Biggest Loser show chit-chat


Kids Get Arthritis Too!
Oct 8, 2001
There was mention on the BL challenge thread of making a seperate one to chat about the show without leaving spoilers for those who had not watched it yet......let the chit-chat begin!
I had a class Tuesday night and set the DVD player to record BL, but something was messed up and it didn't tape. :confused3 I got home just after the show ended. I love BL and am very sad I missed the first show of the season. :sad: I would love to hear about the show! :banana:
I thought it was an interesting show, but I was a little horrified that they were running in the sun and the heat and that....Tracey- the one that collapsed - was allowed to continue even when she was clearly not well. She was foolish to run flat out like she did and then to continue to ignore her body's signals that she needed to stop, well I certainly hope she is out of the hospital and back in the game soon.

Also, I thought it was a little unfair to have the first thing be a footrace and bring in Daniel at that point who obviously is conditioned for such a thing - nobody else even really had a prayer of immunity and being first to choose a teammate, did they? I guess you could say "well they knew they were going on the show, they could have started to get into shape ahead of time" but even so. Wasn't it sweet the way that Daniel picked Shay for his partner? She is very lucky.

I thought it was so sad when Sean, the youth pastor man said he didn't have type 2 diabetes and Dr. H said "Actually, you DO have type 2 diabetes." That poor guy. What a way to get that news, and thank goodness he got onto the show, because he probably still would not know if he weren't!

It was also sad, obviously, when Abby was telling her story. Unimaginable. She's got to be a fighter, as her partner said. Especially sad when on the scale he said that he was doing it for his family. And then she said that she had to do it for herself. Go Abby!

I also think it is kind of rough that they do the eliminations after the first week. I guess the do it for the drama, but sometimes I think they could do a lot more good and still be interesting if they kept people around longer.

Also, the woman who got sent home (I forget her name already!!) said she had a crush on someone in the house, right? Isn't there only one single man in the house? Unless it is Bob (and I think probably 30% of America has a crush on him) or one of the assistant trainers we never see, or she has a thing for married guys, it's pretty easy to figure out who it is she likes. Silly. :rolleyes:
I started watching last night but kept switching to the baseball game b/c of all the commericals. I was watching the food discussion portion and thought there were some good/interesting facts like the bowl of sugar that was related to two liters of soda (i.e. Coca Cola). Also the fact you should only have 3/4 oz of protein per meal. I has a 12oz T-bone Sunday and thought I was doing good!

Did anybody pickup any other tips or interesting facts. Since I was switching I missed some parts.
Sorry, Bill, haven't watched last nights show yet so can't help you.

I just watched the first part of the first show this morning. I haven't watched the show before. It was interesting.

You do get caught up in things -- like will Tracy come back? :confused3 I totally missed the Abby liking someone thing -- I wonder who it was? Everyone is working so hard and is so tired I would think there would be much time or energy for that anyway! ;) I was impressed that Abby had lost 60 pounds on her own and was on track to be at her goal weight by the end of the season.
ACK - my DVR for some mysterious reason failed to record last night's show. We are set to record it on Friday and I am SURE I will have something to say about this week's episode after that!

Actually there are 2 single guys in the house. Daniel and Antione. It was actually Alexandra who said she had a crush while she was there - I think it was the last thing she said in the final segment of the episode.

It takes me so long to get the names straight!!!
ACK - my DVR for some mysterious reason failed to record last night's show. We are set to record it on Friday and I am SURE I will have something to say about this week's episode after that!

Actually there are 2 single guys in the house. Daniel and Antione. It was actually Alexandra who said she had a crush while she was there - I think it was the last thing she said in the final segment of the episode.

It takes me so long to get the names straight!!!

Yep, you're right I meant Alexandra but said Abby. My DVR missed the last 7 minutes of the first hour so I must have missed that part.

Do they let you watch the shows on the NBC website? I watched alot of the SNL stuff that way during the elections.

I will try and finish the first show and watch the second tomorrow or Friday. :)
I thought it was an interesting show, but I was a little horrified that they were running in the sun and the heat and that....Tracey- the one that collapsed - was allowed to continue even when she was clearly not well. She was foolish to run flat out like she did and then to continue to ignore her body's signals that she needed to stop, well I certainly hope she is out of the hospital and back in the game soon.

Also, I thought it was a little unfair to have the first thing be a footrace and bring in Daniel at that point who obviously is conditioned for such a thing - nobody else even really had a prayer of immunity and being first to choose a teammate, did they? I guess you could say "well they knew they were going on the show, they could have started to get into shape ahead of time" but even so. Wasn't it sweet the way that Daniel picked Shay for his partner? She is very lucky.

