Any annoying things about WDW

What annoys me most is the cost of parking the car, or maybe the car parking is free, its the little tram ride to the transportation centre that you pay for, either way it does me ED in. But I suppose Universal are worse, they make you walk from your car. :lmao:

I know what you mean but I find the Universal parking better, as it's undercover, no rain or heat to worry about, and the parks are walking distance apart also.
Some of the WDW car parks are in a right state, being a disabled badge holder the blue line is barely visible.
What annoys me most is the cost of parking the car, or maybe the car parking is free, its the little tram ride to the transportation centre that you pay for, either way it does me ED in. But I suppose Universal are worse, they make you walk from your car. :lmao:

I am sure its perfectly possible to do away with parking fees but that revenue would have to be made up on price of the tickets, then people without cars would be paying for it. Also if they did that I guess there would be a sustantial increase in people using the parking lots intead of using other forms of transport.
That's spot on, try following the blue line once the light starts fading.


I will put that down as an official annoying thing then - Disney need to improve their car parking facilities at the theme parks as some of the blue disabled lines are barely visible.

I mean just needs a tin of paint folks , think about it - how hard can it be?

There, feel better now!
I don't object to paying to park the car, its the amount that they charge, $10-11 Dollars is too high in my opinion, Disney and the other theme parks know people will pay the fee so its easy money.
I don't object to paying to park the car, its the amount that they charge, $10-11 Dollars is too high in my opinion, Disney and the other theme parks know people will pay the fee so its easy money.

Don't want to upset you but its $12 now:goodvibes
I would also think its to do with trying to get you to stay onsite. I am a big offsite fan but anyone that is not sure on or off then the parking at $12 a day could swing it.
Personally I still think $12 is not bad compared to parking fees in UK. I parked at Bretton sculpture park near Wakefield a couple of weeks ago, only wanted to stay 1 hour but it cost me £4.
Don't want to upset you but its $12 now:goodvibes
I would also think its to do with trying to get you to stay onsite. I am a big offsite fan but anyone that is not sure on or off then the parking at $12 a day could swing it.
Personally I still think $12 is not bad compared to parking fees in UK. I parked at Bretton sculpture park near Wakefield a couple of weeks ago, only wanted to stay 1 hour but it cost me £4.

$12 :scared1: it won't be long before it cost the same to park the car as it does to get in the place, Oh well, I'll just have to have 1 less bottle of water to drink to pay for the increase :lmao:
On the topic of car parking, I read somewhere that WDW makes enough revenue from the car parking fees to pay for all of the low-level CMs on the entire WDW property!
I agree about Universal we was there on 27th August and their was only Simpsons and Mummy open at 9 MIB was broke Twister and Shrek opened at 10 and the others didn't open until 11 with no notice of that anywhere in the park.

We were in US on 27 August too. Did you encounter the huge lines at the lockers near MIB?? They were far bigger than any queue for any ride - Obviously having some problem - there was one person (an employee/CM or whatever they are called in US) trying to sort it out - he was obviusly very stressed and not at all 'Disney-like'. No idea why you need to put your stuff in lockers for MIB anyway - 'guess the fingerprint technology' doesn't work very well.
Anyone can order from the children's menu and pay the "child" price. Elder dd used to be a very fussy eater and she was still doing that at some places when she was 18. Younger dd was eating from the adult menu at 11 (and thus we paid adult prices). That all seems eminently fair. You get what you pay for regardless of age. Buffets, I'll concede, are a tricky one.

Thinking about the ticket price, I don't see the logic in the argument that it should be cheaper for children. Babies, yes, but not children. Same with flights - they're taking up the same seat which could be occupied by a full fare paying adult. Playing devil's advocate, it could be argued that those without children are subsidising those with them.

We are paying full price for DS 2 yrs to fly in Jan & we paid full price Sept past we were not offered any dicount & didn't ask for one !!!
Not so much about WDW, but a couple of specific things I found annoying last year;

Getting on MIB, and I walked past perhaps a dozen CMs on the way to the ride, only to be told as I was about to go on that my bag wasn't allowed. Fair enough, they let me go through the exit to deposit it in a locker and allowed us back in the quick way and put us at the front of the queue. But still...

