Biggest Loser Fall Challenge!

Most of you know me already, but for those who don't, my name's Ashley and I'll be your coach for the last week of the fall challenge!

We've made it!! :cool1:

Only time to post the QOTD right now; be back later for replies!

QOTD for Friday 11/9/2012: What's the greatest thing that you've learned about yourself during this challenge? (or previous challenges if this isn't your first)
Biggest Loser Fall Challenge! Week 7 & 8, the late edition

MAINTAINERS (i.e. participants staying within 2 lbs of their goal weight):

Week 7:
Maintainers Reporting In & Successfully Maintaining-----1
Congratulations myweegirls (Liz)!!!

Week 8:
We're missing our maintainers in Week 8!


Due to a very low turn-out the past couple of weeks, I'm not going to share the breakdown of our retention this week and will instead try to get in touch with some of our missing participants by PM. But I will pass on our summary and leader boards!

Weight lost challenge to date = 226.1 pounds!

RETENTION RATE (including Maintainers and Losers): 29/73 = 40%


Disclaimer: I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me. For your reference the weight lost formula is = loss for the week divided by last week's weight times 100.

Who were our superstars of week 7?

#10 - 0.47% - momofdjc (Reenie)
#9 - 0.55% - belledreamer (Ashley)
#8 - 0.65% - bellaally (Alexandra)
#7 - 0.84% - cclovesdis (CC)
#6 - 0.87% - indygirl99
#5 - 1.32% - DoomBuggieDriver (Kathy)
#4 - 1.41% - pjlla (Pamela)
#3 - 1.52% - Mom2aJessieGirl (Christy)
#2 - 1.64% - 6ofus2 (Robbie)

and now

The WISH Biggest Loser Fall Challenge! Week 7 Biggest Loser is:
#1 - 1.70% - elleherself (Elle)


Who were our superstars of week 8?

#10 (tie) - 0.55% - ChelleyB (Michelle) and Mom2aJessieGirl (Christy)
#9 - 0.56% - sue and co (Sue)
#7 (tie) - 0.61% - Disneywedding2010 (Kristina) and camnham (Jen)
#6 - 0.77% - KDIPIAZZ
#5 - 0.90% - CruiseBoundinKY (Karen)
#4 - 1.34% - DoomBuggieDriver (Kathy)
#3 - 1.41% - christinascreative (Christina)
#2 - 1.66% - 6ofus2 (Robbie)

and now

The WISH Biggest Loser Fall Challenge! Week 8 Biggest Loser is:
#1 - 1.69% - andijean (Andrea)

Congratulations to you BOTH!!!

Keep up the good work. We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser. Wear it with pride this week!

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version:


or use this:
followed by

or we have a medium version:


or use this:
followed by

and we have a small version:


or use this:
followed by

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great?!

Now a look at some NON-SCALE VICTORIES from the past 2 weeks:

Melissahac99 (Melissa) ran her first 5K on October 28! Melissa said, "If you had told me I would do this, I would have said you were crazy."
Flossbolna (Magdalene) was able to wear one of her favorite skirts to work last week--it finally fits again!
Belledreamer (Ashley) went clothes shopping and was able to buy all of her clothes in a smaller size!
Myweegirls (Liz) got up at 6 AM last week to run an 8-mile training run!

Thanks everyone for your patience the past couple of weeks while Matt and I adjusted to Sandy's impact on the city and our workplace. Sorry if I did not respond to your PM individually since I was trying to play catch-up. I look forward to hearing from everyone this weekend and hopefully hearing from some of our participants who went missing this week!

How this works: You set your goal for what you want to lose in the challenge. Then I calculate your weight loss in the challenge divided by your goal to get a % to goal. Anybody can change their goal at anytime (or add a goal) all you have to do is send me a PM.

We have done 8 out of 10 weeks, so the challenge is 80% complete.

6ofus2 - 104.65
andijean - 66.67
bellaally - 59.46
bigsis1970 - 30.00
ChelleyB - 10.17
D73 - 0.00
Disneyfn420 - 13.33
DoomBuggieDriver - 65.00
DorkyDisneyMom - 71.91
dvccruiser76 - 26.63
EDuke98080 - 0.00
Flossbolna - 75.00
indygirl99 - 100.00
KayTom - 20.00
MelindaRuns - 0.00
MickeyMagic - 0.00
mommyof2Pirates - 0.00
mskayjay - 25.00
rubybpc - 29.41
sue and co - 0.00
tiki23 - 0.00
Morning all! Off to work today! I'll try to pop on during the day today to say hi and do replies and answer the QOTD...............P
Most of you know me already, but for those who don't, my name's Ashley and I'll be your coach for the last week of the fall challenge!

