A Yakker's Paradise with Recipes (Welcome All!!)

Tiger - Havarti is a type of cheese that is extremely creamy. My favorite has specks of dill.

Pearlie - The trip was super fun. More to come later.


I know I haven't been by lately and the reason why is that I have been SWAMPED!!!

I am taking on a new project at work and will begin training on Monday so I've been working hard to get all of my stuff caught up before I have to take on more. And I've been working very hard to update our records for our upcoming compliance audit at the end of this month. My predecessor let a lot of stuff lapse so I am dealing with volunteers who are 2+ years behind on their compliance items and I have to bring everything current before the audit. Needless to say, it is making me kind of crazy and completely swamped.

Plus, Wednesday was my last Girl Scout meeting for the Spring and tomorrow is our awards ceremony and end of the year party so I have tons of stuff to do to get ready for that. I still have to finish getting all of their little badges ready to hand out tomorrow plus the summer calendars for the parents.

And to top everything off, this has been a short week so I am feeling the pinch! I will be back to update later. I am still here but just a little busy. :earseek:
Tiger - Thanks! I'll certainly try but I don't see it happening any time soon!


Whew! Things have slowed down for two seconds so I am going to try to get a quick update post.

Last week was INSANE with work, home and Girl Scouts!

First off, I am sick. My allergies are still driving me crazy and since I can't hole myself up at home until the season is over, they aren't getting better. Every time I go outside, the wind makes them worse so I just can't kick the ick. I have an ear infection, my nose is running, I have a fever and I have a honking big fever blister on my lower lip. I didn't feel well all last week but I still had to push through and get everything done anyway. Oh well. :rolleyes:

Work - We have an audit coming up at the end of June. Since I work for Make-A-Wish Foundation and we work with kids, California State Law requires that all of the volunteers who grant wishes and have direct contact with children must be fingerprinted and background checked every 3 years and our national office also requires that they complete an Ethics Agreement every year. My predecessor allowed the fingerprints and Ethics Statements to get YEARS behind. :earseek: I am seriously talking 2 or 3 years for most volunteers so I am literally racing the clock to get everyone updated before our audit on June 27. In theory, it's not my fault but I have been here since the end of February so they are assuming that everything is more up to date even though my predecessor was here for 2 years and never even bothered to bring us current!

At this point, all of the requests have gone out so it's just a matter of updating everything when I get the results and doing follow-up for the people that haven't gotten back to me. Fortunately, we decided to delay my training for the new project to Wednesday so I could get caught up on everything else that I've been neglecting because of the backgrounds and ethics statements.

Girl Scouts - The last meeting was good and our ceremony and end of the year party was great! The girls all earned tons of patches and did their little ceremony. There were several photos taken, much cake eaten and the parents enjoyed themselves. Then we all went outside and played miniature golf and the girls rode a bunch of rides. I walked for hours and sweated in the 89 degree heat so that was at least good. :sad2: Plus the girls had a great time which is really all that matters. Now that meetings are over, I just have to finish my paperwork for the year and then I have a bit of a break until our July Summer Fun Event. I can't wait for the break.

School - I start my new 8-week, meets Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday class today which means that I have no more evening free time. Oh well. Nothing I can do about that!

Home - I have no food at my house. I didn't have anything for lunch today so I had to run to the store just to get something. Even though I probably should not have, I got a deli sandwich and then stocked up on Lean Cuisines for my freezer here at work. I will be swamped with homework every day during lunch so I can't go out. Plus, whenever I do, I spend way to many points on not-so-good for me stuff! I told DH that we are going to have to work on a menu and a grocery list for the week and he is going to have to go shopping because I just don't have time to do it. We'll see if it actually gets done.

Back in a minute!
My food has been OK. Friday was sushi for lunch and dinner which is totally OK with me since it's super yummy and low in points.

Saturday was strange. DH and I overslept so I hit the ground running the minute I woke up (late). I didn't even have time to WI so I'm officially skipping last week's WI and will record next week's.

