family.

Tuesday QOTD: When do you eat the bulk of your calories? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Snacks? Or are they evenly distributed throughout the day?

This is a great question!!! I had to think in terms of where do I spend the most of my points and I would like to say that I do most of my eating in the afternoon (lunch and dinner) I usually don't snack too much and I'm known to go very skimpy at breakfast and I really need to work on that and make it more balanced. Right now my biggest struggle has been not eating all my points.
Tuesday QOTD: When do you eat the bulk of your calories? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Snacks? Or are they evenly distributed throughout the day?

I usually eat most of my calories at lunch and supper (about equal) and then breakfast is smaller, and then some small snacks.
Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars for Week 15 of our BL Summer Challenge!

-after 3 weeks of no reporting, you are dropped from the challenged – (can re-start at any time, though :goodvibes)
-if anybody knows they will miss weighing in, just PM and let me know ahead of time :goodvibes
-I don't follow the BL TV version of handling gains. All losses are the simple formula of: (last week - this week) divided by last week

First some stats

not reporting in for 3 weeks --------- 2 (they are dropped from the stats, but can return anytime!)
not reporting in for 2 weeks ----------2
not reporting in for 1 week -----------4
DONE because they reached Goal------1
new recruits this week----------------0
weigh ins this week------------------14

Summer Between BL Challenge Week 15
weekly total group gainfor this week = 12.5 pounds

Average percentage of weight gainthis week 0.43%

Before the weekly superstar list comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me.

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of week 15? This week, the top losers list is a top 5 :banana:
(That criteria may change from week to week depending on the number of people/losses/gains, and sometimes just to spice it up! :goodvibes )

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 15 Superstars!!

#5-0.48% - SeedsLuvDisney
#4-0.70% - FLAngie
#3-0.76% - PrincessBride6205
#2-0.96% - Worfiedoodles

and now

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge :cheer2:
Week 15 Biggest Loser!!

#1-1.33%- Corinnak:banana::banana:

This summer challenge has been a struggle for some of us (including me). Remember to stay positive, be proud of your successes and learn from your mistakes.

Here's a new quote I found for this week:
Arthur Ashe:
One important key to success is self confidence. An important key to self confidence is preparation.

Congratulations Corinnak!!!
SUPER CONGRATULATIONS for being the ONLY person to report in with a LOSS every week of the Challenge! All the rest of us have either had gains or maintains along with our losses.:worship:

We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser.

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version


or use this
followed by

or we have a medium version


or use this
followed by

and we have a small version[IMG]

or use
followed by [IMG]

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great!
I weigh the same as on wed before I left, so I'm happy.

For some qotd- I think I would like to be cinderella. On my first disney trip I bought a cinderella ornament, and I'm still waiting for my prince to come. :rotfl:

What I've learned this summer, is that I have to move. I can not lose weight without exercise any more. (I had figured that out last summer when I stopped exercising and gained 10 pounds, and did that again this summer)

for todays qotd, I love cinderella's dress, and though the size I'd wear would be much larger than hers, the style is so nice, and would hide my trouble areas below the waist.

Remember nothing tastes as great as being thin feels. That's one I try to remember. I thought of it as we were hiking up a small mountain on friday, and I could hardly breathe. It was much easier last year, and next time it will be easier again.

have a great last week of summer:)

Excellent advice -- and considering the summer you have had, you are very courageous, and should be so proud of yourself for continuing with working on weight loss! :grouphug:

:lmao:, Maria, of course, we can have fun on our challenge, especially the last week. I have to agree with Kathy. I think that the Cinderella dress in a larger size would look good on me. I have a large bust and small waist and those hoops would cover up the stuff below the waist that doesn't look so nice.

I want to say a big thanks to our weightkeeper, LuvBaloo, our COW keeper, donac, and all of the folks that coached this challenge. It was great having a different coach each week and gave us a lot of new perspectives and ideas. And we are all to be congratulated for sticking this out all summer long. It wasn't easy but it was always a lot of fun and much better to be in the wagon together!

Have a great OP day all!

It is indeed fun to be on the wagon together, as long as we don't turn into the Donner Party! :eek: :rotfl2:

I made it through the 4 days but it was tough. The weather was very hot and humid. Every time I left the room my hair was dry and within 2 hours my hair was soaking wet(my hair seems to attract water but it is really badevery time we go to Fl). FIrst day I got a blister on the heel of my left foot. Dh found some moleskin and borrowed some scissors from the store at POFQ and fixed up my blister. ON Thursday we went to AK and came back to the hotel early so we could go for a swim and have lunch. As I was walking to lunch my right knee gave out on me. I spent the rest of the day in the hotel room icing the knee and it was tender on Friday but I got through the day. I never rented a wheelchair (maybe I should have but I guess I was too stubborn) My legs still hurt from the knees down but they are getting better each day. My toe is still swollen but with the cool weather we are getting here in jersey I think it will go down soon.

Princess question I am really a lover of villians but I do like Belle because she is brunette like me and we both like to read. I would also like to wear her blue jumper. I think the aline looks good on many people.

I'm sorry you didn't have perfect health for your trip, you certainly deserved it...Guess you'd better plan another one when you are 100%! :thumbsup2

I'd have to say Sleeping Beauty's dress, the one the fairy's fight over being blue or pink. I'd like it in the blue, the nice seaming in the top with the open neck and then the swirly skirt would be great.

Who doesn't love a swirly skirt?! :goodvibes

Good Morning All!!! Good luck with your last week!! I'm really looking forward to joining you all with the new fall challenge!!!!! Got up this morning and worked out and am working on 2nd bottle of water YAY!!!

