ABC 8x8 Prototypes

the one that shows the license plate mickey tag pulled out...

now, should I secure the mickey heads attached to the title border @ the bottom or should I make them mini-licesne mickey tags like shown on the left side.. on the right side are just the mickey tag toppers that would be secured???

I think I can do it.. I think it's more of a pita right now because nothing is adhered to the pages.. so I'll work on this tomorrow..

Thanks for all the input!!!
Please let me know what I can do for all of you who are making extra pages for me...
I need to make a list so I don't leave anyone out. Please let me know if you want them all or specifics or you think of something else I can do for you!! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!

deleted..have something in mind..
You totally don't need to do anything for me. I mean, what is the difference between making 13 or 14? (I guess not much, unless I run out of which case it is a lot!:lmao: ) But maybe you could send me a postcard from Disney when you go... or something. You could pull the equivalent in stuff out of your stash and send it? Or, you could remember and just send me a birthday card next January. I'm a simple girl.:rolleyes1
You totally don't need to do anything for me. I mean, what is the difference between making 13 or 14? (I guess not much, unless I run out of which case it is a lot!:lmao: ) But maybe you could send me a postcard from Disney when you go... or something. You could pull the equivalent in stuff out of your stash and send it? Or, you could remember and just send me a birthday card next January. I'm a simple girl.:rolleyes1

I will send a postcard for sure!!!! and I will find something to do for you in return!!! :)

What about Pooh's nose? I picked up the souffle pen instead of the glaze pen.

What about Pooh's nose? I picked up the souffle pen instead of the glaze pen.

I think it is cute. I thought something was different but I couldn't tell.

I want to get at least one prototype done tomorrow but my tire light came on tonight on the way back from DBF house so we will see what that is like in AM. He is working tomorrow in case it is flat ..... so AAA will be my new BFF. LOL. We are suppose to get nailed with storms and hail tomorrow PM and Stone's autism screening is Monday and Tuesday.......Anyway - I will get off that tangent now.

All suplies are here and paper has been cut to size.

Some photo mats have been cut.
Too cute!

You are so on the ball.

I have just gotten all my paper cut down to 8 X 8.

I have to finish Shuna's swap before this one.

You do know I only have the prototype of each one down right?

I was planning out my schedule -- it takes me one night to a prototype. I am slow and messy. After that I was going to plan one week to complete each letter. So 1 more week for the rest of the prototypes (2 8x8 and 4 elements) + 10 weeks to complete 10 letters -- 11 weeks. I am already behind!

I won't be signing up for anything for a while!
You do know I only have the prototype of each one down right?

I was planning out my schedule -- it takes me one night to a prototype. I am slow and messy. After that I was going to plan one week to complete each letter. So 1 more week for the rest of the prototypes (2 8x8 and 4 elements) + 10 weeks to complete 10 letters -- 11 weeks. I am already behind!

I won't be signing up for anything for a while!

I thought you had the groups done of your prototypes. I feel better.

crude - I hadn't thought about the time line like that. Man-I have got to get on the stick. I hope to be able to kit up some of mine so that I can take them to WDW with me. If I can do that, I can get lots done. I cna't take the sewing machine with me so I may have to do that in advacne...but, people may be bored with my sewing at this point.

BTW- My DHS swap came back yesterday, so please sign me up for all the groups I had in that one.
And you said all your pages would look alike! :lmao:

I love the Smackerel page. Using the honey pot for the S was perfect. That is exactly what I think of when I hear Smackerel. That bee tag is adorable. I like the nose for Pooh. Used the glaze in a bottle for his nose & eyes for my paper pieced Poohs for the surprise swap. I like having different accents.


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