Beyond Recovery: Christin's journal of progress (comments welcome)

Monday- getting back on track. Weekend was OK, but since it wasn't as structured as my week, I slide in a few areas. But, this is a learning process.

Breakfast- as usual, English muffin and peanut butter (but switched to the all-nature kind with less sugar- not bad!) and iced coffee.

Lunch- brought an apple and carrots from home to eat with a sandwich when I go out with friends to this bakery on campus. Wish they had some more whole grain choices for breads! but I will probably go with a ham sandwich on a pretzel roll (it reminds me of the pretzel bread at Le Cellier!)

Dinner- on my own tonight. Made some more of the chicken stuffed with leftover spinach and a great big salad. Did well today.

Also did Curves plus about 10 minutes of abs crunches.
Don't worry about when things get goofed up with your eating plan, just get back on track asap. Just least I had a plan... can you imagine if you didn't? :)

Kip, our dog, is a rescue dog too. Our previous dog, Ziggy, was a rescue too. Kip's mom was a full-blooded border collie. We think dad might have been part-Golden. Ziggy's mom was a registered Boxer, dad was probably the local german shepard. We had him for 13 1/2 wonderful years. He was a gem and Kip is too. My kids think Kip is their little brother. :teeth:

So, how's the weather in Austin? I'm sure something to be jealous of... ;) My brother lives in Dallas. But, they are hoping to move back to Phoenix soon (they had lived there previously and loved it). I loved Phoenix too, so I'd be fine with that! :rolleyes:

Acadia is beautiful. Hoping to bike the carriage trails this summer, now that DD can keep up. DM and I always used to spend Columbus Day weekend up there until the kids came along. I love it there too...

I can't go back to coffee. I've been away from it for 4 1/2 months. Not going back down that road... DH is addicted to it, black, yuk!

Enjoy the warmth and keep making that daily plan. You're doing great!
jay-nee- I know what you mean about the coffee. I'd quit if I could. I actually drank a lot less after my treatments, but now that I'm back in full writing mode, I need it to stay awake!

Austin was beautiful today- clear skys, nice cool crisp temperature, around 65-70. Loved it. Unfortunately, I spent most of the day inside teaching or writing. :(
Day started great...

B- again with the English muffin and peanut's getting a habit, but I really like it. Soon, I'll have to find a way to vary this.

Snack, after class, bananna

Lunch- leftover chicken breast stuffed with spinach mixture (yum) and some carrots to crunch on.

(OK- total implosion this afternoon with my writing. I got some negative feedback from my advisor and then had to re-write something for an afternoon deadline. I was in tears, so I knew the diet was pretty much out the window for dinner)

Dinner- take-out from Cheddars (complements of my DH :love: ) a chicken strips salad with ranch dressing (only ate half) and some tortilla chips with spinach dip (very bad, tasted so good). Plus 2 beers :blush: ...I have not had a drink in 2 weeks so I'm a little tipsy tonight :goodvibes

Did get to Curves after my meltdown, so that was good to get the frustrations out. I'll be doing 10 minutes of ab crunches too (why not- it will be totally painless after 2 beers ;) )

Ok- better tomorrow...
Way to pick it up after your meltdown!!!! You did great! :cool1: Hope you have a great day! :flower:
Thanks sarahsmom!!! I'm so glad I found Curves...I never knew how great exercise could be for releasing frustrations and keeping me on track mentally. I've felt so much better this past month!

Breakfast- english muffin and peanutbutter (this all-natural stuff is really growing on me) and a bananna.

Lunch- leftovers from last night, salad and chicken with ranch dressing and some chips (not great, but OK)

Dinner- steamed brown rice, fresh green beans sauted with onions, and a fresh spinach and carrot salad with ranch dresssing.

Curves 30 minutes, 10 minutes abs
Exercize is making such a profound difference in my life right now!!! Too bad it took 31 years for it to become that apparent!!!

I hope you have a wonderful day! :flower:
Breakfast- english muffin w/ peanut butter

Snack- apple

Lunch- a roll-up sandwich with roastbeef and a bunch of other fresh stuff, and russian dressing, and some baby carrots (I resisted the chips!)

Dinner- a small steak, 1/2 a baked sweet potatoe, and some green peas.

Curves for 35 minutes, plus 15 minutes of crunches and leg lifts.
Breakfast- english muffin and peanutbutter, iced coffee

Snack- low-fat yogurt and 1/2 c. grape nuts

Lunch- ham sandwich on pretzel roll, pickle, and baby carrots. (this place that my friends always want to go to for lunch has gelatto, and they both had one today after their was really tempting, but I didn't get any. Watching them eat it almost killed me, though)

Dinner- a homemade chicken pot pie I pulled from the freezer (no energy to cook tonight. Not great, but not bad also, since i make it with chicken breast and low-fat cream of chicken soup.

Curves for 30 minutes, plus 10 minutes abs and leg lifts.
sarahsmom73 said:
But you didn't eat it! WTG!!! :cool1:

Yea, but it was touch and go for a while...

Thanks! You're a great cheerleader!
I know it is tough! Sometimes I think there are days when it isuch an uphill battle! That's why I am here! I couldn't do it without all of you! :flower:
OK- I went off the plan for the weekend. I was just too tired from the week, and Bender was working all weekend.

Breakfasts were fine, lunch Sat. was a taco salad with chicken and black beans, dinner with friends at a cafe specializing in Southern food- went for a veggie plate with fried okra (I love this stuff!), green beans, and mashed potatoes and gravy (so bad!). The kicker, however, was the piece of apple pie for dessert. The first real sugary thing I've had in 2 weeks. It was great, and I only ate 1/2.

Today was OK- I was alone and sort of depressed. Placed some strawberries on my english muffin today, which tasted great. Had popcorn for lunch- I know, random, but I was alone and didn't want to cook and was watching a movie. Dinner with friend at Mac. Grill with bread, salad, and rigatoni.

Tomorrow, I'm going to get back on track after a weekend of rich restaurant food. It's really tough to go out with friends and stay on track.

Curves on Sat for 40 minutes. (I'll weigh tomorrow at Curves to make sure I didn't do too much damage- I should be OK, because as much as I went off track, I kept portions under control).
Look forward, not back! :flower: Everybody has days like that ! It is just important to not beat yourself up! :grouphug:
don't worry about your mess-ups, just get back OP asap! Damage is temporary anyway.

This is a journey. It will have bumps along the way. No biggie. Enjoy the journey! :sunny:
Thanks for the continued support all!

OK- backing up to Monday

Breakfast- english muffin, peanut butter, and some sliced strawberries on top for a change- good. Also a bananna.

Snack- low-fat yogurt w/ 1/2 c. grape nunts

Lunch- out with the crowd (this is getting ridiculous!) at the same gelatto place, of course. I had a turkey sandwich (they don't have whole grain bread, unfortunately) and some Baked Lays.

Dinner- neither Bender and I wanted to cook and he talked me into take-out Chinese! The kiss of death in terms of processed food, sugar, and fat. I did keep portions under control, but it will make this week tougher to lose.

Curves for 40 minutes, plus 5 minutes on abs (so much fun tonight since it was full! I love doing Curves!)
Breakfast- english muffin, peanut butter, and some sliced strawberries on top and a bananna.

Lunch- leftover chicken and pasta dish from Sunday night.

Curves for 40 minutes, plus 5 minutes on abs
Great job on the curves! I know you will love the results! :cool1:
Your workouts are looking good...keep it up & there will be a TREMENDOUS payoff!!! Every day of exercise makes you healthier than you were the day before, so don't beat yourself over a questionable food choice here & there...



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