bbc- sea world orca programme last night


DIS Veteran
Jan 31, 2007
Watched this last night :sad: not able to bring myself to go back- had always enjoyed it in the past but to be honest I did already find myself having to try justify being there- after that program I no longer can.
mackay_j said:
Watched this last night :sad: not able to bring myself to go back- had always enjoyed it in the past but to be honest I did already find myself having to try justify being there- after that program I no longer can.

I didn't watch but have always skipped seaworld over my past visits pre kids and have no intention of taking my 2. It's so sad and unnecessary. I wish they'd stop seeing this beautiful creatures as entertainment.

Counting down to 14th May!
The documentary BLACKFISH, absolutely incredible I bought it a week before they showed it, you can still catch it on BBC Iplayer I highly recommend it!

I will not go to Seaworld again. I can't believe I was so stupid to do so before.
Can't find it on iplayer.. when was it on, what was it called (Blackfish?) and on what channel.

Many thanks
On eye player under storyville on bbc 41 0.30 last night (mon).

At least I 'm not the only one wishing I had never been. We only started going after we saw sea world in a positive light when while we were out there they did rescue a huge number of manatees which were dying due an extreme unusual cold snap. Now I feel duped, Not only did they appear to have no respect for their animals, I also couldn't believe the lack of respect they had for their trainers (esp the dead girl) After that their court defense attempts- well that finished me off.
We nearly went to sea world in september but didnt bother in the end. Im not sure i can bring myself to watch this, is it bad?
ukool said:
We nearly went to sea world in september but didnt bother in the end. Im not sure i can bring myself to watch this, is it bad?

Was wondering the same thing .Its like finding out someones been lying to you! Is it saying that all the good conservation stuff they do not true?
don't get me wrong- there is no actual physical cruelty to the orcas if you over look the hunting and killing of their mothers in order to obtain them. In fact what you can tell is most of the trainers love them dearly. What there is - a large money driven organisation that evidently cares very little about its staff and its animals and will do all it needs to protect its profits. Including liing to the public in the animal pretensions at sea world and even in court cases under oath. Many trainers were interviewed and regret every working with these captive animals. Most of which seemed to have suffered psychologically.
Was wondering the same thing .Its like finding out someones been lying to you! Is it saying that all the good conservation stuff they do not true?

That more or less sums it up - they are a profit driven business - end off - conservation a side line that pulls in extra support and more dollars- and most importantly got suckers like me through the gates
Really don't know if I can watch it .Might need to re think our sea world plans . Thats all DD wants to be is a Maine Biologist because of her Sea World and Discovery Cove experience.I suppose it brings into question there too
Oh yes, there's nothing like a one-sided, agenda-driven, piece of propaganda to get everyone ranting!
Really don't know if I can watch it .Might need to re think our sea world plans . Thats all DD wants to be is a Maine Biologist because of her Sea World and Discovery Cove experience.I suppose it brings into question there too

As I said they are NOT actually physically cruel to the animals- if you have already got the passes - then they already have your money so no gain not taking your DD (I went back and forth about posting for that reason but thought that I would rather know than be in the dark so posted). If you have not got your tickets and your DD is old enough then why not let her watch and see what she wants to do. At least she would find out that they do not employ marine bio. to be trainers -the trainers are employed on there ability to look good on camera and stage- oh and must be able to swim. As I said before it is the company attitude/philosophy that seems wrong Not the day to day work the trainers do.

Hope I have not put a dampener on your trip - I really really don't want to do that to anyone.
Oh yes, there's nothing like a one-sided, agenda-driven, piece of propaganda to get everyone ranting!

I actually thought that the programe was done quite well- did you form that opinion from watching it? - I thought before I watched it it may aim to be as harsh as possible - it didn't -as you could clearly tell how much the trainers loved their animals. If it was too one sided then sea world have to take the blame as they refused to comment or take part in the programe. Also- I am wondering who in the bbc would have an agenda that would be against sea world- Has the beeb got shares in disney?

Also not sure anyone who commented before your post -was ranting
Oh yes, there's nothing like a one-sided, agenda-driven, piece of propaganda to get everyone ranting!

Quite agree.

Funnily enough, mention of this programme reminded us we hadn't been for years so have decided to go in January. Irony, eh?

ford family
Quite agree.

Funnily enough, mention of this programme reminded us we hadn't been for years so have decided to go in January. Irony, eh?

ford family

That's why things like this are good - we all get to see the whole picture -the good and the bad of a company we plan to give our cash to - then each can decide if that's what they want to do.

Enjoy your trip
mackay_j said:
As I said they are NOT actually physically cruel to the animals- if you have already got the passes - then they already have your money so no gain not taking your DD (I went back and forth about posting for that reason but thought that I would rather know than be in the dark so posted). If you have not got your tickets and your DD is old enough then why not let her watch and see what she wants to do. At least she would find out that they do not employ marine bio. to be trainers -the trainers are employed on there ability to look good on camera and stage- oh and must be able to swim. As I said before it is the company attitude/philosophy that seems wrong Not the day to day work the trainers do.

Hope I have not put a dampener on your trip - I really really don't want to do that to anyone.

Don't worry you haven't put a dampner on our trip.Ive told DD and shes not sure if she wants to watch it,i think shes worried her bubble will be burst!I am aware if documentaries and their propoganda, but I think we are intelligent enough to weigh up the pros and cons and form our own opinion! Thanks for posting.
I am aware if documentaries and their propoganda, but I think we are intelligent enough to weigh up the pros and cons and form our own opinion! Thanks for posting.

Exactly. It's up to each individual person to form their own opinion.
I loved the movie. I thought it was very well done, thoughtful, and eye opening to the public.
No one made those trainers say bad things about Sea World- they each just wanted to share their personal stories. In fact, I remember one person that sides with Sea World, with no negativity towards them at all.
It is what you make it - to me it was a sad story that could apply about anywhere, zoos, wildlife 'farms', etc and Sea World just happened to be the example that was used here. Unfortunately not every one, especially company executives, see the animals for what they are rather than money makers.


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