Saturday Food was:
B: Nothing. No time.
L: 1 piece of Costco Cheese pizza and a coke (I forgot to bring bottled water with me and was super-thirsty!), 1 small piece of Costco chocolate cake with buttercream icing. It was my troop's "Have a great summer" cake and they were sad that I wasn't sharing so I had a small piece. Man that thing was rich!
PM Snack: One mondo Root beer and a serving of snack bar nachos with cheese sauce that I shared with the girls (we were still at the park and I was starving because all I had eaten was 1 slice of pizza and a piece of cake - the nachos were essentially tortilla chips with cheese sauce).
D: 1 bratwurst in a french roll with sauerkraut and spicy mustard with a small side of kettle potato chips, 1.5 cups skim milk
Water: 64 oz. total

Sunday Food:
B: Nothing.
L: Grilled cheese sandwich - 1.5 oz. Tillamook Medium Cheddar Cheese, 2 slices 9-grain bread and 1 tsp. I Can't Believe It's Not Butter., 1 small serving kettle potato chips
PM Snack: 2 servings Stacy's Pita Chips - yummy and baked so they aren't too bad!
D: Fresh Choice buffet. Lots of stuff. Almost all of it fat free or low-fat except for my Triple Decadence Brownie. All in all, I was good.
Eve Snack: 1.5 cups skim milk
Water: 48 oz. total

Monday Food:
B: Shake, large, non-fat cafe au lait
AM Snack: 2 shortbread cookies (my co-worker just got back from London and Paris and brought Scottish shortbread cookies. They are my favorite and I couldn't resist dipping them in my coffee!!)
L: Deli sandwich with peppered turkey, provolone, lettuce, bell peppers, pickles and spicy mustard. 2 shortbread cookies.
PM Snack: 1 shortbread cookie
D: Mongolian Beef with broccoli
Water: 72 oz.

Yeah, today was not good. :rolleyes: I should have said no to the cookies but I didn't. I also should have only eaten half of the sandwich but ate the whole thing because I waited until I was starving to go get it and was famished when I ate it. The good news is that I bought Lean Cuisines for the rest of the week so I will know that I have something healthy to eat for lunch. I just have to stay on track for dinner with no food at home and a late evening class. Oh well, tomorrow (and the day after, and the day after that) is another day! ;)
Hi Shauna. Your life looks busy, good luck! Take me time, it will help you from getting frazzled. Plus, my allergies are really bad, too. I feel for you.

Hugs and tissues from Jen!
I love Lean Cuisine...........it takes the struggle out of trying to figure out something healthy to eat for lunch. And almost all of them are delicous! My aunt absolutely loves the four cheese pizza but I haven't tried it. I plan to soon.

I agree with Jen, you do seem to be a very busy lady! Kudos to you for managing to maintain a healthy lifestyle while constantly busy. I know its not always easy to do.

Anyway, wishing you a wonderful day........... :wizard:
Sounds like you've had a very full couple of days! Busy is good, right?

I love the LC meals too--It's nice to get some variety while still knowing that it will be at least reasonably healthy. I like to supplement mine with an extra 1/2 cup of frozen veggies. It helps sneak some extra fiber/vitamins in me and makes the meal a little more filling.

Have a great day!
Tiger - My stinkin' allergies would get better if it would just stop raining here!

Amanda - It IS hard to try to be healthy when I am so busy I can't even plan my meals. That is one of the reasons why I love LC because they do the work for me!!

Pearlie - Busy is good. That's a good idea on adding the veggies. I never feel like I eat enough of them and that would make those LCs more filling.


Well, I'm off to class which is totally terrible. The professor has a very thick accent and keeps thinking we are a class of 5 year olds instead of adults. She actually told us we couldn't eat or drink in class yesterday and I just looked at her, blinked and drank my water. Whatever! :sad2:

I still haven't had time to work up a menu or go grocery shopping. My food this week is TERRIBLE! :guilty: I am retaining mucho water right now and I am constantly hungry and munchie because TOM is coming to visit next week. I'm so tempted to just chuck WW for the week until I can go buy some decent food but I don't want to give up. I'm just frustrated right now.

Food yesterday was bad:
B: Shake, tall non-fat peppermint mocha
AM Snack: reduced fat cinnamon coffee cake
L: LC Pepperoni French Bread Pizza, 1 shortbread cookie and 6 French chocolate wafers
D: Pepperoni, mushroom, black olive and spinach calzone with a side salad, 2 tsp. ranch dressing and a root beer

Dinner was a disaster because I have been craving pizza and we didn't want to drive across town to get it so we stopped at this little neighborhood place. I ordered the calzone because it was a special and they didn't have salads and I didn't want a deep-dish pizza and then I ate the whole darn thing. The thing was that I really was hungry enough to eat the whole thing but still shouldn't have. I have eater's remorse.

