A Six Thousand Kilometer Road Trip to Disneyland and Back- TR has started on page 37!

In exactly 13 days from right now, we will be well on our way to the Land! Still not sure if we will wait to leave the morning of the 29th, or just leave when we get to Calgary on the evening of the 28th. Either way, it's so close and I can't contain my excitement anymore!

I forgot to mention that when I was in Calgary at my Moms as a rest stop on the way to Banff a couple weeks ago, she gave me my birthday present early. Not sure why, as we'll be seeing her the night we leave, but I am very thankful either way.

I now know why she stopped by DTD while she was down in California a few weeks ago! Because she was picking up a Disney gift card for me! I guess I will forgive her now for not going into the parks! :laughing: I am very thankful that she went out of her way to do that.

She also brought pamphlets and things from Disneyland, Six Flags, Hollywood, and Forest Lawn Cemetary (in case we want to see where MJ is). She even marked where the building is that he rests. We won't be able to go in and see it obviously, but apparently you can see it from the gates. Not sure if I will do this or not. I always imagined trying to go to Neverland if I ever took a road trip to California and saying "he is just behind those walls". I never thought the walls of his grave would be the walls I'd end up seeing. :sad2:
11 days!!!!

And my stomach jumps everytime I think about how little time we have left. But the time we go, I am going to be a complete mess, I just know it! :laughing:
Oh my goodness!!

I know!!!

I almost had a heart attack today.

The reason I was able to get 3 extra days off for the trip is because my boss was letting us bank any extra hours, so I have been working an extra 45 minutes every day this summer just so I could get those 3 days. Well in our meeting today he decided he was going to take that way because too many people were getting time off at the same time. He was about to take my 3 days away!!! :scared1:

I had a little panic attack and told him that have been planning a huge trip around those days. So he said this time is fine, but no more. Phewf!!! Close call! A bonus to that though, is that I now get off at 4:30 and not 5:00 every day.
Final Trip Plans

Four of us are taking a road trip. Here are the statistics!

Who's Going:

Dillon (1st time) and I (2nd time)


Garrett (2nd time) and Grace (1st time)​

Mode of Transportation:


Calgary, Alberta, Canada



Also with stops in:


The Itinerary:

Tuesday September 28th

This day will start out as a normal day. I get up at 6:30, work starts at 8. But the day before holidays, my boss is nice enough to let us go home at noon. So only a 4 hour shift. It’s going to be the longest 4 hour shift EVER!

After I am done work, I am going to take my car to get a wash to get it all prettied up for its long drive. Then I will come home and go through my check list and make sure I have everything and start loading it all up in the car.

Then it sounds like a good idea to try and get a bit of a nap in, since we will be on the road in the night. As if I will get any sleep, but I might as well try.

Dillon should be getting home between 4:30 and 5:00, and I am hoping to leave shortly after. But knowing Dillon, we won’t be on the road until about 6:00. I will try and get his butt in gear as much as I can, so we can leave earlier.

We will drive down to Calgary to my Mom’s house (where Garrett, Grace and my other brother Brandon live as well). Probably have a dinner there, load up Garrett and Grace’s things in the car, and head on out! Maybe we will wait until midnight or so, just so we don’t arrive in California in the wee hours of the morning and don’t have anywhere to go or anything to do.

We plan on going the whole way without stopping at any hotels or anything. There are 4 of us driving. We can do it! When we aren’t driving, we can sleep. We are hoping that because it will be late at night, the border won’t be very busy. I am also hoping that the border crossing is easy sailing.

Wednesday September 29th

Driving, eating, more driving, sleeping and, you guessed it: more driving!

Thursday September 30th
We are hoping to get to the Los Angeles area in the morning of this day. That way we can try and get to Hollywood to spend a few hours there before we head to Anaheim. I would like to see the Disney Soda Fountain and MJ’s star on the Walk of Fame. If any of the rest of the group has any wishes, we will try and fulfill that too.

By early afternoon we will finally make our way towards Anaheim and check into our hotel. We’ve made reservations to stay at the Howard Johnson across the street from the parks from the 30th – 7th. We don’t really have any solid plans after that. We will probably want to shower after being stuck in the car for 2 days, and possibly take a nap. I would like to head over to Downtown Disney for the evening and check that out. It’s going to be so hard to be so close to Disneyland and NOT go in! I will just have to keep telling myself “Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow!”
By about 9:00 I bet we will all be ready to crash, but that’s ok. We can get a good nights sleep in a comfortable bed, so we can be nice and ready for our first full day in the parks!

