Banned for life...

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Still think there is more to this story. I find it hard to believe that the police are going to do a room raid at that time of night for something someone said. I mean, honestly, people say stupid stuff all the time and they don't get raids from the police department. Even someone that says they have a bomb in their suitcase is questioned first before being arrested for the deed. If they question and search someone and find it is unwarranted why may be fined, but I don't think they get arrested or banned from flying ever again, right? :confused3
Still think there is more to this story. I find it hard to believe that the police are going to do a room raid at that time of night for something someone said. I mean, honestly, people say stupid stuff all the time and they don't get raids from the police department. Even someone that says they have a bomb in their suitcase is questioned first before being arrested for the deed. If they question and search someone and find it is unwarranted why may be fined, but I don't think they get arrested or banned from flying ever again, right? :confused3

ITA. We're only getting this guy's side of the story. I suspect he's had a heated confrontation with a CM, was asked to leave the property, refused, and so Disney called in the police to help escort him out. I'm not normally one to give Disney a pass, but in this case, I think this guy is not giving the full story at all.
Actually yes it is like yelling fire in a say someting that stupid i. A resort wit hundreds of poeple . Is just like yelling fire it could create a panic,

How did the cm know it was not a threat?
Fore that mather we don't really know now, all we have is his word....the guy stupid enough the say that in the first place.

He is lucky he wasn't fill enough the say those things in the lobby.he likely and properly would have people dialing 911.


It's really not like yelling fire. Okay so he said he could potentially make a meth lab in the time it takes to get service. Someone potentially making a meth lab is not the same as a fire in a building. One would definitely cause a panic because fires start quickly and do fast damage so people would be running around crazed. Even if he was a meth dealer that's not an immediate threat like a raging fire were people are going to trample each other to get out. So yes it's not like yelling fire.

I don't see how the CM could think of it as a threat. He's not saying oh and if I could hypothetically make a meth lab I would hypothetically make everyone buy my hypothetical meth!
It's really not like yelling fire. Okay so he said he could potentially make a meth lab in the time it takes to get service. Someone potentially making a meth lab is not the same as a fire in a building. One would definitely cause a panic because fires start quickly and do fast damage so people would be running around crazed. Even if he was a meth dealer that's not an immediate threat like a raging fire were people are going to trample each other to get out. So yes it's not like yelling fire.

I don't see how the CM could think of it as a threat. He's not saying oh and if I could hypothetically make a meth lab I would hypothetically make everyone buy my hypothetical meth!

Actually yes it is like yelling fire....because it creates a situation where a panic can be created and that is the same as yelling fire. The CM is hearing to stupid fool saying things like build a bomb, a meth lab........both explosive and dangerous and frankly that is enough to know the guy is a sicko and dangerous. I don't want the CM to debate semantics over his wordings of whether he wanted to build one or could. The CM had no way of knowing he wouldn't lock the door and set off the bomb with my family or another family or your family sitting in the next room. I don't take chances like that with my family.

How could anyone know that he's not in a kitchen unit and cooking up meth?

If that fool made that had done that at a airport, school, mall he would have been locked up fast and frankly he should be now.

So yes is was like yelling fire in a theater.

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It's really not like yelling fire. Okay so he said he could potentially make a meth lab in the time it takes to get service. Someone potentially making a meth lab is not the same as a fire in a building. One would definitely cause a panic because fires start quickly and do fast damage so people would be running around crazed. Even if he was a meth dealer that's not an immediate threat like a raging fire were people are going to trample each other to get out. So yes it's not like yelling fire.

I don't see how the CM could think of it as a threat. He's not saying oh and if I could hypothetically make a meth lab I would hypothetically make everyone buy my hypothetical meth!

Meth labs explode and produce toxin gases. Depending on the content of his "joke" he may have implied he was currently in the process of getting ready to produce meth. Meaning things could explode or poison people. That's closer to yelling fire than not.

"Hey, I may be in possession of things that blow up, and intend to take part in a process that may cause them to blow up"

Do you see how a "joke" to that effect may be responded to caution?

It's just his word that he didn't say something that stupid (only mildly less so, because either way he said something stupid). A lifetime ban and a police raid say otherwise.

Not saying he did. Not saying Disney/Police didn't overreact. Just saying going off his word and his word alone that he's not a colossal idiot seems like a bad idea since he's not going to admit to being a colossal idiot
That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. People need to get over their tender sensibilities.

The guy was joking, and it is a direct reflection of what our society has become that all you guys are defending Disney on this. Best I can tell, I'm the <edit: second> one to defend the guy in this thread.

That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. People need to get over their tender sensibilities.

The guy was joking, and it is a direct reflection of what our society has become that all you guys are defending Disney on this. Best I can tell, I'm the <edit: second> one to defend the guy in this thread.


We only have this guys side of the story. There has to be more that was said or done to get the police to come and raid a room.
We only have this guys side of the story. There has to be more that was said or done to get the police to come and raid a room.

