birthday trip finished!

I said I'd talk about the Grand Cal, so here it is!

I'm so glad I've finally spent time in it withOUT the big xmas tree in it. That tree might be pretty, for those who can see it, but for my eyes, it just sucks up all the light in that lobby. I have light/dark oddities with my post-Lasik vision, and xmastime GCH lobby does not do it for me.

But without the tree, it's quite lovely!

They have a cute little section with small chairs in front of a TV with classic Disney cartoons. It's amazing how even the most jaded Sprout/Noggin/Nickelodeon/DisneyChannel/CartoonNetwork watching kids can just sit and watch with peals of laughter, at the silly antics of Donald Duck, etc, in black and white. Even when an adult can tell that there are some current-for-the-time references that a 5 year old just can't know about, it's all just funny to them...

The bummer of that area was that, and this is speculation based on a couple things E said and how his mood/attitude changed, we think a kid or two teased E for his red chapped mouth. And of course realizing now what might have been going on at that time (who knows when the strep started), I have to say I'm glad that those kids instinctively did not want him near them (self-protection), though I feel bad that it hurt E's feelings.

The room was nice, the tub wasn't tremendously deep, but it was very comfy for a soak. The water could get super-hot, which was nice on the muscles.

I wish Housekeeping (and this goes for DLH and PPH too) could follow their own signs. If towels are in the basket, please replace those. If towels are hanging, don't replace those. The signs make it clear, I wish they'd read them or remember them or figure out that we are reading them.

Housekeeping did, however, set up really cute stuffed animal/character situations with E's Mickey and Mushu, and later the "won" stuffies from the Midway games. We really enjoyed that. :goodvibes I will tell you that I took the plushes out of the pile they were in, and tossed them on the bed, in HOPES that they would do something with them...but R and E didn't know that I did that for that purpose. Little surprise for them each day.

I was so glad our room had a DVD player in it, though we only used it twice. Somehow it let us decompress, just to watch a little bit of Pirates, or half of Nemo.

The balcony was lovely and I wish it had been a longer visit so I didn't feel so frantic to be in the parks. There was no view other than the signs of the stores in DTD and their rooves (is that the word???), but it was nice just sitting outside. Hearing the DTD music was nice, too. And I think we all know that I don't really enjoy DTD much, so it's nice that I was able to enjoy it in *some* way!

The water in Anaheim just doesn't work for me. It smells and it doesn't clean my hair. My hair just looks awful when I'm there. The conditioner doesn't condition, I have tangles, etc etc.

So I had to wait until I got home to see how I liked their toiletries. The verdict? LOVE THEM! I hear they are made by the company H2O? Something like that? The shampoo is kind of strange with my hair, I have to use far more than I do of other shampoos, but the conditioner is perfect. I would likely pay big bucks for that conditioner.

The only thing I didn't "get" was the soap bar with the nubbies on it. I can't really feel any massage while soaping up with it, and the nubbies get blunted as soon as you take your first shower, so really, it's just for looks. Silly. We didn't take any soap, even while we (and I mean me, which is odd, because usually it's Robert who is the toiletry-thief) stashed each day's bottles away so they'd provide more.

The hotel is really really big. I'm not really used to that, I guess. Back in chiro school I went to seminars at big hotels in Atlanta, and I guess I was used to corridors that never ended then, but wow did it get OLD at the Grand.

I could have asked someone if there was any shortcut, but the map didn't show any other elevator that would take us to our room, and I didn't think that many stairs would be happy for the feet, I just dealt with it. It's funny, I'll ask for directions anywhere else, but at Disney I just don't like to. Strange little quirk.

The beds were hard, but not uncomfortable. We all slept very soundly. The sheets were nice and soft.

The pillows were massive, which I do not like.

I did NOT like how long things were left in the hallways. I don't know if those who ordered Room Service were calling to have their items taken, but we saw things there at 5pm still there at 7am. Things out in the hall ALL day. Now, why those people couldn't just leave their items in their room, I don't know, but maybe they had gone out and just assumed things were's possible.

We always saw housekeepers in the hallways, but they seemed very focused on their exact job, and didn't seem interested in doing things that might not be their job (or even calling the room service pick-up people).

One morning as we left, I saw a fork right in the middle of the hallway. I was about to pick it up, and I saw a housekeeper walking towards me. I thought I noticed her see it, so I decided that she would take care of it. We got back ages later on, well into the later afternoon, and I didn't see it, thought it was taken care of. Got ready in the room, went out for dinner or something like that, and on the way back down the hall, noticed that it had been placed on a table at the turning of the hallway. So...not taken care of after all.