We've made it!! :cool1:

Only time to post the QOTD right now; be back later for replies!

QOTD for Friday 11/9/2012: What's the greatest thing that you've learned about yourself during this challenge? (or previous challenges if this isn't your first)

I have learned that I CAN do this for the long run! This is something I've learned slowly over all of the BL challenges that I've done here. Sometimes it seems harder than other times, but after doing this for a few years I realize that I have got this DOWN PAT! Not to say I can forget about journaling, exercise, etc. But they have just become part of my normal, everyday routine.

Thanks for stepping in for our last week!

Biggest Loser Fall Challenge! Week 7 & 8, the late edition


#10 - 0.47% - momofdjc (Reenie)
#9 - 0.55% - belledreamer (Ashley)
#8 - 0.65% - bellaally (Alexandra)
#7 - 0.84% - cclovesdis (CC)
#6 - 0.87% - indygirl99
#5 - 1.32% - DoomBuggieDriver (Kathy)
#4 - 1.41% - pjlla (Pamela)
#3 - 1.52% - Mom2aJessieGirl (Christy)
#2 - 1.64% - 6ofus2 (Robbie)

and now

The WISH Biggest Loser Fall Challenge! Week 7 Biggest Loser is:
#1 - 1.70% - elleherself (Elle)


Who were our superstars of week 8?

#10 (tie) - 0.55% - ChelleyB (Michelle) and Mom2aJessieGirl (Christy)
#9 - 0.56% - sue and co (Sue)
#7 (tie) - 0.61% - Disneywedding2010 (Kristina) and camnham (Jen)
#6 - 0.77% - KDIPIAZZ
#5 - 0.90% - CruiseBoundinKY (Karen)
#4 - 1.34% - DoomBuggieDriver (Kathy)
#3 - 1.41% - christinascreative (Christina)
#2 - 1.66% - 6ofus2 (Robbie)

and now

The WISH Biggest Loser Fall Challenge! Week 8 Biggest Loser is:
#1 - 1.69% - andijean (Andrea)

Congratulations to you BOTH!!!

Now a look at some NON-SCALE VICTORIES from the past 2 weeks:

Melissahac99 (Melissa) ran her first 5K on October 28! Melissa said, "If you had told me I would do this, I would have said you were crazy."
Flossbolna (Magdalene) was able to wear one of her favorite skirts to work last week--it finally fits again!
Belledreamer (Ashley) went clothes shopping and was able to buy all of her clothes in a smaller size!
Myweegirls (Liz) got up at 6 AM last week to run an 8-mile training run!

Thanks everyone for your patience the past couple of weeks while Matt and I adjusted to Sandy's impact on the city and our workplace. Sorry if I did not respond to your PM individually since I was trying to play catch-up. I look forward to hearing from everyone this weekend and hopefully hearing from some of our participants who went missing this week!

Thanks for posting this with ALL you have going on. I am just glad that you are safe and warm!

WOOHOO and congratulations to all our BIG LOSERS! Pleased as punch to see my name in there for another week! I am FINALLY firmly back within my maintenance range!

I'm in school today, as I mentioned, but managed to wangle computer access. I'll pop on again when the kids are at special!! This class isn't as WONDERFUL as the class I've had the past two days, but they are still pretty good. Fingers crossed that the day FLIES BY for all of us! TGIF!......P
Most of you know me already, but for those who don't, my name's Ashley and I'll be your coach for the last week of the fall challenge!

We've made it!! :cool1:

Only time to post the QOTD right now; be back later for replies!

QOTD for Friday 11/9/2012: What's the greatest thing that you've learned about yourself during this challenge? (or previous challenges if this isn't your first)

Hi Ashley!!

The greatest thing I've learned about myself is I can do this, if I do it right. My mom and I are on WW and I've always heard her say, "The plan works for you the days you work the plan." I just need to work the plan every day! That has been the hardest part of everything, I think. But after three challenges and 8 months of being on WW myself, I'm starting to get it. My lightbulb moment is finally here.
Hi Ashley!!

The greatest thing I've learned about myself is I can do this, if I do it right. My mom and I are on WW and I've always heard her say, "The plan works for you the days you work the plan." I just need to work the plan every day! That has been the hardest part of everything, I think. But after three challenges and 8 months of being on WW myself, I'm starting to get it. My lightbulb moment is finally here.

I love that saying! I know I've heard it (or something like it) before, but what a great reminder.

WOOHOO on having your lightbulb moment! :idea: It took me a long time... nearly 5 years here on WW until I really had a total moment like that... when I finally realized WHY it was working for me.

