Really lovely, you look gorgeous!! - I am so glad that Randy is shooting our VR!!!
Okay so I have two apologies:

First and foremost, I am so sorry that this has been such a delayed post. We have been super swamped with the move to Atlanta and into our very dirty townhouse (seriously never rent to anyone lol) so I am so sorry that I haven't posted anything recentely

Number 2: I don't have any professional pictures to share yet :headache: Randy's should have arrived earlier this week and Disney's should be coming soon it's taking forever lol

So onto the wedding day recap minus professional pics (so I will just be using ones my friend's posted on facebook :) )

I awoke bright and early when it was still dark and awaited the alarms to sound. My bridesmaids had all spent the night in our connecting rooms so I knew the alarms would wake everyone up. Well I waited for about ten minutes before I finally rolled over my sound asleep MOH and checked my phone only to find out that it was 3 am and I had two hours left to go!:headache:

I barely slept lol as you could imagine and then it was 5am and time to get ready! Patricia showed up right after my shower and got straight to work!

She was fantastic btw...(like I expected anything different) I just kind of pointed to my girls and briefly described the look I wanted for each of them and they all turned out perfect!

I might mention that I was shaking so bad that I could barely hold onto my mimosa. NOT from nerves but just the excitment of everything. I'm a pacer when i get excited and I need to burn off the energy. Sitting in a chair for two hours in hair and make up won't let you do that lol so Patricia was a little concerend lol

Around 6am my flowers showed up. I was in awe! I absolutely cannot say how relieved and excited I was they were perfect

My brother Adam, was the only boy allowed to see me pre dress, he delivered Alex's vows to me. Funny story, Alex and I designed our vows the exact same way lol...Alex freaked when my MOH delivered mine to him hehe

My grandma came in around the time I was almost ready to check out the flowers she looked awesome

All ready to go! Time to get dressed!
Everything looks absolutely amazing! Can't wait to see more!!
The Ceremony!

Finally it was time to leave for the ceremony! I was all dressed (Randy pics of that will be coming soon!) and ready to go! Honestly I could not stop shaking

My MOH and I in the limo

We arrived at Italy through a door by the American Adventure Pavillion. I was actually very happy to see this because I thought we would be coming in near France which is a little bit of a walk :) Reverend Knox greeted me upon my arrival it was so great to finally meet him!

After that things moved pretty quickly, no one told me (thank goodness :worship:) but we were fifteen minutes late getting there. Maxine told my bridal party where to go and then my dad and I hung back alone with Maxinne. I cannot say how thankful I am to her. I had listened to my wedding ceremony music so many times that I knew exactly how close were to the big moment. I was seriously shaking and Maxinne started asking me what my favorite attraction was or my favorite thing about Epcot. I had no idea she was doing it but she totally took my focus off the big moment for just the right amount of time. It was great to feel normal for a minute.

Then I heard the Castle Goodnight theme. Maxinne looked at me smiled, fluffed my dress, handed me my bouquet and said have fun! I looked at my dad took a deep breath and we were off

Side note, Italy took my breath away. I rounded the corner and realized i had to walk all the way to the ceremony site (it was a longer walk than i thought) This gave me a ton of time to take it all in, I was amazed. Truly one of the happiest moments of my life

Alex and I at the altar, he said he was so overtaken with emotion that he couldn't look at me until we held hands lol I was wondering why hahah

Reverand Knox was fantastic. He was everything I wanted and more. I really just wanted someone who was going to make every word seem special and he did it. Very commercial if you don't like that sort of thing but it was perfect for us.

My grandma did great at her reading :)

The major domo was the highlight of the ceremony for everyone, no one was expecting it. Our Disney photographer Chris got some amazing shots of our best man's face but we don't have those yet :( My dad was in the audience about to come up with his ring lol I love surprises!

Unity Candle

Kiss the bride!

After we were introduced as husband and wife and kissed one more time the DJ started playing Ever After from Enchanted (SO GLAD WE PICKED THIS SONG) It was perfect!

We didn't have a staged exit because as soon as we left we came right back to do the group shot :)

All and all I can honestly say I could not be any hapier with Italy. Everything about the ceremony itself was so beyond perfect!
Portrait Time​

After our group shot it was time for the bridal party shots! Although at first, I was unhappy to have two photographers it actually worked out very well! Because they both had very different styles we got a lot of pictures that were fun and artistic with Randy and a ton of portrait shots with Chris (Disney) Btw Chris was amazing! He listened to what I liked and just went with it, even showed Alex and I some preview shots in his camera!