Friday October 1st – Disney Parks
Park Hours: Disneyland – 8:00am – 7:00pm (Mickey’s Halloween Party)
Disney California Adventure – 10:00am – 11:00pm

I would like to aim to be at the gates by 7:30, so we can get as many hours in Disneyland as possible. They close early this day due to the Halloween party. I would like to stay here until about 2:00 or 3:00.

I have made reservations to eat at Ariel’s Grotto at 5:30 for their World of Color dining package, but I would like to head over a little earlier so we can explore the park a little bit, and go on some of the rides that will be closed once World of Color starts. I am not sure which show we will see yet, 9:00 or 10:15, it just depends on what everybody feels like.
We will probably stay right until closing.

Saturday October 2nd – Disney Parks
Park Hours: Disneyland – 8:00am – 12:00am (Magic Morning at 7:00)
Disney California Adventure – 10:00am – 10:00pm
This day is going to be a loooooong day, but a great one! I plan to spend the whole day in Disneyland, and not leave until closing. We are just going to ride, see, and do everything we can.

I have made dinner reservations at Celebration Round Up BBQ for 6:00. This was Dillon’s choice, and we are really looking forward to it. That chicken looks excellent.

When we get closer to night time – most likely right after dinner – it will start to get a little stressful. Well, for me, at least. I really badly want to see both Fantasmic! and Remember Dreams Come True fireworks, but both play so close together that one is going to have to be rushed to. I am thinking that I want a great spot for fireworks and an ok spot for Fantasmic! So after dinner, I will go stake out a spot (others can choose to wait with me, or we can switch out, if that’s not frowned upon) for the fireworks. Then after that show, we will try and rush over and see what we can get for a spot for Fantasmic!

After the shows, we will probably do some more rides or do a bit of shopping until the park closes.

Sunday October 3rd – Six Flags
Park Hours: 10:30am – 7:00pm

This is going to be one trying day for us I think! We have been wanting to go on these roller coasters for years and years, and I am so excited. I am just worried that once I see them up close and personal, I will get a little nervous. They can be so intimidating!

I would like to try and sleep in at least a little this day, as we will probably be tired from the long day before. 9:00 or 9:30 at the latest. We will either stay until closing, or until we’ve done all the rides we want to do. And since it closes at 7:00, it looks like we can have an early evening at the hotel that night. Maybe the pool will still be open when we get back, and we can take a dip. Not sure what pool hours are though.

Monday October 4th – Disney Parks
Park Hours: Disneyland – 9:00am – 8:00pm
Disney California Adventure – 10:00am – 8:00pm

Other than lunch at Café Orleans at noon this day, I have planned nothing. We will probably just go with the flow and park hop. Since it closes early, maybe we will spend a little more time in Downtown Disney.

Tuesday October 5th – Disney Parks – My 30th Birthday
Park Hours: Disneyland – 8:00am – 6:00pm (Mickey’s Halloween Party) - We have tickets!
Disney California Adventure – 10:00am – 8:00pm

For my birthday breakfast, I have made reservations at PCH Grill at the Paradise Pier Hotel for 9:00am. This will be our first ever character meal. This will be pretty exciting for me as my two favourite characters, Mickey and Stitch, will be there. It might seem a little childish for 4 adults to be going to this, but I think it will be really fun. With lots of photo opportunities, which is something I am aiming for this entire trip. Lots and lots of photos!

After breakfast, I would like to head over to California Adventure for a few hours. We have until 3:00, then we can head over to Disneyland for Mickey’s Halloween Party. I am really looking forward to this. It should be a lot of fun. What a great way to spend a birthday! The party goes until 11:00, and I plan on staying in the park until then. I don’t plan on dressing up, but I would like to find a cool set of Mickey ears to wear that night. I am also looking forward to the exclusive Halloween Screams fireworks.

Wednesday October 6th – Disney Parks
Park Hours: Disneyland – 9:00am – 8:00pm
Disney California Adventure – 10:00am-8:00pm

This will be our last day. Boo. I have made reservations for a 9:00am breakfast at Storyteller’s Café. I thought another character meal would make for a memorable time for our last day. I am looking forward to this meal as there are a few things on the menu that sound so delicious.

