Another lovely day in Oklahoma. . .

Thanks for checking in! Jeez leebee what a run of bad luck, hope you and DH heal quickly, crutches are a huge hassle, not to mention all the pain you're dealing with. Summer travel sounds nice, maybe you can distract yourself with pleasant thoughts about vacations.

Pollyanna Mom I'll see your new dryer and raise you my new range!:earboy2:The one we had was basically running on fumes so we replaced it with one with all the bells & whistles (most of which will never be used.)

We're going to Hawaii soon, taking our DDs and DGDs, it's a "once in a lifetime" trip.

See y'all around the the boards! Be Well!
Happy 'Almost' St. Patricks Day. :shamrock:

My shamrock plant is dwarfed this year, as we have had an abundance of grey days of late!!


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It's sure been awhile since this thread was active- so I'll report and hopefully hear from everyone (although I do see you around on the other boards)! Last time I posted it was almost Christmas, and I'd fallen in the mud outside my house. We NEVER have mud in December up here- always snow- but it's been a wacky year in so many ways. Anyhow, my left foot shot out from under me and I landed smack-dab, full weight on my bent right knee. The pain was exquisitely excruciating! Long story short, I ended up with deep bone bruises, basically lots of micro fissures, in the patella and tibia. These fill with fluid/edema (body's way of healing) but of course, bone can't swell like soft tissue does. The ortho says it's as painful as a broken leg (yes, it is) and takes about as long to heal (yes, it does). I just abandoned crutches on Wednesday, making it nine full weeks on crutches. It's still painful sometimes, still swells, and I think I need to see the orthopedist again. Now that the majority of the edema is gone from the soft tissue, I'm hearing and feeling things that makes me worried there'll be some meniscus damage in there. However... now DH is laid up. He fell while hanging curtains over the kitchen sink a couple of weeks ago. Caught the full weight of the fall on his hands (palms down on the counter) before falling to the floor. His bicep muscle swelled enormously and his arm bruised up, but it was healing. Friday night, he slipped on ice- feet shot out straight forward, and he went down on his butt and palms flat on the ground, taking the weight of the fall. He asked to go to the doctor (yes, you felt the earth shift on its axis). They think he tore the biceps tendon with the first fall and the second fall may have torn the rotator cuff. Now he, too, awaits a call from the ortho's office to schedule an appointment. I am so thankful DD and SIL are living with us. It's not that we can't take care of ourselves, but it sure is nice to have someone around to lug in groceries, take out the trash, do the shoveling, etc. It is very weird to have my body seem to be crapping out on me. I don't feel like we are that old- I'm only 66- but I guess my body has other plans.

Despite all this, we are in good spirits and planning for another 2 weeks at a seaside cottage this summer. I just realized that we'll celebrate our 30th anniversary in June, so we're trying to think of a quick get-away for that. I will be stupidly busy with summer teaching, but I think it'll be worth it. Maybe a long weekend in Quebec... DD and SIL just came back from Winter Carnival and had a magnificent time, sightseeing in and learning about the city as much as from doing carnival stuff, so we might do that. Dunno... I'll come up with something, though!! I hope everyone is hanging in there and making it through the winter OK. This is the long part of the year up here... February only has 28 days but it feels like it's 8 weeks long!
So sorry for all your, and your DH's falls. Wishing a good recovery for the two of you. We are leaving tomorrow on another Bus Tour (busy packing ie) but wanted to make sure I wished everyone a Happy 'Almost' so.. once again I didn't read new posts before I posted. Otherwise I'd have acknowledged them first.
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Just checking in. The run of bad luck is extending. The MRI I had earlier this week showed bad news. There is almost no cartilage left in my knee and it looks like some form of surgery is in my near future. I meet with the ortho surgeon on Friday for his opinions. UGH. I am struggling to with this. The MRI results show almost a complete llack of cartilage under my patella and in the joint, as well as tears to the meniscus, damage unrelated to the fall I took in December. Sure, this has always been my "bad" knee but never painful to the extent that I thought I'd need to have it replaced. The fall in December ended up being the "excuse" the insurance company needed to approve the MRI. I never in my wildest dreams expected the existing damage to be extensive or to be referred for surgery. Guess I'll know more on Friday; hope I've wrapped my head around it by then.
Just checking in. The run of bad luck is extending. The MRI I had earlier this week showed bad news. There is almost no cartilage left in my knee and it looks like some form of surgery is in my near future. I meet with the ortho surgeon on Friday for his opinions. UGH. I am struggling to with this. The MRI results show almost a complete llack of cartilage under my patella and in the joint, as well as tears to the meniscus, damage unrelated to the fall I took in December. Sure, this has always been my "bad" knee but never painful to the extent that I thought I'd need to have it replaced. The fall in December ended up being the "excuse" the insurance company needed to approve the MRI. I never in my wildest dreams expected the existing damage to be extensive or to be referred for surgery. Guess I'll know more on Friday; hope I've wrapped my head around it by then.
I'm sorry to hear you're having so many problems. Hopefully, they will try other options, before going the knee replacement route. Both of my knees are bone on bone. I have knee injections in an attempt to avoid surgery as long as possible. My Rheumatologists said surgery would be the absolute last option.
Knee problems are incredibly common. My only experience is the knee replacement DW had a couple of years ago. It worked out really well for her, she followed the rehab guidelines religiously and that knee is no longer an issue. Of course she has another knee...

