Ask Me Anything: Ask Carolfoy Anything

Hi Mummy. I am out of School Early today since we broke up for easter! Woohoo! :banana:

Anyway, here we go!

If the Doctor came and told you he could turn time forward till next Monday for you but wanted :rolleyes1 in return would you? (Basically would you :rolleyes1 an Alien? :rotfl2: )

What do you think of the Iraq War Situtation?

What do you think of Tony Blair?

What do you think of Space Exploration?

What do you think of me?? On second thoughts don't answer that one!! :lmao:

After this week will you be posting here a lot more like Annmarie has?

What price would you have to pay for the absolute perfect man? ;)

What would you think if the absolute perfect person for you was secretly a women?

What would you think if he went commando and was constantly doing this :yay: all day?

What do you think of Easter Assemblies? (Go on, please agree with me that they are so rubbish and the story never changes so why should people like me sit and watch FOR THE 7TH TIME IN A ROW!!)

That's all I can think of now, have a great day! Put your feet up; don't worry the posts will still be here for tommorrow.. :rotfl:

P.s. Mummy don't think yourself as Replusive! Just Remember that all the "Beautiful" people are all going to be stale and boring!

P.s.s. Sunday is always the LEAST interesting day of all!
Hi Mummy. I am out of School Early today since we broke up for easter! Woohoo! :banana:

Anyway, here we go!

If the Doctor came and told you he could turn time forward till next Monday for you but wanted :rolleyes1 in return would you? (Basically would you :rolleyes1 an Alien? :rotfl2: )

What do you think of the Iraq War Situtation?

What do you think of Tony Blair?

What do you think of Space Exploration?

What do you think of me?? On second thoughts don't answer that one!! :lmao:

After this week will you be posting here a lot more like Annmarie has?

What price would you have to pay for the absolute perfect man? ;)

What would you think if the absolute perfect person for you was secretly a women?

What would you think if he went commando and was constantly doing this :yay: all day?

What do you think of Easter Assemblies? (Go on, please agree with me that they are so rubbish and the story never changes so why should people like me sit and watch FOR THE 7TH TIME IN A ROW!!)

That's all I can think of now, have a great day! Put your feet up; don't worry the posts will still be here for tommorrow.. :rotfl:

P.s. Mummy don't think yourself as Replusive! Just Remember that all the "Beautiful" people are all going to be stale and boring!

P.s.s. Sunday is always the LEAST interesting day of all!

nah - I wouldn't want anyone to turn time over til next monday, I want to enjoy the possibility of :rolleyes1 at the weekend :rotfl2:

I think the Iraq war situation has goen on far enough, I think we have the best armed forces in the world but they are fighting a losing battle in the middle east, its presumptuous of Blair and Bush to presume these people want to change their leadership, many of them were and are happy with the regime they live under. Its only our belief that we live life in a perfect way that makes us think that they would want to be like us.

When TB first went in, I, like a lot of people was quite optimistic that this country would really rally. I do feel that we are in a very strong position financially compared to other coutries and we have a lot of excellent things that we take for granted. I certainly wouldn't want to live elsewhere. But I feel TB has certainly made a thatcher mistake in pushing forward on issues like Iraq without listening to public opinion. Overall he's a prat but there hasn't been a PM in the last 30 years who isn't!

Space exploration - fine but lets sort things out down here first! get carbon emissions cut, save the rainforests, sort out the awful poverty in Africa and India, :hippie:

I think you're great, I love the way you're so strong and challenge the way people think about aspergers, I love the way you talk about your weak points and the way you obviously love your family (I do think you're well weird to like Pokemon though, but my son does to so hey, ho!)

I may have a rest for a week and try and get this damn bathroom finished!

about £2.50! (or less for big Matt! :rotfl: ) no, seriously my 'perfect man' would not expect me to compromise therefore I won't be paying anything!

If he/she was that perfect it wouldn't bother me! any port in a storm

I would buy him/her lots of pairs of knickers (either that or I'd go commando and do :yay: too, and we can get locked up together)

:laughing: I totally agree about easter assemblies but you can say the same about christmas and other festivals too, I expect if you were Hindu you'd get fed up with Diwalhi!

put my feet up? I wish, I've a backlog of enquiries to get through as I've been too busy with this all week:rotfl2:

I don't think of myself as repulsive, I was just saying I am repulsive to all men! that's their fault not mine:rotfl2:

yes sunday should be a day of rest but I will be recovering from the excesses of saturday night! and will probably be trying to catch up on here
More Questions, thought on the Toilet believe it or not... I don't know why but I think of the best things on the potty!!! :lmao:

Here we go again!

If Christina Aguilera is a Genie in a Bottle, it must mean that other Celebs are Genies too. If you found a bottle, which celebrity would you like to be your Genie?

And which would you like to be stuffed into a Bottle? :lmao:
More Questions, thought on the Toilet believe it or not... I don't know why but I think of the best things on the potty!!! :lmao:

Here we go again!

If Christina Aguilera is a Genie in a Bottle, it must mean that other Celebs are Genies too. If you found a bottle, which celebrity would you like to be your Genie?