"Working the plan" looks different for everyone... but that is what makes WW so great... you CAN make the plan exactly what is needs to be for YOU!


And so the day goes.... at least I am already through my most dreaded time of day.... MATH! Next after Art is Social Studies! :thumbsup2

What's everyone got on the menu for tonight? As I mentioned, we are having pizza tonight. I bought whole wheat pizza dough at Trader Joe's for the first time.... we'll see how it goes. I might also make a small batch of sweet potato fries...MMMM! And of course, salad and lots of veggie toppings for the pizza. DD and I like spinach, mushroom, onions, and peppers. DH takes the mushrooms and onions, and DS will only tolerate the onions... so I sautee them all separately so I can customize each pie.... Yes, everyone gets their own.... low carb crust for DH (and sometimes for me too), whole wheat crust for the kids and I. Full fat cheeses for DH and DS.... 2% reduced fat cheeses for DD and myself. Extra sauce for DS. But everyone loves pizza night! And tonight I might use some of last night's leftover brussel sprouts on mine! I really should do pizza night twice a week.... it is a relatively easy meatless meal. DD and I were talking about boosting it from 1-2 meatless meal per week to at least 2-3... maybe even more. But it is hard to find something other than eggs and cheese to feed DH (on Atkins). And DD doesn't care for beans. Thank goodness for my veggie based meat-less meals like curried carrot soup and broccoli cheddar soup! And I can thank the BL challenges for those recipes!!

Well... off to dig up some art supplies here in the class to make a card for my Dad. We are trying to make an effort to mail a card to my Dad EVERY DAY while he is going through all of this cancer treatment and such. It was DS's day to make the card and he dropped the ball. :rolleyes1 So I will make one here today (best I can under the circumstances) and drop it at the PO on our way home. Maybe I'll be generous and let DS sign it. :lmao:

Dumped a bunch of leftovers into a glasslock container for lunch.... hope it is a good combination! Black-eyed peas, a small bit of brown rice, some roasted green beans, and a big splash of the sauce leftover from Monday's chicken cacciatore... no chicken left, just chunky sauce. Sounds good.... fingers crossed!

Got my best paycheck in a while today.... almost makes the craziness worthwhile! Just finished my new hire paperwork for the new job, but not sure if I am supposed to mail it in or wait to be contacted. Cover letter wasn't clear, so I should call someone today about it. Anxious to get started on my new "career"!!:yay:

Talk with you all tonight or tomorrow..............P
Thanks for coaching our final week Ashley! Posted from the Grandstand bus stop at SSR
Wow, quiet thread today... And shout-out to lisah0711, who's doing the Wine and Dine marathon! We can't wait to hear how it goes!

No replies tonight... The sinus drip is starting to turn into a cold so I'm turning in early. But I wanted to get the QOTD for the weekend up before I do.

QOTD for Saturday and Sunday - 11/9 & 10/2012: You're throwing a party to celebrate making it to the end of challenge and you've invited your BL friends to celebrate (because we all love a good party! :banana: )

What do you decide to serve to eat? And recipes are appreciated! :goodvibes
Hey all! I'm just checking in since I've missed a couple days. Thursday after school we went to an indoor archery place so DS9 could do his science fair experiment (which weight of arrows penetrates a target more). That took until the kids bedtime. Yesterday after school, the boys & I went shopping & over to hang out with my mom. So, I haven't had a chance to post.

Today I plan on exercising since i
Missed the last 2 days. Also, the kids & I are volunteering at a benefit spaghetti dinner at our church for a woman with kidney problems. I don't know the whole detail on her disease. Then at 5:30, my sister is having everyone over for cake to celebrate my nephew's cross country season. So, it's another busy day.

Thanks for coaching Ashley & thanks Pamela for last week :)

QOTD~I'm going to think about this one a little. It's before 7 am and I can't even think about recipes I have lol! I know our party would be full of veggies & lean meats, though.

Hopefully I'll check back in later. In not, tomorrow. Have a good day!

Thanks for coaching our final week Ashley! Posted from the Grandstand bus stop at SSR

Jealous!! Have a fabtabulous time!! Run hard, run fast, and know that I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!

Wow, quiet thread today... And shout-out to lisah0711, who's doing the Wine and Dine marathon! We can't wait to hear how it goes!

No replies tonight... The sinus drip is starting to turn into a cold so I'm turning in early. But I wanted to get the QOTD for the weekend up before I do.

Take care of yourself!!