And that could very well be true. Again, I am basing my conclusion on the story as published, which is all anyone in this thread knows.
That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. People need to get over their tender sensibilities.

The guy was joking, and it is a direct reflection of what our society has become that all you guys are defending Disney on this. Best I can tell, I'm the <edit: second> one to defend the guy in this thread.


And that could very well be true. Again, I am basing my conclusion on the story as published, which is all anyone in this thread knows.

Actually we know more than just what is in the story. But taking the story at face value:

Dude made a comment. Police raided his hotel room.

Assuming the 2nd point is true (here's where we know more):

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that hotel rooms are covered by the 4th amendment. Meaning they can't be searched without a warrant or probable cause.

So... Either the comments made were such that police got a warrant, believed they had probable cause to enter without one, or the police/Disney violated his civil rights.

The other option is the police didn't raid his room as he claimed and just knocked on the door (ETA: He voluntarily let them search the room)and they told him to get out.

One of the two points in his story is wrong. Either he said something that warranted getting raided, or he wasn't raided (or possibly his civil rights were violated)

I'm not one to usually side with police, but one of those 2 statements is incorrect. Which one is up for discussion
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Banning them was a most appropriate to the crime. A Meth Lab is as close be being a explosive bomb as possible and extremely poisonous. In todays day and age you don't joke about such matters, especially in a place with large groups of people. Its like yelling fire in a theater. It was a THREAT, plain and simple!

While now it may be that he didn't mean anything(we only have his word, and after saying what he did I don't believe him), but at the time the CM's didn't know that even if it was true the man was just shooting off his mouth.

I applauded Disney for banning him and putting the safety of my family in the future and others as well First in their concern.

In my opinion, Police should have been called and let them investigate the matter.

You cant fix STUPID!


You are very correct. You cannot fix stupid.
Personally, I would have gone with one of the following "Could have done's in half the time...":
  • Gotten a reservation at BOG
  • Converted Maelstrom to Arendelle
  • Constructed half of Avatarland
  • Resurrected Future World to its prior glory
  • Built a mega suburban mall at DTD
  • Expanded the MK hub
  • Opened the kiddie coaster known as 7DMT
  • Drawn concept art and announced SW Land

Yeah... Meth Lab would have been pretty far down on my list ;)
None of those are good enough to make the proper impact with a Disney CM.

What you need is something like "Ridden everything in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter".
Sometimes, you gotta know the room (no pun intended). And note, in that first article, how relatively EASY it is to set up a "lab":

This is something the hotel/motel industry is taking very seriously. I'm not shocked at the reaction, at all. You can say it's overkill..but from Disney's perspective, it's FAR easier (and easier to enforce) a zero tolerance policy than not.

Was the guy a victim of his own (unfortunate and ill timed) sense of humor? Absolutely. But there are things you just don't joke about in certain places/at certain times.
That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. People need to get over their tender sensibilities.

The guy was joking, and it is a direct reflection of what our society has become that all you guys are defending Disney on this. Best I can tell, I'm the <edit: second> one to defend the guy in this thread.


You are right, it is a reflection of how our society has changed. But, when society has ignored things similar to this bad things have been known to happen. Maybe it wasn't the CM that made the call to the police. Maybe it was a guest that over heard him say it and god knows what else. If it had been you over hearing it, would you have just said "oh he's being a big butt and joking" or would you have thought " I wonder if that could be true at all"? It is a hard choice to make isn't it? And besides, didn't you learn as a child there is always a time and a place for everything and you need accept the consequences of what you say and do at all times? I know I was taught that and I try to teach my daughter that.
I don't see his comment as a threat but just a poor choice of words. Where was where he had to wait such a long time? I missed that.

He was at Pop Century if that is what you are asking. Seems he wanted to add some days to his vacation but at the rate he booked. CMs had to go get management and they weren't moving quick enough for him. I didn't see anywhere that says exactly how long he waited.
You are right, it is a reflection of how our society has changed. But, when society has ignored things similar to this bad things have been known to happen. Maybe it wasn't the CM that made the call to the police. Maybe it was a guest that over heard him say it and god knows what else. If it had been you over hearing it, would you have just said "oh he's being a big butt and joking" or would you have thought " I wonder if that could be true at all"? It is a hard choice to make isn't it? And besides, didn't you learn as a child there is always a time and a place for everything and you need accept the consequences of what you say and do at all times? I know I was taught that and I try to teach my daughter that.

The problem is this: If a Disney employee hears that, and takes no action....on the off chance it's true, Disney is potentially liable for not acting AND, in any civil suit against the perpetrator, is potentially seen as not mitigating its own damages.

Yes, it's a reflection of our society, and it's litigious focus. But they have to be expected to cover their own....ahem...tails in a situation like this.

And that's not even considering their responsibility to protect it's guests..which also means acting on anything that potentially (even in a remote possible situation) could cause them harm.
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