Biggest Loser show chit-chat

My DH says BL has "jumped the shark" with all the ads and such. I do think they are really pushing their stuff a bit too much.

Tracy, boy she is a nut. If she wins next weeks challenge and gets to determine the teams, oh boy will there be fireworks!!

I understand that they want the contestants to learn how to eat out, but to make them eat out for every meal is ridiculous!!! Who does that?

So far Tracy is the only person I don't care for-everyone else seems to be there for the weight loss, not the money. Daniel is sweet and I liked him last season-it is nice that they brought him back.

Next week should be a doozy-can't wait to watch!!
Well, I found the prices - it is not the most intuitive to get to the rest of the site, I must say. Here ya go:

I was impressed by the relative subtlety of the product placement this week. I didn't ever say "And now, it's time to do a commercial!" Which I have said many, many times.

I thought the locking of the kitchen was ROUGH - seems like they all made it work to some degree, though. The field trip was interesting. I loved that conversation Jillian had with Rebecca where she was goading her about why it was worth it to her to lose her weight. And what Jillian said about there having to be some kind of purpose behind it or else it's just torture really rang true.

The thing about their suggestions for the restaurant - like just say no to the chips or bread basket - that only works if everyone at the table is on the same page, you know? I thought of a whole bunch of scenarios where it's not really realistic - if you're taking a client out for lunch are you really going to deny them chips? What about a group of friends who aren't all on the Biggest Loser Campus? When we go out with my kids, the bread basket is one of the things that makes getting to dinner possible - it's not always realistic to just not have it on the table, IMO. I generally have a plan in mind for the times I don't feel comfortable saying "no thanks" for whatever reason (i.e. don't touch the chips).

As for Daniel water loading, It would surprise me if he hadn't. He is in it to win it - you can see the look of focus in his eye. That boy is in the groove. That challenge was really brutal!

Here's a thought that I had about the pop challenge where they had to guess the number of calories in a meal without going over. I think they have that backwards, really. Underestimating calories is much more problematic than overestimating, am I right? Don't they want to be encouraging people to estimate the number of calories in something without going UNDER? That would make sooo much more sense to me. This isn't the Price is Right!
corinna -- i like your logic on the calorie count tie-breaker. you should email that to them!

I am liking Daniel alot too, i seem to root the orange team alot.

the commercials drive me crazy too....but i'm to the point that i wouldn't watch it unless on DVR. the constant replays after commercials, and Alison dragging things on with her soap-emotional face is way too condescending for me

i think Daniel water-loaded, good on 'em! :teeth: do you ever wonder if the players they focus on mostly now, will end up being the final contestants. as if the show was edited to steer the audience into favorites that will be on the show for the long-haul?
So I was doing some stepping tonight while watching the show (or at least for 30min of the show). Dina and the jumping onto the platform was such big deal that I decided to try it onto my step, which is only half the height of the BL platform. Doing a bunch of those was HARD! But I'm proud that I did do some.

Anyway, I wasn't surprised when they didn't get rid of Tracy. There was too much talk about it for it to actually happen. ;)
I'm glad to see Coach Mo looking so good back at home.

As soon as Liz went to get her ex-partner to watch her video with her, I knew she had switched it to his tape. Smart move on her part, helps a friend, and helps herself by keeping her support strong :thumbsup2
So I was doing some stepping tonight while watching the show (or at least for 30min of the show). Dina and the jumping onto the platform was such big deal that I decided to try it onto my step, which is only half the height of the BL platform. Doing a bunch of those was HARD! But I'm proud that I did do some.

Anyway, I wasn't surprised when they didn't get rid of Tracy. There was too much talk about it for it to actually happen. ;)
I'm glad to see Coach Mo looking so good back at home.

As soon as Liz went to get her ex-partner to watch her video with her, I knew she had switched it to his tape. Smart move on her part, helps a friend, and helps herself by keeping her support strong :thumbsup2

I felt so bad for Dina, she tried so hard. She impressed me when she gave the tape back and said she wanted to do it on her on and not for a tape of her family. Shows real guts in my book.

Love Coach Mo and was sorry to see him leave though I'm glad to see that he is doing so well. Tracy well she is definitley the person to dislike this season. She is one of those lovey lovey to your face but will stab you in the back given the chance.

I am hoping for good things for Daniel, I felt so sorry for him because of the partner that he had last season. He seems to be very determined and still willing to help Shay as much as possible. Actually everyone with the exception of Tracy seems to be helping each other.
So today I received an email about an all new Biggest Loser Family Cookbook (in hardcover). I don't know if it's a new book or not, but if it is, then I am guessing we might hear a little more about it tonight . . . ;)
Well, it figures. I was finally able to watch the show and now nobody is talking about it!! :lmao: I've only been able to catch bits and pieces of the episodes up until yesterday, so I really had to play catch up. Not sure what was up with Daniel's weight gain, but I didn't really understand why they got rid of Dina instead of him. What has been going on with the dynamics that I have missed? ............P
Well, it figures. I was finally able to watch the show and now nobody is talking about it!! :lmao: I've only been able to catch bits and pieces of the episodes up until yesterday, so I really had to play catch up. Not sure what was up with Daniel's weight gain, but I didn't really understand why they got rid of Dina instead of him. What has been going on with the dynamics that I have missed? ............P

I think some people did vote to get rid of Daniel but it wasn't enough. Daniel had been partnered with Shay and gives her a lot of support so for those people who were still feeling like Shay needs to stay, they might have decided to keep him to continue supporting her. Dina seemed a bit out in left field to me, too. I liked her.

