Ask Me Anything: Ask Carolfoy Anything

Carol, I must ask..

Where the heck is Jules? You haven't tied her up for asking too many questions have you? This isn't the mafia ya know!! :lmao:

Same comment for Joh. Perhaps they have Repeative Strain Injury? :laughing:

Even Better question is where are you? I need to be fed, changed, and had a bed time story read to! :lmao:

Anyway, proper questions now..

Any plans for Easter Term Break?

Any Plans for Tonight? (Cough Doctor Who Weakest Link Special Cough)

Tommorrow? (Cough Doctor Who Cough)

The Next Day? (Cough Doctor Who Repeat Cough :rotfl: )

OK I can't be serious for more than five minutes!!!!

Why is it that people think of things that would be really really really cool in reality but have actually no idea of bringing to reality? (e.g. Time Travel, Ghosts, Pokemon. :rotfl2: )

I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100,000. What's the number? (Cough 2!) Come on the Answer is in the question!! :rotfl2:

Do you have an Ipod? If yes, How many Songs are you supposed to have on there? How many do you actually have?

Have you ever played Pokemon before? Do you want to? :rotfl2:

I think that will do for now. :thumbsup2
wide eyes she has big feet compared to me!

What did you eat today?

Did you enjoy your day?

What are your plans for tonight?

I ate my yogurt/fruit/nuts mix, some mushroom soup and for evening din dins I had nachos, followed my chicken Fajitas.
I had a lovely day thank you
see previous!

tony64 If both time and space are infinite would you like a toasted Muffin?

yes please! :banana: :rotfl:

floridasun Ok my lovely

I have been so busy with work, I have neglected you, so here are a few for you:

Is less often more???

Is Red the new Black???

Morcombe or Wise??

Ant or Dec??

Little or Large??

Do I look 45???? (Second thoughts, dont answer that!!)

less is always more dahling
red is exquisite but black is always back
Morecambe definately
Dec - he's a cutie
large I reckon, If I HAD to!
absolutley not (even though I've never seen you but you certainly don't in your piccies!)
Here I am, here's Pinky !! The Iranians or Iraqies or whatever they are all worn out, I have chatted them to half to death.

Actually, I was watching the Apprentice, drinking wine, and eating dodgy kebab, I though it Carol was having the night of I would too ...

Anyway Carol honey, How are you this morning ?

Have you a poorly head ?

Why are you up so early on a Saturday morning ?

Kev is home and up for canvas, he wants to be Sid James, do you think that he will fit the part well ?

He suggest Matt for Kenneth Williams, whats your take on that ?

who are you going to be ? Barbara Windsor and get your pups out ?
Higgy66 I know you won't be back on until the morning - hope you had a good night out.

Do you have a hang over - if so was it worth it?

Did you pull?

Have you ever left a date half way through (or like me climbed out of a toilet window!)

Are you always up on the dance floor first?

What's the one song that you can't sit down to and have to get up and dance?

Do you swim like a swan with your hair dry or do you get your head under?

Have you ever hitched hiked?

Have you ever been back packing?

Would you settle for 3* and go twice or 5* and go once?

Do you ever get asked to book a room with a hen suite?

Have you ever come across Morag the British Rail rep?

Right I'm off to tackle that huge oile of ironing!

Hi Janet, hope you've been coping well with your interrogation!
I had a lovely night out but no hangover, sorry
did I pull? :rotfl2: of course not
Yes, I have left half way through but I couldn't fit through a loo window if I tried
not always but I'm generally last to leave
anything by The Scissor Sisters
I don't mind getting my hair wet but as a contact lens wearer I hate letting my eyes get wet!
yes, I've hitch hiked!
I back packed through Kenya and Tanzania
3* twice if I'm paying! 5* once if someone else is paying!
:rotfl: no but when I first started a client came in and gave me an enquiry in writing, she explained where she wanted and the name of the hotel etc but wrote she needed a room 'in sweet' I asked my colleague what type of room she wanted!:rotfl2:
No, don't know Morag I'm afraid

arieljasmine Hey Carol

Hope you've had a great night by the time you read this.

