Apple is going to look through your photos on your phone looking for child abuse pictures

I am an open book. Look at all the pics you want - it's just going to be cats and trees, anyway. Occasionally my kids get along long enough for me to snap a pic of them.

Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. Probably something in your contract with them that allows this, I assume?

I’m the same way. I refuse to wear a tin foil hat. If you want to look through my phone, go for it. You’ll find funny memes and texts with my daughter talking about our upcoming tattoos <3
Small price to pay to reduce child abuse. Avoiding taking unclothed photos of your child is a good policy for everyone, frankly. Cute as you might think it is, your child isn't old enough to give informed consent to have his or her private parts photographed. If something seems to be wrong with your child's private parts, either give medical staff a verbal or written description, or visit the doctor in person- don't send them a photo. This isn't rocket science.

And even people who insist on taking cute nude photos/videos of their kids, or sending doctor's offices private parts photos, are not going to be hurt by this policy, just possibly inconvenienced. Like I said, small price to pay for your choice to do those things, while abused children get a better chance of being helped.

As a person who experienced sexual abuse as a child, and who has worked with abused children as an adult, I like the new policy.
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Nothing to hide, nothing to fear is equivalent to saying only criminals need to keep secrets or suggests that we are all worthy of suspicion until proven otherwise.

I will take my chances. I would rather everyone be looked at closely than nobody and people slip through to do heinous things. All those school shootings? If people would have looked closely at their online ramblings, journals, etc....I am positive a few could be prevented.

Same goes here. If it prevents one kid from a predator, look at everything I own and do - I don't care. Same as above...having been that kid...I would do anything to prevent it for others.
I am really surprised that people are so willing to give up their civil liberties, when we all know that people who abuse their children do not take pictures of the abuse and keep it on their phone. This is an excuse for Apple (and whomever else) to look through people’s private photographs, as if they are coming into your home and looking through the old box of photos you have in your closet. This is completely illegal and tramples upon our basic right to privacy. If people do not start waking up and claiming their rights, we will all be in a lot of trouble, if we are not already.
I will take my chances. I would rather everyone be looked at closely than nobody and people slip through to do heinous things. All those school shootings? If people would have looked closely at their online ramblings, journals, etc....I am positive a few could be prevented.

Same goes here. If it prevents one kid from a predator, look at everything I own and do - I don't care. Same as above...having been that kid...I would do anything to prevent it for others.
I don't know.

Sounds like we are inching towards the ideas in the movie Minority Report and will one day be arresting people for crimes we think they might commit.

Several people much smarter than me have said something to the effect of better to release 100 guilty people than make one innocent person suffer. Benjamin Franklin, Voltaire, Sir William Blackstone, etc.

Experts have shown that it is possible to create innocent images that generate a hash that matches the CSAM database. Send several of them to someone, they save them to their Photos on their iPhone and the FBI shows up at their house at 3am with a no knock warrant, take you to jail and seize your electronics. Sure you are innocent but in the 4-6 months time it takes to prove that your life is destroyed. You lose your job, whispers all around town about you being a child molester, etc. Your life is destroyed forever.

An even more terrifying version of doxing.
I am really surprised that people are so willing to give up their civil liberties, when we all know that people who abuse their children do not take pictures of the abuse and keep it on their phone. This is an excuse for Apple (and whomever else) to look through people’s private photographs, as if they are coming into your home and looking through the old box of photos you have in your closet. This is completely illegal and tramples upon our basic right to privacy. If people do not start waking up and claiming their rights, we will all be in a lot of trouble, if we are not already.
You sound paranoid. And boy do I hate the "waking up" lingo of today. It's so overused.
Isn't the internet already scanned for child porn/abuse? Not sure how this is any different since they are only scanning photos on the cloud and not actually on your phone.
You sound paranoid. And boy do I hate the "waking up" lingo of today. It's so overused.
So as someone who has a close family member who was arrested for a serious crime he did NOT commit (not child abuse or anything related) and who has lived the whole life being ruined thing, its not paranoia. It absolutely happens. more than you think. This person spent 6 months in jail with no bond away from his family and his children, has been drug thru the muck on social media, his children have had to deal with people talking about their father, and more than a year after is still waiting to go to trial to prove his innocence. We no longer live in a society of innocent until proven guilty. The moment an arrest is made public, everyone assumes you are guilty and will talk about what a vile person you are even if they don't know you. Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it isn't real or that it doesn't happen to people every day.
Isn't the internet already scanned for child porn/abuse? Not sure how this is any different since they are only scanning photos on the cloud and not actually on your phone.
The scan is occurring on your phone not in the cloud.
this is stupid and illegal. But I guess laws don’t apply in our world anymore.

Not illegal, it's probably buried in the Terms of Service, and by agreeing to using their products and services you allow them to do this. Just like Google has Alexis listen and record what is said in your house.

Stupid, least until they catch someone with illegal pictures on their device, then, maybe not so stupid...

I struggle with this because I am pro privacy and intellectual freedom, but then again so many criminals are stupid and if it catches them......

Also I kinda feel like the internet is keep your crap off the internet....:magnify:
I am really surprised that people are so willing to give up their civil liberties,
I'm not. Most people aren't interested in real freedom and will bend over to feel secure.

I personally don't buy that child safety if why they want to comb through your data and pics. I actually would love to see how many child sex crimes they uncover through these means. Maybe I'll be surprised.

Data collection is big business and has a lot of buyers. It's the real purpose of social media and why it remains a free service. Because you are the product.
I am really surprised that people are so willing to give up their civil liberties, when we all know that people who abuse their children do not take pictures of the abuse and keep it on their phone. This is an excuse for Apple (and whomever else) to look through people’s private photographs, as if they are coming into your home and looking through the old box of photos you have in your closet. This is completely illegal and tramples upon our basic right to privacy. If people do not start waking up and claiming their rights, we will all be in a lot of trouble, if we are not already.
We are already in a lot of trouble :(
This is called an invasion of privacy and wont stick. Then again the govt hasn't cared about infringing those rights so they're probably okay with it. best friend found an old picture of me as a 15 year old, mimicing the suntan girl from the 60s, dropping the back of her bottoms. Maybe I should get that off my phone, since I was a minor. What about folks with naked pictures of their babies?
Spent last night removing all pics from iPhone except scenery ones. Gives me a good reason to use our actual camera in going forward. Didn’t have anything bad, yet I would hate for an innocent picture to become misconstrue. Part of the reason why I never put the kids pics on social media was privacy issues and of course not having their consent. Apple doesn’t have their consent to go through my phone to see them therefore off they go.
This is an excuse for Apple (and whomever else) to look through people’s private photographs,
You really think they are interested in our boring lives? I tend to error on looking at things from a privacy standpoint I just wish people would argue about it in a more level way. They don't give two hoots about our everyday photos so what's the point of arguing the whole "it's just an excuse to..." viewpoint? It tends to turn people off to the privacy argument IMO
It is not an invasion of privacy if you agree to it, which by using the product, inside the ToS you agree to it.
And when things like this happen it doesn't mean people can't fight against the TOS in court and whatnot but as it were if you're using a product you agree to their terms whatever they may be and whatever they may be updated to.


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