QOTD for Saturday and Sunday - 11/9 & 10/2012: You're throwing a party to celebrate making it to the end of challenge and you've invited your BL friends to celebrate (because we all love a good party! :banana: )

What do you decide to serve to eat? And recipes are appreciated! :goodvibes

OOOH!! This is a FABULOUS QOTD! And since it is a TWO DAY question, I may respond multiple times, as I come up with new ideas!!

First up.... appetizers! Lots of beautiful fresh raw colorful veggies and a few light dips... some lightened up hummus, maybe a bean dip. And I would ask my lovely SIL to make her stunning fruit platters... pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, strawberries, clementine sections.... all just right for picking and nibbling! Truly a RAINBOW of produce on the appetizer table...(in ROYGBIV order...) red peppers and strawberries and raspberries, oranges and carrots, yellow peppers and pineapple chunks, green broccoli, grapes and bell peppers, blueberries, blackberries, and (shoot.... I can't think of a VIOLET fruit or veggie! :thumbsup2)

Next up.... my soup course! Two choices, of course.... lightened up french onion... the same deliciousness but less sodium and just a few toasted croutons and sprinkling of cheese instead of a huge hunk of french bread covered with a mountain of cheese. And the second choice would be curried carrot soup... spicy and delicious.... and naturally light and low carb and full of betacarotene!

I'll be back later with the next course!!

Hey all! I'm just checking in since I've missed a couple days. Thursday after school we went to an indoor archery place so DS9 could do his science fair experiment (which weight of arrows penetrates a target more). That took until the kids bedtime. Yesterday after school, the boys & I went shopping & over to hang out with my mom. So, I haven't had a chance to post.

That sounds like a neat project! Hope he does well with it.

Today I plan on exercising since i
Missed the last 2 days. Also, the kids & I are volunteering at a benefit spaghetti dinner at our church for a woman with kidney problems. I don't know the whole detail on her disease. Then at 5:30, my sister is having everyone over for cake to celebrate my nephew's cross country season. So, it's another busy day.

Thanks for coaching Ashley & thanks Pamela for last week :)

QOTD~I'm going to think about this one a little. It's before 7 am and I can't even think about recipes I have lol! I know our party would be full of veggies & lean meats, though.

Hopefully I'll check back in later. In not, tomorrow. Have a good day!


Good for you for scheduling in some exercise. I will probably hit the TM here at home today.


Good morning friends! May I just say that DD and I were SO enjoying our TGIF time last night! I could not WAIT to get home from school and slide into my jammies and just CHILL OUT! No driving, etc. The homemade pizza was pretty good (wasn't loving the crust... won't buy it again), I splurged on a few treats (slow-churned ice cream anyone??) and enjoyed my relaxing time with the kids (DH was at a meeting and didn't get home until after 8pm).

DD and I fell asleep together in my bed watching something on the National Geographic channel. I woke up, woke her up and told her to go to bed. I went in to tuck her and realized it wasn't even 10pm yet! :rotfl: But we both really needed the sleep and it felt SO GOOD to wake without an alarm at 5am this morning... and NOT have to get up! I laid there until 6:30 just dozing off and on.

Not sure what is on the plans for today other than homework and housework. I might see if DD wants to head to Macy's to do some Christmas shopping (big sale this weekend apparently). Not sure I really want to go out if I don't have to... we'll see.

Not sure what is on the menu for breakfast for everyone. I'll wait and see what they are craving. I was going to make small breakfast pizzas on whole wheat english muffins for the kids.... but we'll see if that sounds good. Not really in the mood to make pancakes or waffles... and we just had them on Tuesday. And I forgot to get the crockpot going with steel cut oats last night... so it would have to be regular oatmeal or grits or cream of wheat.... and I'm the only who really likes that stuff.

Making a new recipe today for a side dish to our curried carrot soup (on the menu for dinner). It is oven roasted cabbage. I may end up being the only one who eats it because cabbage is the one veggie that DH doesn't like. I'm hoping this will be so delish that he will be a convert! I'll let you know how it turns out.

Fingers crossed that this sun continues so I can get a few loads on the line today... and maybe it will warm up enough to skip the TM and head outside!

QOTD for Saturday and Sunday - 11/9 & 10/2012: You're throwing a party to celebrate making it to the end of challenge and you've invited your BL friends to celebrate (because we all love a good party! :banana: )

What do you decide to serve to eat? And recipes are appreciated! :goodvibes

Okay.... now on to the salad course. Now we all eat plenty of salad, since we are trying so hard to eat lighter and healthier.... so what is needed is a really interesting salad!

