Alison the Accountant's Accountability Journal (Feedback Welcome)


DIS Veteran
Aug 6, 2005
I guess I'll just start at the beginning, I've always been very obsessed with my weight and how I'm perceived by others. I have to be very careful to be balanced in the way I lose weight and get fit as I tend to have the all or nothing approach. If I have one snack that I'm not supposed to I just go hog wild and just drop my strict plan. I need to give myself some leeway because easy does it.

I'm 5'4 and about 136 currently. I have a petite small boned figure, but right now there's excess weight in the middle and some excess junk in the trunk (as they say), and my clothes are very tight and I'm just not feeling sexy. I ran a marathon this March and my weight was 140 right after I finished, but my clothes fit much better as the weight was mostly muscle, so I know the number on the scale is not as important as how I feel and look. But still I want the number to go down! I am also a newlywed (well about 16 months ago), and I know being married now and eating with DH has played a part in my downfall. I was 125 when we got engaged, and about 130 at the wedding. I know my DH loves me no matter what, but I just feel sexier when there's less 'fat' on me.

My short term goal is to get to 130 by the time I go to WDW in December, and my long term goal is to get to 125 by next June. We're going to a wedding in Maui and there will be tons of college friends at the resort. I'd hate to be the one who "let themselves go".

How I'm going to do this:
My exercise has been slacking lately, I've stopped running and have been doing way less cardio than I used to. I'm going to up my exercise to six days a week and start doing Pilates in the morning too a couple days a week. But I'm not going to beat myself up if I miss a day, I'll just start anew the next day.

Food/Water - I'm pretty good with water consumption, at least 64 oz a day while at work, plus whatever I get from food and what I drink at home. I should cut down on Coffee and Diet Coke. I have 1-2 cups of coffee a day, and 2-3 Diet Cokes a week. I guess that's not horrible, but I do notice the Diet Cokes cause cravings. I think I snack too much at work (halloween candy, bagel fridays, etc), and I'm working on getting from one meal to the next without any detours. I also need to up my veggie consumption at home, and less fatty casserolles. Since I am the grocery shopper and cook this shouldn't be a problem. I also need to cut down on wine and beer.

I'll post more later...
Welcome to WISH! :wave:

You are like my twin! I am also 5'4" and I slowly creeped up to 138 (over the course of a year and a half - but I don't have running muscle to thank!) and decided I had to do something about it. I have managed to get down to 134 (I am a painfully slow loser and a self sabotager) and my goal is to get down to 125 at least before my Disney cruise in March!

Journalling really has helped me stop snacking and stay on track with exercising. I hope it has the same success for you!

You can do it! :cheer2:

lovinaz said:
Welcome to WISH! :wave:

You are like my twin! I am also 5'4" and I slowly creeped up to 138 (over the course of a year and a half - but I don't have running muscle to thank!) and decided I had to do something about it.

If you two are twins, then I am your triplet! I'm 5'3" and currently weighing in at about 135. 125 was my goal weight three years ago when I was a lifetime WW member. None of my clothes fit anymore, and I need to kick-start the healthy eating and back to exercisiong routine. Also trying to quit smoking. Yeesh. Good luck, goodeats, I'll be following your progress!
Yay for 5'3-5'4 people in the 130's! Soon we will be in the 120's! We can do it! :cool1:

Today was good:

Breakfast - 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 1 piece WW bread w/ natty pb, and an orange plus coffee with some 1% milk. I find if I eat a fairly big and balanced breakfast it helps me make it until lunch.

Pre work-out snack - Apple

Lunch - 3 smallish pieces of leftover pizza (from a restaurant personal size pizza, not a take out pizza) wheat dough, pineapple, ham, & mushroom (yum!)

Snack - low fat lite peach yogurt

Dinner - will be left over pot roast, roasted potatoes, brocolli

If I'm hungry later I'll have a small glass of milk too.

Workout- Walked to work today about 4 miles round trip (won't be doing this much longer due to the time change). Also took a circuit training class at lunch. I work at a large company that has a very nice gym on site. The class was pretty good, and I was surprised my arms were so sore afterwards. Guess I started this journal just in time. :earseek:

Water- Excellent! I skipped my diet coke today, and downed at least 70 ounces of water at work, and had more during my workout and will have more tonight. :drinking1

My challenge this week will be to stay away from the 'snack' area in my department! The halloween candy is aflowing and somebody brought in a big barrel of those orange cheeto like puffs. In the afternoon they are so hard to stay away from! But today I did it, hopefully I can keep it up!

We can do it :cheer2: !
Welcome and great job today!! I know I'm avoiding our office workroom too with all the treats. It's a challenge and half but doable. :) Keep up the great work!!
HI and welcome to WISH. This is really a great place!!!

Nice job on no Diet Coke today. Way to go.

Hope you are having a wonderful Monday!!!! Or had a wonderful Monday. I guess it is almost over.

You have a good can do this!
You are so lucky to have a gym onsite! We have one here, but it is very small and there are no classes. Plus at lunchtime it gets packed. I usually do a 30 minute walk around the facility during my lunch break.

