anyone feel as blessed as I do?

Thoughtful post :sunny:

Altho life may throw us some curves, I choose to think positive and believe 'it is all part of God’s great plan' to help keep our priorities in check and make us realize how fortunate we are.

In Dec. I returned home from our family reunion cruise, as most of you know, with a very heavy heart. Little did I know what God had in store for me. In Jan. he threw me another wild card and my dear Dad, 86yo, lost his battle to cancer. Losing a parent has got to be one of life’s major heartbreaks to over come. But…the world keeps turning, life goes on and your faith helps get you thru. You take the time to reflect and indeed count your many blessings.^i^

I feel very, very blessed. I have a wonderful husband of 39 yrs., 4 children I would not trade for the world, ~ almost 8 grands who add a bright spot in each day, my dear Mom and family…also, we have fairly good health, a descent retirement, a home to shelter us, nice vehicles to transport us and food on the table ~ including for Easter, our traditional So. Md. stuffed ham, with all our local family. Oh....forgot our wonderful Dis board.:D

As I look out of my computer room window,
In my yard I see ‘Old Glory’ flying high, surrounded by a bed of beautiful tulips. I am reminded we take so much for granted. We are blessed to live in the best country in the world and we can continue to sleep safely at night thanks to all the troops.
May God Bless!

God Bless America...Land of the Free. ^i^
Beautifully put 4Nana,, and my symphathy on your fathers passing.
I like to think of being blessed when a loved one passes on because if my Lord didn't die and rise again, I'd never have the opportunity to see them in eternity.

As I miss my daughter, dad and best friend this Easter, I will remember the others in my life who have come and now passed and know that I will see them again when it's my turn.

To all of you from all of us,
Happy Easter and God's blessings to you all!

It helps me to deal with the loss of a loved one to know that now we have one more angel looking out for us.
Watching the 7 released POW's come home to their familiy and friends I am again reminded how blessed we are to live in this wonderful country.

As so many of you have already said so eloquently - life if wonderful if you have a positive outlook.

To the one person who had to bring negativity into this thread - I gave up on them a long time ago. They just want attention and it seems the only way they know how to get it is negative attention. They take, take, take and never give.

Jeanne, thank you for starting this very positive thread. Thank you too for everyone who posted their blessings (and to Rae and Andy who added a little comic releif).

May the blessings of the season be with you all!

May all your cruises be smooth sailings and may you come away with many happy memories like I've had (and hope to get more of soon). :)
rae.......Amen! :) faith for today and bright hope for tomorrow...blessings all mine with 10,000 beside!
To all, please try to remember that the person who wrote the negative remarks then erased them is a very sad, depressed person and needs our love and prayers for recovery.

It's easy to love a lovable person, the challenge is loving someone who can't/won't love themselves.

Originally posted by imgoingtodisney
sorry guys - I just need a cruise bad
Have a Happy Easter everyone

Will be praying that there "will not" be any signs of any sickness that would cancel your cruise this November. I know I would be bummed if my cruise were cancelled. Have a "Happy Easter" imgoingtodisney, and thanks again for the birthday wishes!!! Heading over to Old Country Buffet for a birhtday brunch with DW and DD.

Just add that to my BLESSINGS, I got to turn another year older today!!!

I too watched the P.O.W.'s return last night.. it was so heartwarming as one had popped the top of the hatch and held an American flag out and then stood up raising his hands...
Now I would guess that anyone one of those brave souls "really needs a cruise" I think that would be a fair statement.. I would also guess though that is the farthest thing from their minds,, they are counting their blessings to be home in our great country and to be alive and loving their families.

I often try to explain to my DS (10) that there is a HUGE difference between wants and needs.. I hope he is finally getting it.. ie: you may want a new gamecube game but you don't NEED it.

I feel so blessed that all my NEEDS in life have been met.
I have never gone hungry-never had to choose between heating the house or feeding my family.
I have never gone unclothed (unless it was willingly- or if I was too overzealous in meeting need number one that my clothes were too tight ;))
Never had to worry about a roof over my head or a bed to sleep on..
YES I am truely blessed all my needs are met and on top of that I have wonderfull friends and family!

PS. veranda man happy birthday you little easter bunny!
Originally posted by AnnMorin
veranda man happy birthday you little easter bunny!

Since know one else has asked I'm going too. 4nana what is a stuffed ham? I would feel really blessed if you could give me a recipe...
Happy Easter Everyone.........
I am blessed that I didn't "miss" posting to this thread entirely...

Hey Rae -

Thankfully, Hazel and Tom (our spouses) keep us in line (most of the time)!

Which one is which spouse to whom?...

Hey Ann -

I often try to explain to my DS (10) that there is a HUGE difference between wants and needs.. I hope he is finally getting it.. ie: you may want a new gamecube game but you don't NEED it.

Nah, I think he NEEDS a gamecube, just like my DS9 NEEDS another zoid - two more and he'll have all 63 thus covering our entire livingroom (formerly) floor as well as the brand new "china" display cabinet which now holds the more fragile zoids...

Imgoingtodisney - I didn't get to read the post in question here, but rest assured everyone at one time or another places their foot in their mouth (now is when I wish I had the skill/capability of ncligs!). I got slammed by a couple of Disers when I originally posted a somewhat snide comment concerning one of your earlier cancelled-cruise complaints. One or two of them even added their 2-cents in this thread. We are all human and we all make errors in judgment. Hopefully, most of my decisions are wise ones and I pray the same for you...
Happy Spring Bunny Day!!!
Happy Birthday Verandah Man!!!

I just wanted to add that I think it would be nice if we all said a prayer for the family of LACI PETERSON to help them get through the tragic loss of their daughter and grandson. They will never get to see that helpless little boy grow and their daughter will not know the joys of motherhood.

I am truly blessed to be able to hug and kiss have my children each and every day!!!

p.s. I won't tell you my wish for the @$% who did this to them.
Originally posted by emmak
Happy Spring Bunny Day!!!
Happy Birthday Verandah Man!!!

I just wanted to add that I think it would be nice if we all said a prayer for the family of LACI PETERSON to help them get through the tragic loss of their daughter and grandson. They will never get to see that helpless little boy grow and their daughter will not know the joys of motherhood.

I am truly blessed to be able to hug and kiss have my children each and every day!!!

p.s. I won't tell you my wish for the @$% who did this to them.

This is the reason I feel so blessed today. Here I am with my DW and DD enjoying my Birthday and Easter Sunday Brunch this morning. Not to mention, our surprise lime green guest peeking through the window. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!!!

Hey, Andy, from the picture, it sure looks like my gal pal Hazel is the blessed one - she's the one with food in front of her!!!

Way to go, girlfriend!!!!

Originally posted by rae519
Hey, Andy, from the picture, it sure looks like my gal pal Hazel is the blessed one - she's the one with food in front of her!!!

Way to go, girlfriend!!!!


That's because it took her longer to get back and forth from the buffet, Angelina and I were already done eating, the photo was taken just before we left.


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