Start with a big bowl of mixed greens... organic spring mix, baby spinach, and some nice crisp chopped organic romaine.... but let's get away from your basic salad toppings of cuke and tomato go a bit more exotic. We are topping this salad with some cold roasted green beans and pepper... then a smattering of carmelized onions... throw on a handful of raisins and Craisins, a few blobs of goat cheese, and a nice splash of Newman's light cranberry walnut dressing... and finish with a handful of shelled pistachios. Savory and sweet with a bit of crunch... YUM!

Wash this all down with a nice light glass of lemon water to prepare ourselves for the main course!... which I will post later!:thumbsup2


DD and I have decided to hit Macy's extended one day sale. I have been planning to buy myself a pair of boots and they have a pair or two I like on sale... plus I have coupons! And I am going to attempt some early Christmas shopping as well. I don't do well without a list and don't usually buy someone clothes unless they ask for something in particular (since I HATE receiving clothes myself). But maybe some kitchen goodies and/or accessories for the ladies (love a good scarf!).... men will be a bit harder, although DH needs some new clothes.

Planning to hit the stand-alone Macy's nearest us, but may end up traveling a few more miles to the Macy's at the mall.

I'm not a lover of shopping, so wish me luck! At least I will be out getting a bit of exercise with all of that walking and boot-trying-on! :rotfl:

DD wants to have lunch out, but I really don't want to spend the money (although Ruby Tuesday's salad bar is really tempting). Off to see if I can find any coupons so that we can get lunch out at a bargain price!..............P
The food descriptions are making me hungry! I'll just sip on my berry-protein smoothie (even though it's cold this morning!) and be grateful I don't have to attend any parties right now, healthy or not!

QOTD for Friday 11/9/2012: What's the greatest thing that you've learned about yourself during this challenge? (or previous challenges if this isn't your first)

This is my first, but I have learned that the best way for me to be successful is to PLAN my whole day or food. If I put that much work into it, and making the calories, protein, carbs, and fat balance, (not easy!) I'm so much more likely to stick with it.
And I am so grateful for this challenge. I have been bouncing back and forth between 170 and 175 for the last 6 months. And today I am 167. Not a huge deal by itself, but a huge milestone for me, personally. I am now lighter than I have been in 6 years (I am only 30) and I haven't seen that weight since I was early in my pregnancy with my first. (I had 3 babies in less than 4 years) 7 more lbs until I am at my pre-all-babies weight. (About 20-25 more would be goal) So very excited. Really hoping to hit 160 by the end of the month. Even with Thanksgiving, if I really stick with this meal plan (high protein, lower carbs, lower fat) I know I can do it!
Pjlla, everything you've been suggesting sounds so good! It's getting me hungry and you haven't even said what the main course is! I've actually never had french onion soup, but I've always wanted to try it and yours sounds delicious! :goodvibes


I think this gif sums my day up pretty well.

Seriously though, I have had good reason. The sinus drip has graduated into a full out head cold, so I have not left the bed all day... DDad made me an egg sandwich this morning and after a large doze of medicine (Alka Seltzer is really nasty btw...) I slept through most of the afternoon and feel like crud... Thankfully I have a few days to rest before I have to go back to work.

Ended up sleeping through lunch so I have a feeling I'll be severely under calories today... Still trying to decide what we're eating for supper tonight.

The cat has been my companion for the day though and has been in bed almost all day with me. She always seems to know when I need her. :goodvibes So the rest of the evening will probably be the two of us in bed watching old Tex Avery cartoons on Youtube.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Just a flash drive by. At dlr right now! Finally found a spot in the room where the wifi doesn't drop off. So I was a couple pages behind before I left, and am even further behind now, but go, go, go everyone. Finish strong. Don't give up. Dh and I are sharing most of our meals and walking our legs off! Even my jock of a hubby is tired. I think I have more stamina. Maybe because I don't have a desk job! We have ticked off everything on our to do list so today is a lazy day. Slept In til 8 and now think we will go to Dtd to try earl of sandwich for a breakfast sandwich before hitting the parks!

Have a great day everyone! Can't wait to hear from Lisa about her run and see that coast to coast medal!
Glad you are having a great time Linda. Sadly no coast to coast for me as I was swept at mile 7 due to a variety of reasons which all add up to being too slow. Sad and will be doing some thinking and regrouping when I return home tomorrow.
QOTD for Saturday and Sunday - 11/9 & 10/2012: You're throwing a party to celebrate making it to the end of challenge and you've invited your BL friends to celebrate (because we all love a good party! :banana: )

What do you decide to serve to eat? And recipes are appreciated! :goodvibes

Okay.... I'm up to the MAIN DISHES now!