Your eating looks great! Congrats on avoiding the Halloween candy. It is SO hard this time of year! That's great that you avoided the DC. I still have one can a day. It's a little treat to keep me from snacking too much... :rolleyes:

You are right, WE CAN DO THIS! :cheer2:
Yes, having the gym is really nice. I belonged to Bally's for 4+ years, and loved it, but once I started working here I couldn't justify the cost anymore. I still kind of miss Bally's, especially on the weekends, but overall this gym suits me just fine.

I'm still at work, but decided to post since our DSL has been on the fritz at home. Hopefully I can stay the course through tonight!

Food - Decent to Excellent
Breakfast - Same as yesterday - Coffee with milk, Eggs, WW toast with PB, and an Orange

Pre work-out Snack - Apple (it was so sweet and crunchy!)

Lunch-1/2 homemade sandwich and a small soup from the cafeteria. The soup was good and healthy- turkey, beans, and tomatoes. Yummy!

Snack - Will be vanilla yogurt. When I packed my lunch last night I realized that I bought the full calorie kind. Oops. But I have been meaning to stop buying so much stuff with Splenda and Nutrisweet. Next week I'll try to buy plain yogurt and add fruit to it myself or maybe another nutritious snack.

Dinner - Was going to be Chicken Teriyaki/Broc/Brown rice, but DH called me and asked me to switch it to Pasta Carbonara and white wine since he's had a stressful day. Well, alright honey! I'll try to have a small portion and only one glass of wine. Actually, the pasta isn't too unhealthy, just high in carbs. Maybe a glass of milk later.

Water - Very good. I'm probably close to 90 oz! I kind of wanted a Diet Coke at 2:00 today, but I think it was out of boredom, and got more water instead.

Exercise - Very good. I went to a body sculpting class at lunch (focused on abs, triceps, and legs), and plan to do 30-45 minutes of fairly intense cardio afterwork (i.e. work up a sweat!).

Other Ramblings - Oh the halloween candy is there! If I can avoid it through Friday I'll feel accomplished. I know I don't have to be all or nothing, but it's such a slippery slope. Plus I don't feel the junky candy is 'worth' it. Now, cheesecake is a different story!
Yay DSL was fixed! Hooray!

I did go to the gym afterwork, and it was great. Came home and showered and made the Carbonara pasta. I served myself in a cereal bowl instead of one of our pasta bowls. It was much easier to take a smaller serving that way. I also only had 1 glass of wine. Although to be honest just because it was one glass in one of our mondo glasses doesn't mean it was one serving of wine! But it's a start, and it's certainly a smaller serving than I would have had before.

I've come to the realization that the strict way of doing stuff isn't the most beneficial to me. I put too much pressure on myself, and end up rebelling tons in the end. It's best to be flexible and make changes that you can keep in your lifestyle.
I agree, you have to be flexible! Another hard thing to overcome is that "Well, I've already blown it with this meal, I might as well splurge for the rest of the day and get back on track tomorrow" attitude...

Congrats on the 1 glass of wine! I have weaned myself off my daily glass with dinner, but I still overindulge at social events... :rolleyes1

You are doing great with your exercising and candy avoiding, keep up the good work! You will be back in the 120's in no time!:cheer2:
Yeah we don't have wine every night, but when we do we finish the bottle. That's a lot for me versus him, so I bought one of those wine vacume thingies so maybe we don't need to feel the need to finish the bottles.

Anwyay today was Ok. I was running late this morning so I didn't have time to make eggs, which made me hungry later. Anyway:

Decent, but not great

Breakfast - Kashi and milk/Coffee/milk (would have also had a banana, but we were out :rolleyes: )

Snack - Brought an orange for a midmorning snack since I knew I'd be hungry. Was still hungry so ended up having a mini mounds bar from the candy bin :blush: . But I only had one and it did not lead to a 'binge'. So it's a step. At least I didn't go down to the cafeteria and buy a muffin! :earboy2:

Pre work-out - Apple

Lunch - Leftover pot roast and broccolli and roasted potatoes

Ugh Snack - Diet Coke and a cup of cheez balls. Was around 100-150
calories, so don't feel too bad. But I still didn't *need* it.

Snack - Lemon Nonfat Lite Yogurt

Dinner - Tomato Sauce/Pasta with broccolli and milk

I will definitely have eggs tomorrow morning!

Walked to/from work - around 4 miles
Step class at lunch included some abs.
My triceps are still kind of sore from Monday!

Water: Around 90 oz, but is offset by Diet Coke consumption. Once a week won't kill me, I just don't want it to become a 'habit'. I don't like being addicted to something that is most likely bad for me. Coffee I don't consider bad for me as long as it isn't a ton and not one of the super sweet ones from Starbucks.

