August W.I.S.H.Thread: Awesome August

Today is the appointment with the cardiologist. I’m feeling positive about it, looking forward to finding out what to do to better assure future health.

Got a lot off odds and ends done over the weekend and will keep at it during the week. The temps have dropped and the smoke did move out yesterday, it is so nice to see blue skies again.

This week I will get my morning sun by taking walks in the neighborhood, this will also help get my step count up and burn more calories. Another pound did come off yesterday so that is 3 of 5 for the month, and just 2 more to make my pre-vacation goal of -15.

So this week again it will be little steps and minor adjustments.
I am impressed with your weight loss!
I am sitting in a very emotional space...

I am not great with change or transitions. DD has been home since March 2020, when Lord & Taylor closed it's doors. She attended online arts & design school from July 2020-July 2021. When I was off from school or teaching from my living room, she was with me the entire time. Since her car has been held hostage by Ford while waiting for an international part to arrive, I have had to drive her wherever she needed to go. She's been cooking and cleaning with me; experiencing restaurants, stores, and the spa for the first time since March 2020 with me; and went on vacation with us and sat next to me on the plane. We have always been very close, but the pandemic has brought us even closer.

This morning, I dropped her off for her first day of her first full-time job. I am home alone all day today, and it feels really weird. I stopped at the grocery store to pick up odds and ends, and got her a cake to celebrate the first day of her new job. I have plenty to keep me busy, but the silence is killing me. I don't exactly feel like crying...I don't know, maybe I do. I know that I will adjust, but I can't shake this uncomfortable feeling.

As far as my weight loss, my vacation/stress pounds are beginning to come off very very slowly. I really am NOT motivated right now, being the emotional eater that I am. However, I did put those apple turnovers back on the bakery shelf after I imagined just how delicious they would be warmed up in the oven. So I'm not a complete disaster. I walked extra while I was out, so that is another positive thing. For me, it will take getting back into my school routine to really lose this weight. If I can avoid doing further damage until then, I will be satisfied.

Sorry for not being the most motivational leader this week. I promise to do better next month!
I am not great with change or transitions.

Me either.

I don't exactly feel like crying...I don't know, maybe I do. I know that I will adjust, but I can't shake this uncomfortable feeling.

I totally understand. I've been feeling "fragile" myself lately - just a combination of a bunch of things - the heat, the news, family stuff... It's OK to not completely have a name for it.

...However, I did put those apple turnovers back on the bakery shelf after I imagined just how delicious they would be warmed up in the oven. So I'm not a complete disaster. I walked extra while I was out, so that is another positive thing. For me, it will take getting back into my school routine to really lose this weight. If I can avoid doing further damage until then, I will be satisfied.

It sounds like you're actually doing a great job concentrating on the positive!

Sorry for not being the most motivational leader this week. I promise to do better next month!

Sometimes, knowing a leader experiences the same struggles you do is just what you need!
I am sitting in a very emotional space...

I am not great with change or transitions. DD has been home since March 2020, when Lord & Taylor closed it's doors. She attended online arts & design school from July 2020-July 2021. When I was off from school or teaching from my living room, she was with me the entire time. Since her car has been held hostage by Ford while waiting for an international part to arrive, I have had to drive her wherever she needed to go. She's been cooking and cleaning with me; experiencing restaurants, stores, and the spa for the first time since March 2020 with me; and went on vacation with us and sat next to me on the plane. We have always been very close, but the pandemic has brought us even closer.

This morning, I dropped her off for her first day of her first full-time job. I am home alone all day today, and it feels really weird. I stopped at the grocery store to pick up odds and ends, and got her a cake to celebrate the first day of her new job. I have plenty to keep me busy, but the silence is killing me. I don't exactly feel like crying...I don't know, maybe I do. I know that I will adjust, but I can't shake this uncomfortable feeling.

As far as my weight loss, my vacation/stress pounds are beginning to come off very very slowly. I really am NOT motivated right now, being the emotional eater that I am. However, I did put those apple turnovers back on the bakery shelf after I imagined just how delicious they would be warmed up in the oven. So I'm not a complete disaster. I walked extra while I was out, so that is another positive thing. For me, it will take getting back into my school routine to really lose this weight. If I can avoid doing further damage until then, I will be satisfied.