You have a choice of two main dishes at my party! First choice is a nice light fish.... white fish of some sort... probably an ocean perch or REAL cod (not the stuff they try to pass off as cod).... baked in individual casseroles with a light sauce of mustard and yogurt (to keep it moist) topped with lemon slices. Other main dish choice is a vegetarian option of quinoa mac and cheese.... not as light as the fish option, but vegetarian and a great comfort food (you can choose a little of each of you want!:thumbsup2). For sides... a warm roasted medley of fall veggies... sweet potato, butternut squash, carrots, and parsnips.... and the other side is my layered ratatouille. Also homemade applesauce made in the crockpot with no added sugar... just warm comforting deliciousness!

Next up.... dessert!

The food descriptions are making me hungry! I'll just sip on my berry-protein smoothie (even though it's cold this morning!) and be grateful I don't have to attend any parties right now, healthy or not!

QOTD for Friday 11/9/2012: What's the greatest thing that you've learned about yourself during this challenge? (or previous challenges if this isn't your first)

This is my first, but I have learned that the best way for me to be successful is to PLAN my whole day or food. If I put that much work into it, and making the calories, protein, carbs, and fat balance, (not easy!) I'm so much more likely to stick with it.
And I am so grateful for this challenge. I have been bouncing back and forth between 170 and 175 for the last 6 months. And today I am 167. Not a huge deal by itself, but a huge milestone for me, personally. I am now lighter than I have been in 6 years (I am only 30) and I haven't seen that weight since I was early in my pregnancy with my first. (I had 3 babies in less than 4 years) 7 more lbs until I am at my pre-all-babies weight. (About 20-25 more would be goal) So very excited. Really hoping to hit 160 by the end of the month. Even with Thanksgiving, if I really stick with this meal plan (high protein, lower carbs, lower fat) I know I can do it!

Hitting a new low is DEFINITELY a HUGE DEAL! That is wonderful! Your body is FINALLY recovering after 3 babies in 4 years!:thumbsup2 You are RIGHT... you CAN do it!

Pjlla, everything you've been suggesting sounds so good! It's getting me hungry and you haven't even said what the main course is! I've actually never had french onion soup, but I've always wanted to try it and yours sounds delicious! :goodvibes

Actually, I need to find a new recipe. I've only made it once with a recipe I got here on the Budget Board and it wasn't a big success.... but I want to try again.


I think this gif sums my day up pretty well.

:rotfl: We all need days like this sometimes!

Seriously though, I have had good reason. The sinus drip has graduated into a full out head cold, so I have not left the bed all day... DDad made me an egg sandwich this morning and after a large doze of medicine (Alka Seltzer is really nasty btw...) I slept through most of the afternoon and feel like crud... Thankfully I have a few days to rest before I have to go back to work.

Ended up sleeping through lunch so I have a feeling I'll be severely under calories today... Still trying to decide what we're eating for supper tonight.

The cat has been my companion for the day though and has been in bed almost all day with me. She always seems to know when I need her. :goodvibes So the rest of the evening will probably be the two of us in bed watching old Tex Avery cartoons on Youtube.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

It must be a national "kitty nap day" as mine has been asleep in DD's room for a few hours now. I feel bad that she isn't out enjoying this beautiful day... but I'll be sure she goes out tomorrow for a while.

Feel better soon! Take care of yourself!

Just a flash drive by. At dlr right now! Finally found a spot in the room where the wifi doesn't drop off. So I was a couple pages behind before I left, and am even further behind now, but go, go, go everyone. Finish strong. Don't give up. Dh and I are sharing most of our meals and walking our legs off! Even my jock of a hubby is tired. I think I have more stamina. Maybe because I don't have a desk job! We have ticked off everything on our to do list so today is a lazy day. Slept In til 8 and now think we will go to Dtd to try earl of sandwich for a breakfast sandwich before hitting the parks!

Have a great day everyone! Can't wait to hear from Lisa about her run and see that coast to coast medal!

Sounds like you are having a great time! Enjoy your lazy day! Be sure to post a picture or two when you get home!

Glad you are having a great time Linda. Sadly no coast to coast for me as I was swept at mile 7 due to a variety of reasons which all add up to being too slow. Sad and will be doing some thinking and regrouping when I return home tomorrow.

I'm so sorry you aren't getting the medal that you wanted so badly. But please remember that in my book you are still a WINNER! You did more than I even THOUGHT about doing. You were BRAVE and COURAGEOUS and had a "CAN DO" attitude. You got yourself out there and tried. And there will be another time to try... I"m sure of it. :hug:


Happy SUNNY Sunday friends! Sorry I didn't pop on this morning. Having a homework/housework/college app day here at our house. DH is at the Patriot's game and we are getting stuff done. The sun is SHINING and it is (relatively) warm and beautiful! I've gotten some scrapping done and scrubbed 2 toilets within an inch of their lives! :rotfl2: Got a load of bathrugs in the washer to put out tomorrow morning. Nothing special planned for dinner, as DH won't be here and the kids and I can clean up the leftovers and such.

