Are you good or bad at....?

i say yes.....wife says no.......but I can find it faster than my wife can find her stuff faster......after spending big bucks on garden computer , in plain box, each in big black letters.....Garden computer. And the flower pruners are always inthe same place...Rolls Royce pruners they are and I have to ask permission to take them out for a spin...they were missing for a few was my queen of hearts she was ....but I found great catalyst!!!!!!

rounding up dust bunnies?
good at the kids in the pool......lots of people in a pool or beach, I'll pass

keeping appointments on time?
your batting 1000% arrived early into the dark parking lot...then sat in the waiting room for 45 mintues, then in the pre-surgery prep rooom, listening to others behind closed curtains....they were having procedures that didn't require going asleep like mine....two hours I laid in that bed..... might be the straw that breaks my perfect arrival appointment time....but don't want to mess with the yep...on time

giving vital statistics to the nurse?
never play, but good at words and do a lot of word puzzles

disciplining children?
picking ingredinets for jam...yes....helping wife make freezer jam....yes...making the van sealt belt release jam...yes...tailgate to 1995 ford truck jam....yes but putting myself to the task of making spreadable jam for

making yourself famous for a few mintues in conversation?
bad and don't want to.....I really don't like socializing much

cleaning a swimming pool?
I WAS good, when we used to have one, although my DH would disagree [I think it was just an excuse to get rid of the pool...:sad2: ]

making a 7-layer cake?
never tried, but I am a good baker and could do it if I tried

decorating for holidays?
have never made candy...way to much work for so little satisfaction...I help wife make rocky road for grandson...that is the extent.

washing car windows?


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