Beth's Journal-Bring It!

Hi All,

Thanks for the hugs. They helped. I have 15 minutes before I run out the door. I guess yesterday was the 1st real challenge of my new journal. I passed. I did go to the Y and do 30 minutes on the glider. It was less than planned, but still 30 minutes is better than nothing. I also read Wicked for 20 minutes before I went to work. I also stayed on my meal plan. So I am happy with that.

I had another run in with the incompetent doc. I was professional, but made it clear that I didn't think his judgement was appropriate. I called the intensivist while he was sitting next to me. When Dolly(the intensivist) started to go off on me about why the moonlighter couldn't handle something so simple. I very sweetly asked if she wanted to speak with him, as he is right next to me. I couldn't hear what was said, but he was visibly shaken. Dolly can be not so nice.

Ok, I need to go. If work is slow, I'll try to get to jounals.
Take care,
Hi Beth,

I'm just catching up with journals. I think you will find with your new exercise plan you can afford a dessert here and there. Of course that's not a license to go hog wild
But you are doing great.

Yes you passed your first new journal test. I am really beginning to think that success is defined during the trip-ups. As long as we get right back on track, the trips don't do a lot of damage and the weight keeps coming off (maybe slower than we'd like).

Good luck with Dr. Incompetent. Let Dolly have at him!

Go Dolly!!!

Beth, You are doing great! 30 minutes adds up fast so every little bit counts! :cool1:

I hope you have a great day! :grouphug:
Hi Beth. Hope the rest of your weekend is going ok. Is that going to be the on call doc every weekend you are there? What a bunch of stress to deal with. :crazy:They are switching out our team of docs in July and I am sick about this. I really love them and they are all good. It's a shame that the hospital is "fixing" something that isn't broke. :sad2:
Hi Beth,

I hope the rest of your work weekend went well and that you are able to rest today. Have a great Monday! :sunny:
Hey, Beth. :wave2: I'm just stopping by to say hi and let you know that I'm thinking about you today. Take care of yourself.

Hi Beth! :wave2:

I hope you're catching up on your sleep. I just wanted to pop in and send warm wishes your way for a good Monday.


Just checking in to see how the rest of your weekend went...

Hope you are having a good Monday!!

:wave2: Hi Beth!

I hope all is well and am wishing you a Terrific Tuesday! :flower: :flower: :flower:
Hi everyone,

Sorry to be MIA, but we had problems with our cable modem. Comcast is really unreliable, bu it is the only game in town. Won said it ventually came back about 1230AM.

I did really well this weekend, no cheating. Yesterday, I barely ate-tea toast and a couple of eggs. I am just so nauseated when I am tired.I did go to the Y for cardio-45 minites/551 calories. I usually burn at least 600, bu am happy with that for a Monday Morning.

Wilderness, it looks like my least favorite md is getting 1st dibs on shifts because he is the director's lapdog. He is working at least 1 shift a weekend.

Plan for the day...
Go to target for a bday present.
Dance class.
Grocery shopping.
YMCA for weights and cardio.
Start cleaning the house.
Do journals after Katie is in bed.

Meal plan...
B:eggs and tea.
L: salad.
S: yogurt.
D: I am thinking chicken with my lc shake and bake, broccoli, and salad.

I need to run,
Hi Beth,

Great job staying OP this weekend! That's wonderful!! :cool1: I hope you have a wonderful day today! :grouphug:
Well, I only made it through about 1/2 journals. I'll try to make it to the others tomorrow.

I managed to accomplish everything on my list. I did 3 weight circuits and 30 minutes on the glider. Meals were as planned.

Won just brought up a montage of Katie's pictures. He put it to music and it is a great slide show. He said the program was ridiculously easy. He thinks I could use it, so Katie would probably be able to use it too. the program is called Proshow gold.

My plan for the day..
Go to the y for cardio.
Clean the 2nd floor.
Take Katie to the library.

Meal plan for the day...
B: yogurt and tea.
L: Salad.
D: Chicken Ceasar salad.

I am going to read Wicked for a few minutes before bed.
Take care,
That is always so much fun to watch as the kids grow up on film isn't it? I treasure our pictures and video tapes. Now if only I can get everything organized into albums. I figure I can do that when they are older, are with their friends more and want not as much to do with us! ;)

That is too bad that the lapdog will be there once a weekend. There is a doc I work with that no one really likes. He can be brutal to you if you let him. He did it to me once and I put him in his place. No problems since and that was 2 years ago. Maybe now that you have put him in his place that will happen to you as well. Good luck and I hope the situation smoothes out for you. It is hard enough to work that schedule of yours without any additional stress added to it.

Have a nice day. :goodvibes


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