August W.I.S.H.Thread: Awesome August

Woohoo - after shoving things into shelves and in the closet, I have gotten my classroom mostly organized the way I want it. If you recall, last year we moved back into our newly renovated school. But due to social distancing requirements, I was put into a smaller room because of my small class size. A third grade class was in my kindergarten room. So at the end of the year, I had to move again, back into my larger kindergarten classroom. But it was a team effort and rushed, so everything was sort of shoved into cabinets and shelves. But now it’s more organized.

Woohoo - It sounds like we might be starting with masks now. Yesterday I was token that our county’s health department changed their recommendation to everyone in school should wear a mask. This makes me feel better since they took away social distancing and most classrooms have class sizes over 25. Not to mention, a vaccine hasn’t been approved yet for elementary age kids. It’s not that I like wearing a mask. But I feel like we are keeping the unvaccinated (and even vaccinated) safe by wearing them.
All great news!!!
Cases are going up in Fairfield County where I live. I am really frustrated by the lack of consistency of mask mandates from place to place. Schools are 100% masking, but DH's job requires no masking for those vaccinated which I was okay with until cases started rising. Because there's no mandate at his job, he is going maskless which makes me nervous. Fortunately DD's job requires masking since she works in close proximity with coworkers and the public. Our governor refuses to require indoor masking across the board, and there's too many people tired of wearing them. I really fear for our children who aren't able to get vaccinated, and as vaccines wear off, I worry about my family and I being infected before we can get our boosters.

Okay, I have vented. Now I am going to put it away since all of this is out of my control. I can only control myself and my behavior. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." -AL ANON.
I am thankful that DD is employed full-time with excellent benefits, only 10 minutes away.

I am thankful that even though I wish I were working in my classroom right now, I have a plan in place, and I can relax by myself for two more days.

I am thankful that I am adjusting to DD being back at work and not feeling as emotional about her not being around as much which gives me hope for when I have an empty nest. I can do this!

I am thankful that as Fred wreaked some havoc overnight, it is just rain right now, and no real visible damage was done to our property. Getting ready for Henri...

I am thankful for air conditioning on this very humid day.

I am thankful that a combination of Advil and Tylenol is effective against my ongoing stress headache.

I am thankful for my treadmill which I promise I will walk on at some point today.
I am thankful for DD making it much longer then I was expecting today at freshman orientation. They had her come in later since the beginning was like a pep rally. She is doing the more quieter parts of the orientation. I thought she was only going to last no more then 30 minutes. We are now 2 hours in and I haven't heard from her. I was going to work in the parking lot so I was close just in case things went badly. Her counselor is awesome and has been great to work with. She has me working in a conference room so I am out of sight from Elizabeth and not working in my car. I did not ask to work in the building but she insisted. DD lasting longer gives me hope that next week when school starts she will be able to make it though the day. She is allowed to have breaks if she needs it and has a built in break after lunch each day. That is when she has band. The teacher told her she can hang out in a practice room to do homework or rest. She can even dim or turn off the lights. I am feeling better about school starting for her.
I am thankful for DD making it much longer then I was expecting today at freshman orientation. They had her come in later since the beginning was like a pep rally. She is doing the more quieter parts of the orientation. I thought she was only going to last no more then 30 minutes. We are now 2 hours in and I haven't heard from her. I was going to work in the parking lot so I was close just in case things went badly. Her counselor is awesome and has been great to work with. She has me working in a conference room so I am out of sight from Elizabeth and not working in my car. I did not ask to work in the building but she insisted. DD lasting longer gives me hope that next week when school starts she will be able to make it though the day. She is allowed to have breaks if she needs it and has a built in break after lunch each day. That is when she has band. The teacher told her she can hang out in a practice room to do homework or rest. She can even dim or turn off the lights. I am feeling better about school starting for her.
Awesome news that the school is accommodating your daughter and you as well!

Concussions are so common now. My DD had so many friends and boyfriends who got multiple concussions during high school, and the school worked well with families and the health plans designed by their doctors.

I hope that she heals well and adjusts well to being back in school.
Yesterday was a very hectic day, so I am thankful to have made it thru it.

In the middle of a work kerfuffle, I thought I may have lost a cat. I went to the kitchen to get water and the basement door had popped open. I couldn't find Ester so assumed she was down stairs and that she was freaked out, since they are not allowed in the basement. I went down and didn't see her, came back up still couldn't find her, went back down calling for her, nothing, came back up crawled around looking in closets and under the bed, nothing. Went back down and listened, no sound of movement or meowing, walked around looking in and under things and there was the little stinker curled up sound asleep in a old box I had made into a fort for my other cats. Ugh!

Then on top of the work stress and kitty stress, I decided to watch the evening news programs on MSNBC to get a better handle on what is going on, which was really upsetting. And at the same time I was reading the DIS thread on the new Genie+ launch and all the negativity and complaining added even more stress. So despite taking another walk in the park last night, I was out-of-body hyped up by the time I went to bed. Ugh again! But I am thankful that I am better at identifying cause-and-effect.

And thankful to have an acupuncture appointment today and counseling appointment tomorrow.

I am thankful that as Fred wreaked some havoc overnight, it is just rain right now, and no real visible damage was done to our property. Getting ready for Henri...

I am thankful for air conditioning on this very humid day.