Spent several hours out shopping with DD yesterday, but didn't get much accomplished. I did buy myself a pair of boots, but am feeling guilty about spending the $$ on myself, so I may return them. I also bought a coat at Old Navy that I was loving a this fall....and it was down to half price, so I decided to splurge. I will be keeping the coat!

Not much luck elsewhere.... coupons weren't valid on things I picked out or they were expired and I hadn't noticed or they didn't start yet! It was just one of those days! One small birthday gift purchased for DBrother and an early Christmas gift for my Dad... that's it.

BTW, I will post the recipes or links to the recipes for the things I've mentioned in the QOTD when I am all done with my rambling answer!

Off to type up some journaling to finish up a handful of scrapbook pages! I'm on a roll today!..............P
belledreamer said:

I think this gif sums my day up pretty well.

Seriously though, I have had good reason. The sinus drip has graduated into a full out head cold, so I have not left the bed all day... DDad made me an egg sandwich this morning and after a large doze of medicine (Alka Seltzer is really nasty btw...) I slept through most of the afternoon and feel like crud... Thankfully I have a few days to rest before I have to go back to work.

Ended up sleeping through lunch so I have a feeling I'll be severely under calories today... Still trying to decide what we're eating for supper tonight.

The cat has been my companion for the day though and has been in bed almost all day with me. She always seems to know when I need her. :goodvibes So the rest of the evening will probably be the two of us in bed watching old Tex Avery cartoons on Youtube.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

I hope you start feeling better. But, take this time to relax & rest.

glss1/2fll said:
Just a flash drive by. At dlr right now! Finally found a spot in the room where the wifi doesn't drop off. So I was a couple pages behind before I left, and am even further behind now, but go, go, go everyone. Finish strong. Don't give up. Dh and I are sharing most of our meals and walking our legs off! Even my jock of a hubby is tired. I think I have more stamina. Maybe because I don't have a desk job! We have ticked off everything on our to do list so today is a lazy day. Slept In til 8 and now think we will go to Dtd to try earl of sandwich for a breakfast sandwich before hitting the parks!

Have a great day everyone! Can't wait to hear from Lisa about her run and see that coast to coast medal!

Glad you're having a good time. I'd love to see pics when you get back. Did you ride Radiator Racers?!?!

lisah0711 said:
Glad you are having a great time Linda. Sadly no coast to coast for me as I was swept at mile 7 due to a variety of reasons which all add up to being too slow. Sad and will be doing some thinking and regrouping when I return home tomorrow.

So sorry you won't be getting that medal. But, good job on setting a goal & attempting it. You're an inspiration!

pjlla said:
Okay.... I'm up to the MAIN DISHES now!

You have a choice of two main dishes at my party! First choice is a nice light fish.... white fish of some sort... probably an ocean perch or REAL cod (not the stuff they try to pass off as cod).... baked in individual casseroles with a light sauce of mustard and yogurt (to keep it moist) topped with lemon slices. Other main dish choice is a vegetarian option of quinoa mac and cheese.... not as light as the fish option, but vegetarian and a great comfort food (you can choose a little of each of you want!:thumbsup2). For sides... a warm roasted medley of fall veggies... sweet potato, butternut squash, carrots, and parsnips.... and the other side is my layered ratatouille. Also homemade applesauce made in the crockpot with no added sugar... just warm comforting deliciousness!

Your food posts make me so hungry! I was on Pinterest earlier looking for new recipes. I notice that I pin a lot of desserts & they are by no means healthy!

Glad you are getting so much done today. I am chugging along...


Hello all! We just got home from our community Veteran's Day parade. It is beautiful here today (sunny & 70) so it was a great day for a parade. I'm trying to get my house in order a little before the week begins again. I have a bunch of stuff to do here & a bunch to do for my online classes & work. The work stuff is just grading papers, but it's so time consuming. I'll probably save that for after my kids go to bed. My online classes didn't give very good instructions, so I may have submitted some stuff incorrect. I am going to resubmit them tonight & email the instructors to let them know why I am sending it in twice. Ugh.

So, does anyone go shopping on Black Friday? I guess it should be called Black Thursday since most stores are starting thanksgiving night. That bothers me. I used to love to go out for fun, but 8 pm sales? Crazy. Dsis & I may just go in the morning & if we get things we want, great. If not, we'll survive.

DH just woke up & he will shower & leave at 6:30 for tonight's shift, so I'm going to hang out with him & eat dinner. See you tomorrow!