I've been better today but have been incredibly munchie!!!

B: Shake - 4 pts.
AM Snack: Nutri-Grain Banana Muffin Bar - 3 pts.
L: LC Chicken Fried Rice Bowl, 1 Danimals Yogurt, 1 Ritz Mix 100 Calorie Snack Pack - 10 pts. total
PM Snack: 1 Chips Ahoy 100 Calorie Snack Pack, 1 Nature Valley Granola Bar - 5 pts.
D (Planned): 2 cups of Chicken Enchilada Soup with homemade baked tortilla strips and 1/8 cup of shredded cheese. - 14 pts.

Sure, dinner doesn't look super bad but we are out of fat-free cheese so DH is making it with real cheese. Plus, it's my favorite soup and it's totally bad for me. That combined with my extreme munchiness is causing me to be like 8 pts. over for the day. Yeah, today is just blowing up. :rolleyes:

I really feel that I need to take a mini-break from WW and then rededicate myself to my plan. I want to sit down, do a menu, go shopping, prep food and then follow my plan back like I was at the beginning. I'm just not sure if that is a bad idea. :confused3
I'm not sure what to do. :confused3 This week has been crap food wise so far. I've not been journaling thoroughly. Yesterday was going well until dinner when I had 2 bowls of Chicken Enchilada soup and then was still starving so I had 2 Tagalongs and 4 Thin Mints.

I've had a lot going on and it's starting to slow down somewhat so I don't have the excuse of being incredibly busy to excuse my poor eating habits. Although, since Saturday was still crazy time, I didn't even have time to WI so I haven't tracked that either. Now with my week being so crazy, I don't want to step back on that scale and see that I have gained. :guilty:

The only thing that I am keeping up with is drinking my water and I've actually upped the amount I'm drinking because of my class. Instead of my standard 48 oz., I've been drinking 72 oz. which feels nice. I'm just happy that I'm doing something right. :rolleyes:

I don't see myself improving over the next few days either because I have two major food landmines coming up. This Saturday, DH and I and married friends of ours are volunteering for an event called the Grape Escape. In exchange for volunteering, we each get tickets to the event which is Saturday afternoon/early evening. The Grape Escape is a wine/food sampling event with several area wineries and restaurants giving samples of their food. Of course, none of it is low-fat. I am really excited about going because I love wine and all of the restaurants are really great but it is not going to be a diet-friendly thing at all. After the Grape Escape, DH and I are going to a going-away party for one of my friends who is moving to Hawaii. I probably won't eat anything there since I'll be full from all the samples but I will probably have more wine.

The good news is that we will be helping our same married friends to paint their living room/dining room/kitchen on Sunday so I will get plenty of exercise then.

Also, next Thursday and Friday, my office is having a staff retreat at Lake Tahoe. All of the meals are pre-planned so I have absolutely no say in what I get to eat. Plus, my office is totally snacky so they are going on a snack shopping trip before the retreat and their idea of "healthy" is Baked Lays instead of regular! And, since the meals are pre-planned, we will be eating at different times than I am used to so I will be starving at my "normal" meal times and will probably end up snacking. The worst part is that I have no recourse for this because it's supposed to be a "bonding" experience for the staff so I can't very well turn my nose up at everything. I have no idea how to deal with this whole thing. I guess I am stuck eating whatever I get because they haven't been receptive to my questions regarding the food. And I have to go because the darn thing is mandatory. Ugh! :sad2:

This is why I'm thinking I need to take a break from the watching what I eat like a hawk for a couple of weeks and then hit my WW plan refreshed. I still plan to eat better than I used to but not be as strict as I am when on diet. Does that sound bad? Am I opening myself up to complete and total failure? :confused3 :confused: :worried:
It does sounds like you've got a lot of challenges coming. It's good that you've though through them and tried to find ways to manage the situations, even if it isn't always possible.

This is not a race--if you need to hang back and maintain for a couple of weeks, the world will not come to an end. Do what you can--drink your water, find ways to stay active, and make the best overall choices in light of the situations.

