A Yakker's Paradise with Recipes (Welcome All!!)

Tuesday, 6/14/05

I had an NSV (non scale victory) last night! I went to Lane Bryant to exchange some bras because I accidentally picked up the wrong style. I tried one on that was one band size smaller than what I normally wear and it fit! It was still a little snug so I bought my regular size but I was still super dee duper happy! When I started my journey, my regular size was a little snug so I'm pretty proud of myself. Next time I go shopping, it will be for a smaller size!!

Tuesday Food - Edited!
B - 7:30 am: Shake, 8:15 am: double tall, NF, no-whip peppermint mocha from Starbucks
AM Snack - 10:30 am: small piece RF cinnamon swirl coffee cake
L - 2:15 pm: Taco salad leftovers!!! (yummy!!!)
D - 7:15 pm: 15 chips with salsa, 1/2 a shredded beef, mexican rice with pico de gallo chimichanga covered with queso sauce and a small chopped salad with salsa for dressing
Eve. Snack - 10:00 pm: 3 Tagalongs (Girl Scout cookies) and 3 glasses of skim milk
Water: Only 40 oz. Pooh!
Is anyone out there? :confused3 I'm starting to get lonely in here all by myself. :guilty:

Yesterday was kinda crazy! I had class and a service unit girl scout meeting scheduled at the same time. I told my professor that I would have to miss class but we were scheduled to take a quiz and she said that I absolutely had to come in and take my quiz or she wouldn't let me take it at all.

So, I left work and went straight to school so that I could take my quiz. It took me the full 30 minutes for the measly 10 questions. Have I mentioned that math is not my forte? :rolleyes: By the time I finished the quiz, it was 6:15 and I needed to be at On the Border by 6:30. Fortunately, it was right down the street.

So, I hauled butt and pulled into On the Border at 6:25 and ended up parking right next to our Girl Scout liaison. I had some stuff left over from Saturday's kid fair to give to her so I hopped out of my car to ask her if I could just give it to her now. When I turned back to my car, I realized I had locked my keys, purse and stuff for the meeting in the car. :earseek: Fortunately, I was already where I needed to be so I called DH and he came over to unlock the car and let me get my stuff. I just went inside and had dinner and a giant margarita and enjoyed our meeting since it was the end of the year fun recognitions dinner. DH drove the car home and I got a ride with one of the troop leaders who lives right down the street. Everything ended up fine but I still felt like a ninny!
Hi Shauna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I haven't been here, but congrats on the victory! I'm so proud of you. We are seriously going to have a party. It sounds like your professor was being an evil picklehead. Please poke her or something. And, yes, you can blame it on me. Hugs, pixie dust and positive thoughts are coming your way.

I'm still proud of you and there's nothing you can do to make me feel any less proud. I sound like my mother...ay yi yi! (Good thing, very good thing!) Keep on keepin' on, and I'm still pulling for you. It may feel like a large pull or a small tug, but I'll always be holding on with you!
Sounds like you had a fun day! Don't you hate it when you lock stuff in the car. I'll never forget when DH was in High school he cut class, came back and was running late. Locked the keys in his mom's car with it RUNNING! OOPS!!

That Prof sounds like he/she has a real complex. Gotta love some of them.

Don't let the jerks get you down.

You're doing great. Hang in there!
Just stopping by to say Hi!

Hope you had a great weekend! Happy Monday!!! :flower:
Hey Shauna!!! I went to the grocery store and thought of you because I saw some chips from "On the Border". I wanted to try some, but they were evicted from the cart and replaced with Tostitos!

Did ya have a great weekend? Have a magnificent Monday!
Geez! It feels like forever since I've been here. I don't even have 2 seconds to update but I did want to drop in and say hi. Life is rough right now and I haven't had free time. Everything is running behind and today is the first since Sunday that I have been migraine free.

I promise I'll be back soon and will update and will read all of your journals. I'm sorry I've been a rotten poster. Please forgive me and I'll see everyone soon! :flower:
Finally, I have caught back up to you. :flower:

It sounds like you are doing well at maintaining and taking a bit of a break. At least it will make things much easier when you are able to focus again on some more losing. I thought my life was busy, I am not sure how you keep up with yours.

Have a great day and keep up the AWESOME job! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Yes, this is just another stop-gap post until I have a few more minutes.

Thanks for dropping by. Work has been insanely busy with preparations for this week's compliance audit. Plus I've been in jury duty all day for the past two days. And I've been averaging 1 quiz and 1 exam a week in my math class and I'm struggling to finish my scrapbooking items for my DIS swap.