If you could sing like anyone, who would you choose?

If you could dance like anyone, who would you choose?

I notice you (like me) love Marilyn Monroe. Have you read Victim: The Secret Tapes of Marilyn Monroe by Matthew Smith?

Do you believe that man has ever walked on the moon?

What is your favourite conspiracy theory?
definately Annie Lennox - the best female voice this country has produced
Darcey Bussell, I studied ballet for years and she was my idol!
I haven't read that But I'll go look it out immediately.
yes, but why he'd want to is beyond me
I do love the new mexico/alien thing

Pokemon_master Carol, I must ask..

Where the heck is Jules? You haven't tied her up for asking too many questions have you? This isn't the mafia ya know!!

Same comment for Joh. Perhaps they have Repeative Strain Injury?

Even Better question is where are you? I need to be fed, changed, and had a bed time story read to!

Anyway, proper questions now..

Any plans for Easter Term Break?

Any Plans for Tonight? (Cough Doctor Who Weakest Link Special Cough)

Tommorrow? (Cough Doctor Who Cough)

The Next Day? (Cough Doctor Who Repeat Cough )

OK I can't be serious for more than five minutes!!!!

Why is it that people think of things that would be really really really cool in reality but have actually no idea of bringing to reality? (e.g. Time Travel, Ghosts, Pokemon. )

I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100,000. What's the number? (Cough 2!) Come on the Answer is in the question!!

Do you have an Ipod? If yes, How many Songs are you supposed to have on there? How many do you actually have?

Have you ever played Pokemon before? Do you want to?

I think that will do for now.
Yesterday 07:39 PM
I told you before, Jules has been kidnapped for use by government agencies in interrogation
I think they must!
read previous my son, I was out munching!
yes, am offto wales easter friday returning to cornwall easter sunday then on monday I pick up Callums best friend Connor and tuesday we fly to DLRP then return on thursday and friday/saturday back to work
for tonight I'm afraid I'll be making good use of the left over alcohol units I didn't have last night!
tomorrow? recovery!
the next day? back to work Hon!
I've no idea but maybe you should scrap economics and try space and time physics?

um, 100,000? :rotfl:
I have an MP3 that holds around 70 I have around 50 on there
I haven't and I never will!
Pinky, thank goodness you are back, we were getting worried! Worried that this thread would slip onto Page 2.. :lmao:

Anyway... Some questions for Carol..

When you say "Darling", do you say it in a Queen's Accent, or does it come out as Bubbles DeVere? :lmao:

Guess who is next week, come on guess! :lmao: I'd love to see if you got it right... :rotfl2:

Have you check on Callum? Is he still alive?? You did remember to fill his bowl right?? :rotfl:

I've no idea but maybe you should scrap economics and try space and time physics?

um, 100,000? :rotfl:

I haven't and I never will!

LOL Perhaps.. :lmao:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Pokemon is like Vampirism Carol. It will get you eventually, and when it happens, the only other way to cope is to try and convert everyone else!!!! :rotfl2:
Here I am, here's Pinky !! The Iranians or Iraqies or whatever they are all worn out, I have chatted them to half to death.

Actually, I was watching the Apprentice, drinking wine, and eating dodgy kebab, I though it Carol was having the night of I would too ...

Anyway Carol honey, How are you this morning ?

Have you a poorly head ?

Why are you up so early on a Saturday morning ?

Kev is home and up for canvas, he wants to be Sid James, do you think that he will fit the part well ?

He suggest Matt for Kenneth Williams, whats your take on that ?

who are you going to be ? Barbara Windsor and get your pups out ?

I'm very well Pinky, hope you are too, no my head is not poorly and I'm only up cos I'm in work!
Does Kevin have the Sid James dirty laugh? if he does he'll fit the part perfectly, do you think Tony will be Charles Hawtry? and am I endowed enough for Babs Windsor? I would like to hear Matts 'ooooh Matron!' before I decide his suitability
Did you get a snog last night?

Are you going to try and pull tonight?

What song am I listening to now?

Are you at work?

