Angela's Journey to the Life She Deserves (Posts Welcome!)

Hi Angela!
Sounds like your Easter went pretty well. Good for you.
I love your goals for this week. They are challenging, but also very doable!::yes:: And you've got that built in motivation of the wedding this weekend. How great your gonna look in your new skirt!:earseek:
And a big congratulations on maintaining this week! That really is an accomplishment with the holiday and TOM arriving! Good for you. Next week should bring a nice big WHOOSH for you!!:teeth:
Okay, we are on for exercise tonight. I'll probably hit the stepper around 9 PM tonight. What time are you going on the treadmill?
Have a great day today!:sunny:
Hi Angela-

Wow- I got goosebumps reading your story about the skirt- that is awesome!:Pinkbounc

Your plan looks good, just keep trying on that skirt everyday- that's what I would do.:teeth:
You can do it! Focus on family time, rather than the food- though sometimes its hard to separate the two isn't it!
Though I'm having this vision of some family you haven't seen in a while exclaiming in the Billy Crystal falsetto " You Look Maaarvoulus" ( its getting a little slap happy around here. hehe)
Have a great OP week and I'll catch up with you soon
:wave2: Hi Angela,
:bounce: :Pinkbounc Woo hoo! Not one but two skirt sizes?! That is just too great :teeth: ! I'm sure that was a motivator ::yes:: . Wishing you a wonderful day :sunny: !
Your skirt story made me laugh and cry all at the same time!! I was laughing, imagining my feelings if I were in that dressing room and the skirt I THOUGHT would fit ended up around my thighs - girlfriend, I would have been doing some happy dancing myself!!

I also had a tear of happiness for you and all you've accomplished. You've come such a long way already! You're truly an inspiration to me! ::yes::

Enjoy this week and look forward to some wonderful time with your family as you attend the wedding this weekend. I bet you'll look just beautiful in your new skirt! You are a WISH princess: , ya know!!
Hey there Angela! I'm just stopping by to say hi! How is everything going? I hope all is well and you are doing good.
It is raining cats and dogs here! have you got any :sunny: ? If so, send it up our way!!:teeth:
Take good care of you Angela!
Sharon :wave:
I've only got a few minutes before I have to rush DD off to dance class, but after reading all your responses, I have to make time to acknowledge them. I want to thank each of you for your unwavering support. Each of you are a big part of my success thus far, and I hope you know how deeply I appreciate knowing that you are all there for me. I feel very fortunate to have been welcomed by this great group of WISHers! ::yes::

How'd the stepper go yesterday, Sharon? Looks like we were exercising at about the same time last night. I started my mile on the treadmill at around 8pm and ended with 30 minutes of Pilates. DH has agreed to leave me be from 6-7pm each night (except for Monday's because he coaches DD's soccer at this time) so I can get the bulk of my exercise done then. My soap (my shameful addiction) comes on SoapNet at this time, so I figure I can kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

So far so good....Have a great day everyone!


L--Chicken sandwich, 5 tater tots--11 points
S--BBQ Baked Lays--2
D--FF hot dog, baked beans, baked Lays--9
Dessert--last piece of cake--6

Points used: 28 points
Wednesdays are always busy around here, especially when DH has to work late. It's after 9pm now, and he's only been home about 30 minutes. I've still got to fit some exercise in this evening, but there's no room right now as the kids are rolling around the living room with their dad. :D

Goals are going pretty well this week. Exercise has been tougher than expected because of these anitibiotics that I'm taking. They're making me feel quite loopy. I've managed the treadmill & Pilates, though, so hopefully this will bode well for a good weigh-in next week.

DH booked our airfare today for our anniversary trip to Disney this December. I really didn't believe this trip was going to happen, but now it's official. I'm so excited! :teeth: Hope you all have had a great day!

L--Chicken sandwich, tater tots, cherry limeade--15
D--2 cheese quesadillas & baked lays--8
S--2 WW ice cream sandwiches--4

Points used: 27

B--2 slices toast w/butter, few sips of DS's banana smoothie--2
L--Cheeseburger & baked lays--9.5
S--WW ice cream sandwich--2
D--Lean Cuisine Deluxe Pizza & baked lays--12
S--WW fudge bar--1, few sips of Dr. Pepper--3

Points used: 29.5
Just popping in to say hello!! :wave: Congrats on the smaller size skirt. :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc (<------- was that you in the fitting room?) ;)
Good morning Angela,
I'm a little late with this, but congratulations on the smaller skirt!:jumping1: You have been doing an amazing job on your diet and exercise and it's wonderful to see that it is paying off for you. :Pinkbounc Way to go princess: Angela!

I am so happy for you about your Disney trip as well. DH and I have been tossing around a short trip in September as well as the family trip in December. I think that once reservations are made, the excitement sets in. Like you said, it becomes official. I hope you enjoy both of your upcoming trips!::yes:: ::MickeyMo

Have a wonderful Thursday Angela! Thank you for the encouragement that you left in my journal. I really appreciate you!

Take care,
:wave2: Hi Angela,
Too cool about the trip! Looks like a lot of us Wishers will be heading to the World in Dec. :teeth: ! Sorry to hear the antibiotics are messing with you but I'm so proud of you for making the effort to get your exercise done anyway ::yes:: !

Hope you have a nice day :sunny: !
Man I envy you! I would love to be back at WDW!

Hope everything goes well!


