A Ten Day Ride on A Magic Camel - Almost Finished Trip Report

Great pics to whet our appetite. DH wants to know why only 941 MeMom!?

Brooklynn looks like she's having a fab time already. Enjoy!

Pooksma: Agreed!! ONLY 941 ... it's like she's falling down on the job!! :rotfl: Can't wait to see your photos, MeMom!! And yes, Brooklyn is so cute!!!
Love the pictures! I am super jealous but so happy that you are down there and having a good time. :goodvibes I hope the weather has been good to you-my friend said that when she was down there, it rained every day, but not all day.

941 pictures...is that all? :rotfl: I took 1030 pictures over the course of six days, so I am highly impressed! Thank goodness for digital cameras, huh?

So glad you got down there safely. I hope you all continue to have a wonderful time, and I will be looking forward to more. :cloud9:
Pooksma: Agreed!! ONLY 941 ... it's like she's falling down on the job!! :rotfl: Can't wait to see your photos, MeMom!! And yes, Brooklyn is so cute!!!

You just have to wonder how many memory cards she took and how many hidden MeMom's there are in those pictures. :rotfl2:
I cannot believe that I am finding this and you are already on page three. Thanks for the updates Brooklynns Mommy. How many many cards does MeMom have... that is a LOT of pictures...
Have a happy 4th...
We had a great time this morning minus the issues at the gate. The turnstiles were not working. People literally were jumping gates and opening cast member only gates and running in. It would take a ticket and say "enjoy your day!" but wouldn't unlock the turnstile. John, Brooklynn and I got in about 5 minutes before MeMom and her ticket went through as they reached 3 in the countdown. We did all of Fantasyland, Pirates and Jungle Cruise. We ate at Main Street bakery and then visited AKL. Then back to Pop for a nap before doing Fantasmic tonight.

Here are a few pics from today:

When we arrived


WE were on the first Dumbo of the day!


The crowds gathered to head toward Adventurland and Frontierland at 9:00


The crowds entering as we left


Proof that we know where the crowds are NOT!


This is what happens when you open MK with me and MeMom.


Yep. Brooklynn was so tired she fell asleep mid french fry and was snoring. :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I don't think I could ever go to Disney in June, huge crowds. Love the pics and Brooklyn is a doll as always. Have a great time.
Aww! It looks like you guys are having lots of fun!! Thanks for sharing! The pictures are great!!
Wanted to let everyone know I spoke to MeMom and Jill this morning!! They were at the AKL hopefully munching on some zebra domes!! They are having a blast! (as evident in Jill's posts)
Thanks for the update, I feel that Disney pixiedust. Loved the picture on Dumbo and a sleeping Brooklynn. My favorite picture was the one taken with goofy and the surfbroad.
that pic of Brooklynn sleeping with the fry is so cute.
Excellent start to your newest TR!! That french fry pic was too funny! That is a girl who is dedicated to her lunch. Not even sleep will stop her!:rotfl2: Have a Supercalafragilisticexpialadocious (I got extra credit on a spelling test in 2nd grade for that one!) time with the Magic Camel!;)


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