Also, you know the place in the airport where you take your bag to get checked when you're leaving? It's a small area beside one of the exits. Anyway, the lady there was unbelievably rude to my mentally handicapped brother, to the point where she shouted at him "ARE YOU STUPID???" (because he hadn't sat the case the correct way for her to inspect it). I almost flipped, and a copper in the airport who overheard her came over and admonished her for it. Fair enough if she didn't realise it, but you can easily tell my brother is handicapped just by looking at him.

Other than that, I think our first visit was perfect :) No complaints whatsoever about the World itself.
To be honest not much bugs me about Florida (ask me about Paris and that a different question!!) but a few niggles are:

1. Toy Story Mania, Toy Story Mania, Toy Story Mania! We were in Disney for 3 weeks and we went to HS 3 or 4 times, all at different times of the day/night and at no point were we able to get Fastpass tickets and there was no way we were going to wait 85 minutes but people were!
In the end we got there for opening and DH shot off to get the tickets, after about 20 minutes the kids and I wandered round to see what was taking so long. He was still in the queue to get them so half an hour later we got tickets for 3pm!!! The ride was great though!

2. People saving spaces for family members along the parade route. Before i'm flamed I have no objection to say a hubby saving a spot for wifey but i'm talking about 5 or 6 items of clothing spread out over about 10ft!

3. Paying for an all you can eat meal but not being given a chance to 'all you can eat' because they clear the table!
I didn't like encountering adults who tried to tell their children which pins to trade. There is this false illusion of 'value'... I think the kids should be free to trade for whichever pins they like... 'hidden mickey' or not. Hahaha. ;)
Families hiring wheelchairs to push their little darlings around, rather than forking out the few extra $$s for a stroller. So many times we saw two kids sitting in a wheelchair together, then getting out and running around. No need to tell me about "hidden disabilities", my mum uses a wheelchair around Disney because of a heart condition that you can't see for looking. They are not disabled, just cheapskates! :rotfl: I'm all for saving a few $s, but what happens when mum's chair breaks, for instance, and we need to hire one, but can't because they have all gone to parents with children who don't want to fork out for a stroller.

Speaking of strollers... parents who insist on getting strollers for kids who are far too old and perfectly capable of walking around a park all day. If their legs hang over the edge, they're too big! Get out and walk! And the pooh-sized kids that ride around in them - get them out and walk, it will be beneficial health wise and save you money!
Families hiring wheelchairs to push their little darlings around, rather than forking out the few extra $$s for a stroller. So many times we saw two kids sitting in a wheelchair together, then getting out and running around. No need to tell me about "hidden disabilities", my mum uses a wheelchair around Disney because of a heart condition that you can't see for looking. They are not disabled, just cheapskates! :rotfl: I'm all for saving a few $s, but what happens when mum's chair breaks, for instance, and we need to hire one, but can't because they have all gone to parents with children who don't want to fork out for a stroller.

Speaking of strollers... parents who insist on getting strollers for kids who are far too old and perfectly capable of walking around a park all day. If their legs hang over the edge, they're too big! Get out and walk! And the pooh-sized kids that ride around in them - get them out and walk, it will be beneficial health wise and save you money!

ok - some fair points but just remember there are some children with autism who whilst mobile are unable to walk long distances, like my son for instance! He runs around all day but there is no way he could walk around Magic Kingdom without collapsing, especially as he has epilepsy too. Yes it's a 'hidden disability' but we really need people like you to be more selective with their comments, ie 'Autism Awareness'.

My son also used a stroller when technically he was too big for it - because of the reasons above but I just don't get why this annoys you, why does this spoil your holiday exactly?
It's not your decision to choose whether a child is old enough for a stroller.
His legs did hang over the edge - but what has that got to do with you.

My son has a wheelchair which we use only when we have to - only when a lot of walking is required - we have had unkind comments from cm's in the past which to a degree we have ignored but in future I will not.
We also have an autistic son who does not cope very well in crowds, doesn't understand the concept of queueing, the list goes on but I will not go into that here. The point is to look at him you would think there was nothing wrong - so what really gets me on my sopabox is when we keep on getting the 'funny looks' and behind the back comments when we take him to the quiet area to queue for a ride. We are not jumping any queues nor trying to gain any advantage - we are making my sons holiday as enjoyable experience as we can and I will not make excuses nor justify my actions.
Other things that I think could be done better:
1) Car park prices - necessary evil but over priced. (We are getting the annual pass next time so this won't concern us)
2) We once witnessed a teenage girl get out of a car at Universal valet parking and strap a cast to her leg. Next time we saw her was in Guest Services trying to get a free fast pass for the day.

