Biggest Loser Fall Challenge!

PSA the "holiday skin" -- interesting term for background -- is available again on the Disboards. Go to User CP, edit settings and down toward the bottom is the background and voila! :santa: You can choose Holiday and Holiday Light.
Good Friday morning everyone.

It was quiet so I thought I wold post.

Congrats to all those who have been with this challenge for the entire time. Good luck with the final weigh in .

Have a happy and healthy day.
Good morning all! :goodvibes

It's so quiet around here that it is more like the last day of a summer challenge than a fall challenge. :confused3

I'm :fish: swimming along here dealing with my disappointment from last week and focusing my sights on the Donald half marathon that is in just a few short weeks. It would be so easy to just give it up and throw in the towel right now but I'm not going to because I've always wanted to do the big WISH meet. This is my chance and the way to do that is to face my fears and toe the starting line again. Even though I feel :scared1: sometimes.

Pamela, thanks for your offer to host a holiday thread. Here is a link to the one that I hostessed last year. It is similar to the ones I did for the past couple of years. If you want to do a question of the week or have some help occassionally posting questions, please let me know. Also you might want to wait until the results are posted before starting because people do have a tendency to flock to a new thread. :rotfl:

Hi Dona! :wave2: Hope that you are doing well. Nice to see you! :flower3:

And I agree with Dona congratulations to everyone who stuck it out all the way through the challenge! :thumbsup2

Be sure and PM those weigh ins and stick around for the final results.
Hi Love that quote !!
Well I started strong waivered in the middle and bombed at the end.. I did manage to lose 5.1 in this challenge. not what my goal was but better then gaining!
I hope everyone here has an awesome holiday season - hope to see you all in a 2013 challenge.. take care.. xo Michelle
PSA the "holiday skin" -- interesting term for background -- is available again on the Disboards. Go to User CP, edit settings and down toward the bottom is the background and voila! :santa: You can choose Holiday and Holiday Light.

Thanks for the reminder!

Good Friday morning everyone.

It was quiet so I thought I wold post.

Congrats to all those who have been with this challenge for the entire time. Good luck with the final weigh in .

Have a happy and healthy day.

Thanks for the visit! Hope you are doing okay with post-storm clean up and that your foot is healing well!

Good morning all! :goodvibes

It's so quiet around here that it is more like the last day of a summer challenge than a fall challenge. :confused3

I'm :fish: swimming along here dealing with my disappointment from last week and focusing my sights on the Donald half marathon that is in just a few short weeks. It would be so easy to just give it up and throw in the towel right now but I'm not going to because I've always wanted to do the big WISH meet. This is my chance and the way to do that is to face my fears and toe the starting line again. Even though I feel :scared1: sometimes.

Pamela, thanks for your offer to host a holiday thread. Here is a link to the one that I hostessed last year. It is similar to the ones I did for the past couple of years. If you want to do a question of the week or have some help occassionally posting questions, please let me know. Also you might want to wait until the results are posted before starting because people do have a tendency to flock to a new thread. :rotfl:

Hi Dona! :wave2: Hope that you are doing well. Nice to see you! :flower3:

And I agree with Dona congratulations to everyone who stuck it out all the way through the challenge! :thumbsup2

Be sure and PM those weigh ins and stick around for the final results.

I am so proud of you for getting right back on track and looking forward to the next race. I know you can learn a lot from your most recent race that will help you be more successful in the future!

I figured I'd probably wait until after to start the new thread, as I figure things will be even MORE quiet here over the next week.



Morning friends! Swim practice is over, kids are off to school, and I didn't get called to I have a full day ahead of me! Laundry, dishes, scrapping are on the agenda.

Wasn't super thrilled with this morning's weigh-in, so I will hold off until tomorrow to call an official number. Hoping it was just a bit too much sodium and not enough water last night.

Well.... beds are made, kids are fed and off, but I'm starving! Been up since 4:10 but haven't eaten yet. Not sure what I will eat... Only 1 egg left in the house and very little fruit, but there is some yogurt and I could make a flaxseed muffin. Gotta check the pantry! TTYL...............P
Well, I just had my final weigh in. Thanks to this terrible cold I've had for about a week now, I had a significant weight drop! It's nice to end this with a bang! (Actually more of a cough cough snort than a bang, but oh well!)
Hi Love that quote !!
Well I started strong waivered in the middle and bombed at the end.. I did manage to lose 5.1 in this challenge. not what my goal was but better then gaining!
I hope everyone here has an awesome holiday season - hope to see you all in a 2013 challenge.. take care.. xo Michelle

I agree... a loss is ALWAYS better than a gain!! Come back and chat with us during the holidays. I'll be starting a "between the challenges" chat thread next week! I hope your holidays are awesome too!