For the rest of the day, we will be just trying to do things we missed or redoing the things we loved. We will be staying right until close. I will probably hover around Downtown Disney to get as much Disney as I can before everything closes. Dillon might have to drag me back to the hotel, because I won’t want to leave.

Thursday October 7th to Friday October 8th

We will probably try to sleep in a little the morning of the 7th, before we have to check out. We’ll load up the car and start the journey to Las Vegas.
Grace would like to stop by this outlet mall that’s on the way there, so we will probably do that for a little bit.

Other than the hotel we are staying at (Planet Hollywood) I haven’t planned anything for this portion of the trip. After all the planning I have done for Disneyland, I decided to leave this as my relaxing portion of my vacation. Although I don’t know how much I will be able to relax, as there are things we want to see and do.

Places I’d like to go are:

Coca-cola store
M&M store
Pinball Hall of Fame (for Dillon)
Wax MuseuM
See the Miracle Mile Mall (attached to our hotel)
See the Belagio Fountains

Saturday October 9th
This day we will be spending as much time in Vegas as we can before we start making our way home. We are hoping to be home by Sunday night at the very latest, so we can have all of Monday to recoup before going back to work on Tuesday.

So there you have it. All the details of our amazing, wonderful, full of awesomeness, trip! And it all starts in only 8 days!!!
Another one of my nights showed up for the entertainment rate!!! I was hoping for more, but 2 is good too! Saves us about $100. Woohoo!
One week!!

I am thrilled to hear that another night got added. It would be great if more do before you leave!!
One week!!

I am thrilled to hear that another night got added. It would be great if more do before you leave!!

Yes! It's nice to be able to save money where we can without having to sacrifice staying in a hotel that might not be as nice!

We starting to get things moving now. I have been charging batteries for cameras and video game systems the last couple days. Got a bag on the go to put all the chargers in one place.

Friday or Saturday I will be taking my car in for an oil change. Hopefully with my car only being 4 months old, I won't need to have anything major done with it, like what happened to Jazz. I certainly can't afford that!

Slowly starting to get some clothes set out. Ones that I can't wear here, cause it's just too darn cold these days!

Also a couple weeks ago we got some mini shampoos and things so we've got a toiletry bag started. Won't be able to finish that completely as there are things we still need to use up until the last minute.

So we are pretty much ready to roll, with just a few more things to do!

I can't believe there's only one week! To think when I started planning there was over 200 days...wow!
When the time starts to move towards the end it gets to the point that it all crashes in and then it slows again. I hate that.
When the time starts to move towards the end it gets to the point that it all crashes in and then it slows again. I hate that.

Yes I have a feeling the rest of this week is going to go by really slooooow. I am hoping we can find stuff to do to keep us busy this weekend, or I will be bouncing off the walls. Then a day and a half more of work is all I have to get through after the weekend!
Yes I have a feeling the rest of this week is going to go by really slooooow. I am hoping we can find stuff to do to keep us busy this weekend, or I will be bouncing off the walls. Then a day and a half more of work is all I have to get through after the weekend!

I am pulling for you that week goes by at a comfortable pace.
I'm excited for you. I've just caught up on your PTR. I hope you all have a great trip and a safe drive.
We're from Vancouver, and I can't wait to read your trip report. It will keep going, until our trip. We'll be at Disneyland for 2 days - it's a quick stop over been flights on our way to Australia for Christmas.
We're from Vancouver, and I can't wait to read your trip report. It will keep going, until our trip. We'll be at Disneyland for 2 days - it's a quick stop over been flights on our way to Australia for Christmas.

That sounds like a pretty exciting trip! Long ways away! Awesome that you get to make a stop at Disneyland though! :)
Only 5 days left!!!!:dance3:

I think think my subconsious mind is not letting me get as excited as I thought I would be by now, which is a good thing. When I was a kid I used to make myself sick if I got too excited about something, and I don't want to be sick!

Dillon has caught a cold, and has been pretty sick over the last couple days. Luckily I haven't felt anything come on yet, and if I am going to get sick, I want it to happen now, so the worst is over before the trip. But so far, I have lucked out!


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