Life is wearing me out. I sure am glad this weekend is a three-day.
Well, I finally have a minute so I'm going to try to get updated.

Hello visitors!

Tiger - Thanks for being proud of me. I appreciate it. My professor is actually pretty OK. I guess I do ask for a lot of special favors so sometimes I just have to buckle down and deal with stuff.

Julie - Heehee for DH. Now that is pretty bad!!

Pearlie - Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!

Tiger - You should try them sometime. They're really good!

Lesli - You're nice. You're pretty busy yourself lady. Thanks for the sentiment though.
Oy! The world is a busy, busy place!

Much has been happening in the past few weeks so I'm just going to gloss over it all and get back on track with posting.

So, the last time I updated was the day before my yearly Staff Retreat for work. It was my first one so I didn't know what to expect. I would like to say something good about the experience but that isn't possible. It was 2 days with my co-workers doing stupid "team-building" crap with everyone pretending to be everyone else's best friend. It was stressful and I hated every minute of it. I resorted to stress munching one of the days because I was so miserable. The munching wasn't that bad though because I was off-plan that week anyway.

I got back late Friday evening. DH and I stayed in and watched movies.

Saturday, June 18 - Kick-off Weigh-in to get myself back on plan. I was up a total of 1.8 lbs. after taking 2 weeks off. Not too bad. I could have done much worse. Either way, I was happy to get back on plan. Menus were planned for 2 weeks and my water had continued to be good.

Monday, June 20 - Woke up with an insanely killer migraine so stayed home from work. The headache didn't end up completely going away for the whole week. I actually had to go to urgent care to get some different migraine medicine to deal with the pain. Needless to say, not much happened that whole week because my head hurt so bad. I had jury duty one day, school on 3 days and work the rest of the week.

Saturday, June 25 - I was down 1.6 lbs. for my first week back on plan. I was really disappointed because I was following my plan so closely and was hoping for more. Oh well, a loss is a loss. My girl scout troop attended a Teddy Bear Picnic. The girls were so, so cute!!! Then DH and I had our salon appointment. I got my hair cut and colored and DH got his hair cut. It was nice. The next day I attended a Crop with friends so that was fun.

Monday, June 27 through Thursday, June 30 - We had a compliance audit at work so there was a guy here checking over all of my volunteer files to make sure I was following the rules. It was kind of nerve-wracking because I am new and my predecessor was way, way behind. Even though I was new, I was still responsible for having everything in compliance. To make it worse, I had jury selection on Tuesday and Wednesday. I sat there for two days waiting for them to select a jury. They wouldn't let us read or do anything else other than listen. Fortunately, I got off. :D

Back in a minute!
hi! :wave: I will put some in the cart next time. And you are very welcome. Okay...the professor doesn't deserve to be poked, I guess.

Now about those chips: Are they crunchy? Salty? Taste like...?
Wow. You have been VERY busy. What color is your hair now? Hope you're feeling better and I'm also hoping that you get your WISH for weightloss and for jury duty. My dad went through it and he didn't like it very much.

Have a good day! No...make it great!
Wow Tiger!! You are fast!! The chips have a light, crispy texture and are lightly salted. My professor is OK. She is pretty flexible and has gotten better. Thank goodness I got released from jury duty. It was a child molestation trial and I did not want to have to listen to all of that. My hair is an enhanced red. It's the same color I always dye it. I just go every two months because red fades really badly.


Here's my continued update. :flower:

Friday, July 1 - This was a rough day. :guilty: My friends' husband got transferred to Hawaii so they had a last going away party before flying off Saturday morning. It was at the hotel pool where they were staying. It was just a few friends and their kids so DH and I hung out, talked, and drank beer. When it came time to say goodbye, we all stood around and cried for a really long time. It was hard to have her leave. She is originally from North Carolina so she and I had a lot of southerness is common. It was always fun to hang out, talk and drink a bottle of wine. I also loved spending time with their 6 year old. Bev would let me borrow Annie to go to Disney on Ice and the zoo. We had fun hanging out. I'm really, really going to miss both of them.

Saturday, July 2 - Weigh in was only down 0.8 lb. I think the low number had a lot to do with all the beer I drank Friday night. DH and I didn't do much. I had a nail appointment and then we went to see Mr. & Mrs. Smith. It was OK but not all that great. We ended up going to dinner at Friday's and then went home to bed.