Well, I just had my final weigh in. Thanks to this terrible cold I've had for about a week now, I had a significant weight drop! It's nice to end this with a bang! (Actually more of a cough cough snort than a bang, but oh well!)

WOOHOO for the "bang-cough-snort"!:rotfl2: Glad you were able to end up a high note!!


Okay friends! Laundry is TRYING to dry in this cold sunshine. It may be nearly time to give up the outdoor laundry line. But I've been seeing such GREAT electric bills lately, I hate to start using the dryer again. Every winter I say I'm going to set up an indoor line (more than just my small rack for delicates and such). Maybe this will really be the year!:thumbsup2

I'm clicking along at the scrapping table and actually making some progress. Not sure how DD's swim stuff got mixed up the way it is... I spent weeks earlier this year getting it all organized... not sure where I went wrong. But it seems to be straightened out now.

Lunch was okay. I was trying a new type of soup that I've had in the pantry for a few months now. It was Pacific Natural Foods organic butternut squash bisque. It wasn't quite sweet enough for me. I prefer my butternut squash to be more sweet than savory. But it was good enough and it was one more thing used up from the pantry (trying to avoid the grocery store as much as possible for the next few weeks, as I am over my grocery budget again this month :rolleyes:). Plus the entire container was only 4 points! And it was relatively healthy, so all is good I suppose!

Dinner is also soup. I made a batch of my tuna-cheddar chowder (recipe available on the BL recipe thread! :) ) earlier this week for the men to use one night when DD and I were at swim, but DH was away and it didn't get used up. So that is on the menu for the men and I will be making a semi-homemade tomato basil bisque for DD and myself. I might even get ambitious and throw some stuff in the bread machine (gotta find it and dust it off!) to make homemade bread for the kids. I'll make low carb tortilla chips/crackers for DH and I.

Well.... off for a bit more scrapping, a quick vacuuming downstairs, and to find that bread machine! :thumbsup2 ....................P
Good Saturday morning everyone.

I am working on a new show. We are doing Nuncracker at the local high school. We went out last night to get material for the costumes. We have to make at least 5 tutus. I haven't seen the show but think Nunsense with the Nutcracker.

What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving?

I am cooking at my house and bringing the food to my inlaws house. It will be a small group this year. One of my sil is in the hospital and won't be out in time. (She went off her medication for manic/depression this past summer and had to be hospitalized in Sept and is not responding to the medication as fast as we thought she would. We don't know when she will get out. Then there is the problem of where she would go when she does get out and who will pay for it)

Another of my sil is not coming. She told us in an email the other day that she had to drive to inlaws this week and one day next week so she doesn't think that she could do another drive to the inlaws. She has driven there last week and this to take mil to a dr's visit. She never asked dh or me to take her. Before you ask she lives an hour away from mil. I feel sorry that she will be alone on Thanksgiving but that is her decision. The thing I am upset about is she is the one who always does the dishes after dinner. I told dh that he was going to have to step up and get his hands wet.

Off to get some breakfast and then some sewing.

Have a happy and healthy day.
pjlla said:
Anyhow, as I mentioned above, I will probably be hosting a "Between the Challenges Chat" for anyone who might like to join. I haven't seen any talk or plans in the works for this, so I figure I can lead the way! It will be very informal chatter about food, exercise, holiday eating obstacles, and of course daily chit chat. No formal QOTD, but occasional questions to the group to keep things moving, new recipes as things crop up,etc. No formal weigh-ins or reports, just an effort to keep in touch and stay on track during the holidays.

See you tomorrow!...........P

Thanks so much for hosting a holiday chat. I really do feel that checking in here helps me remain focused. I'll be looking for the thread & checking in as often as I can!

Well, I ended up weighing in more than I was hoping, but I didn't gain & I maintained this challenge. I lost a couple pounds so I was happy with that. Now, I need to make it through the holiday treats without ending up in a sugar coma :)

DS9 and I are running/walking in a 5k on thanksgiving along with a cousin, sister, brother in law, and nephew. We are having our Thanksgiving dinner the Saturday after. It just seems more relaxed & not so rushed with the race being at 9:30. We probably won't get home until 11:30-12, so no one wants to start rushing to cook. Plus, our turkey would dry up with no one home to baste it.