I can understand wanting to delay surgery for as long as possible, but it seems like the longer you wait, the more difficult recovery will be (i.e. none of us are getting any younger.) But you have to go with your medical providers, insurance coverage, and your gut instincts about what's best for you.

The one thing I hope we do different next time is schedule the surgery during better weather. It worked out that DW dealt with all the rehab in cold, icy weather. That was a complication that could have been avoided.
Knee problems are incredibly common. My only experience is the knee replacement DW had a couple of years ago. It worked out really well for her, she followed the rehab guidelines religiously and that knee is no longer an issue. Of course she has another knee...

I can understand wanting to delay surgery for as long as possible, but it seems like the longer you wait, the more difficult recovery will be (i.e. none of us are getting any younger.) But you have to go with your medical providers, insurance coverage, and your gut instincts about what's best for you.

The one thing I hope we do different next time is schedule the surgery during better weather. It worked out that DW dealt with all the rehab in cold, icy weather. That was a complication that could have been avoided.
My age plays a factor in the decision, even thought I'm in my early 50s. My Rheumatologist says, if I have the surgery now, I may need to have the same surgery again at some point. He also says the odds of success aren't guaranteed for someone in my position.

It's encouraging to see the surgery worked out so well for you wife.
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Just checking in, and Updating.

I'm posting two pictures to refresh my ongoing eye health. Hopefully, they are in the right order.. sigh.


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Update: I've had my last referral for Cataract Surgery. Unfortunately, my situation is still that of noncandacy. I'm still hopeful for Human Eyedrops, that are in research development phase.

Failing this I may resort to Barking, and or Begging for use of the Canine version.

While I process the latest referral outcome, I'll find humour where I can; because the alternative is not to my liking. Stay safe, and well all..
Update: I've had my last referral for Cataract Surgery. Unfortunately, my situation is still that of noncandacy. I'm still hopeful for Human Eyedrops, that are in research development phase.

Failing this I may resort to Barking, and or Begging for use of the Canine version.

While I process the latest referral outcome, I'll find humour where I can; because the alternative is not to my liking. Stay safe, and well all..
How crazy, and how frustrating. How can you not be a candidate if you only have vision in one eye? Do they not recognize the alternative? I am angry for you!!

This morning I was scheduled for a total knee replacement on May 31. That's coming up so quickly!! It will be good to have it over, though. I am almost 67 and the surgeon said, basically, we could do injections and PT for six months and THEN do the surgery, or do it now and get it over with. Nothing is going to heal this knee, so I decided to go ahead and move forward. There had also been questions about having my foot rebuilt but the new foot surgeon I saw said she's rather wait until after the knee heals and then consider a decently built orthotic before going directly to foot reconstruction. That's fine by me... the foot recon is rigorous, painful, requires 2-3 months with NO weight bearing, and isn't always successful. I have high hopes for the TKR!

