Another lovely day in Oklahoma. . .

Found this thread again :)

It's a bit late but we had such a great time at the wedding and it was like a dream come true us DISers who started talking together about a love of Disney (and some of us also Universal) to also be able to complete a bucket list of all being in the parks together!

Here's from the wedding:
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Here's Nomad Lounge day of the wedding in the afternoon/early evening, Kitty had to leave before we got the picture though.
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Here's from the day after the wedding at the dessert party where the bride and groom got back into their wedding attire. It was such a blast watching Harmonious with everyone. There's Zach, then Aaron (my husband), Ann in front of my husband, me next to my husband, the bride Rachel, the groom Brian, then Jon (Ann's husband), then Kitty and Ron.
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We immediately missed being all together so we started planning a Silver Dollar City trip which will be happening in several weeks. The couple that got married are flying up to KC from Orlando and then we'll caravan down to Branson (about 3-3 1/2 hour drive). Ron and Kitty and Zach aren't making it BUT the day after we get back we're all getting together for lunch except Zach (also lives in Orlando) unfortunately cannot make it from FL at that time; he'll be up in KC the 2 following weekends though for Sporting KC games so hopefully we'll get together then.

Over the several years that we've known each other (I think it may be 4 or 5 now that I've known Ron (Micca) it was either 2017 or 2018 when we first met) we've really come to appreciate our friends and now we all joke someone needs to get married (Ahem...Zach) or we need a vow renewal to get us to all come back at the same time to WDW. Such great friends :flower3::flower3:
Great fun to read this post. :goodvibes
Hi Everyone!! It's hotter than you know what here in Orono; it was 94F yesterday, and given our northern location, you can probably guess that most homes do not have air conditioning. It's going to be like this all week, making our air conditioned offices at work look like heaven, even if we are still being asked to work from home whenever possible.

@Mackenzie Click-Mickelson THANKS for the pictures! I love having faces to put with the names I see here so regularly!

My solo trip in August now has a +1; DD28 will be joining me. She is my favorite travel companion and best Disney buddy by far, so it'll be fun to have her along. I was SO looking forward to going solo, but it's OK. This gives me justification for booking some TS restaurants; I was just going to do QS if I was on my own, but instead will try out Tiffin's and Toppolino. These are both new to us, so we are excited. Late ADRs will allow us to do some late afternoon grazing at F&W, and if we decide to just stay at Epcot on those days, I'll adjust the plans. That's the nice thing about park hopper tickets; it's easier to jump around and change plans, especially now with park reservations and all. I'm looking forward to the trip.

There is one more week of summer organic chemistry to go, and then I'll be "done" for the summer. No more teaching, that is, but there is plenty of work to be done (storerooms to sort through, manuals, quiz banks, and rubrics to edit, and eventually chemicals to prep for fall). This week is the end of teaching 2 semesters of organic chem lab in eight weeks. It's a stupidly accelerated schedule, and both the students and I are worn out. I'll take some "down time" that first week of July- finish the grading, "be seen" in the department, etc., but the rest of the summer is full of travel. On 7/11 DD, DH, and I are headed to Colorado for a week. For the last week of July and 1st week of August, DH and I have rented a cottage just off the beach (York Beach, ME). This will be a working/relaxing vacation so I can get some of that editing for work finished up. My family is all in this and the Boston area, so I'll do some visiting while there, too. After a couple of weeks back home, DD and I will head to Disney for 5 nights, and then? It'll be time for school to start again. I'll tell ya... I will be eligible to retire in November, and the more I think about it, the better it sounds. If only the mortgage were more amenable to this plan!

Hope everyone is well and anticipating fun summer plans!
Hi Everyone!! It's hotter than you know what here in Orono; it was 94F yesterday, and given our northern location, you can probably guess that most homes do not have air conditioning. It's going to be like this all week, making our air conditioned offices at work look like heaven, even if we are still being asked to work from home whenever possible.