Hi Angela!
I hope that you are having a nice weekend! We are really enjoying ours. Today, it's supposed to be 80 and sunny so we're taking the kids to the Zoo! Woohoo!:Pinkbounc

Enjoy your Sunday!

Hi Angela!!!
Sorry I haven't been around for so long. I missed "talking" with you! :happy1:
The December trip is booked! WOO-HOO!!:teeth: I am soooo excited for you. Now you've really got incentive to stay on track. You'll want to be able to look nice and feel comfortable in your own skin for your special time with DH! ::yes::
How is everything else going? Have you been getting your exercise in? I haven't gotten any "official" exercise in because I have been sick. But I did lots of running around for the tag sale, so that definitely counts!:teeth:
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. We had beautiful :sunny: and warm temps! About time!!:crazy: How about you?
Take good care of you Angela!
Hi Angela-
How are things going? Ohh a Disney trip coming up- great incentive to stay on plan-
But probably too cold to hit a water park :teeth:

If you are like me, I never buy the "professional pics" coz I don't like my extra weight- but if you are on goal- wouldn't it be fun to do some of those dress up pics with you and DH?

Hope you have a great week and get all better soon
Good morning everyone! :wave:

Thanks so much to you all for stopping by! I hope you all had wonderful weekends. I spent mine attending a family wedding and catching up with relatives I haven't seen in quite a while. It was lots of fun! My mom and sister left this morning, and they took another traveler with them. My DS is off to spend the week with his grandma and papa. Can anyone relate to sending their baby on his first trip without mommy? :( I really am happy that my mom wants to spend this time with him, and it will give me some quality one-on-one time with DD, but it's still no fun saying goodbye. If he had cried when I put him in his carseat, I don't think I'd have been able to kiss him goodbye.

Anyway...I did pretty well OP last week and weighed in this morning with a 1.5 pound loss. After the wedding and TONS of food available this weekend, I'm just thrilled that I didn't gain. I did keep up with exercise throughout the week, so I'm sure that's what made the difference.

This week is going to be VERY long without DS here to keep me busy, especially in the mornings while DD is at school, so I've got lots of projects lined up to keep me from going :crazy: . I've got no excuses for not getting my exercise time in first thing in the morning. DD's got a field trip to Oklahoma City tomorrow, and we're having a garage sale this weekend. Surely all that will keep my mind off the fact that DS isn't here. ha!

Oh well...I'm off to catch up on journals. Have a great day, everyone!

~Angela :wave2:
Good morning everyone! :wave:

DH and I helped chaperone DD's field trip to the Omniplex in Oklahoma City yesterday. It was so nice that he was able to get the day off work and join us. We had a ball and came home exhausted! I think I fell asleep on the couch by 8pm. I didn't realize how lightly I was sleeping because I was tuned in to DS's baby monitor. I'm sleeping like a log this week! :earseek:

I'm not sure what my problem is with being OP lately. I'm doing WW, but I haven't journaled or even mentally kept track of my food intake since last Friday. I've lost 21.5 pounds, but if I don't snap out of this, I'm going to gain it all back along with some friends, I'm sure. Deep down I want this new life so badly, but on a day-to-day basis I'm blowing it big time. I haven't done any exercise this week, even though I can exercise anytime I want this week. I'm eating junk and have had soda the past two days. I feel like I just keep walking into this wall over and over again. I know that part of my problem is that I've maintained or lost 1 to 2 pounds for the last several weeks without really putting forth much effort. I know part of it is because I am eating a little better than I did before, and I've got enough weight to lose that a few pounds will come off with only subtle changes. I just know that I'm capable of so much more, but I'm not attempting that at all. I'm beginning to get very disgusted with myself. I've got to turn this around TODAY!

Thanks for listening to my ramblings!
Hi Angela,
Thanks for stopping by my journal! Your posts are so encouraging! Thank you! :hug:

Don't be so hard on yourself about not being OP this week. With your little guy being at Grandma and Grandpa's house, I'm sure that your daily routine is very different. Maybe part of what you are going through this week is because you miss your DS.

Ang, you have done a fantastic job so far with your diet and exercise. You've lost 21.5 pounds! That is an awesome accomplishment! :Pinkbounc I am very proud of you and you should be too!::yes::

Please don't be so hard on yourself. We all go through times like this. Just do the best that you can and we'll be here to support you every step of the way. :grouphug:

Have a wonderful day today Angela! Take good care of you!

Look at the name of your deserve to be back on track!!! Don't beat yourself up. It's a sure way to let the slip turn into a landslide.

I think I've told you about the "Who's Pooh?" picture of me from a few years ago...the one where it's hard to tell which one in the picture is me and which one is Pooh? You have a choice right now to be Pooh, or be Tigger. It's time to bounce back!

Good luck!
Okay Angela, I just know you can jump right back on this train! Come on - 1,2, 3 JUMP!!!! Alright?! You get good footing? You on this train for the long haul, not just a little puddle jump!!:teeth:
You are probably succumbing to emotional eating this week. You are missing the little guy and don't really know what to do with the extra time. B-o-r-e-d = eat, eat, eat, Right?! So don't beat yourself up too bad. You'll get plenty of exercise at the yard sale this weekend I'm sure. Try to reign it in as much as you can and I bet when you get back to your normal routine next week, you'll do better. It might be hectic and crazy, but it is your routine. Routines are comforting, even if they are crazy! :crazy:
Take good care of you Angela!!
Sharon :sunny:


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