The downside is that DH and I were supposed to go to Disney Ma17-23 but now that probably won't happen. I got a killer rate at CSR ($206, tax included) and we were just going to vacation, no parks involved. However, I now have a surgical education session on the 23rd, and won't be able to have the surgery without it, so... NOT that Disney is the end-all, be-all anymore, but it would have been nice to get away. When I thought I was having both foot and knee surgery this summer, we canceled the cottage at the shore (while we could get our money back) so now? No idea of what we'll do, but I'm thinking I won't be going to Disney this spring. Oh well. Something else will be planned, I'm sure!
Wow Jane, I was just thinking about this thread and how it had been a long time since anyone posted. I guess it was only a couple of months but it seemed longer.

Geez your situation sounds incredibly frustrating, I'm sorry you're dealing with this. The virus really wreaked havoc on the world, don't even want to think about "the next one."

Good vibes to all the ALDIOians, take care.
I am almost 67 and the surgeon said, basically, we could do injections and PT for six months and THEN do the surgery, or do it now and get it over with. Nothing is going to heal this knee, so I decided to go ahead and move forward.
Well that's a brave decision, sounds like the right move to me. It's disappointing to miss a WDW trip, but it will still be there when you've recovered and will probably better with a new knee.
How crazy, and how frustrating. How can you not be a candidate if you only have vision in one eye? Do they not recognize the alternative? I am angry for you!!

This morning I was scheduled for a total knee replacement on May 31. That's coming up so quickly!! It will be good to have it over, though. I am almost 67 and the surgeon said, basically, we could do injections and PT for six months and THEN do the surgery, or do it now and get it over with. Nothing is going to heal this knee, so I decided to go ahead and move forward. There had also been questions about having my foot rebuilt but the new foot surgeon I saw said she's rather wait until after the knee heals and then consider a decently built orthotic before going directly to foot reconstruction. That's fine by me... the foot recon is rigorous, painful, requires 2-3 months with NO weight bearing, and isn't always successful. I have high hopes for the TKR!

The downside is that DH and I were supposed to go to Disney Ma17-23 but now that probably won't happen. I got a killer rate at CSR ($206, tax included) and we were just going to vacation, no parks involved. However, I now have a surgical education session on the 23rd, and won't be able to have the surgery without it, so... NOT that Disney is the end-all, be-all anymore, but it would have been nice to get away. When I thought I was having both foot and knee surgery this summer, we canceled the cottage at the shore (while we could get our money back) so now? No idea of what we'll do, but I'm thinking I won't be going to Disney this spring. Oh well. Something else will be planned, I'm sure!
My bad leebee and Micca, should have expanded. The loss of sight in my one eye was the result of infection (complication) and (subsequent) scaring following a severe injury 50ish years ago. The surgeon(s) assessing my Candidacy explained the acute probability of infection, and other sideway risks; that would bring about blindness sooner than the cataract's progression.
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My bad leebee and Micca, should have expanded. The loss of sight in my one eye was the result of infection (complication) and (subsequent) scaring following a severe injury 50ish years ago. The surgeon(s) assessing my Candidacy explained the acute probability of infection, and other sideway risks; that would bring about blindness sooner than the cataract's progression.
Thanks for clarifying. It's still not good news, but it is understandable. BUT STILL FRUSTRATING.

Although I already posted on the thread she started, Kitty's mother is dying; I knew you guys would want to know, if you haven't seen it already. Kitty, it's an awful, stressful, painful thing you are experiencing, but in my eyes, it's also a special time. We were there for the 4 or 5 days it took for DH's father to pass away. I know, a FIL is not the same as a mother, but we were very close. He was so relieved to see that we were all there, and I believe having there to surround him with love helped ease his passing. I found it an honor to be there, to usher a loved one from this life and into the next. It's the only way I can think of to explain it... but it was an honor. Know that we here are all thinking of you.
Although I already posted on the thread she started, Kitty's mother is dying; I knew you guys would want to know, if you haven't seen it already
I hadn't heard that yet, Thanks for the heads-up Leebee. Just posted to her thread.


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