@Mackenzie Click-Mickelson THANKS for the pictures! I love having faces to put with the names I see here so regularly!

My solo trip in August now has a +1; DD28 will be joining me. She is my favorite travel companion and best Disney buddy by far, so it'll be fun to have her along. I was SO looking forward to going solo, but it's OK. This gives me justification for booking some TS restaurants; I was just going to do QS if I was on my own, but instead will try out Tiffin's and Toppolino. These are both new to us, so we are excited. Late ADRs will allow us to do some late afternoon grazing at F&W, and if we decide to just stay at Epcot on those days, I'll adjust the plans. That's the nice thing about park hopper tickets; it's easier to jump around and change plans, especially now with park reservations and all. I'm looking forward to the trip.

There is one more week of summer organic chemistry to go, and then I'll be "done" for the summer. No more teaching, that is, but there is plenty of work to be done (storerooms to sort through, manuals, quiz banks, and rubrics to edit, and eventually chemicals to prep for fall). This week is the end of teaching 2 semesters of organic chem lab in eight weeks. It's a stupidly accelerated schedule, and both the students and I are worn out. I'll take some "down time" that first week of July- finish the grading, "be seen" in the department, etc., but the rest of the summer is full of travel. On 7/11 DD, DH, and I are headed to Colorado for a week. For the last week of July and 1st week of August, DH and I have rented a cottage just off the beach (York Beach, ME). This will be a working/relaxing vacation so I can get some of that editing for work finished up. My family is all in this and the Boston area, so I'll do some visiting while there, too. After a couple of weeks back home, DD and I will head to Disney for 5 nights, and then? It'll be time for school to start again. I'll tell ya... I will be eligible to retire in November, and the more I think about it, the better it sounds. If only the mortgage were more amenable to this plan!

Hope everyone is well and anticipating fun summer plans!
Sounds like a busy, fun summer, leebee. Enjoy.
WillyJ, King Schultz, stopping by here today to wish you another very Happy Birthday.

As with another friend here on the dis whom I wish a Happy Birthday to each year, I have nothing new to add here this year (we haven't seen you during the past year), so I will add what I posted here last year....

Bringing King Schultz's thread around today to wish him a very Happy Birthday. Hoping that wherever you are, WillyJ, that you are having a great time. I'd be willing to bet that you are. Have a beer, maybe two, a shot of NyQuil, a slice or two of birthday cake, or whatever suits your fancy. It's your birthday, your choice! :cake: :drinking1 Or, have all the aforementioned.

We sure do miss you here, Willy. Have not seen nor heard from you in five years now. But I'm sure you are doing okay in your own right.

One of the best times I had with Willy, was back 19 years ago at Cedar Point and our dis Riddle-Con. A few fun pictures from that weekend.....







Happy Birthday, King Schultz!! Have one (or a few) for us. :drinking1:cake:
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Happening in 3's.

Lost my digital pocket size radio on a bus tour. :(

Came down with Omicron for almost 10 days. :(

Then, while taking an almost whole (-2 slices) lemon meringue pie out of our refrigerator; it slid out of my grasp on to the floor smashing up against a cupboard! :(

On the pie upside, with my throat sore no longer; I was able to enjoy the first (-2 slices) slice! :)
Got back from our trip to Mackinaw City with my oldest son, DIL and my grandkids (5 and 3) It was a wonderful trip with great weather. Took the kids to the island. Will, my grandson (5) absolutely loved the ferry boat. We watched it from our hotel come and go to the island so he drew a picture of it and the Mackinac Bridge and gave it to the captain of the boat on our trip over. Definitely, a special moment. :love:

I did realize on this trip that the grands call me Grammy a lot which I absolutely loved. All and all it was a great way to end summer. I only see them maybe every 5-6 weeks so it was fun being with them a lot on this trip......but tiring; they have a ton of energy!!
Summer is about over for me; the first TA meeting of the academic year is on Friday at 9am, and classes start on Monday August 29th. Sigh. I had a lovely summer. Our trip to Colorado was very interesting; we were there to spread ashes of one of DH's oldest friends. We met up with the friend's son, DIL, and granddaughter. The 6 of us had met once or twice before and we hit it off so we had good company for the week. We found several lovely spots in which to leave Drew, who used to teach skiing at Estes Park before his college days (he went back to college when he was 34), before his time with the Peace Corps in Africa, before he worked for NASA. As odd as it sounds, it was a truly nice, fun, peaceful trip.