For a place as fancy as it's supposed to be, I just have a problem with that. And that's always been what I've suspected of the place. They charge a lot so you think they are a premium hotel. But ultimately, unless you've got some mojo that causes people to treat you very specially (and we are NOT those people, we generally get the most neutral treatment no matter where we are, and we don't know why...hubby's a good tipper, we smile and say hello to those who work there, etc etc), it's just a moderate hotel, treatment-wise. Pretty surroundings, but IMO it's the treatment of guests that really puts a hotel up in the super fancy realm.

And because of our room placement, honestly it would have been hardly longer of a walk from PPH.

Editing to add the following...

At PPH they had a posted sign listing the fun things you could do, like the buildabear thing, the Sephora makeover, etc etc.

At the Grand, they told you to call a certain number to find out about those things. I *hate* calling places and people. I think I used up all my phone time as a teenager, when once I actually fell asleep in the middle of the night talking to my best friend (she fell asleep too) on the phone. I didn't want to call (I don't wannaaaaa!) and so I did NOTHING from the special things. No Sephora makeover, no buildabear, no learning to draw Mickey, no tours, no scavenger hunt, NOTHING. I think I'm more disappointed in that than anything else (especially because overall it was a really good trip). It's not their fault that I didn't want to call. But if PPH can *post* the schedule, and they are a "lesser" hotel, then the Grand is just being ridiculous.

End of edited in thought.

So I'm kind of back and forth on the whole Grand experience!
Personally I think that when you pay as much for a hotel as you do the GCH you deserve to have clean hallways. I am sorry but I find that totally unacceptable. Only at a Disney hotel would they get away with that, if it was say the Hilton people would be hollering about it. Myself included. I love the idea of the balcony, I think sitting there drinking hot tea with a good book would be heavenly.:goodvibes

While reading your post and re-re-reading mine, I wanted to add to the "mojo" bit. We don't really get extra-special stuff, except by chance (Big Kahuna family of the day last December), it seems.

But when we do it doesn't work out! Before and after our honeymoon cruise, we stayed at the Westin Grand in Vancouver, BC. Lovely hotel, though for some reason they didn't yet have the Heavenly Beds installed (should have stayed at Bayshore!). On our first night, they tried hard to be wonderful to us. Tried.

I was still using "doctor" instead of Ms, because it had been less time since I gave up my practice and I was still attached to it. So it was Dr B on the reservation. And they addressed Robert as Dr B, cuz, you know, doctors are only ever men. Fail on both parts, as he's Mr W, not even Mr B! :)

And I can't remember if it was our stay before or after, but one night they sent up a "special" dessert with a Congratulations card for our wedding. So sweet! I do NOT know what the thing had in it, especially since I'm not deathly allergic to anything that's food, but my throat nearly closed up entirely within moments of eating it. Robert called down, but instead of an ingredient list, they just wanted to send the hotel doctor up. As Robert talked, it started to ease up so we declined (I really shouldn't have declined, but I didn't know what sort of cost it would be, and we were on a bare bones budget with no credit card). I really wish I could have gotten an ingredient list!

So those are two experiences of hotels trying to be great...I think I prefer neutrality and just ignoring us, LOL.
Oops about the marble, but at least it was something without sharp edges ;) Bummer about the anti-biotics on not much food – that is never fun and even more so when you’re out and about. Good luck with the retrieval of the “fairy bubble” ;-]

Sounds like a great time trick or treating! We live in the official trick or treat neighborhood for our town. Old established houses in a well-lit neighborhood with good sidewalks. I think the ladies (Roxy and MiL stayed at home handing out candy) handed out candy to around 500 kids. Takes quite an investment in candy!

I’m glad the candy swap went well and that is weird about the KitKats – lol Awww, very cute about how he held your face to thank you

Funny about your long day after the time change. I had the opposite happen, found out right away. My MiL has a satellite clock in her bathroom that is supposed to correct itself automatically. Unfortunately it fixed itself the wrong way and was an extra hour ahead. Her bedside clock was just an hour ahead, and her cable box had the right time. Needless to say she was a bit confused since they all had the same time the night before! That was good incentive to change all the clocks to the right time before most of the house was even awake …hehehe

Nice info on GCH, still haven’t been in there. Too bad about the situation between E and the other kids in the lobby :-[ The room sounded nice, we had the same tub situation, not too deep but did the job. Our water didn’t get as hot as yours did though, wish it had. We snagged out toiletries too – just loved the Mickey-ear theme of it all.