Sunday, July 3 and Monday, July 4 - We spend the 4th of July with the same friends every year. This year, we went into San Francisco on Sunday and spent the night at their place. I had a ball hanging out with their 20 month old DD who apparently likes me a lot also. :goodvibes I managed to stay pretty good for food both days considering I had almost no control over the menu. I was especially happy that I was asked to bring a dessert so I made a trifle with angel food cake soaked in a bit of sweet wine, sliced strawberries, blueberries and fat free cool whip. It was yummy, festive, very red, white and blue and good for you to boot! Other food on Monday included sliced chicken in a hot dog bun, too much pasta salad, about 1/4 cup of taco dip and 2 fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookies. All in all, not too bad.

And now, I'm pretty well caught up.
Tuesday, July 5 - Food was good, water was not.

B: breakfast shake, double-tall, non-fat, no whip peppermint mocha (boy I needed the caffeine)
L: pasta salad with lemon pepper tuna on top
PM Snack: Danimals yogurt
D: 2 homemade baked turkey and jack cheese chimichangas (WW recipe), low-fat mac and cheese, peas
Eve Snack: 1/2 of a 1/2 Oreo Madness from Friday's :earseek:, 1.5 cups skim milk

I had a killer math test last night. It took me 70 out of the 90 minutes to finish. Fortunately, since it took everyone so long and the professor was late, she let us go home after the test so I at least got home early. Worked on finishing up my crop stuff so I could mail it this morning.

Wednesday, July 6

8:00 am
- Breakfast shake

9:00 am
- double-tall, non-fat, no whip, peppermint mocha (again, needed the caffeine)

10:27 am
- Danimals yogurt

1:30 pm
- 2 turkey and cheese chimis
- 1/4 cup green peas

5:30 pm
- light string cheese

I decided not to go to class because I was so, so tired. I went home and took a nap, then got up at 8:30.

9:30 pm
- 2 cheddar burger patties
- 1 cup egg noodles with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Light
- 1/2 cup white corn

1:30 am
- WW English Toffee Crunch ice cream bar

Since I slept so late, I stayed up way too late doing homework.

- 12 oz. in am
- 12 oz. at lunch
- 24 oz. in pm

Not so great but I hope to do better tomorrow!
Sounds like you're going really well getting back to the plan! You navigated many challenging situations it sounds like you did well.

Keep up the great work!!!
I know. Those chips sound wonderful! Glad you got released from jury duty. hair color sounds wonderful. Awesome on the food! :cool1:
Thursday, July 7

9:00 am
- double, tall, non-fat, no-whip peppermint mocha
- small piece reduced fat cinnamon coffee cake

There is no food in my house so I had to resort to the standby for breakfast. Unfortunately, I won't have time to shop until Saturday so this will continue at least one more day. :rolleyes:

Today will be busy at work and I have to go to class tonight because I have a quiz on Monday and need to know what I am doing. Have a great day all!

1:15 pm
- garden salad with grilled chicken, sauteed mushrooms, sprouts, and low-fat orange vinaigrette

Not what I brought but very, very good. The orange vinaigrette is amazing!!! I can't wait to get the recipe!

2:45 to 3:05 pm
- small bag of crunchy cheetos
- ff swirl pudding cup

I was craving cheetos and chocolate. At least the pudding wasn't all bad. :rolleyes:

5:30 pm
- 1 oz. pita chips

Class was hard!!!! We covered an entire chapter in 2 days and our prof. was a real brat about it. She kept repeating that she didn't understand why we weren't getting it because it was easy. Um yeah, it IS easy if you have a doctorate in mathematics!!! :confused3

10:00 pm
- 1/4 cup chicken jambalaya
- 1 whole wheat pita round
- 3 oz. deli turkey
- 2 oz. Tillamook Medium cheddar

We were going to have chicken enchilada soup until we realized we were out of garlic and onions so I let DH make jambalaya. I don't really care for it and it turned out really bland so I just wasn't interested. I had turkey pitas instead even though I splurged with good cheese instead of the ff stuff.

11:00 pm
- 1 cup cinnamon toast crunch
- 1/2 cup skim milk

I was still hungry and had a sweet tooth so I dealt with both at the same time.

- 12 oz. AM
- 36 oz. PM
- 40 oz. Eve

88 for the day isn't too shabby!
Good luck. You too. Send some of that coffee cake my way. Is it homemade or store bought? Either way, it sounds DEElish!
Pearlie - I'm trying to get back and stay back on plan but it's not going as smoothly as I had hoped. Hopefully, things will get easier. :rotfl:

Tiger - I do love my hair and my chips. :teeth: The coffee cake is from Starbucks. It is incredibly soft with a ribbon of cinnamon yumminess running through the middle with cinnamon crumb topping. One itty bitty piece is 4 points but it is so good that it is worth the splurge. I wish I had the recipe so I could make it at home.


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