Me and the Boys- a sorority sister had used this shot at her wedding and i loved it, from the front they all are popping out behind me its so great

Walking to the next location

Italy Colums (so pretty)

My MOH brought a small bottle of wine along so we could cheers hehe, a nice lady from Disney Events actually went and found us champagne glasses love it!

Chris showing us his awesome shot!

These Epcot ball pictures are some of our favorites can't wait to share them

After this we got back in the limo just me, Alex, and my MOH and headed over to meet Randy at Sunset Point, there are some amazing shots from there that I am anxiously awaiting to share with you :)

Then it was PARTY TIME
Wow...everything looked so amazing!! You looked absolutely beautiful! And what a gorgeous location! I cant wait to see more!!
Italy was perfect! So beautiful!!!
You looked so amazing and happy :goodvibes
Congrats, again.
Once again absolutely beautiful!!

Everything looks so beautiful and amazing! I can't wait to hear how the reception went!!! :)

Everything looks gorgeous! Italy looks like an amazing location!

Wow...everything looked so amazing!! You looked absolutely beautiful! And what a gorgeous location! I cant wait to see more!!

Italy was perfect! So beautiful!!!
You looked so amazing and happy :goodvibes
Congrats, again.

Everything looks sooo good, I can't wait to read more!

All I can say is WOW! You look beautiful. I would love to see the rest!

I love the pics!! You look so happy and stunning!! I can't wait to read more about the Party!!:cool1:

AMAZING ceremony! Can't wait to see all your professional pic's!

Thank you so much guys :hug:
I know i've fallen off the posting wagon, we've been so crazy busy I've actually only been able to post at work haha!
So here we go! Reception time!

First of all, let me say that I did not worry about a single thing during my reception. Everything flowed so smoothly all I really got asked was what I wanted to drink when I arrived and if it was okay to bump up the couples dance infront of the garter/boquet toss hahah. Maxine was amazing I cannot say enough good things about her.

So moving on we arrived at the Contemporary around 11:20am. Walking through the lobby was such a neat experience. To see the look on everyone's faces I truly felt like a princess! I think it was the first time I realized that I really did get married in Disney haha. It was like a dream coming true. We went up in the elevator and were greeted by Maxine with a glass of wine and a bottle of beer (as promised lol) Maxine let us have a moment and then took our drinks to our table and we waited to be introduced by our FANTASTIC major domo.

A note on the major domo, I am so glad we got him! He was such a great addition to making our fairytale wedding a reality. It really completed the storybook theme I wanted and people are still talking about him :) For 600 dollars it was a great way to stay in budget but do something very disney :)

After the major domo introduced us and told us he'd have to retreat to the castle it was time for speeches!

Maid of Honor Speech

Best Man speech

The lunch was SOOOOOOOOooo good! Especially the ravioli appetizer. I know Alex and I ate a little light because were just so excited we didn't want to risk an upset stomach but I am happy to say I did try everything

My fantastic bridesmaids:

The coach centerpieces looked fantastic! I was so happy I went with them!

Then it was off to the party!

First dance as Man and Wife to "Beautiful" by Jim Brinkman and Wayne Brady

during our dance, the bridal party thought it would be fun to collect all the rose petals from the tables, when we finished they threw them all over us :rotfl:

I really loved our DJ Scott Mesina, at first we thought he was a little cheesy but he totally made our party a hit! We actually remember the cheesy parts as being the most fun

Dancing with my Grandpa

Posing with my DZ sisters who attended :)

Going for my Garter- Song "Tonight's gonna be a good night" black eyed peas


Bouquet Toss- "Girls just wanna have fun"

Father daughter dance- Cinderella by Stephan Curtis Chapman (perfect song)


The cake was fantastic! The almond cake and amaratto filling was the biggest hit of the day!

Our autograph frame! It's going in our bedroom as soon as the group shot is processed

last dance of the night- SHOUT but Scott (DJ) added Walking on Sunshine :)

All and all it was such a fantastic day and I loved the reception site. The only downside which later I really didn't care about because I danced barefoot the majority of the time was that we didn't have a dance floor which i thought we would. But honestly with everyone dancing it didn't matter :)



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