GCH did seem really “sprawling” in architecture, which makes for those foreverlong hallways. I did like the relatively short walk from our elevator to our room. But we didn’t have that cool custom entrance to DCA. Not many people left things in the hallways in the DLH when we were there. I can see how that would be a nuisance, especially if it wasn’t bussed away on a regular basis.

Your take on it as a Fancy hotel sounds very similar to what I’ve read about people staying at the “Deluxe” hotels at WDW. Lots of money spent on how the place looks, but the service doesn’t seem to match the look of the place. The Grand Floridian seemed to be the consistent exception to that. But that’s all second-hand. I’m sure others here can chime in with better first-hand knowledge.

As far as the “special” stuff, I can understand you not wanting to call a number. That then leaves it to you to have pen and paper ready and try and jot down info. It’s like calling into an automated system for movie listings and show times and nobody likes dealing with that. As far as us, we didn’t see anything at DLH but we honestly didn’t look. We were busy enough with the parks that we didn’t leave time for the little niceties. Maybe next time.

Interesting experiences with special stuff in parks and hotels trying to be “great”. We went to WDW during the Year of a Million Dreams but only saw a dream team once, and they were fast-tracking it across Future World at EPCOT. I guess we’re just the kind of family that blends in, so I don’t expect that kind of thing (plus we have no small children anymore). But my kids have really good luck being picked for things and were chosen multiple times for interactive presentations and talked to Crush and all of that. So that works for me!

The only cool experience I had at a hotel was at the Hilton Tower in SF, where I went for a Dell technology show. Dell comp’ed my room, which turned out to be a corner suite on the 37th floor with concierge room access on the 42nd floor for free dinner and drinks.

This was the view I had from my room that night (it will open in your browser, click on it to enlarge it):
Gorgeous picture, thank you for sharing it!

Still no marble. Hmm.

I've totally lost track of where I was in the story. Well, maybe not *totally*...I know I'm still on my b'day!

Today we've got to get going soon, but tomorrow or this weekend I'll work on finishing at least the day. This might be the longest I've ever taken to finish a report. What's wrong with me?

Actually stayed up late thinking about a good name, good first post, of a blog for me, where I could post the goosh roaming in my brain, and keep it out of my fun trip reports! Next step, figuring out where to put the online journal.:3dglasses
Okay, woo hoo! Finally all caught up on your TR, Molly (I was secretly glad that my little, quick TR for my brief DLR trip helped to inspire you to get back in the TR saddle and carry on)!

Yes, H20 actually makes all of the toiletries for all 3 DLR hotels, and for a large number of the WDW hotels too, if not all of them - this is, of course, unless something has changed. It is just that they hide their company name in the teeny print on most of the bottles (sometimes leaving it off altogether), whereas on the GCH bottles, H20 Spa is right there, in your face. So, technically, it may be the same formula used for the bath products at every Disney hotel, but because it is packaged differently at each place, it seems different! I know a lot of folks prefer the Spa stuff at the GCH, but - and call me a dork - I just love entering my DLR hotel room and seeing those happy little mouse ear bottles greeting me in the bathroom (and then hoarding them so I can bring them home and give them to friends and DIS-ers alike!). Then again, I would also be one of those goofy people who smiles and appreciates the hokey, "Welcome home" given to the DVC guests!!!;);)

I am sorry your experience at Minnie & Friends was disappointing (to you, even though the menfolk loved it). I keep telling myself that we should have just gone to M&F on this last trip rather then spend the same amount of money at Storytellers (which I just cannot fully get into), but I have heard so many conflicting reports on M&F and the food quality over the last year. You mentioned the eggs, for example. When I am at DLR, I need to load up on those eggs because I need that protein in the morning. I need that succulent, fresh fruit that DLR does so well. Both the eggs and the fruit at my Critter Breakfast were not up to par - not compared to what I am used to at Goofy's, that is for darn sure - and the bacon (another thing DLR does exceptionally well as a rule) was very sub-standard compared to what I am used to at GK. So I am thinking that since I was dissatisfied anyway, we may as well have spent that same amount of $$$ and gone to M&F for some different characters. But the prospect of having to wait for the coffee and then eating bad eggs does not thrill me.

I think I will stick with my tried and true - Goofy's Kitchen. If it ain't broke....