I'm getting pretty excited about Black Friday even though not much is catching my eye. It's just a fun day to get a good deal if I can, but mostly to spend time with my sister. Although, Dnephew22 is home from college & told me last night he & Dnephew14 may come with us. I was pretty shocked, but it would be even more fun with them along for the chaos.

DS9 is at a sleepover & needs picked up at 9:00 am. I think it's going to be a nice, lazy day at home. I'm going to catch up on laundry & bag some leaves. DH will be home from work in about 15 minutes & we need to discuss what we are buying DS6 so I can start looking for deals.

Thanks for the challenge! I had a good time chatting with you all! Have a great holiday season & hopefully I'll see you on the holiday chat thread!

Good Saturday morning everyone.

I am working on a new show. We are doing Nuncracker at the local high school. We went out last night to get material for the costumes. We have to make at least 5 tutus. I haven't seen the show but think Nunsense with the Nutcracker.

What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving?

I am cooking at my house and bringing the food to my inlaws house. It will be a small group this year. One of my sil is in the hospital and won't be out in time. (She went off her medication for manic/depression this past summer and had to be hospitalized in Sept and is not responding to the medication as fast as we thought she would. We don't know when she will get out. Then there is the problem of where she would go when she does get out and who will pay for it)

Another of my sil is not coming. She told us in an email the other day that she had to drive to inlaws this week and one day next week so she doesn't think that she could do another drive to the inlaws. She has driven there last week and this to take mil to a dr's visit. She never asked dh or me to take her. Before you ask she lives an hour away from mil. I feel sorry that she will be alone on Thanksgiving but that is her decision. The thing I am upset about is she is the one who always does the dishes after dinner. I told dh that he was going to have to step up and get his hands wet.

Off to get some breakfast and then some sewing.

Have a happy and healthy day.

The show sounds hilarious! Have fun with the costumes. Tutus aren't too hard.

I know your big family holidays are often a bit crazy with cooking at home nd traveling with food. You are such a blessing to the family. I hope you realize that. Prayers for both SILs. How about paper plates and disposable foil pans? That would relieve some of the pressure for clean up.

We are doing our usual double holiday with Thursday spent with DH's family (on the Cape this year), Friday with my extended family (in central MA), and then the remainder of the weekend with my folks and DBrother, hanging out at Mom's, shopping and visiting. The hardest part is the double holiday meals, but over the years I've come to realize what is worth the calories and what is not, to spend most of my time talking and visiting instead of hovering over the appetizer table, and to bring along at least one healthy side dish and light dessert to share both days. And the easy part is enjoying time with literally EVERY SINGLE family member on both sides! (Not to say they are ALL there..just that I love them all.) I am blessed beyond measure to have two families that I truly love.

Thanks so much for hosting a holiday chat. I really do feel that checking in here helps me remain focused. I'll be looking for the thread & checking in as often as I can!

Well, I ended up weighing in more than I was hoping, but I didn't gain & I maintained this challenge. I lost a couple pounds so I was happy with that. Now, I need to make it through the holiday treats without ending up in a sugar coma :)

DS9 and I are running/walking in a 5k on thanksgiving along with a cousin, sister, brother in law, and nephew. We are having our Thanksgiving dinner the Saturday after. It just seems more relaxed & not so rushed with the race being at 9:30. We probably won't get home until 11:30-12, so no one wants to start rushing to cook. Plus, our turkey would dry up with no one home to baste it.

I'm getting pretty excited about Black Friday even though not much is catching my eye. It's just a fun day to get a good deal if I can, but mostly to spend time with my sister. Although, Dnephew22 is home from college & told me last night he & Dnephew14 may come with us. I was pretty shocked, but it would be even more fun with them along for the chaos.

DS9 is at a sleepover & needs picked up at 9:00 am. I think it's going to be a nice, lazy day at home. I'm going to catch up on laundry & bag some leaves. DH will be home from work in about 15 minutes & we need to discuss what we are buying DS6 so I can start looking for deals.

Thanks for the challenge! I had a good time chatting with you all! Have a great holiday season & hopefully I'll see you on the holiday chat thread!


Glad you will be joining the chat! A relaxing Thanksgiving? What is that?:rotfl:
Enjoy your turkey trot. DD and I were going to do one at the Cape, but for multiple reasons it just won't work out. I'm sure I will fit in at least a short workout that morning though.

