Anyone concerned about the Coronavirus in WDW ?

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Can someone in the UK answer if anyone other than the elderly and children are forbidden from getting a flu shot, even if you have to pay for it yourself?
Paying for it yourself is rationing of care. The health system rations what services they will and won't pay for and for whom they will and won't pay for based on different factors.
There will be no travel bans between states. You can't restrict interstate commerce (unless people don't want any food/meds/supplies brought into their state via trucks or trains) and you can't restrict people from going about their business (ie, school, work, etc). Unless the government is going to pay everyone's mortgage/rent/bills during this time (which we all know they won't) it will never happen.

What do you mean by can't?

The government can issue curfews, quarantine, declare martial law if it wants to.
If you ever want to see what government-run healthcare is like, visit a VA hospital. Talk with the patients, nurse, and doctors.

My dad made us promise that we would never send him to a VA hospital.
These types of comments are genuinely puzzling to me. Do people think our government funded military is of...shoddy quality? It clearly isn’t because our country prioritizes it. It’s all about what we expenditures we do and do not prioritize and the processes that are set up to administer solutions and care. And to bring it back to the topic at hand, I personally do not have much faith that our current leadership has the right priorities when it comes to addressing coronavirus. However, I really want to be wrong because on a micro selfish level, I really want to surprise my kids in 40 days!
And Tricare for military families.
You seem to want to deny any of it or post your own simple slogan that government healthcare cannot work here, but since it does elsewhere just deny it is happening? Is that your thought? It's just a slogan??? It's make believe? smh. Yes there are different ways it is done but the fact is it is done and here in the United States we pay MUCH MORE than ANYWHERE else, this is not a cliché or slogan but a fact.

Hmm... cheaper is a relative term.
People love to cite "Finland," so let's do that. What's the average income tax? It's almost 54%. What do you pay in the USA?
I don't know about you, but "Free" to me doesn't mean giving up over half of my income. And on top of that, they still hit you with other fees, property tax, and a hefty VAT on purchases.

I'm sure we can discuss numbers vs numbers, but we should agree that truth lies somewhere in the middle. Do you really believe a government can be a good steward of your income? I do not, for one minute. The govt exists to handle very large things, like infrastructure, roads, national defense, etc. They don't need to get mired in the details of such an immense, heterogeneous society.
If you ever want to see what government-run healthcare is like, visit a VA hospital. Talk with the patients, nurse, and doctors.

My dad made us promise that we would never send him to a VA hospital.

my FIL gets great, low cost care at the VA here.
Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the university of Washington have done genetic testing. They have research and facts backing up that the virus has been circulating for 6 weeks in the US. Gamechanger
That's interesting stuff (wish I understood more than 5% of it lol but even that 5% is interesting). Haven't found the part on 6 weeks in the US yet but they confirm the Nov/Dec start date.
If that’s how you see it then we really ration care here!!!
Insurance companies, Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, etc all ration care in one way or another. Rationing care doesn't always mean you can't get the treatment. It can be the cost associated with the treatment, wait times, etc..
Won't argue with you about Germany and France, Germany does many things very well, but they are both considered Universal healthcare systems, United States is not.
But Germany and France both are not government run health care systems. They are to different degrees government managed/run insurance systems. They are completely different than what you have in Canada and Great Britain. And, they are both completely different than Medicare for all. People on both sides of the debate wrongly associate universal with government run system.
Pence was just asked if he would be comfortable taking his family to WDW for Spring break and he said he travels all over the country and expects people should go about their lives. Be smart about washing hands which you should do his time of year already.
That, and the number of people who 1) don't have paid sick leave and are living paycheck-to-paycheck (and the "show up to work no matter what" culture in many business places in the US), and 2) those with no insurance or HDHPs that cant afford to go in until they are in a very bad place. Hopefully there start to be options to help with 1) (such as businesses allowing individuals to work from home, or providing paid sick leave temporarily). 2), I am not so confident about.

Heck, you should have been at the meeting with my state senator on Saturday. Someone asked whether she would support sick leave (paid or unpaid) so people didn't have to make the untenable choice between reporting to work while ill OR potentially losing their job for being absent. The Senator called that idea "socialism." Follow up question was what's the waitress who has flu or Covid-19 supposed to do? Report to work (exposing customers) or be fired for non-attendance. The Senator's honest to god answer was "She should report and ask for alternate duties sweeping the floor." I WISH I were kidding. What the hell kind of answer was that? Are we REALLY that heartless that we want flu stricken people to report to work? I was SMH. So pathetic.
That's interesting stuff (wish I understood more than 5% of it lol but even that 5% is interesting). Haven't found the part on 6 weeks in the US yet but they confirm the Nov/Dec start date.

I wouldn't be surprised if it hasn't been here since the fall. Anecdotal, but... DH (Sept.) and FIL (Nov.) both came down with something that tracks the progression of Covid almost exactly. Fever, dry cough, aches/chills, a progression of about 2 weeks with the first week being "easier" than the second, and not much nasal congestion. Both went to Drs. (in separate states, as they don't live near each other; also no way they gave it to each other) and were checked for flu, strep, bronchitis, sinus infections, and a host of other things, some viral, some environmental, some bacterial. Nothing. FIL had some white spots on his lungs, but it never developed into full blown pneumonia. In both cases the Drs. gave up after all the testing and said, "We don't know what this is. Never seen it before." Both recovered fine, even FIL in his 70's.

So I don't know what they had, but I would not be surprised at all to find out it's been here for months and we just had a bunch of people going to the Dr. and being told, "Don't know," or being lumped in with regular flu cases since there was no specific testing.

(Edit, I should also add they hadn't traveled, so whatever they got was acquired domestically.)
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But Germany and France both are not government run health care systems. They are to different degrees government managed/run insurance systems. They are completely different than what you have in Canada and Great Britain. And, they are both completely different than Medicare for all. People on both sides of the debate wrongly associate universal with government run system.

They may not be single payer. United States is not considered universal healthcare
If the discussion is about concern for the Coronavirus in WDW - feel free to continue that in this thread for as long as it lasts (and it is on very thin ice at this time).

If the discussion continues with discussion of current political proposals regarding the US healthcare system, feel free to find another site for that since this thread has already not-so-subtley stepped into that arena.
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