The best part is, there is no such thing as complete and total failure! There are good days and not so good days--heck, there can be good years and not so good years. All you can do is the best you can. We're not perfect, but everything you can do to stay healthy will pay off for you!

Sending you :wizard: to help navigate through these challenges...
Pearlie - You're right. It's not a race and maintenance is OK. I guess I just needed to hear that from someone. Thank you.


Pearlie is right. I'm giving myself permission to maintain for a couple of weeks. I'm ready for this lifestyle change and am already far more aware of what I am eating than I used to be. A couple of weeks ago, DH and I went to On the Border and I didn't touch the chip basket. That never would have happened before I started this journey. I think about the food that I am putting into my mouth before I eat it and that in itself is a huge accomplishment. It won't hurt me to take a few days on maintenance and then to start back with the fervor of being newly on plan. It might end up being just the thing to get me excited about this journey again.

My challenge is that I do look at this as being on a diet because I am. I have A LOT of weight to lose and I have to diet to make that happen. Yes, I am changing my way of life by dieting but it's still a diet. I need a couple of weeks to just be.
Good for you for figuring that out!!!!!!!!!! Shauna I am so proud of you. You've come so far-take a step back, look at the big picture, relax and know that there are so many people pulling for you!!!!! ::yes::
Hey, Shauna! Congratulations on forgoing the chips. That is a huge behavior change that you can be proud of. Just being more conscientious about what we eat helps us to recognize which behaviors we have to modify. I can't tell you the number of times I have asked DH to move tempting foods away from me or have asked him to take part of my meal or have piled dishes on top of mine so that I can establish a behavior of stopping when I am full.

I saw a commercial for some diet drug where they showed a bite left on the plate at every meal, and what that looked like at the end of a month. Geez, that made a HUGE impression on me. All I could think about was all those calories a person didn't eat. The visual was compelling.

So, enjoy "maintaining" for a bit. Take whatever time you need to recharge, but don't let yourself backslide and become discouraged. Keep up the great work. You have already come so far, there is still a lot of fun to be had on this journey!
You're absolutely right, Shauna...........I guess in some way this whole journey is more about behavior changes than it is about losing weight. The weight will come off with the behavior changes. It's great to see you're noticing these changes. I'm still working on it. It's a continual thing but we'll all get there!!!
Shauna, don't ever feel bad for maintaining. Step by step. One day at a time. The weight didn't go on in a flash, and it won't come off that quickly either. You're still doing great and you CAN do this.
So how's it going for you? Are you finding that you're happier when you're a bit more relaxed? Does it feel like you made the right call?

I've kind of done the same thing, and I must say I'm enjoying it. It feels good to slow down and actually listen to my body. And I haven't disintegrated into who I was before, which is what I was most afraid of.

I hope things are going well!
Tiger - Thanks for the support. I need it right now.

Cam - You're right about the chip thing. And you made a huge impression on me with the whole "bite left on the plate" thing. Ever since you posted that in my journal, I've left one bite of every meal. It has felt good.

Amanda - The behavioral changes are big. I still feel good about my week off because my behaviors are going strong.

Julie - Thank you for your confidence in me.

Pearlie - That is too funny! Great minds do think alike!


My weekend was busy but good for the most part. Friday evening, DH and I stayed at home and did nothing. We bought some tamales (and a bunch of produce) at a fruit stand and I had some pistachios and two tamales for dinner. We finished watching "Finding Neverland" and watched all of "Vanity Fair" and then went to bed.

Saturday was crazy busy! I slept in a bit and got up to get ready for my little treat (more in a minute) only to discover that I had a message from one of my Girl Scout's moms letting me know that the Girl Scout was sick and wouldn't be coming to our Saturday Service Project. This normally wouldn't have been an issue except for the fact that this mom was my designated "2nd Adult" for the event and if she didn't come, I would have to make DH stay. This news did not make him a happy camper. :sad2: I spent 20 minutes calling all the other moms and none of them could stay so I was stressing all over the place. I finally just had to stop and get ready to go for my ...dum da da dum!!!!!! ... spa pedicure with citrus exfoliation, cooling masque and leg massage.

