Anyone do any TWILIGHT DISigns??

Thanks Amy! Those are perfect! I hope to get some shirts done and put them in their Easter baskets :D
Here are your name designs... (oops, a little out of order)

Thanks Amy!

Mine's for my cruise door(and our Twilight meet) and my BFF and her niece are band tripping to WDW at the end of the month......they'll be thrilled!

Thank you sooooo much!

Lori pirate:
Hi there.
If you have time, may I please have the dark twilight and the book covers in the following...


Thank you so much. My DD's are crazy for this book and these would make awesome stuffers for the EASTER BASKETS!!!
Have a great day. Thank you again.
I bet they take them to WDW too in August.
THANK YOU!! I'm planning on making the shirt for my friend. She loves Twilight.. and Edward Cullen.. :rotfl:
I've never read the books but I watched the movie last night since I rented it. My friend typed up chapter 1 of Twilight for me months ago, it seemed good, so I'm planning on buying the books.
If I end up liking the books, I may just have to use this design for myself. :laughing:
I'll show you pictures once I make it and I'll get my friend to send me pictures when she wears it to New Moon's premiere, November 20th.
Thanks again!! :upsidedow

Thanks Amy! Those are perfect! I hope to get some shirts done and put them in their Easter baskets :D

Thanks Amy!
Mine's for my cruise door(and our Twilight meet) and my BFF and her niece are band tripping to WDW at the end of the month......they'll be thrilled!
Thank you sooooo much!
Lori pirate:

You are all welcome!
Hi there.
If you have time, may I please have the dark twilight and the book covers in the following...
Thank you so much. My DD's are crazy for this book and these would make awesome stuffers for the EASTER BASKETS!!!
Have a great day. Thank you again.
I bet they take them to WDW too in August.

Here are your designs...




would you be so kind as to do the name Wyoming? My daughter would love a shirt, In red and with the characters. thank you.
Could you please do the names Melissa and Ryeley? In the red and black? Thank you so much for your time and talent.
hi Amy
could I have one says

thanks! your awesome!
I wasn't exactly sure what you were requesting, if I misinterpreted your request, let me know...

sorry, I love this one. Can I also have the other twilight too. Is there anyway we can do Twilight with the cast and the grandma with the book covers to match? Thanks so much...
sorry, I love this one. Can I also have the other twilight too. Is there anyway we can do Twilight with the cast and the grandma with the book covers to match? Thanks so much...

Here it is all fixed up...



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