"American Horror Story: Coven" — What did you think?

And really: Nan didn't "see" Fiona and Marie about to do that to her in last week's episode?
This week's show was waaay up there on the gross out meter. Between eye-gouging, toe-snipping, axe whacking, and disemboweling, it was pretty hard to watch..

I so agree. it was a action packed of gross. The eye thing, why did she put that stuff around her eyes just to gouge them out? I was just shutting my eyes for a lot of the gross parts.

And I know this sounds silly, but after I watch it I have to watch something positive and upbeat before I go to sleep.
I think it was some sort of magic concoction to get her sight back, and when it didn't work she just gouged them out .. Maybe ?
I think it was some sort of magic concoction to get her sight back, and when it didn't work she just gouged them out .. Maybe ?

I don't know what I didn't think about that, she is always playing with plants, perhaps then when it didn't work out , ewww.
Did anyone else watch last night?

The Ax man really got it didn't he? Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett always fun to watch.

Loved seeing the butt whooping scene.

Is Fiona really dead? Can't wait for next week.
Love, love, love this season! So much better than the last one! Can't wait for the finale - I really hope that if they do another season it is at least as good of a story as this one!
Pretty sure Madison is not the next Supreme! If she was you would think she would be able to come up with something when Misty was beating her silly :rotfl2:
cant believe Jessica Lange will not be back next season :sad:
Pretty sure Madison is not the next Supreme! If she was you would think she would be able to come up with something when Misty was beating her silly :rotfl2: cant believe Jessica Lange will not be back next season :sad:

I thought Jessica Lange was doing season 4, which would be the next one, but that will be her last?
I think they are all going to end up dead just like the vision she had and it was never Fiona who was going to be responsible for it but Myrtle Snow.
Ryan Murphy said from very early on that the supreme would be a surprise and it wasn't any of the obvious answers which in my opinion rules out any of the girls. My theory after this week is that there is no new supreme. They've mentioned several times that the coven's numbers have dwindled over time so maybe the powers of the supreme have been sort of distributed amongst the girls(and Cordelia as well it appears) to force them to work together so the coven will thrive rather than fall apart.
I could be dead wrong though, my first theory was that the new supreme was the boy next door and that his mother had sort of renounced her powers and turned to religion which was why I thought she was so crazy. He appears to be truly dead though so I don't think that's it after all.
Weird, that was sooooooooooooo not the ending I expected.

So that's it? The season is over? I wonder whats next?


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