Anyway, I am sorry about all the trouble you have been having with health stuff in the family and stupid MIL issues. I don't have a MIL so cannot address that, and my health has not been particularly bad lately, but I am still dealing with all kinds of other issues with people at the moment and trying to get past them. I found that a DLR trip was definitely good for the spirit and soul. I am trying to finagle a holiday trip there because my spirit and soul still need more uplifting!

The more I think about the GCH, I really think that the bulk of the thigns I enjoy about it are things I can enjoy without having to stay there. yes, the location is convenient ONLY if you don't have one of those rooms down the endless corridors. The beds were too tall and hard for my taste. I didn't care much for the pillows. I did like the balcony quite a bit, but if I don't have the $$$ to stay there then I can skip the balcony. I DO so enjoy sitting in the lobby, though, in those comfy chairs - yes, even during the holidays when the tree sucks the light out of the lobby. Something about that dim lighting and sinking into the cushions of the chairs relaxes me to the point where I have a hard time getting up. Great place to take a mid-day rest break. But I take advantage of that lobby no matter where I stay.

Poor E getting teased by the kids in the GCH sitting area (I know exactly where that is, too). Kids can be so mean, and it can be so hard on the kids who are getting teased. But he is a little trooper, and it looks like he was having a great time overall.
Oh, and I used to be one of those kids who had a heck of a time swallowing pills - I am still not totally comfortable with it as an adult without large mouthfuls of liquid. I think I traumatized myself early on because, as a very young kid, I somehow got the brilliant idea to swallow a dime. So when it came time to take medicine as a kid (and I had a history of tonsil issues and other respiratory ailments), swallowing pills was an ordeal.

I'll have to look further at the shampoo bottles...they might have changed them since last you stayed, as all I've noticed is the GCH logo on them. And how difficult it is to get the product out of the bottle (bottle's too skinny, plastic is too thick).

Still planning for a big update tomorrow or over the weekend!

Today I worked out again. Yesterday we went to the store before my workout and E's swim class, and somehow I hurt myself. The elliptical doesn't cause me pain, but walking is just horrid. Today the walking is worse but the workout was great.

And E's gymnastics class was good. One of the rowdy boys was actually disciplined, which calmed the rest of the boys down nicely. They have started learning something that looks more like a routine, because they are having a little, fun, competition of sorts in a few weeks. E did a flip/somersault thing on a bar, which was so fun to watch; just watching him get himself up onto the bar was cool, since he's struggled with that (he's one of the youngest, and therefore probably second shortest, in the boy's group).

Then we made the mistake of going to the store before going home. Turned into a much bigger trip, and E didn't listen to me the ENTIRE time. :headache: To anyone watching/hearing us in any given aisle, I'm sure I sounded like a horrible person...but anyone following us from aisle to aisle to aisle would have been on MY side.

And then, while checking out, he asked for gum. Again. Actually, he asked for *fill in the blank*. Again. After being told flat out that he was NOT to ask for ONE MORE THING because he'd, as my NJ friend would say, "worked my last nerve" already. The checker said something patronizing about candy to him, and for some stupid reason I explained that it was about gum, and how he'd been sick and his lips got so chapped, and to keep his mind off of licking his lips we gave him gum. Thought that was it.

And then I look in his hands after doing the debit card thing, and saw her moving her hand away from his...she had given him a piece of her gum!!!!! Dude, seriously....

And as I explained that he couldn't have normal gum because of the sweetening ingredient, and he couldn't have sugarless gum because of the chemical sweeteners (this ban was lifted b/c the lip-licking results were worse than the short term effects of the sweetener, or that's how I felt at the time), and she decided (to hold up the line and) expound upon how "green" doesn't mean "good for the environment", and some company was stopped from making "green" products, and kept showing me the box that stated "sugarless", and I kept doing the debit thing with the PIN and all of that, trying to get away, and she just would NOT hear me that E could not have the gum...

Finally we left, and E was so confused, and I said (a bit testily) "NO" as he started to ask if he could have it. He asked "until you read the..." and I said "NO, I mean NO" or something like that. Had him toss it in the garbage outside the store. Still remember the checker's name, just in case I decide to have a chat with the store management.

Then it was raining HARD when we got outside, he refused his fleece until we were right in the driving part of the parking lot, he whined about how cold he was, etc etc....all the while I'm just trying to get him to the car so that I could get his jacket on...but he couldn't get *into* the car b/c it was dark and I had to get the cart back, and he knows this...and anyway, as he got in the car he started asking for stuff. Again. And again. So I got a snack from the trunk, got in the car, and just broke down....