Have fun and stay safe on Black Friday!


Morning friends! The scale was only slightly kinder this morning. Oh well.

I'm here at the Y for morning swim practice, so I'm done with today's workout already! Woohoo on that!

Thinking of taking DS to see Wreck-It Ralph, but I feel bad that DD can't go because she has too much homework. Plus she is fighting a cold and needs some extra sleep this weekend. I can't let her visit my dad this week if she is sick. He is done with radiation (and done for the treatment for the unrelated kidney issues) and is scheduled for his tumor removal 12/4 (prayers appreciated), so he can't get sick!

Lat night's semi-homemade tomato basil soup was very good and very easy! I need to write it down. Wasn't the healthiest thing ever (since the base was Campbell's tomato soup :rolleyes2 ), but great for a really busy night. And the kids were super happy with the fresh bread!

Off to see if there is any chatter on the scrapping board!.........P
No chatter on the scrapping board, so I'm back!

Just an FYI that today was scheduled to be the last official day of this challenge. I figure we can chat here until some time next week and then I'll start the new thread. Sound ok?.............P
Hi everyone, even though I am mainly a lurker on the challenge (sorry, just very busy at work at the moment), I am very happy that there will be a "holiday chat thread" - I will try to lurk less and post more! This thread has been such a great help in keeping me motivated. And while I did miss the goal I had set for myself, I did see some considerable improvement and am very happy with the result! Thanks to everyone who kept the thread going so I had something to read when I needed a little boost to keep me on track!!
Hi everyone, even though I am mainly a lurker on the challenge (sorry, just very busy at work at the moment), I am very happy that there will be a "holiday chat thread" - I will try to lurk less and post more! This thread has been such a great help in keeping me motivated. And while I did miss the goal I had set for myself, I did see some considerable improvement and am very happy with the result! Thanks to everyone who kept the thread going so I had something to read when I needed a little boost to keep me on track!!

Yeah! Another friend to visit the new chat thread! :yay:


Home from swim (and a quick Target stop), lunch made/eaten/cleaned up, homemade applesauce made (currently cooking), low carb treats made for DH for the week, emails read. I'm rolling along today!

DS and I were going to go see Wreck-It Ralph today, but DD was feeling badly that we were going without her, so we will wait until Wednesday, when there is no school. So looks like we are home for the day. I'm hoping I can peel DS away from his homework and gaming long enough to watch a movie here at home with me. Spending so much time with DD back and forth to school and swim is great, but it means I'm not seeing much of DS these days. :rolleyes:

I really sat down here at the computer to look for an image to cut and paste for a card I want to make for my parents. For those of you who have been around here a while, you may remember that my DH had a very bad accident two years ago this week (11/20 to be exact) and I spent that week (and many days after it) visiting him in the ICU and then the rehab hospital. But I'm happy to report that two years later, other than some scars and a scary story to tell, you would never know! Anyhow, my parents TOTALLY saved us during that time. They moved into my house for a few weeks, took care of the kids, the cat, my car... you name it! So last year we invited them up for the anniversary of the accident to celebrate DH's recovery and we presented them with an angel statue to remind them that they were TRULY our ANGELS ON EARTH during that dark time. And we aren't making such a big celebration this year, but I still wanted to send a card to thank them again.

Thank you to my DIS-friends from two years ago who supported me with kind words, prayers, pixie dust, cards, and even PERSONAL VISITS and MEALS! It was appreciated more than you can ever imagine! The "Disney Magic" can extend into real life, as many of you know.

Off to make that card. If I am quick, I might even still get it into today's mail! TTYL...................P
And another BL challenge is over. This one went by so quickly! My goal for this challenge was to lose 15-20 pounds. I lost 10.75, which took me to 101 pounds total since January. I'd still like to hit Onederland by New Year's Day, but i don't think that's going to happen. Close counts though and I'll be thrilled just to get closer.

My other goals for this challenge were

1. have fasting blood glucose levels consistently in the "normal" range. I was there 84% of the time and am fairly happy with that stat as well. Obviously, perfection is out of my reach :lmao:

2. Add strength training to my exercise routine. I dropped the ball a bit on this. I'd like to do strength training 3x per week. Right now, I'm managing 1 day per week, so I still need to step things up a bit. However, I did add Zumba twice a week and a water aerobics class. With the elliptical and walking, my overall exercise is good. As a reward for hitting the 100 lb milestone, I purchased a mini exercise bike instead of the Coach purse I had originally wanted. Never thought I'd choose a piece of exercise equipment over a new purse! :goodvibes

3. Use MyFitnessPal to track progress. This goal, i hit 100%. :cool1: Tracking my food intake, water and exercise is an important part of my day now.

