A Grand Tour of The Entire Midwest, But Mostly Wisconsin (UPDATE 11/12--BONUS Texas TR NOW COMPLETE)

Seriously, we were in bad shape here. Drew made the trip home wearing nothing but a diaper and sandals.
:rotfl2: Well, at least he wouldn't overheat.

Wawa is a Philadelphia-area institution and quite simply the greatest convenience store in the world. If you don’t have a Wawa near you, I feel sorry for you. But don’t worry, they are expanding. I even saw a few in Florida last time I was there.
Never been to one, but I have heard good things. I'll keep it in mind if I'm in that area and need a sub. :thumbsup2

Figuring a couple hours for travel and a couple hours for security, breakfast, etc., that meant we needed to spend the night at my parents’ house and wake up at 1:30 a.m.


It was even worse for my dad, who would be getting up at that hour just to drive us to the airport. He wouldn’t even get a vacation out of it.
Ugh is right. :crazy2: You have a very dedicated dad!

The Oblivious Family woke early, having thoroughly enjoyed the Phillies’ epic 9th-inning comeback against the Minnesota Twins the night before in which the Phils had ever-so-briefly recaptured the glory of their 2008 championship season.
Is that how the game actually went? Wouldn't surprise me, as the Twins have had a sickeningly awful record this season. I'd just be surprised if they were ahead at all.

The Alternate Universe Oblivious Family drove through Minnesota to Duluth, never once encountering any traffic along the way.
Or any road construction, right? I'm sure it was glorious.

Then they backtracked south along the lake, stopping to enjoy the view at Split Rock Lighthouse State Park (incredibly, there was still snow on the ground in July—must have been another cold Minnesota winter):
Wouldn't surprise me. :rotfl: We actually went up to Duluth and the North Shore last weekend (just for the day). I saw the lighthouse from the road, but we didn't have enough time to make a stop at Split Rock or Gooseberry this time. (But we made it up to Lutsen to watch my step-mom finish a marathon, so that was good!) Hopefully next summer we can get back up there and show Izzy more than Canal Park in Duluth (well, we also managed to grab some Betty's Pies in Two Harbors JUST before they closed, so that was good too).

They took several family photos where all six of them were looking at the camera and smiling brightly with eyes open, and all of the strangers they asked to take the photos were happy to do so and composed the shots perfectly, never forgetting to include the spectacular sights in the background.
Well, that makes sense if Minnesotans were taking your pictures. We're a nice, conscientious bunch. :thumbsup2

It was definitely a bummer. Maybe next time, Minnesota.
Guess ya gotta come back. ::yes::

There’s no way to make that sound good. Because it isn’t good. It sucks.
I guess at least it went off? I can only think of it getting worse if you missed your flight.

We found some pastries for breakfast and some much-needed coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts in the airport. Then, before we knew it…things actually went as planned.

We boarded the plane on time. That was a good first step.

Do you ever find yourself totally discombobulated after doing the TSA Tango in the airport security line? Well, Milwaukee has you covered! They’ve helpfully provided a Recombobulation Area for you.
I've seen this in a couple TRs. :lmao:

We drove about five miles and then stopped. We were all hungry. We had planned to shop for our food supplies once we’d arrived, but in this case hunger took precedence and we decided to buy lunch. Instead of the usual fast-food chains, we opted for a different fast-food chain: Culver’s. This is a Midwest chain that has no locations on the East Coast. So we figured we might as well try something new.

And we actually liked it a lot! It’s still greasy fast food, but they had a couple of things going for them. One: fried cheese curds. These little bits of heaven are like mozzarella sticks, except with little melted nuggets of cheddar cheese inside instead. Excellent! And very nutritious, because the Midwest is known for nothing if not for healthy eating.

Mmmm, gotta love cheese curds! For what it's worth, the kids meals there are not a bad deal...they include a frozen custard sundae! :thumbsup2

There’s one major tourist attraction in Bemidji, and it’s a truly iconic place. I’m talking about a real bucket-list destination, the kind of place your kids will talk about with their children someday. And it may have taken us three days to get there with all of the corresponding exhaustion, stress, and frustration that went along with it, but all of that seemed like distant and minor trifles now. We travel in order to show our kids the world. To give them experience they’ll always cherish, and never forget. To show them that humanity is both very much the same and very different all around the world. And now, adding to that rich legacy, we could show once more that all of that investment and struggle was all worthwhile. Because we could see giant concrete statues of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox.
:thumbsup2 Classic site! There was a recent news story about Babe getting blown down in a wind storm, but I looked it up and I believe it was a different one...I guess there are multiple photo ops with them!