Monday QOTD (Thanks, Lisa!): What Disney princess or "humanesque" (Peter Pan, not Pluto) character's clothes would suit you best?

Since I'm a teacher and often dress very conservatively at work I liked to think my wardrobe is most similar to Mary Poppings with the longer skirts and button up tops...although I do enjoy dressing up so that would make her chalk drawing park dress perfect!!!!! I also enjoy the colors red and blue...the only thing I wouldn't be so keen on are those way I'm wearing heels all day teaching 10th graders Biology!

Um, no, heels would seem like a poor choice :scared1: But I'm sure you'd look quite proper!:goodvibes

Maria :upsidedow
clothing? hmmm....maybe a cross between Collette the chef on Ratatoutile (i know i spelled that wrong) and Mrs. Incredible in her everyday clothes. i'm not much of a fancy dress kind of girl

made it to spinning class and committed to an early workout tomrrow a.m. with my co-worker so i have to go! man i feel really out of shape! it's been 3-4 weeks since I really worked out! shame on me! :headache: and i'm paying the price.....QUOTE]

You'll jump right back in, and be feeling great in no time!:thumbsup2

I am thinking either the fairy godmother's dresses from Sleeping Beauty :laughing: or Ariel's "town" dress - the one she wears on the tour and in the Kiss the Girl song. I probably couldn't pull off that BIG bow she wore in her hair, though.

I don't know anyone over 3 who could pull off that gigantic bow! :rotfl2:

QOTD: What Disney character's clothes would suit you best?
I don't know. Do any of them wear shorts, t-shirts, and crocs? I'm all about comfort. I like to dress up occasionally, but wouldn't be comfortable in a princess dress for very long. Maybe when I get to the point where I don't have to wear a Flexees "fat suck-er in-er" under all my dress clothes it will be a different story!

You would look so cute as Lilo! Now, do you have a Stitch? :stitch2:

I think I would wear what Jane from Tarzan wears at the very end. It is kind of a tank top with a little longer than knee length sarong. That's what I would think would look best on me but what I would like to wear would be what Jasmine wears when Jafar has her as a know, the red outfit with the higher ponytail.


Cute and fashionable as Jane! And a little sexy as Jasmine...:dance3:

QOTD: What Disney character's clothes would suit you best?
I'd love to wear Belle's dress. This is weird but gowns seem to look better on me than regular clothes. For something more "everyday" - HA! - I think Esmeralda's outfit would probably fit best.

Another girl after my own heart, ok, we can be Esmeralda twins! ;)

i prefer to eat my big meal at lunchtime but that rarely happens. usually i find myself 'saving' for dinner based on what it's going to be. usually breakfast 25% lunch 25% dinner 40% snack 10%..........roughly

I do that too, dinner is when I want to not feel deprived. It also seems like a reward at the end of the day. :rolleyes1

I eat a little something every 2 hours or so but save the bulk of my points for dinner as that is usually the meal I get with my dh and family.


Yep, this seems to be a pattern for the Big Losers :cool2:

Tuesday QOTD: When do you eat the bulk of your calories? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Snacks? Or are they evenly distributed throughout the day?

This is a great question!!! I had to think in terms of where do I spend the most of my points and I would like to say that I do most of my eating in the afternoon (lunch and dinner) I usually don't snack too much and I'm known to go very skimpy at breakfast and I really need to work on that and make it more balanced. Right now my biggest struggle has been not eating all my points.

It's hard to make yourself eat a real breakfast. I'm afraid I'll use too many points and not have enough when I really get hungry later. :confused3

I usually eat most of my calories at lunch and supper (about equal) and then breakfast is smaller, and then some small snacks.

I think you have a great balance ::yes::

Congratulations to the Losers, and again to everyone for sticking with it to the end! That is what will get us to our goals, perseverence! pirate:

Maria :upsidedow
Tuesday QOTD: When do you eat the bulk of your calories? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Snacks? Or are they evenly distributed throughout the day?
Great Q! The bulk of my calories are usually dinner. I have such a sweet tooth and honestly look forward to a nighttime treat all day. So I also save cals for a sweet snack like light ice cream. I try to keep evenly spaced out, but I also don't like feeling as though I have barely any cals for dinner. When I'm super on plan I forgo my evening snack and have a healthy afternoon snack instead.

I'm really struggling with my sweet tooth this week. I had planned to make cookies with DD when we were home together just us for 4 days, but we didn't get around to it. So I've had homemade cookies on the brain since last Thursday! I've really been craving them and I don't have any similar food around - the only treat we have in our house right now are fruit popsicles. I think I need something to satisfy the craving because I keep eating random stuff each evening.
Wow! What really great answers to the What you learned this summer question. I thought about it for a long time and could not come up with anything... I guess I am still trying to figure out what will work for me and what won't.

Most like what princess? Put me into the Belle category too.

QOTD: What Disney character's clothes would suit you best? Lilo's. I am in shorts and t-shirt 95% of the time.

Tuesday QOTD: When do you eat the bulk of your calories? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Snacks? Or are they evenly distributed throughout the day?
Definitely dinner. I usually have a fairly low cal/low fat breakfast & lunch. Most of my calories are at dinner and I rarely have a snack later in the evening. If I do it is almost always air pop popcorn.

Congrats Corinnak!:cheer2::cheer2: I can't even imagine a loss every week. It is reading things like this that keep me motivated, especially when I want to splurge or skip exercising.

Donac- Sorry to hear that your vacation could have been better. It has been very hot here lately. Unless I am in the pool, I try to be outside very little. Even morning walks are bad.

I am really excite for the next BL challenge to begin. I booked DCL for Feb. so I really need to kick it in gear to fit back into my clothes. I refuse to buy new clothes for the trip when my closet is already full.


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