I'm looking forward to seeing my son for the first time since August. He's attending school in South Dakota and we've missed him terribly. Seeing him again is certainly something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!:dance3:

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!
Hi everyone! I have been almost a total lurker this fall. :( I've been reading along and cheering everyone on, but this fall went kind of bananas for me, mostly I think adjusting to two kids on school and all their activities!!

I've maintained through the challenge, which makes me so happy. I'm really glad there will be a holiday chat thread, and I promise to do my best to participate more. I need you guys to navigate those holiday food waters. :)

This fall has been about running for me - the big thing I'm doing for myself! I ran the ToT 10-miler and am training for my first half, the Donald on January. Lisa, I was so bummed for you when I saw your post about W&D...I don't have any experience-based advice to offer, but I honestly believe that just starting is huge. I'm so glad you'll be at the Donald & I'd love to meet you at the big WISH meet! I need to figure out the where & when so I can be sure to go. DH is doing the race, too, and he'll be doing DISDads stuff that weekend.

In other news, we're traveling to my DMIL's next Wednesday for Thanksgiving. I'm off the hook for most cooking! Bringing my mac & cheese, apple pie, and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Nothing healthy there, but everything in moderation. DH and I are really looking forward to catching some movies, too, while we have free babysitting that weekend! :)

I'm not psyched about driving on Wednesday afternoon, but I am psyched to be driving in my new car! (Insert Price is Right announcer voice...) My beloved Odyssey had 133,000 miles on it. I definitely could have kept it going, but it was starting to need a lot more maintenance work, and I've been wanting to downsize now that we've been done with strollers for a while. I'm now the proud owner of a 2013 Honda CR-V in "mountain mist metallic," or whatever they call the cool green-blue color. I LOVE IT. :) I'm looking forward to piling on lots of fun miles with this one...

So I hope everyone's doing well. I'm sorry again not to have been a better poster this fall, but I'll do better! Happy, happy Thanksgiving to all of you - I'm thankful for all the inspiration you give me to keep working at maintaining!


Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards
Boy can things get crazy when you turn your head. I have been reading but just not posting. Work has been crazy busy then just as quickly became verrrrrrrry slow. But that is the nature of birthin those babies. ;)

Thanks to DH I will be going to a "sports" fashion show tonight as a girls night out to see and maybe purchase some of the new stuff that will come out for 2013. :woohoo: I think he just wanted to watch the game in peace popcorn:: (I'm not fond of his college team).

For Thanksgiving we are running in a Turkeytrot. 5K for DH and 10K for me, got to redeem myself after the disastrous run at the golf course for Halloween. Then we are going to his brothers for the day so no cooking for me. :yay::yay::yay: Which also means no leftovers to tempt me for days.

I did meet my goal for this challenge, now to keep the momentemum going through the holidays.

Hope to be more chatty in the next thread. :coffee:
And another BL challenge is over. This one went by so quickly! My goal for this challenge was to lose 15-20 pounds. I lost 10.75, which took me to 101 pounds total since January. I'd still like to hit Onederland by New Year's Day, but i don't think that's going to happen. Close counts though and I'll be thrilled just to get closer.

My other goals for this challenge were

1. have fasting blood glucose levels consistently in the "normal" range. I was there 84% of the time and am fairly happy with that stat as well. Obviously, perfection is out of my reach :lmao:

2. Add strength training to my exercise routine. I dropped the ball a bit on this. I'd like to do strength training 3x per week. Right now, I'm managing 1 day per week, so I still need to step things up a bit. However, I did add Zumba twice a week and a water aerobics class. With the elliptical and walking, my overall exercise is good. As a reward for hitting the 100 lb milestone, I purchased a mini exercise bike instead of the Coach purse I had originally wanted. Never thought I'd choose a piece of exercise equipment over a new purse! :goodvibes

3. Use MyFitnessPal to track progress. This goal, i hit 100%. :cool1: Tracking my food intake, water and exercise is an important part of my day now.

I'm looking forward to seeing my son for the first time since August. He's attending school in South Dakota and we've missed him terribly. Seeing him again is certainly something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!:dance3:

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

WOW! You did great during this challenge! I'm so impressed. And meeting 100% of your tracking goal is wonderful! Have a nice visit with DS!

