A thread for The Winkler Family and the loss of there 16 mo. old, Levi :(

I just found this thread and wanted to tell you how very sorry I am. We were at POP the same time you were there. I can just imagine I saw your lovely family in the food court or at a park. I probably even smiled at those beautiful children. I am so sorry you lost Levi, please know you are in my thoughts and prayers....
I was so looking forward to meeting you and your family at the GLOW party, but we arrived very late and missed you.
I was shocked and very saddened to hear of your loss. :sad1: I am so sorry for your loss :hug: :hug:
I pray that you will find strength from all of the kind words here and all your friends here and your friends and family who I'm sure are surrounding you during this time.

One suggestion that may help in your healing process down the road when you are ready, is to do a scrapbook just for Levi. I have a cousin who lost her daughter at one month. She did two very lovely scrapbooks for her. She took her time working on them and has said that it helped her a lot with the grieving process.
I love scrapbooking, and actually, I have had so much going on that I hadn't started Levi's yet, but I plan to. When I get my head on straight.

An update- Although the very mean and rude eye doctor says my eyes won't get better, the family doctor says they will! Good news! Now all the bad news...

MAtt has to have an MRI done of his knee, he has some serious problems. He still cannot lie down to sleep or even rest for a couple of min., for fear that spinal fluid will start to leak out of his ear again. We both go to the Neurosurgeon today to see how we are doing.

We are all seeking therapy, I just can't seem to deal.

I hope everyone is well.

Thank you again, all of you for your kindness...
Alicia, I am so terribly sorry for your tremendous loss. I wish I could say something to take some of the pain away, but all I can do is give you a :grouphug: . Please try and take care of yourself. I'll be praying for you all.
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you and your family. I don't know either how you can deal with this. I just wanted to let you know that all of your Dis sisters and brothers hold you close and are praying for you and your family. There are no words, no actions, nothing that anyone can do to make the pain go away. But just know you are loved.

Hi Honey...Thanks for the PM, sorry I missed you! Im so sorry to hear about Matt...man I hope they get that streightned out soon. SOOOO glad you had good news regarding your double vision! PLEASE dont hesitate to call me. Dane has the cell most of the time but Im home all the time so call me at home!! XOXOXOX tell Matt and Isabelle I said hello!!
God bless you and your family. I wish I had words that could help the pain. I know that I don't. I will light candles for you, your husband, your daughter, and your sweet baby. Please, try to take comfort from your family, and know that if you even need to talk to anyone, we at the Disboards will be here for you.
You're still in my prayers :grouphug:. Stay strong through your therapy, you can get through it! Wishing for speedy recoveries!
Alicia, honey, you are not supposed to be coping. It is too big of a loss and shock to cope, right now. Just feel what you want and need to feel and do not let anyone else tell you what is appropriate or not.

I have had losses and you never get over them. It does get easier and the happy memories start to outweigh the sad. Everyone has their own time table and way of dealing.

It sounds as if the scrapbook idea is right up your alley and will give the whole family something that they can work on together. Maybe later on you could post a few pages so that we could get to know Levi a bit better.

I am so sorry to hear that you and Matt are still having so many physical problems. I would get a new eye doctor. If you are not comfortable with him he will not do. Want me to come down and knock him around a bit for you? pirate:

How is your daughter doing?

I have a prayer board next to my desk and you and yours are on it and will remain there as long as need be.

If you want to talk on the phone just PM me and I will send you my phone number. I have unlimited calling so I can call you w/o charge if you really want to unload. I also am a night owl and am available when wiser heads sleep.

Much love and best wishes, Slightly Goofy/Linda
I am so very sorry for your loss. I know that words don't mean much right now, just do what you have to to make it each day. It will slowly get easier to survive, then eventually you'll start to focus on the good memories instead of the sad ones. Please just hang on. :hug:
Linda, You really know how to offer support. When I think back to all my sleepless nights when my daughter was gone (addiction, but now back after 2 years), knowing that someone would listen in the middle of the night would have been so wonderful. There were times I just didn't think I could take another minute of the pain, and I am sure Alicia is feeling a lot of that right now. You are a good soul.

bsusanmb, I have lived long enough to know that most of what is wrong with the world could be helped, if not cured, by just listening to each other. At the beginning of any tragedy folks listen but they seem to get awfully uninterested sometimes very fast.

Sometimes a hug does as well. People are lacking the human touch, literally and figuratively.

I am the oldest of 8 kids, mother of 3, grandmother of 6, children's advocate and reading teacher and have heard it all.

I have needed someone to listen to my pain as well. I am sure that you have been there for others and I hope there are those who are there for you with your pain. I have never suffered that particular pain but have seen others go through it and it has to be a special kind of agony.

Alicia, you are in my thought and heart this evening and I am hoping that you have a bit more peace in your hearts tonight. Day by day, step by step. :hug:


I am so saddened to hear about your tragedy. I've been crying my way through all of these postings, and am amazed at the outpouring of love being given to you and your family. I will keep you in my prayers as you go down a long and hard road that no one should have to face. Life isn't fair, and it is beyond us to know what God's ultimate plan is. I pray that you and your family can heal and recover from the loss of your beautiful son.

:hug: , YSIC, Alison
Alicia~ I just found this thread today and wanted to express my sympathy. We had a tragic death in our family and something the priest said at the funeral made me think of GOD in a whole different light and I found it extremely comforting I hope you do too.

There was a man who was very religious and was very active in his church. This man's only son died very young. During the lunch at the man's house after the burial the man was thanking people for their gifts of food and comfort. An old church lady (we all know the type) came up to him and told him it was GOD's will that his son died young. Well the man didn't reply just stared out the window. After several moments he walked up to the old lady and said "Madam, I'll have you know GOD'S heart was the first to break for my son" WOW!!!! GOD was upset for our loss and GOD was hurting for me. This changed me from kinda blaming GOD and HIS WILL to seeing that GOD loved me and my family unconditionally and he would never ever hurt us like this. This lifted such a weight from my heart and allowed me to place some of my hurt, disappointment and anger on GOD shoulders to help me carry rather than feeling at odds with GOD and blaming Him. He was there for me. Really there, And HE felt my loss. I found this very comforting. I'm sorry I'm not very eloquent and I wish I could explain it better and bring you a little of the peace this idea gave me. I hope this helped a little. GOD BLESS you and your family and your little angel, Maureen
Although we have never met , I have followed from the Dis boutique boards, and Im amazed at how your little Levis beautiful face has stuck with me through these days, I find myself thinking of him and your family so often since I heard of your loss. My deepest sympathies to you all.

May it be a consolation to you that when I picture your sweetie as I say a prayer for you, Levi is always wearing a smile. We are wishing you peace and beautiful remembrance.:cloud9:
TwingleMum, I loved your heartfelt AND eloquent post. As in most things a different point of view changes everything.

Alicia, thinking of you today and hoping that the day brings you a smile.

TwingleMum, kind words are the best to say. In the event you ever have to swallow your own words, ya know?

Slightly Goofy


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