Most of the other things have already been mentioned so I wont repeat them.

Having said that I can't see us going anywhere else for a vacation while the kids are still kids. We haven't found anywhere to match it yet so long may that continue.

Don't shoot me down for this but I hate to see screaming toddlers who are obviously so tired but their parents are still dragging them round the parks late at night when they should call it a day and take them to bed.

I so agree with this one it breaks my heart watching little ones crying for their bed !
We were in US on 27 August too. Did you encounter the huge lines at the lockers near MIB?? They were far bigger than any queue for any ride - Obviously having some problem - there was one person (an employee/CM or whatever they are called in US) trying to sort it out - he was obviusly very stressed and not at all 'Disney-like'. No idea why you need to put your stuff in lockers for MIB anyway - 'guess the fingerprint technology' doesn't work very well.

Oh my god yes we did it was so annoying I hate those things just give people a key. :headache:
ok - some fair points but just remember there are some children with autism who whilst mobile are unable to walk long distances, like my son for instance! He runs around all day but there is no way he could walk around Magic Kingdom without collapsing, especially as he has epilepsy too. Yes it's a 'hidden disability' but we really need people like you to be more selective with their comments, ie 'Autism Awareness'.

My son also used a stroller when technically he was too big for it - because of the reasons above but I just don't get why this annoys you, why does this spoil your holiday exactly?
It's not your decision to choose whether a child is old enough for a stroller.
His legs did hang over the edge - but what has that got to do with you.

My son has a wheelchair which we use only when we have to - only when a lot of walking is required - we have had unkind comments from cm's in the past which to a degree we have ignored but in future I will not.

Yes, sorry. Mum is back in hospital and was having a "rrrrraaaarrr" moment there, so everything just came out, and not so eloquently as I would have liked. No excuse, but I am sorry.

One kid in a wheelchair, I wouldn't bat an eyelid at, it was just we saw so many families with two, or even more kids riding in the one chair - surely that has to be unsafe, if nothing else. Perhaps I was just paranoid, but it did make me a little more suspicious. Annoyed or not, I would never say anything to or around people - been on the receiving end - just moan in private and carry on.

RE: Children in buggies - it doesn't 'ruin' my holiday as such, just gets under my skin. And no, I don't have a say over other kids, I only know I wouldn't let my kids, esp of some of the ages we saw, ride in strollers. I just can't help but worry that by allowing it, we're breeding the next generation of lazy, obese adults. Perhaps they weren't so 'far off' with WALL-E after all. (The whole pushchair thing is not a Disney bug-bear for me, just a general one! :laughing:)

Something else that occur to me though:

People smoking in the non-smoking areas, and CMs just walking by! That's the worst - the CMs not doing anything about it when they have the power to. Only once, the entire trip, did I see a CM tell someone to move, and that was only because they were at a food cart and didn't want the cigarette smoke around the food.
Americans eating. It can be a gruesome site watching them chop up their steaks, but I guess the worst is being near them at breakfast. Stomach-turning combinations of eggs, "bacon", waffles, fries, etc., all smothered in syrup. Then they go back for more!
(just joking...:scared1: )

I am a North American, and I have been told that I must have a stomach the size of a stop watch because I fill up quickly but am hungry again in two or three hours.

How much time have you spent in the U.S.? We live under capitalism gone madd as companies are allowed to privatize their profits and socialize their costs. U.S. consumers are an angry bunch, and to do unto others before they can do unto you seems to be the name of the game here. Food is merely symbolic of that. I used to cashier in an all-you-can-eat buffet, and it was hysterical the stunts people would play to make sure they got what they considered to be their money's worth. I think some actually went hungry for hours and then came in like pigs to trough.

To answer the question asked here though, what annoyed me about Disney World is that some families seemed to think that a trip to Disney parks could cure bad relationships within the family. I have witnessed family members who clearly did not like each other displaying this in the parks and then glaring at anyone who so much as glanced their way to see what all of the commotion was about. This left me thinking, "If you don't want anyone to watch your show, don't put one on."


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