I bought a digital scale today so I could keep a more accurate track of my weight. The analog scale makes it too easy to be in 'denial' (that's on the 4 right?!). Anyway, so my 'starting' weight is 138, gulp. I won't beat myself over it, but that's what it is. Besides my clothes already feel looser so I feel my 'number' will catch up. I will try to weigh in Monday before my morning shower, but knowing me :rolleyes: I'll weigh myself every time I walk by, sigh.

Hooray for exercise! We will stay healthy :cheer2: !
Hi!!! Way to go on resisting the candy. That was one of my downfalls.....I have so many. I love candy, nothing chocolate though, just candy!!! We have a jar full so I feel your pain!

You are doing such a great job! Keep up the good work
You're doing a great job! You are so lucky I wish I lived close enough to work that I could walk to and from fairly easily.
I am also obsessed with the scale! I hate it! I will weigh myself in the morning, when I get home from work, and once before I go to bed. It's pathetic... The only number I count is the morning one, and I only "officially" count it once a week since it fluctuates so much!

Congrats on sticking to just one candy bar! That snack size was WAY less calories than a cafeteria muffin!

You are doing great, keep it up! :cheer2:
Hi and welcome to WISH!

Your diet and workouts look really good. Good job on avoiding that evil Halloween candy!
Lord today was just one of those days. I get into work and my computer wouldn't start. So, I call my IT department, and they come and tell me my hard drive is crashed! Yikes! I haven't backed up since February! I felt like such a moron. My department is just about to start back-upping to the server, but they haven't given us our own drive yet. Since next week is our busy week we need to pay for the 'expedited' data recovery to the tune of $5K! I can't believe we don't have people inhouse to do that, or that they even charge that much for it. My boss was really nice about it, but I still feel bad about it.

Anyway, today was OK, but definitely better than it could have been!

Breakfast - Eggs, Orange, Toast/pb, Coffee/milk

Snack - Apple was mushy, so had a cup of cheeze balls (only 80 calories! :confused3 )

Lunch - Steamed Broccolli, and some pasta with meat sauce, 2 hershey kisses with almondsyummy

Hot Chocolate (this was after I found out my data was lost :rolleyes: Better than the brownie I really wanted ) I should probably buy the no sugar added kind to keep in my desk since the cafeteria only had full sugar

Snack - lite yogurt

Dinner - Dh has a work dinner, so I made myself a quesadilla. I know not the healthiest, but I really wanted Panda Express or McDonalds after my crappy day, so this wasn't terrible.

Workout - I needed my workouts today to keep my stress level down. At lunch I did Body Sculpting (mostly legs and abs) and then after work I did an hour Step Class. :banana:

Water - 90 ounces!! :banana:

I weighed myself this morning (I know said I wouldn't :rolleyes: ) but it said 135.5, so that made me feel better. I'll try to wait until Monday now.

Oh one more accomplishment today. Somebody from another department came by and asked if I wanted birthday cake (which is common place at my work), and I said no thank you! I'm very proud of myself :teeth: Baby steps, baby steps.

Welcome!!! This is a great and powerful place. And you are right - baby steps, baby steps. Takes me a while to remember that myself!!!!! :)

You are doing great so far. Keep up the good work and you'll be there in no time!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Congrats on saying NO to the b-day cake! :cake: And yay for you for not giving into your temptation for Panda Express or McDonalds! I am like you, a stressful day brings on BAD feelings of wanting to devour everything and not care (until after it's too late of course ;) )

You are doing great, congrats on the loss! It's OK (in my book anyway) to weigh yourself daily, as long as you don't get too hung up on the daily fluctuations!

Keep it up! :cheer2:
Thanks guys for stopping by!

Today was pretty good.

Breakfast: Today was bagel Friday (our auditors bring in a treat every Friday they are here, this may or may not be the last one this year), so I knew I would want one. Not only because of peer pressure, but darn it I like bagels. If I'm going to lose weight and keep it off, it has to be with a plan I'm willing to stick with. Giving up carbs/bread entirely is not what I'm willing to do. Anyway to offset the bagel I made myself a berry protein shake at home.

Mid Morning - Pumpkin Bagel with Pumpkin Cream Cheese (can you say yummy!) and a coffee with some half/half from the cafeteria

Lunch - Apple and a taco salad (lettuce, tomato, olives, chicken, a few tortilla chips, and some 1,000 island dressing). I skipped cheese, and only asked for a few chips, but I think they went a little heavy on the dressing even though I asked for 'easy on the dressing'. It really hit the spot, though and I don't think it was too unhealthy! Oh, and an almond hershey kiss.

Snack - lite lemon yogurt

Dinner - Chicken teriyaki, broccolli, and brown rice

Workout - Today was a kind of a rest day. I did a 20 minute pilates tape and I walked at lunch while I ran errands 'in town'. I bought the cutest halloween costume for Monday! Hee! Probably about 45 minutes of walking when I wasn't in stores.

Water - Decent, but I'll drink more tonight. I'm probably only at 70 oz for the day.

We're going to a wedding tomorrow so I'm going to limit my drinks to two (which may be tough!), but I'll definitley have a small slice of cake.

Keep WISHing everybody!


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