Beth's WW Journey. (Comments Welcome)

Hi Beth!!!

Wow...sounds like quite the Pilates class ;). I would never mention swimsuit season or tank tops in my class :rolleyes1 . maybe I do remind them when we're doing push-ups that they help to make those little tank tops look better ;).

I also have to agree that you handled Jon's situation brilliantly! I don't know how you do it...but I know your head is in the right place and his clearly is not and has not been. More power to you girl. I know what you are going through...and you are seriously single parenting right now. You are one tough chick ;). :hug:
Beth -- What a smart way to deal with Jon. I think if you had allowed him to "engage" you, he would continue to unfairly count on you and it sounds like maybe you are encouraging him to stand on his feet and it is really helping him. I just really wish you could concentrate all your energy on you and Kate. I am really, really proud of you for all you are accomplishing and for taking such good care of yourself. :hug: What an awesome example you are setting for your daughter. Jewel has a new song out that says she wants to be a strong woman, someone who is a good example for her daughter. Every time I hear that song it makes me think of you so fondly. You are an amazing, strong woman, Beth, and we are so fortunate to share your friendship here. :hug:
:hug: Beth,

I agree with everyone...You handled the situation with Jon beautifully.:goodvibes I hope that he is able to work things out for himself now so that you can focus on you and Kate.:hug:

You are doing a great job staying OP, especially with TOM visiting. Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

Enjoy your 4 days off!:banana: Please be sure and do something special for you.:hug:
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for dropping in. I took today for myself, well mostly. I went to pilates. It is a different instructor, and I hated it. She wasted so much time in recovery and switching between the ball, band, and boshu that I think we only did about 30 minutes of actual exercise. I then hit the elliptical for 30 minutes. After cleaqning out my car, I finally got it in to the shop. It took them 3 hours to determine the parts needed. I hit TRU for gift cards for the fun walk. Then I hit the mall. I found a LBD for the wedding. I spent way too much on it, but it looks awesome on. Now it is time to walk the puppy. Kate has dance, then we are headed to a volleyball tournament her teachers are in that benifits Make-A_WISH.

TOM FINALLY came. Thank God! I am hoping some of the bloat will pass before I WI tomorrow. I have done really well this week, and I am not going to let a number dictate how I feel.

OK, must run.

Take care,
Wow lady! :eek: You've gotten more done today than I usually get done all weekend. :rolleyes1 Great job!! I'm glad TOM hit, even though we all dispise him. It's still better that he just comes so we can get it over with, right? ;)

Congrats on finding a LBD that you're happy with (gotta admit, it took me a few seconds to figure out what you meant. :laughing: ). Have a great time tonight and a wonderful weekend! :hug:
Hi everyone,

Today was goo. I was down 1.2 pounds at WW. Woohoo! I stoped by Kohl's and found a pair of capris and flipflops. Finished the grocery shopping, took the dog for a walk. Idid not go to the gym because I had TOM fatigue. THat is ok, I still walked for 45 minutes. Kate and I went to BIL's to help assemble invitations to their wedding. We all went out to dinner. Victor and I had a good talk about Jon. I have their support. Basically, we said that regardless of Jon and his actions,that we value the friendship we have developed, and we want to coninue to be a part of each other's lives. Hard to believe he is Jon's baby brother.

I am off to bed.
Hi Beth
Glad you had some time for yourself this weekend.
Well done on the loss :)
I'm glad you are able to carry on getting along with Jons family :)
Great job on the weight loss, Beth!:hug:

I'm glad that you had a good time with your in laws this weekend and a good talk with your BIL as well. :goodvibes

Hope you have a great Monday!:hug:
Hi guys,

I just have time for a quick post.

I had planned on going to the gym this AM, but my right hip and knee are really bothering me. Instead I took the puppy on a 3 mile walk and spent a ton of time stretching. If I am honest, my hip has bothered since Pilates on Friday. The instructor did not show any modifiers, like my usual instructor does. I think I may have stressed the hip. I will take another walk tonight, stretch, and ice. No biggie.

Today is yet another busy one. I am working on laundry and I've packed a bit of Jon's stuff. A bit being 300 DVDs. He is a packrat.:sad2: My mom is coming to check up on me, so we are having lunch. I will take her to Coldwater Creek to pick out something for her bday. I also need to to stop by Trader Joes and the running store. I am picking up the water bottles for the walk a thon. Kate has dance/homework, and we need to count more bottles for the can drive. I would like to pack tonight. We are going to Grand Rapids for my BIL graduation this weekend, and I have a busy week. We'll see how much I accomplish.

Ok, I must go.