I have been so stressed that I just got mad and booked this for myself on Friday. My normal nail lady is really busy and hasn't been able to get me in for a pedicure and I really needed one. I was also interested in a little pampering so I called up the spa and booked this. It was wonderful! The day spa smelled fabulous and the music was very soothing. The treatment was very relaxing and it turns out that the masque was designed to increase circulation and decrease water retention so that was a good thing. It was nice to pamper myself a bit. DH picked me up after the pedi and we went to a little local bagel place that makes real bagels. I had a poppy seed bagel with smoked salmon and cream cheese and 2 tbsp. of macaroni salad. I have been craving one for a very long time and it was good!

After my nice, relaxing little break, the insanity ensued!
Craziness was all of the stuff that was planned for Saturday. From 12:30 to 2:00, I was doing a service event with my Girl Scout troop. From 2:00 to 4:00, DH and I were volunteering for a community event. From 4:30 to 7:00, DH and I and our friends were planning to attend the community event and then DH and I had a going away party for someone that evening.

I arrived on time for the Girl Scout thing which turned out to be pretty slow so the girls mainly ran around and played. I had 1 cherry flavored snow cone and 4 oz. of lemonade. I was totally mad at myself because I forgot water and spent the 1.5 hours dying of thirst out in the heat. I had told all of the parents that I needed the girls picked up promptly at 2:00 so of course, 2 parents were late. :rolleyes: I finally got out of there at 2:10 and headed over to the next project.

DH and I were volunteering for this wine and food tasting event here in town. It was an outdoor event and we were both supposed to be working in Will Call which means sitting in the shade. When we arrived, they had us schlepping 40 lb. bags of ice instead, outside, in the 94 degree heat, with no shade. :rolleyes: At one point, I was pushing a cart loaded with 7 - 40 lb. bags of ice by myself on a grassy area. Needless to say, I got a great workout but my arms are killing me. We were so hot and sweaty that I ended up drinking 2 16 oz. bottles of water in 15 minutes. After we finished with the ice, I went to the event coordinator to ask for something else to do and she told me to troubleshoot the bottlenecks at the entrance which I did. She was so impressed that she ended up sticking me at the front taking credit cards since I was so fast. Poor DH got stuck breaking down and throwing away boxes. He was totally exhausted by the time we finished. No one came to relieve me at 4:00 so I ended up working until 4:20 and then left to find DH and call our friends whom we were supposed to meet at 4:30 (which was so not going to happen). :confused3

By the time we got to the car, it was 4:30 so I called our friends and it turned out that they had been shopping for paint at Home Depot and ended up buying a gas grill and needed our help to unload it from the truck they had rented. And since they rented the truck, we had to ride with them back to Home Depot so they could drop the truck off and then head over to the event. We ran home and grabbed several bottles of water, and downed a 24 oz. bottle while heading over to their place. After DH helped her husband unload the grill, my girlfriend and I followed DH and her husband back to Home Depot and then all met up and headed to the event. By now it was 5:30 and the event was over at 7:00 so we were in a hurry to get inside and get some wine and food.

All I had eaten that day was the bagel and smoked salmon and I was starving! Everyone else had only had breakfast or a light sandwich for lunch so we were all ravenous. We went inside and made a beeline for the food vendors to get some food. I sampled so many things that I can't even list everything. It was all just bits and bites of things but we managed to fill up. Plus we got to sample quite a few yummy wines so that was all good. The event was over at 7:00 which was just about when we realized we were full so we left and walked back to the car. On the way to the car, I started feeling really yucky and had to sit down and rest a minute because my stomach was cramping so badly. We drove back to our friends' place and then sat on the back patio for a while just talking during which time I drank an additional 24 oz. of water. We ended up making plans to have a cookout on Sunday to christen their new grill and then had to leave because DH and I still had to go to the going-away party.