DD and I got home from 6 days at Disney last night. We had a good trip but she is struggling with PTSD and some of Disney was less than friendly or accommodating, even though she has a DAS card and shouldn't have had any issues. She is OK, but several struggles took some of the shine off of our trip. Still, we had a wonderful time together, as usual, and ate at both Topolino's and Toledo; the views from these restaurants on the top floor of hotels (Riviera and Destino Tower/CSR) was amazing, and the food was incredible!! We also enjoyed dinner at Olivia's at OKW (I believe their tofu coconut curry is one of the best dishes on property at WDW) and a couple of rounds at Food and Wine at Epcot. F&W is pretty lost on me since my bariatric surgery. I get too full after sampling at 3 or 4 booths. SOMETIME I'm going to go to F&W for enough nights to try everything that catches my fancy!

By far my favorite vacation this summer was the 2 weeks DH and I spent at a cottage in York Beach, ME. We both had work with us, and we did it, but it was so nice and relaxing to walk on the beach each morning and most evenings. The cottage was small but well-appointed and sparkling clean. Since March we've been a family of 5 at home after about 6 years of being empty-nesters, so it was refreshing to have space for just the two of us again. We enjoyed it so much we might try for three weeks next summer... maybe.

Not too much fun planned for fall; I gotta pay the bills from all those vacations we just took and build up the vacation account again, so we can travel more. We also converted our heating from oil to gas this summer, AND had the back retaining wall (that keeps the driveway from falling into the back patio and keeping the deck from collapsing) rebuilt. Feeling very broke right now. Not a fun way to spend a LOT of money, but of course one has to do what one has to do. HOWEVER... there are days when I'd kill for a good landlord, instead of being the homeowner!
All in all that sounds like a very nice summer leebee! The beach, the mountains, and WDW!

I feel ya on the filling up at F&W. I've not had surgery, but 3 or 4 booths and I'm done! Sometimes I've made the mistake of starting with a dish that has a larger than usual serving, and that is the least for a few hours. We also enjoy Olivia's, but it's been a bit since we've been there. I hear that the quality may have declined but I'd sure be willing to test it out ;)

We also had the pleasure of replacing our heating/cooling unit this summer. The new system is more energy efficient and the house is comfortable on all three levels 24/7.
@Micca Ron, we still found Olivia's to be great food at an acceptable price point (for Disney). I'm in the process of planning a solo trip and while I am shying away from Disney restaurants, Olivia's is still on my horizon- we liked it that much in August.

Yes... after all I said about saving money, I am planning a solo trip to Disney in early November. My trip with DD in August was supposed to have been solo, but I was more than happy to have her company. However... fall's been hard. DD/SIL have struggled with his 6yo so there's been high stress here, and I didn't realize how much it was effecting me until DH brought it up (kind-of like an intervention). I've also have viral bronchitis for about 4 weeks, which is a struggle, and right now slogging it out with prednisone, which I hate. Anyhow, DH pointed out that I have some days off this fall and that I should get away by myself- and he is the one who suggested Disney. I'll go down on Nov 5 and back on the 9th. With a combination of air miles, hotel miles, a good TA who found me a deal at AllStars, etc, I have the trip at $850. Food and gas will be more, of course, and while not cheap I don't think that's bad for a get-away. I'm already planning 2 nights at F&W (I have a 2-day PH ticket, so MK one day, AK the other, hop to Epcot both evenings)- and I am planning. I want to get to the booths where I want to try the food, instead of saying "oooh this looks good" and filling up WAY too soon!
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