A plea for patience

Ray honey...sweetie...I am sweet and innocent...compared to you guys???

Saran wraping toilets, Baby Ruth bars?? Have you guys lost it??

Tammy??? and I thought you were so quiet ans sweet???
See, I told you that it was glo's fault.

Anyone that would dare to take Patrick IL.'s favorite La-Z-Boy recliner out to the back yard is evil...evil...evil...lol...:)...j/k glo.
me evil???? Sweet wholesome...adorable...cute me????


Ask Patrick not me?? It was all DG's and Ellen's idea I just went along for the ride...I would never have thought of that :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I did not do it!!!! No way Jose!!!!

Innocent I tell you!!!! ;) ;)
Help Patrick.. Can you step in here and control the children.. until CC gets back here... I feel like the only adult.. I know I am the oldest but darn it.. I did not want to have to assume the role..

Everyone behave.. and no bathroom talk.. Icky..
I was good I didn't do any bathroom talk...that was RAY!!!!

She's Baaa-aaaackk!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I have the menus for DIS Con II and for those who have already paid, YOU are getting bread and water and going to bed right after dinner!!! :p :rolleyes: :p ;) :rolleyes: ;) :p :rolleyes:
Originally posted by WebmasterCathyCanada
She's Baaa-aaaackk!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I have the menus for DIS Con II and for those who have already paid, YOU are getting bread and water and going to bed right after dinner!!! :p :rolleyes: :p ;) :rolleyes: ;) :p :rolleyes:

Are we there yet?!!
Originally posted by WebmasterCathyCanada
YOU are getting bread and water and going to bed right after dinner!!! :p :rolleyes: :p ;) :rolleyes: ;) :p :rolleyes:
Moi?:eek: I was just helping pass time till you got back:eek: It was Ray who started stuff:eek: ;)
Great !!!
I could continue my diet...and not gain weight if I were going to DIS Con. CC but no going to bed early....how could you be so cruel????
Welcome Back Cathy, Hope you had a nice time away. Things were pretty quiet here. No fighting, no messing, everybody was very good. Don't believe any of those stories that Marsha tells you. We were very very good. She was the "bad" one. ;)

Do you think it will work? Do you think she will believe?

:wave: Hi Cathy.
Originally posted by glo
Have you guys lost it??

Ah Glo... just wondering... what makes you think we had it in the first place?
Hey who stole my candy bar!


I can't find my candy! Dave took my candy!

what this ewwwy stuff melted into the car seat?
Hey you found my bubble gum. thanks

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

Yum, Yum, chomp, chomp, chomp

Still favorful after all this time.

:p :p :p
Do you see what happens when we are left at loose ends>. Do You!!! Cathy, it hasn't been pretty left home alone! And Marsha, well we tried bringing her over to the dark side, but she resisted. (Wait until next time BWHAHAHAHA!:p

oh well, no one did any unauthorized activities! :)

Welcome back CC!


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