And which would you like to be stuffed into a Bottle? :lmao:

I'd like Jason Statham in my bottle, I can think of more than three things I'd like him to do for me though. (it involves lots of :rolleyes1 )

I'd probably like to squash a lot of pointless famous-for-what? types like Paris Hilton, Kerry Katona, Tara Reid in there
about £2.50! (or less for big Matt! :rotfl: ) no, seriously my 'perfect man' would not expect me to compromise therefore I won't be paying anything!
Whilst it is nice of you to recognise my talents, I think a lot more than £2.50 personally!

I've a questioon for you, is 3.30 on a relaxing Friday afternoon too early to be enjoying a glass of bourbon and a cigar in the garden?
Whilst it is nice of you to recognise my talents, I think a lot more than £2.50 personally!

I've a questioon for you, is 3.30 on a relaxing Friday afternoon too early to be enjoying a glass of bourbon and a cigar in the garden?

No, I think you should wait til 4:00pm! :rotfl:
I was just wondering whether anyone would miss me if I sneak out the back and down a bottle of wine!
No, I think you should wait til 4:00pm! :rotfl:
I was just wondering whether anyone would miss me if I sneak out the back and down a bottle of wine!
D'OH!! Too late,. nevermind.

Whilst it is your turn to being answering and not asking, I shall oblige you - there is never a reason to NOT sneak out the back and down a bottle IMHO!! Just, don't drip any on yourself and I reckon you'll get away with it:thumbsup2
Also, where are pinky and perky this afternoon? Are they actually doing something? Not sure which is pinky and which perky:lmao:

So another one, if Jules and Joh are pinky and perky, which is which?
I Know, do you think they have, shock, horror :scared1: got a life??? no, probably not!
I think Joh is pinky and Jules is perky, what do you reckon? do you think they have been kidnapped by government spies and sent to question to death the Iraqis that are holding our peeps hostage? how long do you think said Iraqis can hold out for before they cut their own ears off?
Now, I would have to say that Jules is very pinky and not very perky (sorry, hon :duck: ).
I Know, do you think they have, shock, horror :scared1: got a life??? no, probably not!
I think Joh is pinky and Jules is perky, what do you reckon? do you think they have been kidnapped by government spies and sent to question to death the Iraqis that are holding our peeps hostage? how long do you think said Iraqis can hold out for before they cut their own ears off?

With Jules and Joh on at 'em, I think seconds before there is some ear-lopping going on!
Also, I think you'll find it is the Iranians not the Iraqis:confused3
ah, well current affairs is not my strong point!
what is?:confused3

oooh, :rolleyes1 (I wish!)
What's the funniest joke you've had played on you?

Whats the funniest joke you've played on anyone else?

Do you keep all the secret's you're told?

Have you ever let somebody esle take the blame for something that you've done?

Have you ever been blamed for something you haven't done?

Do you think your thread will get that long it will take too long to open? :lmao:
What's the funniest joke you've had played on you?

Whats the funniest joke you've played on anyone else?

Do you keep all the secret's you're told?

Have you ever let somebody esle take the blame for something that you've done?

Have you ever been blamed for something you haven't done?

Do you think your thread will get that long it will take too long to open? :lmao:

ooh, that's a good one! I can't really remember any except in school being told by a teacher to go and ask the house head for a long stand, I stood by his desk for about half an hour before he said 'you've stood there long enough, now you can go back!'

We're really cruel to Pete in our office, we change his screen saver every time he goes out the back and change the height on his chair so he sits down and falls on the floor, we change the volume on his pc so it blares out and frightens him! meanies aren't we? :rotfl:

I always keep a secret so if its something I may be tempted to tell I'd rather not know!

I'm sure I have as a kid but can't remember anything specific

yes, loads, During one of my jobs I had in school holidays I got blamed for the till being £20 short, it was in a chemists, when his wife came back from the bank with £20 of change for my till he didn't even apologise to me, I left soon after

It certainly seems that way:rotfl2: Its quite fortunate I'm out for dinner tonight and out tomorrow night so it'll give everyone a rest
I'm off now for a night of drunken debauchery and good food!
see you all in the morning :yay: :yay:
If both time and space are infinite would you like a toasted Muffin?
Ok my lovely

I have been so busy with work, I have neglected you, so here are a few for you:

Is less often more???

Is Red the new Black???

Morcombe or Wise??

Ant or Dec??

Little or Large??

Do I look 45????:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:(Second thoughts, dont answer that!!)
I know you won't be back on until the morning - hope you had a good night out.

Do you have a hang over - if so was it worth it?

Did you pull?

Have you ever left a date half way through (or like me climbed out of a toilet window!)

Are you always up on the dance floor first?

What's the one song that you can't sit down to and have to get up and dance?

Do you swim like a swan with your hair dry or do you get your head under?

Have you ever hitched hiked?

Have you ever been back packing?

Would you settle for 3* and go twice or 5* and go once?

Do you ever get asked to book a room with a hen suite? :lmao:

Have you ever come across Morag the British Rail rep?

Right I'm off to tackle that huge oile of ironing!
Hey Carol

Hope you've had a great night by the time you read this.

If you could sing like anyone, who would you choose?

If you could dance like anyone, who would you choose?

I notice you (like me) love Marilyn Monroe. Have you read Victim: The Secret Tapes of Marilyn Monroe by Matthew Smith?

Do you believe that man has ever walked on the moon?

What is your favourite conspiracy theory?

Laur's princess:


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