Beth's Journal-Bring It!

I love Where the SIdewalk Ends!!! Great choice!!!

I hope you have a great day! :flower:

Well, I must have pinched my sciatic nerve. My lkeft leg is completely numb, but there is no pain. I did go to the Y. I did upperbody weights and 60 minutes on the glider. It was hard to get a smooth rhythm, but I managed 3.5 miles/741 calories. If it isn't better by tomorrow, I'll head in to the doctor. Unfortunately, I don't think I should wear my heels tonight.

I checked my month in review feature at the Y. I have burned 4561 calories on the glider this month. I am hoping for a good weighin on Friday.

Meal Plan...
B: eggs and 1/2 grapefruit.
L: Salad and yogurt.
D: We've decided on Mountain Jack's, so I'll probably have prime rib wwith broccoli and salad.

I need to clean a couple of bathrooms before dropping Katie off. I'm then meeting Won for katie's parent teacher conferance. Then we are off to dinner. I probably won't make it to journals today, but I am sending :goodvibes: to all.
Oh NO!!!! I hope your sciatic is better soon! That is the pits!
Oooooo, Beth has a hot date!! :love: I hope you and Won enjoy your dinner out after the parent-teacher conference. I'm sure you'll look beautiful even if you don't wear your heels. ::yes:: After all, you are a WISH princess: !

I LOVED your display of attitude at work!! THAT'S the Beth I know and love! You stood up and did the right thing. Bravo!! :worship: I hope Katie has inherited some of that attitude - it's a good thing!
Hi, Beth! :wave2: I hope you and Won had fun last night with lots of laughs! It's good to get out with your DH and just be together, don't you think? Too often all the mundane stuff gets in the way of the romance. :love:

Hope your leg is feeling better.

Hi Everyone,

The date was very relaxing. We did end up discussing Katie's conferance a bit, she excells in her work, but has a tendency to talk when she should be doing her work or listening. No big surprise. The teacher thinks she is definately ready for kindergarten. Won found ot that he is finally out of Delphi April 1st, and he'll be working with one of his firends ater that. He is very happy about it. I think things may improve a bit around here. There was a problem with Won'd dinner, so they brought out a free dessert. Yes, I ate 1/2 of it. It was delicious. Back on the srtaight and narrow today. I have some of the feeling back in my leg, but I won't do any lower body weights without having feeling in the leg.

Plan for the day....
Start the laundry.
Go to the Y for 60 minutes of cardio and then take katie swimming.
Clean the bathrooms that didn't get done.
Meet my Mom for dinner.

Meal Plan for the day...
B: Yogurt and tea.
L: Salad and 2 ham and cheese rollups.
D: I think we'll end up at Mongolian BBQ. I'll do the stirfry without the rice.
Water will be at least 3.5 liters.

I'll get to journals this afternoon or evening.
OK, I need to go kill the laundry monster.
Sounds like you and Won had a wonderful night out. YAY!! I bet dessert was heavenly and I'm glad you enjoyed half of it. I'll be crossing my fingers that all goes well with DH's transition to a new work assignment. Even good change can be stressful.

Take it easy while your leg is still numb - don't want you falling. Swimming sounds like great exercise!

:sunny: for a happy day!
Look a new journal! Sounds like you had a good date last night. DH and I haven't been on those in awhile...hmmmm....maybe some weekend soon.

Beth - dinner last night sounds like it was very nice. After all DH and I have been through last week, we really realized that we can't take each other and our lives for granted. I am glad you and Won had some "couple" time to focus on each other. It is so very important to do that! :flower:

I am glad you are listening to your body and resting that leg. Kudos to you that you didn't take it as a reason to not work out at all though! :cheer2: That is what makes you successful in this journey and it is a reminder for me! :blush: Keep walking the straight and narrow Beth - your doing great!

I hope this weekend isn't too stressful for you. I'm sending :goodvibes that it is an easy weekend at work. You deserve it! :p

TTFN- Sharon
Hi Beth,

Sounds like you and Won had a great date night! Couple time is so important. :love2:

I hope work goes well for you this weekend. Take care! :grouphug:
I am in a foul mood today. Katie woke up at 630. I came downstairs to find that the OJ sprang a leak in the fridge. Katie then tripped me, so her hor chocolate spilled all over the floor. Won didn't do the dishes. I still have sheets and towels to wash. Katie trashed the bathroom. Oh yeah, I need to work 12 hours tonight.

Sorry I am so crabby. I am a bit overwhelmed. I am sipping on a cup of tea, and hoping to get myself in a better frame of mind. I weighed in. 197, down 1.5 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I can say it is only because of the exercise, because I have definately fallen off program. I had 2 desserts this week. I am going to get myself back OP today. I'll take it a day at a time.

Plan for the day...
Finish the laundry.
Clean the bathroom again.
Go to thre Y for upper body weights and cardio.
Clean the living room.
Work from 7PM-8AM

Meal Plan ...
B: Tea and yogurt.
L: Salad.
5PM: Cappacino and string cheese.
9PM: Ham and cheese rollups.
1AM: Yougurt and salad.
7A: MS bar.

Then I get to get up and do it all over again.

Ok, I won't get a chance to get to journals today. I'm sorry. Last night I pretty much collapsed, and didn't accomplish anything. I feel like I am neglecting the journals lately. I'll try to do better next week.

Have a good weekend,
Sorry you are feeling less than stellar. We must be related in another life because I was feeling like that yesterday. Actually at one point I wanted to sit down and cry. I am feeling better today. You will too after you get some of your chores accomplished. I actually wished yesterday I could go into work to feel like I was doing something important and actually contribute! How sad is that?:confused3 I felt like I was shoveling sand with the tide continually coming in yesterday. That feeling combined with the snow made it a bad, bad day. Really this feeling for you shall pass and you will feel back to your normal self. Get through the weekend and do something nice for yourself, whether it is a short nap or a cup of coffee.:grouphug:

Congrats on losing more weight. That is wonderful and you're doing great.:cool1: Take care my friend and don't be too hard on yourself.
Just a quick update. The dryer is now not working. Of course I only discovered this AFTER I put the 2nd load in the washer. I need to start this day over.

First, let me send you a :grouphug: for today! Now, I'm sending the :cheer2: to congratulate you on your 1.5 pound loss! Way to go! :cheer2:

Third... you're not going to believe this, but my dryer isn't working either! My DH checked it out last night and the heating element burned out. So, he's calling around to see how much they are. This definitely puts a damper on the day. (Get it? Damp-er... like the clothes are damp because the dryer doesn't work. Sorry just trying to throw in a little humor. :teeth: I'm in the same :boat: you are in today.)

Beth, I hope today gets better for you. Please try and take some time to relax before work. :grouphug:
:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Oh Beth! I am sorry you hjad such a nasty day! I hope it got or gets better for you!!! :flower:
:grouphug: Oh Beth...I just am finding it amazing that it seems like there are so many of us having awful days :confused3 Is there a full moon out???

Congratulations on the 1.5 lb loss! That is awesome! :banana:

Hope you are having better days now! :grouphug:

Have a great weekend! :flower:

You poor dear! Don't you wish you could just call a do-over!

I hope everything gets fixed/sorted out and that you can get some quiet time.

Sending :goodvibes your way!


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