I thought it was so sad when Sean, the youth pastor man said he didn't have type 2 diabetes and Dr. H said "Actually, you DO have type 2 diabetes." That poor guy. What a way to get that news, and thank goodness he got onto the show, because he probably still would not know if he weren't!

It was also sad, obviously, when Abby was telling her story. Unimaginable. She's got to be a fighter, as her partner said. Especially sad when on the scale he said that he was doing it for his family. And then she said that she had to do it for herself. Go Abby!

I also think it is kind of rough that they do the eliminations after the first week. I guess the do it for the drama, but sometimes I think they could do a lot more good and still be interesting if they kept people around longer.

Also, the woman who got sent home (I forget her name already!!) said she had a crush on someone in the house, right? Isn't there only one single man in the house? Unless it is Bob (and I think probably 30% of America has a crush on him) or one of the assistant trainers we never see, or she has a thing for married guys, it's pretty easy to figure out who it is she likes. Silly. :rolleyes:

I so agree it wasn't fair to have a footrace at the beginning since Daniel was already in shape. I think the show sometimes pushes it a bit too far like doing that at the beginning when no one was had any conditioning first.

I'm glad Sean found out he had Diabetes. He seems like such a good guy with a good heart.

Abby just about killed me the first night. I sobbed so hard. She had such a beautiful family. I can't even imagine. She has a lot of strength!

I too wish they could at least wait till week two to do elimanations, or maybe week 3 so everyone gets the benefit of a good 3 weeks with being on campus.

I so agree about the crush thing with the girl that went home. It doesn't leave too many people, lol.
I started watching last night but kept switching to the baseball game b/c of all the commericals. I was watching the food discussion portion and thought there were some good/interesting facts like the bowl of sugar that was related to two liters of soda (i.e. Coca Cola). Also the fact you should only have 3/4 oz of protein per meal. I has a 12oz T-bone Sunday and thought I was doing good!

Did anybody pickup any other tips or interesting facts. Since I was switching I missed some parts.

Last night's show had a lot of useful information - more than usual. I think that was because there was no elimation and they had some extra time to kill.

I loved that they had Jillian talk to the contestants about eating healthy. I will have to go back tonight and see if I can find the information - I still have it on my DVR.

Something that was an ah ha moment for me from Curtis Stone's Cooking segment was using 1/2 cup pasta and ading the thin spiralized veggies to it to help bulk it up. I have a spiralizer and I use it to just have spiralized veggies but never thought about mixing the two.

Here is the info from the cooking session:

Portion Control

Lesson: Curtis Stone shows off a 3-4 oz. piece of chicken, this is the PROPER portion size!

Fact: Typical restaurants are way off, sometimes two to four times higher than the proper portion size.

Solution: Curtis Stone suggests using a smaller plate. Then draw the plate in quarters where half of the plate should be vegetables, a quarter of the plate should be whole grain starch and a quarter of the plate should be food lower in water. Meanwhile, the vegetables should have a higher water content like green beans, spinach, tomatoes, onions, etc. Use garlic and ginger to make the vegetables more flavorful.

Tip: Compare different sizes of meats that are equal in the same amount of calories. Look for skinless fish, white meat, lean pork tenderloin, very lean red meat such as filet and ground beef.

Cooking Oils

Curtis shows how much lard should go into making a certain dish.

Lesson: Curtis Stone explains that lard and butter are examples of saturated fat, otherwise known as the "bad fats."

Fact: These saturated fats are solid at room temperature, for example, fat outside a steak, the fat found in butter, fat found on chicken skin. If the fat comes from an animal source, it also contains large amounts of cholesterol.

Solution: Try using cooking methods such as baking, broiling, grilling or poaching because it doesn't require adding fat. Remember, not all fat is bad. Your body needs "good fat" that can be found in avocados, nuts, seeds and olive oil.


Curtis prepares a healthy salad, minus the unhealthy condiments.

Lesson: Salads sound nice and healthy, but once you add the bacon bits, cheese, and "crispy" chicken, you also add fat and calories.

Fact: Such restaurant dressings you might want to avoid are blue cheese, ranch, and thousand island. These dressings are loaded up in fat and calories.

Solution: Curtis suggests checking out some healthy dressing suggestions on The Biggest Loser website. Remember to add protein to your salad; this could be egg whites, shredded chicken, or shrimp and don't forget to load up on the vegetables.


Curtis prepares a pasta dinner without the extra calories and fat.

Lesson: There are always smart and clever ways to make healthy pasta without losing the flavor.

Fact: Pasta that contains cream sauce, white flour noodles and sides of white bread are also filled with fat and calories.