Hi everyone! I have been almost a total lurker this fall. :( I've been reading along and cheering everyone on, but this fall went kind of bananas for me, mostly I think adjusting to two kids on school and all their activities!!

I've maintained through the challenge, which makes me so happy. I'm really glad there will be a holiday chat thread, and I promise to do my best to participate more. I need you guys to navigate those holiday food waters. :)

This fall has been about running for me - the big thing I'm doing for myself! I ran the ToT 10-miler and am training for my first half, the Donald on January. Lisa, I was so bummed for you when I saw your post about W&D...I don't have any experience-based advice to offer, but I honestly believe that just starting is huge. I'm so glad you'll be at the Donald & I'd love to meet you at the big WISH meet! I need to figure out the where & when so I can be sure to go. DH is doing the race, too, and he'll be doing DISDads stuff that weekend.

In other news, we're traveling to my DMIL's next Wednesday for Thanksgiving. I'm off the hook for most cooking! Bringing my mac & cheese, apple pie, and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Nothing healthy there, but everything in moderation. DH and I are really looking forward to catching some movies, too, while we have free babysitting that weekend! :)

I'm not psyched about driving on Wednesday afternoon, but I am psyched to be driving in my new car! (Insert Price is Right announcer voice...) My beloved Odyssey had 133,000 miles on it. I definitely could have kept it going, but it was starting to need a lot more maintenance work, and I've been wanting to downsize now that we've been done with strollers for a while. I'm now the proud owner of a 2013 Honda CR-V in "mountain mist metallic," or whatever they call the cool green-blue color. I LOVE IT. :) I'm looking forward to piling on lots of fun miles with this one...

So I hope everyone's doing well. I'm sorry again not to have been a better poster this fall, but I'll do better! Happy, happy Thanksgiving to all of you - I'm thankful for all the inspiration you give me to keep working at maintaining!


Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards

We were just glad to have you whenever you could make it! It definitely sounds like life got busy for you!

Keep up the good work with the training. I'm sure that having that race coming up will help you stay on track during the holidays.

Enjoy your new car. I have a CR-V and while I don't love it (but I know lots of people who do), it has held up really well. It is a 2006 with nearly 170,000 miles and has never had more than basic maintenance and such (tires, brakes, etc). Fingers crossed that you have the same great luck.

Boy can things get crazy when you turn your head. I have been reading but just not posting. Work has been crazy busy then just as quickly became verrrrrrrry slow. But that is the nature of birthin those babies. ;)

Thanks to DH I will be going to a "sports" fashion show tonight as a girls night out to see and maybe purchase some of the new stuff that will come out for 2013. :woohoo: I think he just wanted to watch the game in peace popcorn:: (I'm not fond of his college team).

For Thanksgiving we are running in a Turkeytrot. 5K for DH and 10K for me, got to redeem myself after the disastrous run at the golf course for Halloween. Then we are going to his brothers for the day so no cooking for me. :yay::yay::yay: Which also means no leftovers to tempt me for days.

I did meet my goal for this challenge, now to keep the momentemum going through the holidays.

Hope to be more chatty in the next thread. :coffee:

Share pictures from the fashion show!!

Sounds like a fun day! I have decided that we are NOT going to be fitting in a Turkey trot, but I really hope you enjoy yours! I also do not host, but will do a bit of cooking to bring along both days (we celebrate Thursday AND Friday). And while I might enjoy some turkey leftovers in the fridge, I am so glad I don't have to worry about cleaning my house!:lmao:

WOOHOO on meeting your goal! That is wonderful!!


Morning friends! Hope you all are well. Not sure if church is happening for us here. DD is really fighting a bad cold and I hate to expose folks at church right before the holiday. We'll see how she feels when she gets up.

Laundry is chugging along so I can get it out on the line in this sunshine today! When it is cold like this, if I don't have it in the sunshine by 9 am, I might as well not bother.