We all got lots of hugs once we got home warm and dry....
What the heck? There was just a hummingbird outside our window! It's raining cats and dogs, and, now, apparently, hummingbirds!

I have *never* seen a hummingbird here. Saw one in Oregon once, but other than that, I've only seen them in CA. And since we don't even have one plant on our balcony, let alone flowers or a h'bird feeder, that was just mystifying. And very very cool.

As I posted on the disneyland community board, my AP is expired and I'm bummed. Drat. I was very much expecting to get a check for a million dollars, randomly and out of the blue (how one can expect something that's out of the blue and random I do not know) but it hasn't yet happened. :3dglasses
Oh yeah! I checked (meaning "I glanced at them") the shampoo etc bottles, and yes, H2O is pretty obviously written on there. Cannot believe I didn't notice it in this last near-month.

I do wish they'd do a matchy match to the Mickey ear bottles, if only on your first night.
YaY! I just got caught up after being gone for a week!

It sounds like Trick or treating was a hit and worked out really well. I'm glad E is willing to trade and eat the candy that is "good" for him. :lmao:

We left our Halloween candy sitting on the kitchen table since we left early, early Sunday morning and since we've been home only about 2.5 hours and the kids have been busy playing, they really haven't rediscovered it.

Good info about the Grand. Will you try the Villas? They sound like a better deal with the kitchen and more space and all of that. Do you know if they are closer to the entrance or further away? I would love to check them out - not that we are in the market for DVC or anything - but it doesn't hurt to look!! ;)
Oh yeah! I checked (meaning "I glanced at them") the shampoo etc bottles, and yes, H2O is pretty obviously written on there. Cannot believe I didn't notice it in this last near-month.

I do wish they'd do a matchy match to the Mickey ear bottles, if only on your first night.
So no Mickey Ears at the Grand?? Bummer! I do know the bottles you mean though because that is the product and bottle that they use at The Floridian and I was just trying to get the last of my lotion out from my bottle and dang if I can't get it out, even with the bottle upside down for a week, and you can't squeeze those bottles for sure! Very frustrating.

Speaking of bottles, our first morning at Paradise Pier, I left a note and a tip for mousekeeping, thanks and by the way we could use an extra shampoo. Waa Laa, we had a nice little pile of 4 each when we got back and they repeated that each day. Both Carrie and I came home with a lovely stash of bottles, which turned out to be her girls favorite souvenir.


We all got lots of hugs once we got home warm and dry....

Oh dear, those boys can be very trying, and what is up with the checker?? Her's another hug, just in case you still need it. :grouphug: It's a group hug, so consider from all the Moms everywhere who get it.

What the heck? There was just a hummingbird outside our window! It's raining cats and dogs, and, now, apparently, hummingbirds!

I have *never* seen a hummingbird here. Saw one in Oregon once, but other than that, I've only seen them in CA. And since we don't even have one plant on our balcony, let alone flowers or a h'bird feeder, that was just mystifying. And very very cool.

As I posted on the disneyland community board, my AP is expired and I'm bummed. Drat. I was very much expecting to get a check for a million dollars, randomly and out of the blue (how one can expect something that's out of the blue and random I do not know) but it hasn't yet happened. :3dglasses

I see hummingbirds all the time up here. They are cool, and obviously that one was sent just to cheer you up. In Arizona, they actually sit on the cactus. Talk about wierd. A hummingbird not in motion??

I will be facing the same thing with my AP very soon. Maybe if your check for million arrives, then you can renew for both of us:)
Tracey, if I get a check for a million, I'll get a few of us here APs. :)

You know, it must be the apartment living aspect causing my lack of hummingbird sightings. I assume you live in a house and have flowers/plants, while I do not. I have this whole empty, sad balcony because I have no green thumb and don't want to deal with the extra crawly critters that come with plants. I would be a perfect really wealthy person, who could hire someone to fill my balcony with lovely planters and hanging flowers, take care of them, and brush away any webs, etc, that might show up overnight. Ahhhh, the life....