Sorry for not being the most motivational leader this week. I promise to do better next month!
Because we can all identify with your struggles. I found myself nodding my head as I read your post-been there with the separation blues (mother of an only child-a daughter), the happy for their success feeling but watching them be more independent is rewarding but scary/sad? ((Hugs))

My family left today and I am alone until Thursday when my friends join me for a few days at the beach. There’s a big Art’s Fest this weekend we are looking forward to. So I am trying to eat sensibly knowing those few days will be crazy. Will get out and walk now that the heat has broken.
I am feeling this exact quote, “I’m not where I want to be, but thank goodness, I am not where I used to be.”

We are all at different stages. In my case, I have kept off quite a bit of weight, but rather than making more progress over the summer, I have gone backwards. I have a plan for the near future which will get me back to where I want to be, and I will go from there. I am really grateful that I didn’t blow it completely. It could be much worse.
Good morning early risers. Presently in wdw and boy my feet hurt peeps!
Not where I want to be but not where I was, feeling that. We had dinner at epcot last night, was stuffed real fast but did not force eating more for the taste or whatever. Stopped before I felt ill so, progress?

Amazed that people on my workweek challenge on Fitbit have more steps than me. Normally not surprising but this week, seriously? But I have been able to keep up with the general pace of things, last night running from Canada to Italy left me winded but I didn't pass out and my heart rate normalized faster than it used to, so also progress.

That's it for now. Wish I slept better on vaca in general! Anyone else end up FREEZING during the night after a long day in the sun?
Yes!!! I am up in weight this summer, but not my highest. And I am stronger than I used to be. Plus I know what I need to do to get back down in weight. It’s just a matter of making myself do it…which I am transitioning back to better eating this week.

But I did have ice cream and pretzels last night. Daughter had a rough day with field hockey starting and she missed the 2-mile run goal by 7 seconds, so she has to run it again. She was so upset, it was ruining her whole day. I tried talking to her, offering advice (bad idea in the moment!), offering hugs, finally I just offered ice cream and asking if she wanted to play cards. The cards were the key. We got the boys to join a for some family fun. Lots of laughs. So glad it pulled her out of that funk…even if it was just for that hour or so. So even in how I deal with her moods, I feel like that quote is relevant.

I have also been very emotional. Worried about my daughter, stressed about school and optional masking, stressed about school in general, all the transitions, etc. it’s helpful to hear I’m not alone. We’ll get through this, but the support of this group is amazing. Thanks all!!!
Yes!!! I am up in weight this summer, but not my highest. And I am stronger than I used to be. Plus I know what I need to do to get back down in weight. It’s just a matter of making myself do it…which I am transitioning back to better eating this week.

But I did have ice cream and pretzels last night. Daughter had a rough day with field hockey starting and she missed the 2-mile run goal by 7 seconds, so she has to run it again. She was so upset, it was ruining her whole day. I tried talking to her, offering advice (bad idea in the moment!), offering hugs, finally I just offered ice cream and asking if she wanted to play cards. The cards were the key. We got the boys to join a for some family fun. Lots of laughs. So glad it pulled her out of that funk…even if it was just for that hour or so. So even in how I deal with her moods, I feel like that quote is relevant.

I have also been very emotional. Worried about my daughter, stressed about school and optional masking, stressed about school in general, all the transitions, etc. it’s helpful to hear I’m not alone. We’ll get through this, but the support of this group is amazing. Thanks all!!!
Yes! I’m still up those pesky 6-8 pounds but I don’t let myself get out of control. I won’t let it go beyond that and at the back of my mind I’m thinking on this date I will get serious and get those pounds off. Right now I am enjoying the end of summer and an occasional ice cream with my family or a glass of wine with friends.
Good morning early risers. Presently in wdw and boy my feet hurt peeps!
Not where I want to be but not where I was, feeling that. We had dinner at epcot last night, was stuffed real fast but did not force eating more for the taste or whatever. Stopped before I felt ill so, progress?

Amazed that people on my workweek challenge on Fitbit have more steps than me. Normally not surprising but this week, seriously? But I have been able to keep up with the general pace of things, last night running from Canada to Italy left me winded but I didn't pass out and my heart rate normalized faster than it used to, so also progress.

