Are you good or bad at....?

...don't really have knick-knacks - dust collectors! :teeth:

plunging a stopped-up toilet?
as a bored child at the canning table I would line up the green beans into trains, each pile a car full of task at hand...I guess I was good at it...did it for 4 years on the farm....was always asked to return.

peeling peaches?
good....or used to be. Haven't done it in awhile and my hands aren't as good as they used to be

refinishing furniture?
meh....I leave that for the DH...and my oldest DS.

rowing a boat?
good, but don't really have a desire to

choosing a good movie to watch (that you haven't already seen)?
kinda bad ( but it's not my fault - the trailers make the movies look so good, but when you go to watch them, they're cr*p)

pitching a tent?
pop up, fine.....old school not so much......but then I don't want to use one anyway ;)

Mending clothes?
great (I take after my grandmother!]

putting together a scrapbook?
metaphorically yes....I can turn any event into a spiritual affair and a 4 page essay.
horticulturally......I prune, water, fertilize and use my 6'5 body to pick lemons for the neighborhood
fiscally.....I halve, push, squeeze, drain and blend the juice.
monetarily.....nope, no one has stopped by the stand.

building a lemonade sidewalk stand?
good.....but haven't built one since my kids were little and that was many, many years ago

braiding hair?


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