Solution: Use whole grain noodles, tomato-based sauces, and load up on the vegetables. To avoid more kinds of unhealthy starches, use brown rice instead of white rice, use whole grain tortillas instead of white bread and avoid potatoes.


Contestants on the ranch learn just how many calories are in a typical serving of soda or sweet tea.

Lesson: Curtis Stone shows how much actual sugar goes into a typical can of soda or sweet tea by dumping heaps of sugar into a glass and presenting it the players on the ranch.

Fact: Some players would drink up to four liters of soda per day and with that routine, soda drinkers begin to think soda needs to accompany every meal.

Solution: Substitute soda with unsweetened iced tea, green tea, water and even skim milk, since that provides calcium, as well. Also stay away from alcohol at mealtime since that lowers inhibitions when it comes to food choices, as well.


Curtis suggests ways to snack and also provide the protein your body needs.

Lesson: Snacking isn't always a bad thing. In fact, The Biggest Loser encourages three meals and two snacks a day, but each one of those meals and snacks must have protein, since that helps with losing fat and not muscle.

Fact: It's easy to grab a snack like chips, cookies, and candy because of the easy-access. These snacks must be avoided at all times. When a snack contains high protein, it aids in the feeling of being full.

Solution: Try snacking on a low-fat mozzarella cheese stick with an apple, a tangerine with almonds, or even a fresh fruit smoothie, which, when prepared right, can be low in calories and act as the perfect supplement.


There are actual healthy substitutions for dessert.

Lesson: During the first few weeks of detoxing your body from unhealthy food, you must avoid the temptation of sugary, high-caloric desserts at all costs.

Fact: While introducing your body to a whole new world of healthy living, it's also the best time to introduce your body to the sweetness of fruit to make up for missing those sugary treats of cookies, cake, etc.

Solution: The perfect dessert after a meal would be fruits like berries and melon.
ACK - my DVR for some mysterious reason failed to record last night's show. We are set to record it on Friday and I am SURE I will have something to say about this week's episode after that!

Actually there are 2 single guys in the house. Daniel and Antione. It was actually Alexandra who said she had a crush while she was there - I think it was the last thing she said in the final segment of the episode.

It takes me so long to get the names straight!!!

Yep, you're right I meant Alexandra but said Abby. My DVR missed the last 7 minutes of the first hour so I must have missed that part.

Do they let you watch the shows on the NBC website? I watched alot of the SNL stuff that way during the elections.

I will try and finish the first show and watch the second tomorrow or Friday. :)

Yes - I'm pretty certain you can watch full episodes on of BL.

Also - I think that sometimes you can find the shows on YouTube, except they are broken down into smaller segments about 10 min each.
It's been my experience that they do put the episodes up on the NBC website and you can watch the whole thing, but unfortunately, they don't do it right away. I think they wait until after the rebroadcast on Friday. That's OK - sounds like there wasn't an elimination this week! Hooray for that. I bet there is a catch, but I still wonder why they couldn't do that the first week. Sheesh.

It sounds like there were a lot of great nutrition tips! I have no idea what a spiralizer is. I have been doing the 1/2 cup of whole grain pasta with sauce and adding a bunch of frozen broccoli (or mixed vegetables) as well. It's pretty good!
I missed the first 30minutes of last nights show, but I saw the rest. I like the group challenge, and working as a group to keep everybody on. :thumbsup2

I didn't like it when at the weigh-in the focus was on each person losing 7pounds to do their share. Normally they compare weight loss as a % to make it fair since the larger people should lose more pounds. I felt sorry for the pink team having to go first and not having a spectacular weigh in.

I'm curious to see what happens next week, based on Jillian saying they could work them hard and then pay for it in week 3.:confused3
Last night's show had a lot of useful information - more than usual. I think that was because there was no elimation and they had some extra time to kill.

I loved that they had Jillian talk to the contestants about eating healthy. I will have to go back tonight and see if I can find the information - I still have it on my DVR.

Something that was an ah ha moment for me from Curtis Stone's Cooking segment was using 1/2 cup pasta and ading the thin spiralized veggies to it to help bulk it up. I have a spiralizer and I use it to just have spiralized veggies but never thought about mixing the two.

Thanks, there was some helpful info in this segment ... IMO. I forgot about the spiralizer idea with the pasta. Do you remember, or have ideas, about the better/best veggies to spiralize?
I am worried about next week! Especially after the great week 2 numbers and the teaser for next week that looks like they won't have the trainers when they need them so much! Aggkk!

I am worried about next week! Especially after the great week 2 numbers and the teaser for next week that looks like they won't have the trainers when they need them so much! Aggkk!