This is the oddest thing to be excited about. I've been saving a certain amount every month to go towards our power/utilities bill, which is billed every 2 months. This has worked out quite nicely so far, and we've had two bills since I've been doing it. This recent bill was nice and low, and I now have almost $40 in that "sinking fund". Which means that we can actually turn the power on and not worry about the bill! Quite a lot of our living/dining rooms are over an open balcony of the people below, so it can get COLD on the feet there. And they are retired (as are most of the people here) and they travel a lot. When they travel, they turn their heat off, and we get even colder than usual. So I'm really happy to know that I've got this nice cushion so we don't have to worry about turning on the heat. :goodvibes

E got into the swimming class (he was waitlisted this time) and they had Safety Day yesterday. Too cute. He has the same teacher, same class, as last session, since we missed 3/5 weeks of it. But he told me yesterday that before, last session, his teacher told him he should be in the next class up! NOW he tells me! Eh, it's best to start from the beginning I think. It's nice to see how much trust the teacher has in him as she works with him, compared to how tight a hold she has on all but one of the other kids when she works with them.

I think I got everything out of my brain now. Time to open my envelope with the receipts and notes, open my photobucket, and get on with it!
Oh, I did have one thing more. Marble Watch '09 is over; just as we decided that we'd missed it or we would need to get an xray to see where it was...I convinced hubby to check for it just one more time...and there it was.

Oh I hope he never swallows anything like that again. Or if he does, that he's old enough to check for it himself! BLEAH!
recap: cold day, TSMM, Midway Games, MMadness, Zephyr, lunch, no tortillas!

While wandering, the guys decided they wanted to replace my FP/card pouch. It was basically functional, but a pain, because early on the zipper thingie decided that it would come off easily. I just dealt with it, keeping the thingie in the middle of the pouch, then during this trip I just took the thingie off and kept the pouch zipped up using my fingers. Big ol' pain to get it open! But I'd refused to replace it, thinking it was just fine.

They wanted to change this for me, and so they needed a little shopping time at PT Flea's. On the way over, E needed to play in that noisy area...

Not sure what was noisier...the metal instruments they can bang on, or his outfit (yes, complaining about it again, LOL):


So then I stood around outside the shop, got a pickle (they are good, but they don't taste like they are completely done...I can't explain it, but they still taste too cucumbery or something) (and since I live in the town that used to make Nalley Valley pickles, used to drive pretty much right over the pickle vats on my way to Crew practice, I'm obviously an expert, LOL)

Alas, they found nothing they wanted to get me. But I got these pictures.



(shouldn't they be hit with some copyright/trademark things there??? probably shouldn't show my SIL, since that's her field of law)


From there we were excited to visit bug's land! I urged Robert to see It's Tough to be a Bug, as he'd never seen it. And I had sensed a bit of "it can't be THAT bad" coming from him, so he went to see it while E and I went on the rides.

E and I went on the Chew Chew Train, Ladybug Boogie, the bumper cars (he did it almost all himself! he can even reach the close pedal now), and Flik's Flyers. While on FF we saw Robert at last, and the three of us went on the Flyers again.

Both times on the Flyers there was a family doing something naughty.

The first time around, the experience was marred by the CMs interrupting the music repeatedly to tell us to keep body parts inside the vehicle, because a teen with an arm already in a cast kept sticking his arm out. Now maybe his arm was itchy, and I can see why air rushing into the cast would feel good. But dude, the CM is talking TO YOU. Listen up!

And the second time, the CMs had to keep telling a family to keep their kids facing "forward", because the littlest one in a "car" kept popping up and looking backwards from the direction she should be looking. Worse, it was OBVIOUS that she was not buckled in. Her parents DID NOT CARE. They never once seemed to think the CM was talking to them...they were 2 "cars" away from us and I was watching (er, maybe, glaring) at them, and she would pop up and down on her own schedule, she was never told by her parents to sit...they really just didn't seem to think they were being spoken to.

It bothered me b/c of course they interrupt the music, which changes the experience. Harumph.

After that, we had to attend the Animation Academy! It's one of my fave things to do, and this was MY birthday, and we'd already done enough stuff I didn't really want to do (midway games, mulholland madness). Thankfully, everyone likes the AA. We drew Piglet, and that was a strange one...I think my faves are still Jack Skellington and Winnie the Pooh.

After that, we went on Monsters, then I had to go get my birthday fun card! So I sent the guys to see Muppets while I did that. I guess they hit it just after a show started, and I had someone fast helping me at Guest Services *inside* DCA, and I got back just in time to see Muppets with them!

By the time Muppets was done, we were kinda tired. Needed to regroup. So instead of TOT or Screamin' or anything like that, we went back to the hotel to get a bit refreshed. On the way back, though, of course....Grizzly called our names. :goodvibes
And what better time to go on Grizzly than right as you are headed back to your GCH hotel room and can change clothes?!!

I can't wait to find out what you got with the Fun Card!

