Anyone concerned about the Coronavirus in WDW ?

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There are going to be trade offs with any kind of health care system. You know why Great Britain only recommends the flu shot only for the elderly and young children? Because that is all they are willing to pay for. Nationalized health care means cost must be controlled and controlled costs mean rationing of care.
They recommend it for those age groups because they are the most at risk. :rolleyes2
Every other major country seems to be able to do it

Who do you mean by every other "major country"?
Are they all single payer?
Are they a mix of private and government funded?
Do they have a population of 330 million where 44% don't pay federal taxes?
Plus a list of other questions to answer before resorting to the simplistic response of " but other countries do it"
Every other major country seems to be able to do it

I don't think most politicians in this country much less the general public in this country have the first clue about what the rest of the world actually does and how they do it. Does anyone believe any candidate for President from either party could tell you the major differences in how Germany, Great Britain and France run their health care? The percent of GDP from each country that goes to their system? Which system is the considered to produce the best results? The role private insurance plays in each? If and how care is rationed in each country? Which system gives the health care consumer the most power?

Slogans like every other major country seems to be able to do it sound great, but they mean nothing if you don't know what every other country actually does.
Who do you mean by every other "major country"?
Are they all single payer?
Are they a mix of private and government funded?
Do they have a population of 330 million where 44% don't pay federal taxes?
Plus a list of other questions to answer before resorting to the simplistic response of " but other countries do it"
Man, I'm getting whiplash between your "lighten up, it's just a joke!" posts and your aggressive "pay attention to my strong conservative viewpoints about a complex issue in a Disney forum!!" posts, lol. I can assure you that many other countries prioritize the health of their citizens more than the US, which is unfortunate, but I think it's pointless to get in the weeds about it in this space.
Who do you mean by every other "major country"?
Are they all single payer?
Are they a mix of private and government funded?
Do they have a population of 330 million where 44% don't pay federal taxes?
Plus a list of other questions to answer before resorting to the simplistic response of " but other countries do it"
Every worker pays federal taxes. Not all workers end up paying federal income tax.
This is the second time I've seen you say that it has been in China for "a year", yet all I've ever heard is that it was first identified in December. Where are you hearing "a year" from?

1) Family member who has lived in China for decades, and now on full quarantine.

2) Person who has barely slept in three months working hand and hand with CDC/Hospital Research/NonProfit trying to pay for research ... because CDC was gutted of funding to handle this.

Also have doc in family who works in US hospital and they are sure they've had cases for quite some time, govt refuses to allow testing ... they are handling this on their own. This is a state that to date has no confirmed cases. This has spread much farther and it didn't happen in 6 weeks from China diagnosis.

Both sources I would trust way more than China or any other government to tell us the truth. The lab source has said it is possible they didn't want anyone to know about it so that they could be the first to develop a vaccine and therefore make all the money. Certainly sounds credible about China putting money over lives. It was out of control in December and medical personnel rang the alarms, China had no choice but to acknowledge it.

Logically speaking a virus didn't evolve overnight in December and then be showing up all over the world in a matter of weeks. That is unless it was developed in a lab for bad reasons and "somehow breached" the labs at strength??? Not trying to go down any conspiracy hole .... I prefer to go with China kept it quiet, China lost control of situation, China was outed by their own ..........

What really matters is how it is handled going forward HERE. I'm not worried about getting sick, I'm more worried about financial impact to the country. When you acknowledge, address, have protocol rather than stick your head in the sand ... you protect against mass spread, you help keep people healthier and help the workings the economy stabilize.
I don't think most politicians in this country much less the general public in this country have the first clue about what the rest of the world actually does and how they do it. Does anyone believe any candidate for President from either party could tell you the major differences in how Germany, Great Britain and France run their health care? The percent of GDP from each country that goes to their system? Which system is the considered to produce the best results? The role private insurance plays in each? If and how care is rationed in each country? Which system gives the health care consumer the most power?

Slogans like every other major country seems to be able to do it sound great, but they mean nothing if you don't know what every other country actually does.

You seem to want to deny any of it or post your own simple slogan that government healthcare cannot work here, but since it does elsewhere just deny it is happening? Is that your thought? It's just a slogan??? It's make believe? smh. Yes there are different ways it is done but the fact is it is done and here in the United States we pay MUCH MORE than ANYWHERE else, this is not a cliché or slogan but a fact.
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Which means it is a rationing of preventive care to control cost.
Can someone in the UK answer if anyone other than the elderly and children are forbidden from getting a flu shot, even if you have to pay for it yourself?
Which means it is a rationing of preventive care to control cost.
I would rather a system that distributes health care resources according to medical need instead of ability to pay.

With COVID-19, I am more concerned about our hourly workers who might not have health insurance and paid sick leave than I am about retired Boomers on Medicare. The uninsured workers are a greater risk to the virus spreading to a greater percentage of the population.
You seem to want to deny any of it or post your own simple government healthcare cannot work here but since it does elsewhere I'll just deny it is happening? Is that your thoughts? Yes there are different ways it is done but the fact is it is done and here in the United States we pay MUCH MORE than ANYWHERE else, this is not a cliché but a fact.
I haven't denied that other places have universal health care systems. I would be hesitant to call some of them government systems. Government plays a large role in all of them, but government has and does play a large role in the US system. I have not endorsed the current US system or any other system in this thread. I said there are trade offs that are made when choosing one system or another. If you go to another system your care is going to change in some ways both positive and negative. I think there are a couple of systems that could work well in the US that other countries use. If we went with either we would still have the highest health care cost in the world. We would save some money, but not the kind of money you hear politicians and advocates of Medicare for all scream about. That said, the French and German system have some very good things going from them.
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