Baked oatmeal is in the oven for breakfast for the kids. DH and I will probably have eggs and fruit. The baked oatmeal is delicious, but not exactly OP with a stick of butter and a cup of brown sugar~! :faint: But I always cut back on the butter by nearly half and don't pack the brown sugar and I use 1% milk and it is still delicious. It is definitely a weekend treat, as it takes 40 minutes to bake. If I make a full batch for them, then there are leftovers for school days!:thumbsup2

Spent several hours at my scrapping table yesterday!:banana: It was nice to have the uninterrupted time. I actually am out of blue paper and yellow paper and nearly out of white, so I am going to need to hit the store soon. I am doing DD's swim book in just black, white, yellow, and blue with just a few red touches. It makes it easier and more consistent. Her previous club team's colors were yellow and black, the water is blue (of course ;)) and red just pops with it all. But I've used SO MUCH that to my surprise I've run out! If you knew how big my paper collection was, you would be surprised too!:laughing:

When I get to doing her HS team, the colors are blue and red, so I will change over to black, white, blue, and red with just touches of yellow. And her NEW club team colors are black and purple.... so I will switch again when I finally get to doing this year.

Anyhow.... if I get any more scrapping time today, I will have to change to a different project probably, since I am running out of paper to work on DD's swim book.

Cold morning and I probably won't be able to talk anyone into going out to walk/run with me, so I will definitely hit the TM later. Maybe I can finally finish watching one of the movies I've started on Netflix!::yes::.......P
Hi Everyone,
I've enjoyed participating in the October Challenge and am looking forward to the next one. I've just been lurking and sending my updates to Samantha and haven't been involved in posting, so I just want to say what a great support you all have been over the past few weeks. I began the challenge at 162 (when I started on my own I was at 165) and I am now down to 145. I have a way to go but I already feel so much better, physically but even more so mentally. Thank you, thank you for sharing the ups and downs over the past few weeks. I will try to post next time, hoping I can help someone else stay motivated (and when that lapses, help them to see it's not the end of the effort but just a new start again.)
Enjoy your Thanksgiving!:hippie:
Good Saturday morning everyone.

I am working on a new show. We are doing Nuncracker at the local high school. We went out last night to get material for the costumes. We have to make at least 5 tutus. I haven't seen the show but think Nunsense with the Nutcracker.

What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving?

Hi Dona! :wave2: Nice to see you! You are such a good DIL to take care of the holiday meals for your IL. :flower3: I'm sure DH will step up and help with the clean up. Enjoy getting ready for the show.

Thanks so much for hosting a holiday chat. I really do feel that checking in here helps me remain focused. I'll be looking for the thread & checking in as often as I can!

Well, I ended up weighing in more than I was hoping, but I didn't gain & I maintained this challenge. I lost a couple pounds so I was happy with that. Now, I need to make it through the holiday treats without ending up in a sugar coma

DS9 and I are running/walking in a 5k on thanksgiving along with a cousin, sister, brother in law, and nephew. We are having our Thanksgiving dinner the Saturday after. It just seems more relaxed & not so rushed with the race being at 9:30. We probably won't get home until 11:30-12, so no one wants to start rushing to cook. Plus, our turkey would dry up with no one home to baste it.

Good luck on your Turkey Trot this week, Jill! You'll be all ready to snatch up those Black Friday bargains since you won't be digesting a big old turkey dinner. :lmao:

Hi everyone, even though I am mainly a lurker on the challenge (sorry, just very busy at work at the moment), I am very happy that there will be a "holiday chat thread" - I will try to lurk less and post more! This thread has been such a great help in keeping me motivated. And while I did miss the goal I had set for myself, I did see some considerable improvement and am very happy with the result! Thanks to everyone who kept the thread going so I had something to read when I needed a little boost to keep me on track!!

Nice to see another person on the holiday chat! :santa: We don't realize it by the number of folks posting but we do have a lot of folks reading along.

I really sat down here at the computer to look for an image to cut and paste for a card I want to make for my parents. For those of you who have been around here a while, you may remember that my DH had a very bad accident two years ago this week (11/20 to be exact) and I spent that week (and many days after it) visiting him in the ICU and then the rehab hospital. But I'm happy to report that two years later, other than some scars and a scary story to tell, you would never know! Anyhow, my parents TOTALLY saved us during that time. They moved into my house for a few weeks, took care of the kids, the cat, my car... you name it! So last year we invited them up for the anniversary of the accident to celebrate DH's recovery and we presented them with an angel statue to remind them that they were TRULY our ANGELS ON EARTH during that dark time. And we aren't making such a big celebration this year, but I still wanted to send a card to thank them again.

Thank you to my DIS-friends from two years ago who supported me with kind words, prayers, pixie dust, cards, and even PERSONAL VISITS and MEALS! It was appreciated more than you can ever imagine! The "Disney Magic" can extend into real life, as many of you know.