I get so irritated with people who do stupid things and hold up rides and interfere with everyone else's ride experience. So inconsiderate and selfish!
The funcard fun didn't start until the next day, just so ya know. But I'd been scoping things out through the weekend though, thinking about it. And after the guys were done in PT Fleas I ran in to see if they still had this cool purse/pin bag thing. It looked like a plain black, though blocky, purse/messenger bag, but had a flap. Under the flap was a big pocket with a place to put pins, and a clear plastic thing over it. Enclosed so a loose pin would still be caught and not drop out. I saw it during the Diva trip but it wasn't there this time. :(


Next update is up next!

I have time, because hubby is at an interview/meeting/application thing with his mom so she can move into an independent living place for Seniors. It'll be a bit cheaper for her, since it will include almost all utilities (pretty much all but phone and cable), and it will be safer (someone has tried to break into her place 3 times, but the police haven't even dusted for fingerprints!!!!).
I love the harrumph!:lmao: That is such an expressive word.
I have NO idea what we might have done at the room. I don't think we were there for long. But I don't know.

And this, fair listeners (um, no, readers), is why we write our reports as quickly as possible, unless we have comprehensive notes and pictures!

So that night we had a 6pm PS for Cafe Orleans, and I was so excited! Yummy ratatouille, the birthday was going to be so nummy.

So we got changed or brushed hair or soaked feet or did whatever it was we did back at the room (I do believe there was clothes-changing, as I recall getting quite soaky on GRR), and went on over to DL.

We were hungry, so as soon as we got into NOS we headed for CO. Well, it turns out that if you have a PS, you can't check in more than 20 minutes early. Our choice was...get out of line, back in line at 20 minutes out, then wait until there was a table...or dump the PS, sign in right then and there, and be SEATED in about 20 minutes. Um, choice B, please!

I sent the boys off in their continued quest to find me a new FP/ticket pouch, but warned them to have cellphone on and in hand, because they wouldn't be able to seat us unless we were ALL there. They ran off, and I waited.

While I waited I chatted with the nicest daughter and mother. Mom was just about my age, and her daughter was turning 16, and we had a talk about, oh gosh, who knows what? The daughter had the same b'day as me, obviously, and we talked about how rare it is for the holiday Monday to actually fall on the 12th. I know it's rare, but I'm sure it happened...they said that the daughter was actually born ON the holiday Monday, and they couldn't remember a single time in the past 16 years that it had coincided. Interesting, ya know?

At last the people before us were called in, so I texted Robert to get on over. They showed up, we were called, and in we went!

The guys were successful in their shopping, b/c I got a new Tinkerbell lanyard pouch. It's almost the same, but taller. More of a square than a rectangle. Interesting change, I think! Of course, silly me, I just could'nt throw away the old one, so now I have TWO tink pouches on my lanyard. One for FPs and one for tickets.

There was nothing E wanted, but he was hungry, so we ordered the Pommes Frites with no "green stuff" (aka parsley, and no worries I used the parsley word, not "green stuff" with the waiter). Got the green salad and ratatouille to share between hubby and I. Me? Meh, who cares.

Well, something in that order must have peeved the waiter, because we got The Worst Service we have EVER gotten from a server. I think he decided that we weren't going to tip, so he behaved in such a way that no one would tip well. Or at all.

The pouch purchase was at 5:49, we were seated before 6, and our final bill was printed out at 7:26. THAT is how long it took, and for most of that time, we had NO food on the table.

It was so disappointing. :( And the ratatouille wasn't all that good, either, this time. But as Robert reminded me, I'd been having, as we call it, "nightshade problems" the last month or two anyway, having funky reactions to the taste and small of tomato and bell peppers, and ratatouille is nightshade central, isn't it? That and the potato with no parsley, and it wasn't going to be great. Though the Pommes Frites were fabulous. The dip stuff was terrific. I have NO complaints about those!

The server did do ONE thing right. E adores goat cheese, and there was some of that in the side salad. I'd given E a bit of it and he loved it, so I asked the server to bring a bit more goat cheese...and he brought a serving of it that was smaller than a cup of soup, but bigger than the dip cups...a nice hefty big of goat cheese. And he did NOT charge for it.

So there we are, the goat cheese and the pommes frites, NO complaints.

Food, service time, attitude of server...major complaints.

So much so that Robert went off to supposedly visit the restroom, but he actually talked to the manager about how long things were taking. Meanwhile, all around us, the server was getting BIG complicated orders out to his other guests, while we were just sitting there.