That's it for now. Wish I slept better on vaca in general! Anyone else end up FREEZING during the night after a long day in the sun?
Hope you’re having fun! I know it usually takes me a couple days to get to sleep at a reasonable time on vacation. Last night I was alone in the house and I finally set up a white noise app on my phone because I was hearing every little creak!
The start of a school year is exciting but certainly stressful-especially these last two years. Our county and my daughter’s district are requiring masks for staff and students because numbers are going up-and I think it’s a good thing, but as she said you miss their smiles.
I've learned to focus on their eyes...when I see them crinkle up, I can tell that they are smiling. :cutie:
Not where I was, but not where I want to be... amen to that! Losing 12 pounds is a great start but there is a lot more to be done, have made major adjustments in eating, but there is a lot more to adjustment to come, have made major changes in how I manage life, but there is so much more to learn.

I'm going to get a jump start on woohooing - my appointment yesterday was what I had hoped. There's nothing currently going on, it is just figuring out how to maintain heart health going forward. I need to do a blood draw for a lab panel today and also do a calcium test to see where I am with arterial build up, then it will either be to keep doing what I'm doing or starting some meds. I also took the Girls in for their annual check ups yesterday and they are both doing well, altho the Vet agreed that Ester is a bit too chunky. I'm going to start limiting their dry food, instead of leaving it out for whenever they want, and will switch to a weight control brand she recommended when we've used up what I have on hand.
Not where I was, but not where I want to be... amen to that! Losing 12 pounds is a great start but there is a lot more to be done, have made major adjustments in eating, but there is a lot more to adjustment to come, have made major changes in how I manage life, but there is so much more to learn.

I'm going to get a jump start on woohooing - my appointment yesterday was what I had hoped. There's nothing currently going on, it is just figuring out how to maintain heart health going forward. I need to do a blood draw for a lab panel today and also do a calcium test to see where I am with arterial build up, then it will either be to keep doing what I'm doing or starting some meds. I also took the Girls in for their annual check ups yesterday and they are both doing well, altho the Vet agreed that Ester is a bit too chunky. I'm going to start limiting their dry food, instead of leaving it out for whenever they want, and will switch to a weight control brand she recommended when we've used up what I have on hand.
EXCELLENT health news!
I am about to lose my mind.

Traditionally, we can get into school to set up our classrooms about a week before school opens. Some teachers manage to get in earlier. Well, first I was promised Monday...yesterday. Then I was promised Wednesday as a maybe, but definitely Thursday. Now Friday is a maybe.

School starts on MONDAY.

My dear husband has been requesting days off, then taking them back for the past week. His boss is NOT thrilled. I NEED him to move and arrange my furniture because of my very bad back. If we cannot do this together on Friday, I will be on my own next week in between the convocation, meetings, and trainings (all B.S. total waste of time). We are lucky if we get a half hour here and there to ourselves.

I am trying so hard not to freak out, but I am afraid that I am already there. :headache::mad:
I am about to lose my mind.

Traditionally, we can get into school to set up our classrooms about a week before school opens. Some teachers manage to get in earlier. Well, first I was promised Monday...yesterday. Then I was promised Wednesday as a maybe, but definitely Thursday. Now Friday is a maybe.

School starts on MONDAY.

My dear husband has been requesting days off, then taking them back for the past week. His boss is NOT thrilled. I NEED him to move and arrange my furniture because of my very bad back. If we cannot do this together on Friday, I will be on my own next week in between the convocation, meetings, and trainings (all B.S. total waste of time). We are lucky if we get a half hour here and there to ourselves.

I am trying so hard not to freak out, but I am afraid that I am already there. :headache::mad:

The custodian just called to tell me that he will let me come on Saturday morning from 8-11, but I am not allowed to tell anyone. 🤦‍♀️ I'm actually desperate enough to take him up on his offer.
Hope you’re having fun! I know it usually takes me a couple days to get to sleep at a reasonable time on vacation. Last night I was alone in the house and I finally set up a white noise app on my phone because I was hearing every little creak!
I am actually the opposite. I sleep much better on vacation, especially Disney because I’m exhausted. And not kept up at night worrying about stressful things at work ;)


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