Do you leap out of bed in the morining shouting 'world here I come' or do you groan, roll back over and stay there till the last possible second?
Pinky, thank goodness you are back, we were getting worried! Worried that this thread would slip onto Page 2.. :lmao:

Anyway... Some questions for Carol..

When you say "Darling", do you say it in a Queen's Accent, or does it come out as Bubbles DeVere? :lmao:

Guess who is next week, come on guess! :lmao: I'd love to see if you got it right... :rotfl2:

Have you check on Callum? Is he still alive?? You did remember to fill his bowl right?? :rotfl:

LOL Perhaps.. :lmao:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Pokemon is like Vampirism Carol. It will get you eventually, and when it happens, the only other way to cope is to try and convert everyone else!!!! :rotfl2:

yes my 'Dahling' is said with all the fervour of Patsy a la Ab Fab Dahling!

I shall guess....... UKDeb and Fizz13

Callums at his Dads hon, so he's out of my jurisdiction for the weekend, hence I get to be ME! not a mum, just ME
Did you get a snog last night?

Are you going to try and pull tonight?

What song am I listening to now?

Are you at work?

Do you leap out of bed in the morining shouting 'world here I come' or do you groan, roll back over and stay there till the last possible second?

no don't be ridiculous
no don't be ridiculous
America - Razorlight?????
yes, fun eh?
its always 'watch out world' when I get up, I jump out of bed immediately. Usually cos I'm always pushed for time
Royalist or Republican?

Slapstick or Standup?

Cayman Islands or Barbados?

Were the Navy in Iranian waters?

I also have an 11yo DS, have you noticed a change in Callum's attitude towards others this year?
Royalist or Republican?

Slapstick or Standup?

Cayman Islands or Barbados?

Were the Navy in Iranian waters?

I also have an 11yo DS, have you noticed a change in Callum's attitude towards others this year?

Hello Manatee - are you straying out of local waters? I haven't seen you before but welcome to my 'its all about me' thread

royalist definately
standup - love it!
Barbados although I love ol' stingray city!
no idea, but I hope they're let go soon. If they were it wasn't those individuals choice, they were only following orders
in what way? My Callum is so immature still in the sense that he doesn't know one end of a female from another and certainly isn't interested in finding out! he has his little stroppy moments, but always has done. He goes through phases of being a complete pain in the neck for a month then good as gold for several, so any answering back I just put down to experience
I shall guess....... UKDeb and Fizz13

So close and yet so.... WRONG! :lmao:

I could tell you now but that would be telling... But you are going to like this one. I am just waiting for one PM and I will tell you. :)

Here's one for you Carol.
It's Sat lunchtime and I reckon time for a drink. But which of the following shall I have?
Red wine

whoops sorry caps lock left on!
well, Matt did you have all four? :rotfl2:

I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has bothered to post a question for me this week, I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially from those of you I don't chat to much. I'm sorry if I've upset anyone with my rather peculiar views on some subjects but if you'd like a debate then feel free:rotfl2: , only kidding, I hope my opinionated personality hasn't made you all detest me too much!
thank you
:love: :love:

p.s. and a special thank you to Tony64 who, thanks to this thread will have forever made a poor innocent smiley into a sex maniac :rolleyes1
well, Matt did you have all four? :rotfl2:

I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has bothered to post a question for me this week, I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially from those of you I don't chat to much. I'm sorry if I've upset anyone with my rather peculiar views on some subjects but if you'd like a debate then feel free:rotfl2: , only kidding, I hope my opinionated personality hasn't made you all detest me too much!
thank you
:love: :love:

p.s. and a special thank you to Tony64 who, thanks to this thread will have forever made a poor innocent smiley into a sex maniac :rolleyes1

I hope you had fun Carol! :goodvibes We have officially reached the end. For some reason everyone is too busy to post on the weekends... What do you actually do at work?? :lmao:

We will hopefully have the next names tomorrow. :thumbsup2
How much longer will your :rolleyes1 torture go on!!! :lmao:
A shameless resurrection of my thread so I can cut and paste the link into my profile - that way, hopefully, anyone who ever wants to know anything about me will read that first. I'm pretty certain I answered absolutely everything.
really enjoyed rereading it by the way!


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