Hmmm, I must be stopping my DVR too soon -- that is the second interesting tidbit I missed at the end of a show. :confused3

I'm sure it would be hard to be there without the trainers but eventually everyone is going to have to go home and do it alone so they might as well figure out their weakspots while they still have a chance for the help.

This is the first season I've really watched the show and I have to say that I have mixed feelings about it. I think it takes a lot of courage for a person to go on national tv and show all the baggage that they literally and figuratively carry with them. I'm glad that they give the rest of us tips about weight loss because otherwise I think it gives us regular folks unrealistic ideas about what it takes to actually lose weight ourselves. I mean who wouldn't want to lose even 10 pounds in a week? But is that ever going to happen to most of us?

It will be interesting to watch as the season progresses. popcorn::
I'm an Abby fan, for sure. I am sure that every mother in America is, too. I can't even imagine!

You can watch all complete episodes on

And the only thing I can't stand about the show is all of those in-show infomercials! The one about the ziplock bag just annoyed me to no end.
OMG - I just saw in TV Guide a little blurb about Alexandra and Antoine! There is a before and after photo of them but they say they can't reveal his loss since he's still being shown on the show or something.

It seems to me that BL has no concern for any suspense anymore! The promos showed every exciting thing that happened in the first episode. The mystery crush is revealed in next week's TV Guide. What the heck? Incidentally, they both look fantastic!

I am also especially impressed with Alexandra who has been doing it all on her own after only one week. In some ways, I wonder if she isn't actually better off for being eliminated. She's still getting it done. She doesn't have the stress of challenges and eliminations. Plus she has the skills to work it in the real world from the start. WTG Alexandra!
Thanks, there was some helpful info in this segment ... IMO. I forgot about the spiralizer idea with the pasta. Do you remember, or have ideas, about the better/best veggies to spiralize?

It didn't say - I think it showed zuchinni. Lots of things spiralize well. I use zuchhini, cucumbers, beets, etc.

I am worried about next week! Especially after the great week 2 numbers and the teaser for next week that looks like they won't have the trainers when they need them so much! Aggkk!


I missed that part about next week. That stinks, especially since Bob and Jillian mentioned that they were going to do something that would push off the low weight loss till week #3.

Hmmm, I must be stopping my DVR too soon -- that is the second interesting tidbit I missed at the end of a show. :confused3

I'm sure it would be hard to be there without the trainers but eventually everyone is going to have to go home and do it alone so they might as well figure out their weakspots while they still have a chance for the help.

This is the first season I've really watched the show and I have to say that I have mixed feelings about it. I think it takes a lot of courage for a person to go on national tv and show all the baggage that they literally and figuratively carry with them. I'm glad that they give the rest of us tips about weight loss because otherwise I think it gives us regular folks unrealistic ideas about what it takes to actually lose weight ourselves. I mean who wouldn't want to lose even 10 pounds in a week? But is that ever going to happen to most of us?

It will be interesting to watch as the season progresses. popcorn::

On Jillian's podcasts she has talked about it being unrealistic for the rest of the world. She says that this is a full time job for the contestants even without the exercise. She said it's meant to show what you can do and motivate people, but its definately not realistic to think anyone can lose that much at home in real life.

I'm an Abby fan, for sure. I am sure that every mother in America is, too. I can't even imagine!

You can watch all complete episodes on

And the only thing I can't stand about the show is all of those in-show infomercials! The one about the ziplock bag just annoyed me to no end.

Me too - The bag one and the ones with sugar free stuff annoys me to no end. Jillian says that she won't talk about them, but the contestants just show her how they use them. She says that she doesn't ever want ANYONE to cook in plastic and doesn't recommend the bags herself at all.

OMG - I just saw in TV Guide a little blurb about Alexandra and Antoine! There is a before and after photo of them but they say they can't reveal his loss since he's still being shown on the show or something.

It seems to me that BL has no concern for any suspense anymore! The promos showed every exciting thing that happened in the first episode. The mystery crush is revealed in next week's TV Guide. What the heck? Incidentally, they both look fantastic!

I am also especially impressed with Alexandra who has been doing it all on her own after only one week. In some ways, I wonder if she isn't actually better off for being eliminated. She's still getting it done. She doesn't have the stress of challenges and eliminations. Plus she has the skills to work it in the real world from the start. WTG Alexandra!

I may have to go to store and check it out at the stand, lol!
After tonight's show, all I can say is, "Wow". I saw kindness and not so much, and I wouldn't want to have to live in that house if I were Tracy. All the sympathy I had for her is long gone...

Maria :upsidedow


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