We did order dessert, the beignets. They were good. No complaints about that, either. The half hour it took to get them after we ordered them, complaints. birthday beignet. Looks like when you switch a PS (which has mention of your b'day on it) for a walkup, despite saying to the hostess that it's your b'day dinner and you're wearing a b'day button...that doesn't get put onto the seating paper. And if your server doesn't notice it, nor does he hear your family wishing you a happy birthday, then you don't get the beignet with mickey heads and a candle. Drat.

So Robert had complained, and the manager took the bill down tremendously.

And Robert tipped very little as well. I am torn on this. No, the dude didn't deserve any tip, apart from getting the goat cheese. But I hate it when a server thinks you won't tip, acts in such a way that no one would tip, and then you don't tip, because THEY of course thinks "well see I was right". But maybe the fact that we also actually complained to the manager will show him the error of his ways.

When I was serving, even though I KNEW that there were people who were going to, for specific example, give me a tip of the 25 cent change from his pitcher of "light and lime" (Bud Light with lime juice) and that's IT, I still did my best for them. b'day dinner...not so great. But the guys were so sweet to me, the pommes frites were good and E loved them and the goat cheese (he'd smear a bit of cheese on each fry), I got a new Tink was all good in terms of the important things.

From there, I had to go on the Pooh ride! Why? Because they wish you a happy birthday! OK so they wish POOH a happy birthday. Don't get all specific on me. I wanted, nay, needed the ride. So off we went, and it was worth the walk! After that we walked back up to NOS, and went on Pirates! Yay for POTC!

The next day, the trains were going down for refurb. This was it, couldn't ride them again for more than a year, if we stay true to our pact.

But we also had things we wanted to do. So in a very complicated bit of figuring it all out....this is what we did.

Got on the train, went to the ToonTown station. From there, went on IASW, yay! Walked to Nemo, rode that. Hey, where are my pictures from that? Wait a minute....OK that's weird, thought I got pictures!

Well while we were in the LONG, but fully discussed and agreed to, line for Nemo, the fireworks started. And so we got to hear the music and see some of the fireworks. The thing that gets to me is...where the heck are they shot off? We heard the music from the Tomorrowland area behind us, we saw *some* of the fireworks "over" the water of the lagoon as we were under the Nemo structure after the switchbacks of the chained line were done. Very confusing.

This ride on Nemo was much less loud than the one back in December or May, whenever it was totally LOUD and overwhelming. So that was nice.

After Nemo, E and I went on Autopia, because the lines were short short. Robert didn't go because his back was hurting, and he just didn't want to ride it. So he went to sit on a bench at the train station in Tomorrowland, where we would meet him.

E did so well! I held the petal to the metal, and he steered VERY well. I was always a huge fan of those types of kiddie cars; I was partially raised at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk where they have great kiddie cars like that, and it was always such a joy to drive my little car on the tracks there. E seems to enjoy it in the same way I did (and still do), which is just wonderful. :goodvibes

After our ride in the dark, we walked on up and met the scary man who was nodding off to sleep on the bench, LOL. We were all SO tired.

So we got on board, and rode it over to New Orleans Square, having done a full loop over the span of over an hour.

By that time, as far as I can figure out, the park was closing. This day was NOT supposed to be that long, but it just ended up being that way. We weren't supposed to close out the parks, but we did!

As we walked towards Main Street, we simply had to go back on the Jungle Cruise. Now that Eamon likes going on it at night, we might as well! It's a nice relaxing ride, which is good for the long walk through the park, halfway into DTD, along the corridors, up the elevator, along the winding corridors, and to our room.

After the Cruise, we had to get snacks...more waters, a couple cookies, and a decaf latte for me. Mmmmmm.

Ohhhh, I know what was different about that evening! When we went back to the hotel, we left the stroller. It wasn't supposed to be such a long night, and E seemed good to go.

And, unless I posted that it happened at another time (in which case I'm just making the timing of this up and I'm not to be trusted), I *think* that this was the night that E felt the need to be carried. Augh. 45 pounds and 45 inches of sleeping kid weight...once again, I must remind the universe that I myself am only 63" tall, so it really looks ridiculous. But the dude's only 5, ya know? Gotta do what you gotta do, lest you want that walk to take even longer as the little kid stops to rest every 3 steps.

So we were exhausted.

I was last in bed and last to sleep, because of the hot water soak, and as I got into bed, I made an executive decision for the sake of all of us.

I turned off the alarm.


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