I did like that they showed people going home and trying to do what needs to be done in the real world. This is the first season that I've watched the show and it just strikes me that what happens on the ranch isn't likely to happen at home for the rest of us. Just my 2 cents worth. ;)

Wow, I didn't know Jillian was getting her own show. I wonder if that will effect The Biggest Loser.

It sounds like it is going to run in the off season, like after the Biggest Loser in the summer. I like the idea because I think there needs to be more of the real world in these programs but I still wouldn't want her to come to my house! :lmao:
I really thought that they did well being at home, especially compared to the blue team that stayed on the ranch (well except for Daniel)

I felt kinda bad for Dina when she was home and they went out to eat-WOW. Her husband didn't seem to "get it" with what she was trying to tell him about eating all that garbage. But not everyone is supportive of family members who are trying to lose weight, even though they might say they are. (Been there, done that)

Seemed like Liz and Tracy were getting buddy-buddy. ICK!! Tracy seems to be quite the drama queen, and I would really like to see her go.

Hopefully Daniel can get his head together and get back on track. He is lucky to have this opportunity again.
I think Dina was more of a loner so they sent her home. Daniel has shown how supportive he can be with Shay, so they kept him. He did get 2 votes though. Personally I'd have sent him home, and kept Dina, since Daniel has had so many chances. I think the shots of Dina at home working out with her son were great! what a cutie!

I don't like Tracy in the show, she is too extreme.
I agree, Daniel should be getting it by now. He must be on his 4th or 5th chance...

I felt bad for Dina, she was sent home because she didn't have any real buddies, and for some reason the others are afraid of Tracy. I say send her home! But, I guess if there wasn't any conflict, it might not be as interesting. It would to me, but it might not get good enough ratings.

I'm interested in the "100 Simple Switches" book. That sounds like it might be nice on a Christmas list.

I was really surprised Tracy put herself on Blue, even with the tension with Jillian. Past years have shown, you have a much better chance of lasting longer if you're on Jill's team! I expect the Blue team to just get picked off, and Jillian gets Black moving. I won't be sad when it's Tracy or Liz's turn to go.

Maria :upsidedow
I so agree about Daniel. I wonder why he ended up with a gain. I'm hoping he really did have a breakthrough and gets it this time. I saw that about Jillian's show. I hope it's in addition too (maybe that is why she quit the radio show) and not quiting BL. They are both NBC shows so I'm thinking maybe not. Jillian is awesome on BL and it's not the same without her.

I felt bad that Dina had to go home. I think it's awesome her son became her "coach". I was so hoping that Blue lost this week and Tracy would have been sent packing. Hopefully this week. If she makes it to the end I'll scream.
One thing Tracy isn't is dumb. Bob does better training people with injuries or health problems and Jillian really wasn't loving her at that point. I don't know if she meant it or not but really the balance is fair with Jillian taking the weaker contestants.
I was really sorry to see Dina go. Glad to see she was doing so well, though, and especially glad she finally was able to jump onto a box!

I missed the part about Jillian's show. Thanks for the link. While there's a part of me that would love to sign up & get to work with her, I really don't have any desire to do it on TV so no, I'm not signing up! :earseek: I will definitely watch, though!
I actually kind of like Liz though Abby is my favorite. I think the reason they sent Dina home was because she was a downer and that isn't benefitial to the team. I think that she must be a fabulous mom, though, to have a son who you can tell cares for her so deeply! I am glad she has him to help motivate her!

It will be interesting to see if this year end's up like previous BL's, with Jillian's team almost always winning the weigh-in and picking off the Blue team one by one.

Am I the only one that was surprised Shay had a family?! I thought she said she didn't have any support at home. That looked like support to me...I really thought she was going back to a lonely apartment with no one to greet her.

Maria :upsidedow
It will be interesting to see if this year end's up like previous BL's, with Jillian's team almost always winning the weigh-in and picking off the Blue team one by one.

Am I the only one that was surprised Shay had a family?! I thought she said she didn't have any support at home. That looked like support to me...I really thought she was going back to a lonely apartment with no one to greet her.

Maria :upsidedow

Yeah, that surprised me too! I didn't know she was married and had step kids!! It seems like she had friends too, since they showed them at Subway, wouldn't they be support too??:confused3

Can't wait to see what happens this week!!
Did anyone else feel that dina and her husband are no longer together? they didnt even show him at the end of the show when she went home. It was just her and her son.:confused3


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