Take care,
Beth, amazing, even when you are in pain, you still mangaged to walk 3 miles!! Good for you, but go easy and listen to your body!
Well, my hip is feeling quite a bit better. I just wish the rest of me did. Sorry, but I am feeling sorry for myself.

Lunch with Mom was nice, and I got the laundry done. Then I got a call. I am chairing a fun walk to raise $ for the PTO. A running store promised me 400 water bottles. The flyer went out on Friday. Today they call, and they can only get me 100. I am just trying to help the school here. If he couldn't get the bottles, just tell me. I would have continued to search for the last month. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for what he can give me, but I thought I was all set. I've called all the running stores and fitness clubs in the area. I need 300 water bottles in 2 weeks. I may have to shell out $200 to get them myslef. I am ready to cry. Suggestions welcome. I also have kate's snack day this week, and I have to make lasagna for Friday. This is on top of my usual weekly duties.

I am feeling stressed, and I have been eating like crazy tonight. I am down to 3 flex points. Why do I self destruct? I am disgusted with myself right now.

I'll be honest, unless we have a slow day at work, I won't be able to get to journals this week. I have so much going on that my head is spinning. I am thinking about all of you, and I will catch up as soon as I can.

Take care,
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

First of all, don't stress about making it to journals. We're all here for you, and we know you have a lot going on. :hug:

I wish I could help you with the sports bottle thing. That was really wrong of that store to not be up front with you. :headache:

We all have our ways of dealing with stressful times. For many of us, it's eating, which brought us to the WISH boards to begin with. :rolleyes: Tomorrow is another day. We all get a fresh start with a new day. :goodvibes
Oh, Beth...It will all work itself out. Try to not stress. :hug:

Tomorrow is a new day. Focus on that.

It will all be ok. :flower3:

:hug: Beth,

It sounds like you've got a lot going on right now. I'm sending some :wizard: :wizard: and an extra :hug: your way.

I hope you are able to find more water bottles. Maybe you can put an ad on Craigslist asking for water bottle donations or how about contacting professional sports teams in your area? Maybe they have some water bottles from previous seasons that they would be willing to donate.

I know things may seem tough right now....Take baby steps and each day as it comes, and you will be just fine.:goodvibes You are a strong woman, Beth and I know that you CAN do this!:cheer2:

Have a good evening, sweetie.:hug:
Beth hang in there! You have a lot going on right now. I have no ideas for the water bottles, except maybe do you know some other parents that would be willing to shoulder some of that expense if you have to do it yourself?

I don't think you are self destructing. YOu are counting the points and still within points. So that is a good thing. Self destructing would be going so hog wild you didn't even know how many points you had eaten. You are stress eating within perimeters. Big difference, don't be hard on yourself!

I am proud of you for making Jon seek elsewhere for a shoulder to cry on. And see, it did him good and he aplogized! That is some progress. I am glad you and bil had a talk. Its amazing how different siblings can be!

Hang in there, I hope it gets better and that you find some water bottles. If you can't than maybe you just get 100 and no more. Make Jon buy them!
I hope you manage to sort out the water bottles Beth.
Its understandable that your feeling so stressed, but try to be calm, getting worked up wont solve the dilema, times like this always makes me think back to my trip to Jamaica where their motto was 'dont worry be happy' ....easier said than done i know!!
Take good care of yourself:hug:
Thanks guys,

Well, I have the water bottle numbers up to 284. I'm still working on it. This week is insane. I ended up grounding Katie. She is testing the limits to see if she can use the divorce as an excuse to misbehave. That doesn't work for me. Rules are rules. I have been walking and went to Pilates. My hip is still bugging me, and I'm frustrated. Unfortunately, my eating is almost out of control. My weight is up, again.

I finally managed to get to bed at 130 this morning. That gave me 4 hours of sleep. The lasagna is made, and gifts wrapped, laundry is done. All I have to do is throw stuff in the suitcase. We leave directly from dance practice tonight. I hope to make it to Grand Rapids by 10PM. We have brunch with my family on Saturday (DM bday) followed by BIL graduation. We'll go back to DS for lasana/salad. Sunday will be spent by the hotel pool. I am planning on swimming as much as possible. I am hoping it will help my hip a bit. I want to be home by 730 Sunday night.

My plan for foos this weekend is yogurt for breakfast. (Sat brunch is more like lunch), and start every meal with a salad. I know where the points are. I am also going to try to control portions. I will have one piece of cake. My flex point go back to 35 on Saturday. If I use them, I just have to watch the rest of the week.:confused3

Ok, patient is here.

Have a good weekend everyone.


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