Off to make that card. If I am quick, I might even still get it into today's mail! TTYL...................P

Aww, Pamela, I remember when your poor DH was injured. :hug: I'm so glad that he is fully recovered and that you got to experience some real WISH magic during that stressful time. :littleangel: Thanks for being our Christmas elf and hostessing the holiday chat. :santa:

And another BL challenge is over. This one went by so quickly! My goal for this challenge was to lose 15-20 pounds. I lost 10.75, which took me to 101 pounds total since January. I'd still like to hit Onederland by New Year's Day, but i don't think that's going to happen. Close counts though and I'll be thrilled just to get closer.

My other goals for this challenge were

1. have fasting blood glucose levels consistently in the "normal" range. I was there 84% of the time and am fairly happy with that stat as well. Obviously, perfection is out of my reach :lmao:

2. Add strength training to my exercise routine. I dropped the ball a bit on this. I'd like to do strength training 3x per week. Right now, I'm managing 1 day per week, so I still need to step things up a bit. However, I did add Zumba twice a week and a water aerobics class. With the elliptical and walking, my overall exercise is good. As a reward for hitting the 100 lb milestone, I purchased a mini exercise bike instead of the Coach purse I had originally wanted. Never thought I'd choose a piece of exercise equipment over a new purse! :goodvibes

3. Use MyFitnessPal to track progress. This goal, i hit 100%. Tracking my food intake, water and exercise is an important part of my day now.

I'm looking forward to seeing my son for the first time since August. He's attending school in South Dakota and we've missed him terribly. Seeing him again is certainly something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

Congratulations! You have had such a wonderful, successful year this year thanks to all of your hard work! ::yes:: Enjoy that visit with your DS! :flower3:

Hi everyone! I have been almost a total lurker this fall. :( I've been reading along and cheering everyone on, but this fall went kind of bananas for me, mostly I think adjusting to two kids on school and all their activities!!

I've maintained through the challenge, which makes me so happy. I'm really glad there will be a holiday chat thread, and I promise to do my best to participate more. I need you guys to navigate those holiday food waters. :)

This fall has been about running for me - the big thing I'm doing for myself! I ran the ToT 10-miler and am training for my first half, the Donald on January. Lisa, I was so bummed for you when I saw your post about W&D...I don't have any experience-based advice to offer, but I honestly believe that just starting is huge. I'm so glad you'll be at the Donald & I'd love to meet you at the big WISH meet! I need to figure out the where & when so I can be sure to go. DH is doing the race, too, and he'll be doing DISDads stuff that weekend.

Woo hoo Liz on your maintain for the challenge! :cool1: And congratulations on the new car. :drive:

I definitely want to meet you in January at the big WISH meet. It will be Friday afternoon before the Donald at around 4 p.m. at the All Stars or maybe the Pop. Are you in the WISH FB group? If not, let me know and I can add you. A lot of this stuff seems to be posted there.

It was a disappointment being swept and losing my bid for the Coast to Coast medal this year. I've finished four half marathons so I know I can do it. It's just getting this Western girl to finish one at WDW in the heat and humidity that is the challenge this time. :teeth: That is one of the things I've learned from WISH -- never give up!

Boy can things get crazy when you turn your head. I have been reading but just not posting. Work has been crazy busy then just as quickly became verrrrrrrry slow. But that is the nature of birthin those babies. ;)

Thanks to DH I will be going to a "sports" fashion show tonight as a girls night out to see and maybe purchase some of the new stuff that will come out for 2013. :woohoo: I think he just wanted to watch the game in peace popcorn:: (I'm not fond of his college team).

For Thanksgiving we are running in a Turkeytrot. 5K for DH and 10K for me, got to redeem myself after the disastrous run at the golf course for Halloween. Then we are going to his brothers for the day so no cooking for me. :yay::yay::yay: Which also means no leftovers to tempt me for days.

I did meet my goal for this challenge, now to keep the momentemum going through the holidays.

Hope to be more chatty in the next thread. :coffee:

Congratulations on making your goal for the challenge! :thumbsup2 And good luck on your Turkey Trot. Yes, those leftovers are the most tempting part of Thanksgiving for sure. ::yes::

We are driving to Seattle for Thanksgiving. It is about a 6 hour drive. We drive over the Cascade mountains but it warmer and rainy so we shouldn't have any problems. We will have Thanksgiving with my Mom and dinner Friday night in the revolving restaurant at the Space Needle.

Happy Thanksgiving to all and don't forget to stick around for the results! Who will be the Biggest Loser of the Fall Challenge???


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