Well, we headed over to the going-away party and knocked on the door but no one answered so we left and went to On the Border for dinner. I had 3 flour tortillas, a handful of chips, salsa, 2 tbsp. of queso, a cheese enchilada with queso sauce and a few bites of rice. By the end of dinner, I was feeling really, really bad. My face was super flushed, my skin was hot, I had serious stomach cramps and I felt yucky. DH kept saying that he thought I had heat exhaustion because I didn't drink enough water but I didn't agree. I tallied up all of my water and I had a total of 64 oz. but there was a period of 2.5 hours that I spent outside sweating with no water. Well, when we went home and looked up heat exhaustion, I had 8 of the 10 symptoms so DH made me drink another big bottle of water and then put me to bed. I went to sleep at 11:00 pm Saturday night and slept until 7:00 am when I woke up with severe muscle cramps (another symptom). I wasn't able to go back to bed until 8:20 am and then ended up sleeping until 12:00 pm.
When I got up on Sunday, I still felt yucky. My blood sugar was low because it has been so long since I had eaten so I drank a diet root beer and ate a tamale and my leftover rice and tortillas from On the Border. I then vegged on the couch drinking more water. About 3:30, DH and I got ready, ran to the store to pick up the ingredients for Tequila Lime Chicken and the ingredients for homemade mint chocolate chip ice cream and headed over to our friends' house.

I still didn't feel great so all I did when we got there was sit and drink water. There were tons of snacks out including chips, salsa and a yummy looking layered bean dip but I didn't even have the urge to eat anything. I prepped the marinade and threw the chicken in and then made the mix for the ice cream. DH and I received an electric ice cream maker as a wedding gift and I use it occasionally to make my favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream. My friends specifically requested that I make it so I couldn't refuse. :teeth:

We ate dinner around 7:00 and I had about 2 oz. of tequila lime chicken, 2 oz. of marinated tri-tip, about 1/2 cup of caesar salad (she tossed it with the dressing so I had no choice), 2 tbsp. of macaroni salad and 1/2 a cob of corn on the cob. I know I probably shouldn't have but we cracked open the bottle of wine I brought to dinner and I had a big glass. It was very yummy. Overall, the evening was fun and very low-key. We just hung out and talked. We had the ice cream about 9:30 with a teensy-weensy bit of port and then DH and I went home at 10:00. I still felt yucky when we got home so I drank some milk and went to bed.
And I'm caught up. To answer Pearlie's question, maintenance is going well so far. The big thing is that a lot of my behaviors have changed which is going a long way towards helping me maintain. I actually had enough time to WI on Saturday and I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was only up .8 of a pound. Given that I was not really trying last week and am retaining the Mediterranean Sea :rolleyes: in preparation of TOM, I was pleasantly surprised to see such a small gain. I know that the actual number is lower that what the scale showed and I'm happy with that.

I must admit that it has been nice not to analyze every bite of food that I put into my mouth. The best part about this decision is that I am actually excited about re-starting up fresh next week. It feels like a new start and I am relishing the taste (literally) of freedom I am allowing myself this week. As you can tell by the food I've posted, I'm not going insane but I'm also not watching like a hawk. It's all good. :teeth:

I'm going to try a different method of posting my food to see if it makes me feel more accountable. The method I've been using just isn't working so I'll have to see how this works.

B - 9:00 am: Monday morning staff meeting at the local cafe. 1 cup of Chinese breakfast tea with 2% milk and Equal. 2 slices of sourdough toast with butter drizzled on top. (I'm still not feeling 100%)
AM Snack - 9:30 am: 1 cup of Earl Grey tea with 2% milk and Equal.
L - 2:00 pm: Dinnertime Selection LC Chicken Fettucine (my absolute fave!), a snack pack of crunchy Cheetos and a large :banana: .
D - ?: Taco salad with yummy, real shredded cheese, 2 glasses of skim milk
Water total: 72 ounces

I'm off to class in a few minutes. I have to do my homework from Thursday and tell my prof. I won't be in class tomorrow because I have a meeting. I'm thinking she's not going to take it well.



I just wanted to quickly edit because I forgot to post my goals for the week so here they are a la Pearlieq!

1. Drink 64+ oz. of water each day. Just because I'm not being great with my food doesn't mean that I can't do well with my water!
2. Apply the modified behaviors I have struggled so hard to gain on my eating this week even though I am not staying 100% on plan.
3. Plan out and prep 2 week's worth of healthy food by Sunday of next week to ensure that I have a solid 2 weeks of on-plan meals ready to kick-start me on the next phase of my success.
4. Build my summary of success for the last 3.5 months of my journey and write my Statement for Success from this point forward.
5. Remember that I can do this! Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!!


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