Echoing a couple of your thankfuls - for AC in the humidity and that we also seem to have escaped any storm damage. We had some hard rain this morning, but it seems to have ended and we've even got a tiny peak of sun!

Also thankful for my kitties giving me lots of cuddles today,

for DVRing shows to binge-watch,

and for DH putting in the laundry this morning.
Thankful that I finally found a covid self test kit (at the 4th store!) so vaccinated DH and I could take it to show our weekend host. Thankful that we are getting away for the weekend and will be with great friends. I'm so looking forward to it--even if the introvert in me is fretting about all these people!!! We all gathered a few years ago and one of the gals got tipsy and told me she so very much appreciates how calm and quiet I am! :rotfl2:

Our governor just announced that all school workers must be vaccinated. My first thought was am I supposed to manage that for our school? Who is doing the checking?! Details coming but interestingly enough the state has a data base for vaccines that we use for students and viola! adults are in it, too. I looked up myself and there I am with my flu shots and covid vaccine (no childhood vaccines because computers weren't invented yet and I didn't grow up in this state).

I'll try to eat healthy over the weekend! Tacos and burgers are on the menu and I'm sure there will be lots of fresh veggies/fruits! I think I will bring some prilosec just in case! Last thing I want is an icky tummy while there.

See you Sunday!
Thankful that I finally found a covid self test kit (at the 4th store!) so vaccinated DH and I could take it to show our weekend host. Thankful that we are getting away for the weekend and will be with great friends. I'm so looking forward to it--even if the introvert in me is fretting about all these people!!! We all gathered a few years ago and one of the gals got tipsy and told me she so very much appreciates how calm and quiet I am! :rotfl2:

Our governor just announced that all school workers must be vaccinated. My first thought was am I supposed to manage that for our school? Who is doing the checking?! Details coming but interestingly enough the state has a data base for vaccines that we use for students and viola! adults are in it, too. I looked up myself and there I am with my flu shots and covid vaccine (no childhood vaccines because computers weren't invented yet and I didn't grow up in this state).

I'll try to eat healthy over the weekend! Tacos and burgers are on the menu and I'm sure there will be lots of fresh veggies/fruits! I think I will bring some prilosec just in case! Last thing I want is an icky tummy while there.

See you Sunday!
My governor just enacted an executive order requiring all staff to be vaccinated and those with documented health reasons why they can’t be vaccinated must be tested weekly. My union quickly reacted in support of the governor. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.
DS had to be at school this morning by 7:15 (will be the time when school starts too) because today is the first day for teachers and the band is playing for them. If today is any indication of how the start of school will be it will not be good. DS didn't print the music he needed and couldn't get the printer to load on his computer. He got there on time but he was running around. Next week we will add DD into the mix too.
DS had to be at school this morning by 7:15 (will be the time when school starts too) because today is the first day for teachers and the band is playing for them. If today is any indication of how the start of school will be it will not be good. DS didn't print the music he needed and couldn't get the printer to load on his computer. He got there on time but he was running around. Next week we will add DD into the mix too.
It's so hard to adjust back into that morning routine especially when it isn't just you trying to get out of the house on time. When I no longer had to drive DD to school, it made my mornings so much easier. Now that she is working and her car is still in the shop, I have to drive her to work 10+ minutes in the opposite direction of my school, making my commute 30 minutes in the direction of the most traffic. I have been staying out of her way this week while she has been getting ready, but next week, we will both be in a rush and will be tripping over each other to get ready. If she is running late, it will make me late.

I still have that d*mn splitting headache, and I know exactly why. Not being allowed to just have the baseline of my room being ready; not having paras but having more students; not knowing if my knees will hold up this year; having to attend extra trainings because I'm on two different leadership teams (I was put on one of them without being consulted and coerced on the other one). I am truly concerned about being ready after reading the VERY EXTENSIVE email from my principal. The school is already piling it all on, and I don't even have a classroom to work in yet. Again, it is all out of my control, and I can only do my best. The rest I have to just let go. I must release my worries about EVERYTHING. I need to remind myself to take a moment and just BREATHE......

I hope we all have a smooth transition into the new school year and all that entails.
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So far this morning things have been very quiet, which is greatly appreciated. In a bit we have a Recognition Meeting which should be light and fun, and also greatly appreciated.

My acupuncture appointment yesterday was very interesting, I was talking to her about the dysregulation and how my Counselor (who happens to be my acupuncturist's Mother) had said to ask for something herbal that would help, and she also did needles that she thought would help. While laying on the table I actually got very angry, so I'm thinking it stirred something up. I continued with the anger thru the evening until I told myself to just let it go and that seemed to work. This morning I took the first of the herbs she gave me, so we'll see how that goes.

This week I've managed to get 5000+ steps each day and intend to build on that with a couple nice long walks this weekend. I think one walk will be along the beach at my local park and I think I may do the country-loop drive and stop at one of the parks out there. I'm planning on doing more household stuff and doing another drop-off at Goodwill, so I guess it will be the usual weekend for me.
Today is my last Friday of the summer.

What a sad statement...

But think how much more those Fridays will mean now! 😉 (Partly joking, but partly serious - maybe think of a Friday ritual you would like to start, to look forward to at the end of each week?)

I sympathize with you on not being able to set up your room. That would drive me nuts too!


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