Avoiding Motion Sickness Help!

My DH uses Dramamine or bonine, both claim not to make you drowsy, he claims both make him drowsy. So, over time he's figured out to take them at night, get a full night's sleep, then ride the next day.

When we have unknowns like first time cruisers on a ship, we use pressure bands on wrists & oil behind the ears. All above bought at any pharmacy. When really concerned you can visit doc & have RX patch placed (usually behind the ear).

Another strategy is to put possible offenders at the end of the day/trip schedule so if you're feeling ill, just leave & rest.

Another good idea is to watch what you eat. Don't eat foods/drinks that would be particularly offensive on the way back up.
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Hey y’all,

So my family and I are making a trip to Disneyland and California Adventure (1 day at each park) in August.

I have recently acquired motion sickness and I would love some of your best tips for motion sickness and Disney rides. Last time I went to Disneyland I was 16 and had no issues spinning those teacups as fast as they would go (teacups are my favorite classic park ride!) and riding California Screamin’ (Now Incredicoaster?) 10 times in a row. When I went to Harry Potter World in Orlando when I was 19 I got very ill on the castle ride (much to my disappointment as I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan). I thought I might just be sick but then noticed the following year that I got sick on rollercoasters and rides at the theme park we have back home.

For a slight adrenaline junkie this depressing and I would love to know which medications make it better? I’ve tried Dramamine but it didn’t really help all that much. I’m really hoping to ride Incredicoaster, and teacups, and DEFINITELY the new Star Wars ride and Guardians is the Galaxy drop tower!! Are there any medications you know of that will halt the motion sickness completely? Or do they mainly just take the edge off?

I saw an ad on Facebook for these anti-motion sickness glasses recently; maybe they could help. They are called eyesonboard. (Sorry, I haven't posted enough to be permitted to put the link in this post; I am mostly a lurker).
I tried to get a prescription for the patch, but apparently it's not being made at the moment? That's what the pharmacy told me, anyway.

One thing that I've done in the past on Star Tours was fan my face with my hand or a paper or something. I think it's the lack of moving air on that ride that makes me the sickest.

My BIL got the patch Dec 2018 with no issues, haven't heard production has ceased.

Air in your face is a good idea & already implemented on several rides like Forbidden Journey & Mission Space at WDW. If a ride doesn't have it, fan yourself.
We were just at Disneyland over Easter weekend with my best friend who's been there plenty of times. We road Incredicoaster first and she got sick after the ride. So I'd avoid riding that one, at least first!

I took Bonine on a cruise the night before and each night thereafter, no issues or side effects.
My BIL got the patch Dec 2018 with no issues, haven't heard production has ceased.

That's weird. I've called the pharmacist multiple times since last August, and the last time he said there was a hurricane or something like that where that particular drug is made. Maybe I need to call again, or check with a different pharmacy.
Go to walmart and buy yourself a bag of jolly ranches and youll be good to go!!!

Stay away from symphony swings and tea cups!
I usually take 1 Bonine the morning of and I was always so drowsy. I've never heard of taking it the night before and I'm interested in trying it. For those of you that take it the night before, do you do 1 pill or 2?
Do you suffer from motion sickness? If you do and find it amusing, good for you.

You have to read the sentence I quoted & am reacting too. Your PP said that smells can cause motion sickness. By definition, they do not. This is another type of sickness induction, not motion. Now, if you want to discuss motion followed by smells sending you over the edge...now that's another story. And yes, I'm still laughing, especially since we're just discussing the problem & not in the throws of experiencing the problem. I'm here to help as much as anyone else and yes, we deal with it in my household or I wouldn't be engaging in this thread.
And yes, I find things amusing.
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I usually take 1 Bonine the morning of and I was always so drowsy. I've never heard of taking it the night before and I'm interested in trying it. For those of you that take it the night before, do you do 1 pill or 2?

The effects are 'up to 24 hours' so you can take a full dose the night before. My DH takes only 1 per night, but I don't have the dose guide in front of me.
A few of my kids and my DH get mission sickness. DH does not like taking Dramamine because it makes him too tired but we have found that the Bonine works and doesn’t make him tired. My kids now take some too. Hope you find something that works for you.
My husband has what is known as hidrops where he will have vertigo attacks even sitting down luckily it doesn't happen very often, he has troubles on star tours. So what he does is a week before we go he takes his water pills and meclizine. Then twondays before we go he will start taking bonine before bed and take it every night during our trip, seems to help him and he can even do star tours a couplenof times during the trip now.
Just an update for anyone who may end up perusing this thread.....I used the Scop patch at WDW and it worked like a charm!!! I was able to ride ST for the first time since 2013 and PoF and EE were a breeze. I didn't get a chance to try MS, SM, and RnR due to time constraints. No other rides give me a problem.

I will add this caveat....it did mess with my vision a tiny bit. I seemed to have a bit of trouble focusing on things off in the distance. This is a known side effect and cleared up within 24 hours of removing the patch. All told, it was worth it!
I have recently acquired motion sickness and I would love some of your best tips for motion sickness and Disney rides. Last time I went to Disneyland I was 16 and had no issues spinning those teacups as fast as they would go (teacups are my favorite classic park ride!)...

A few years ago I was at an amusement park in Helsinki. I wanted to ride an attraction that spun in something like three different directions. I was skeptical so I watched kids come off of it for about half an hour. They all looked fine so I decided to do it. The ride made me horrendously sick. It took me at least 30 minutes to recover and it was a nasty feeling. I spoke to my mother about it the following day (she used to be a nurse) and she said something along the lines of "Of course you had trouble with it. Kids' inner ears are different from adults'. It changes as you get older. That's why kids can handle those kinds of rides and adults can't."
Also want to advise against eating anything oily or greasy prior to rides. We ate at the Lamplight Lounge, had some yummy potato skins and something else I can't recall. We had Incredicoaster FPs for after our reservations and WOW did those potato skins not do well for me ;) so maybe skip anything greasy/oily if you have motion sickness too. I was fine on Incredicoaster prior to lunch, but way NOT after...
I suffer from motion sickness, even as a passenger in a car!

I usually use Meclizine 12.5 mg for simple rides, such as a car, airplane, etc.

For more intense rides, such as Smuggler's Run, I use a Scopolamine patch. Sometimes I'll use a full patch, other times I'll use 1/2 a patch to minimize the side effects.
My husband uses Bronine as well and takes the pill at night. He is much less sleepy than when he tried Dramamine.


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