Autograph page designs- all pages restored 8/7/10

I am shocked beyond believe.

Thank goodness the auction has ended.
I hope this person understands how much they can destroy a good thing we have here on the boards.Heather I hope the guilt will stop them. I am sure they are reading the boards here.

I see it worked the sale has ended.

I just sent you an email. I'm new to the board and had just found your designs yesterday while searching for graphics to design my own cards - after seeing your work I knew I'd never get close. :(

I'm so sorry that someone decided to make a profit off of your hard work and good intentions....

I sent you a pm, but I just wanted to say how terribly sorry I am to hear that this has happened to you!! That is just soooo rude!! That really makes me mad....I can only imagine how you feel!! I hope whoever did this gets kicked off the disboards for it because that definatly is not someone I want to be sharing info with or even talking with. Some people have some nerve!!:headache:
I'm so sorry that happened to you! We should all send that seller messages to tell her how not cool that is! :mad: It's such a shame that someone would use your work and present it as their own. I, too, hope the guilt gets to them!

I sent you an email as well. I wish that someday my continued amazement at the thoughtlessness of others will end. I'm sorry for your hurt and glad that it looks like the fraudulent seller has closed the auction.

Blessings to you and your family, and an enormous thanks for sharing your beautiful designs. :goodvibes

I can't believe that somebody would do that. I think that is terrible and wrong. Did you notify ebay of this?
I'm terrible sorry. I have just found out from another DISer that somebody is creating and selling autograph books on ebay using my pages. I'm terribly hurt and angry with this at the moment. My daughter and I designed these for enjoyment, not for somebody to make a profit or to sell them as their own designs. For the time being I 'm making these unavailable. If you would like them for your personal use, please email me at

I'm waiting to hear back from the seller. Here's a link to the listing

Autograph book

I'm so glad you have been able to enjoy and use my designs up until this point. I don't frequent the boards much anymore, so please email me.

Heather - girl this bite big DOG treats (yuck!) I am so sorry this has happened to you. I hope you get this straight with ebay and it is stopped. Good luck girl!
I'm so sorry that happened to you! We should all send that seller messages to tell her how not cool that is! :mad: It's such a shame that someone would use your work and present it as their own. I, too, hope the guilt gets to them!

I think we all should leave negative comments on her ebay page. :thumbsup2 So everyone knows what kind of person this is. Communities unite in so many different ways but Disney lovers do NOT give money to people out to make some bucks regardless!!!:grouphug:
I am very thankful for all the love that went into your pages and i will show them with pride. Second I emailed that "person" as well and this is what I said to her. I am not one to shy away when it comes to letting someone know how ignorant they are. I hope you dont mind.:scared: Here is what I said to her. See Below:

First and Foremost,
What you are doing is disgusting to me and all of us other true DISBoard members. To get money for someone elses hard earned time and love they put into something shows exactly what kind of person you are. Heather...who created these pages out of love is very hurt and angry that someone could stoop so low and basically just stab her in the back. Its individuals like yourself that make it even harder for people to trust anyone. I hope you are happy with yourself now. You made another DISigner dissappear because of your "horrendous" actions.
Heather, I also sent you an e-mail but just wanted to say again, how horrible I feel for you and your daughter. What this person did is beyond belief. I don't understand how a person can do that to someone else especially when their child is involved in the hard work. It is one thing to violate an adult by stealing their work but when their child is also involved it just makes it so much worse, IMO.
Has anyone heard from her? I went to save her images the night she took the link off. I emailed but haven't heard a thing and really need to get this done asap.

I'm sure whoever is selling those books has the images saved, not only did they screw Heather over but now they are screwing all of us that only wanted to make our kids a book. What a jerk!
I listed the books in an effort to make a little extra money for my trip. I didn't think much of it. I was contacted by the person that made them and she let me know she wasn't to pleased. I emailed her back and apologized and pulled the auction right away. No books were ever sold. I never got a reponse from her.

I have never been on this board until today. I found those images on photobucket. So everybody can get off my back about not being a true DISer.

Thanks to all who have judged me by one thing I've done in my life. I really appreciate the nasty messages from everybody telling me what a low life I am, how awful of a person I am, how horrendous I am how I can't be trusted and what a jerk I am.

Take Care,

Has anyone heard from her? I went to save her images the night she took the link off. I emailed but haven't heard a thing and really need to get this done asap.

I'm sure whoever is selling those books has the images saved, not only did they screw Heather over but now they are screwing all of us that only wanted to make our kids a book. What a jerk!

She has reposted her pages.
I listed the books in an effort to make a little extra money for my trip. I didn't think much of it. I was contacted by the person that made them and she let me know she wasn't to pleased. I emailed her back and apologized and pulled the auction right away. No books were ever sold. I never got a reponse from her.

I have never been on this board until today. I found those images on photobucket. So everybody can get off my back about not being a true DISer.

Thanks to all who have judged me by one thing I've done in my life. I really appreciate the nasty messages from everybody telling me what a low life I am, how awful of a person I am, how horrendous I am how I can't be trusted and what a jerk I am.

Take Care,


I do apologize we were nasty to you, we are like family in here and we have already lost amazing designers due to other individuals actions. We were not ready to lose another one. I commend you for taking the auction off immediately and I apologize for judging you.

But also keep in mind photobucket is peoples "personal images". The right thing to do would have been to contact her first and then go from there. Lesson learned in the long run.
I listed the books in an effort to make a little extra money for my trip. I didn't think much of it. I was contacted by the person that made them and she let me know she wasn't to pleased. I emailed her back and apologized and pulled the auction right away. No books were ever sold. I never got a reponse from her.

I have never been on this board until today. I found those images on photobucket. So everybody can get off my back about not being a true DISer.

Thanks to all who have judged me by one thing I've done in my life. I really appreciate the nasty messages from everybody telling me what a low life I am, how awful of a person I am, how horrendous I am how I can't be trusted and what a jerk I am.

Take Care,


Thank you for coming to this thread and stating your side of things. I do hope you will come here and use things offered for your personal use. That's why these people help make other Disney lovers have wonderful rememberances of their Disney experiences.
Well, I have to say I still stand strong on my opinion. No matter how you put it, taking someone else's images and selling them is just wrong. I don't see how anyone could see that is okay.

To each their own I guess.


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