Hi everyone. Just a short note to say I am okay. We just spent the last 8 days with no heat or hot water. We just got power back in the last two hours.

I have no school until Tuesday. Dh has to go in tomorrow and was told that since the teacher's convention was canceled he has to work on Thurs and Fri.

Dona .... So glad to hear from you and glad you are okay. So sorry to hear about your Mom sister's house. But so glad they are okay.

Still wondering about Christina. Hoping she is okay too.

Going off of my plan of using my Thin Commandments book for the questions. Got tired of so much copy-typing! :lmao:

QOTD for Tuesday, 11/6/2012:

DO you think that having a meal together as a family at the table every day is important? Do you make an effort to do it? Do you do anything special together? Talk about the day? Share jokes?

BONUS QOTD: Are you voting today? Do you usually vote? (Please don't volunteer WHO you are voting for.... don't want to get the DIS police on our backs!;) ).

I did vote on Tuesday. Glad to be an American and have the ability to vote.

And for the QOTD .. I think eating as a family is one of the most important things to do. This is sometimes the only time we talk about our day. It has become harder and harder to do since the boys have different schedules, however, I try my best to work around what event it going on in the evening.

QOTD for Wednesday November 7, 2012:

When life is TOTALLY crazy and you can't possibly fit in 30-60 minutes at the gym or even find that time for a walk, how do you/can you fit in "fitness" in your daily routine? I'd like to hear things other than the routine answers of "park at the farthest spot and walk in" or "take the stairs instead of the elevator". I'd love to hear your ORIGINAL ideas!!

If you haven't come up with anything, think about things you do in your daily life that could be considered EXERCISE! For example...I consider hanging clothes on the clothesline outside exercise. It requires me to carry a heavy basket outside, and then bend over repeatedly to pick up a piece of clothing and a pin and then pin it to the line and then repeat! Then I have to take it all in and carry a heavy basket inside again! Certainly more work involved than simply shoveling it from the washer to the dryer!

I walk to pick up my students between lessons. Our building is huge and it takes a while to get from one side to the other.

Most of you know me already, but for those who don't, my name's Ashley and I'll be your coach for the last week of the fall challenge!

We've made it!! :cool1:

Only time to post the QOTD right now; be back later for replies!

QOTD for Friday 11/9/2012: What's the greatest thing that you've learned about yourself during this challenge? (or previous challenges if this isn't your first)

Well, I hate to admit this one ... but, it is SO easy to fall of the wagon. I have maintained but the fall is a bad time for me to focus on losing weight.

QOTD for Saturday and Sunday - 11/9 & 10/2012: You're throwing a party to celebrate making it to the end of challenge and you've invited your BL friends to celebrate (because we all love a good party! :banana: )

What do you decide to serve to eat? And recipes are appreciated! :goodvibes

I tend to bring a veggie dip and sit it in front of me. That way I snack on this instead of something else that might be in front of me.

Glad you are having a great time Linda. Sadly no coast to coast for me as I was swept at mile 7 due to a variety of reasons which all add up to being too slow. Sad and will be doing some thinking and regrouping when I return home tomorrow.

Lisa .... Sorry you didn't complete it, but 7 miles is awesome (I wish I could do that right now). I was thinking of you.


Sorry I have been MIA too. Just busy with life.

Had a busy weekend. Went to a local musical performance for our community Friday night. It raises money for people with vision problems. My son was working the lights.

I then hosted our Book Club. I had only told my 2 close friends about the zoo incident and I knew it would be talked about at book club. I told everyone about it and the all had expressed how unfortunate the event was. The local news has been kind about the incident. The family wanted trucks donated for their son .... and there was not a truck to be found around Pittsburgh. It was very moving. However, online, there are so many cruel people. How can people say such horrible things?!

And today, I went to our cabin. It was SUCH a lovely day. I did nothing! ... and read a book that my youngest son suggested. I love when my sons' suggest something I might like and we then can talk about the book.

Well ... off to read some more. Have a great week everyone.
So, does anyone go shopping on Black Friday? I guess it should be called Black Thursday since most stores are starting thanksgiving night. That bothers me. I used to love to go out for fun, but 8 pm sales? Crazy. Dsis & I may just go in the morning & if we get things we want, great. If not, we'll survive.


I go out on Black Friday too .... however, I can't believe some places are starting at 8PM Thursday also. It bothers me too. Where is the family time? I think I will be doing the same thing as you. There really isn't anything I need that would make me miss Thanksgiving. When I get to the stores in the morning, whatever is left will be it.

Hey ... maybe I will see you around! :goodvibes


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