bbc- sea world orca programme last night

This would be the equivalent of forcibly impregnating a 12 year old human child

now that you mention it ... a few weeks ago an 8 year old little girl died from internal bleeding after being raped by her "husband" on her wedding night.
A few weeks before that, a 12 year old suffered massive internal bleeding for the same reason

strangely enough, these did not get primetime coverage and public outrage, even though this is common practice in some countries of "our" world.

I guess people have their priorities

enough said.
now that you mention it ... a few weeks ago an 8 year old little girl died from internal bleeding after being raped by her "husband" on her wedding night.
A few weeks before that, a 12 year old suffered massive internal bleeding for the same reason

strangely enough, these did not get primetime coverage and public outrage, even though this is common practice in some countries of "our" world.

I guess people have their priorities

enough said.
That is indeed horrific and international human rights issues are something I follow as well. If it angers and infuriates you enough please work for change.
That is indeed horrific and international human rights issues are something I follow as well. If it angers and infuriates you enough please work for change.

my post above is one small step.
and the point is to say that it's easy to call for the boycott of a multi-million/billion company, with a high profile, and pictures of cute puppies/calves (and so on), and even though animal rights is something that should be adressed, let's not forget that human rights are also a very remote notion in many countries.

And let me be blunt, but many Human Beings throughout the world would consider themselves lucky and would be thankful if they only had to endure the ordeals of those orcas.
That's why I talk about priorities.

I'll call for a reality check here. Calling to all those who were apalled, shocked and angered by blackfish and who come here to say so, posting from their iPhones, Ipads, or other devices, and I'd like to remind them that people probably died making the device they use (see the high suicide rates in the factories building the apple devices. So many that they had to put safety nettings around dormitories to prevent workers from jumping off the roofs ...)
Think about modern slavery, of those who made the shirts, shorts and shoes you're wearing.
Think about this, and all of a sudden, blackfish still brings anger and tears, but all of a sudden, when people say "before blackfish I wasn't aware", now become aware that, a lot of things around you might have caused more suffering to human being that all the suffering you saw on that movie.

I'm not saying that animal rights activism is wrong, I'm saying that if people took half the strength they put there, and transfer it to human rights activism, maybe it could get something done.

It's easy to say "boycott seaworld" when most of those saying this never went, or only go once every couple of years or less.
It's more difficult to boycott your favorite brand of jean's. Talk about dolphin slaughter ... talk about 1000 dead people in a factory in Bengladesh working to make clothes for you and me ... get the perspective ?


and for those who think that seaworld only spends what amounts to a drop of water from the ocean of their income, well ... at least they spend it.
It might not sound much, but it's still a lot when compared to 0.
my post above is one small step.
and the point is to say that it's easy to call for the boycott of a multi-million/billion company, with a high profile, and pictures of cute puppies/calves (and so on), and even though animal rights is something that should be adressed, let's not forget that human rights are also a very remote notion in many countries.

And let me be blunt, but many Human Beings throughout the world would consider themselves lucky and would be thankful if they only had to endure the ordeals of those orcas.
That's why I talk about priorities.

I'll call for a reality check here. Calling to all those who were apalled, shocked and angered by blackfish and who come here to say so, posting from their iPhones, Ipads, or other devices, and I'd like to remind them that people probably died making the device they use (see the high suicide rates in the factories building the apple devices. So many that they had to put safety nettings around dormitories to prevent workers from jumping off the roofs ...)
Think about modern slavery, of those who made the shirts, shorts and shoes you're wearing.
Think about this, and all of a sudden, blackfish still brings anger and tears, but all of a sudden, when people say "before blackfish I wasn't aware", now become aware that, a lot of things around you might have caused more suffering to human being that all the suffering you saw on that movie.

I'm not saying that animal rights activism is wrong, I'm saying that if people took half the strength they put there, and transfer it to human rights activism, maybe it could get something done.

It's easy to say "boycott seaworld" when most of those saying this never went, or only go once every couple of years or less.
It's more difficult to boycott your favorite brand of jean's. Talk about dolphin slaughter ... talk about 1000 dead people in a factory in Bengladesh working to make clothes for you and me ... get the perspective ?


and for those who think that seaworld only spends what amounts to a drop of water from the ocean of their income, well ... at least they spend it.
It might not sound much, but it's still a lot when compared to 0.

I work with homeless veterans here in the states. I still feel very passionate about my activism and advocacy of cetaceans ( which I have been doing for 40 years). There are only so many causes I can undertake.


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