We found a chain restaurant called the Green Mill that specialized in Chicago-style deep dish pizza, which sounded like it would hit the spot right about then. And it did. Not the best we’ve ever had, not the worst, but it satisfied hungry stomachs.
Yeah, it's good enough food there. Seems like Country Inns and Green Mills are always near each other.

Our clothes were wet.

Seems as though our bags had been left on the baggage carts out on the tarmac during those big storms back on Tuesday. A couple of bags were better than others, but now we had to go about emptying the bags and trying to dry clothes around the room while we slept.

At least the hotel clerk had hooked us up with a nice room. I’ll leave you with our view.

Very nice!

Upon entering the park, we were immediately put on alert by the elaborate warning system.


It’s kind of neat to be able to say you crossed the Mississippi River on a log bridge.
It is pretty cool. Good stop!

Okay, that seems REALLY weird for a MN gift shop. Also, there is a "joke" that Minnesotans think ketchup is too spicy (and I know people who feel that way), so makes me wonder if this is really hot at all. :confused3

We were in Fargo, North Dakota. Try to contain your enthusiasm.
When I lived in Sioux Falls, SD I had a free day and looked at my atlas and realized I was within driving distance of Fargo...so I just drove up there to see it. Wasn't very exciting, but I can say I've been there and drove around. :rotfl2:

I really wish it could have happened. As most of you know, pkondz is one of the most entertaining writers on this site, as well as perhaps the funniest. I’ve greatly enjoyed getting to know him as I’ve read his TR’s, and I think would have had a blast meeting him and his family over lunch while they checked their watches repeatedly wondering how much longer they had to spend with these idiots. I hope one day we do get to meet up. Surely we’ll be back in Fargo many times over the coming years.
Aw, that would have been a cool meet. Guess you gotta come back! :goodvibes

This place specializes in German dishes, especially sausages (hence the name). As if that wasn’t enough, pkondz highly recommended the house root beer on draft. Well, that sounded delicious.
I will have to keep this in mind if we ever find ourselves in Fargo. Sounds really good!

They had a bacon flight! There is absolutely positively no way I am not ordering that. I’m going to post a photo of this glorious dish, but please be warned: you may be overcome by pure, unadulterated joy. Imagine tasting it, and feeling an overwhelming, sublime transcendence that brings the strongest of us to tears as we ponder the existence of something so beautiful and perfect. I am also required by law to include musical accompaniment worthy of the dish.
Yum! We got a bacon flight at a place in the Twin Cities a while back and it was really good!

After lunch, we had to drive across North Dakota. I apologize. There is no way to make this interesting.
:rotfl2: Kind of like driving across the western half of Nebraska.

Love this picture!
I also grabbed a coffee mug, because I wanted to be able to confirm my friends’ suspicions that I have, indeed, been to B.S. University.
I believe many of us have attended...

(Note: the state park itself claims the length of the Mississippi is 2,552 miles. Wikipedia says 2,320. The National Park Service says 2,350—that’s the number I went with. If any of you wants to take a float trip and measure it accurately, just let me know your results and I’ll update the chapter.)
Can't, busy today. Maybe next Tuesday.

Upon entering the park, we were immediately put on alert by the elaborate warning system.

It would seem they really wanted to make sure you had a nice day.

It’s a nice, quiet spot, and several people were taking the opportunity to wade in the Mississippi on a hot summer day. We thought that sounded like a good idea. Behold the Mighty Mississippi River!
Now, see this is where the immature 12 year old in me would have been thinking "if I pee in the river here, does that mean it will go all the way to Louisiana?"

So poor pkondz would be driving six hours just to eat lunch with us. That’s far above and beyond the call of duty, but to his immense credit, he was willing to do it.
Meh, he probably didn’t have too much else to do. It’s not like he gets called in to work very often or anything…

Pkondz still helped our trip immensely, because we went with his recommendation for lunch: The Wurst Bier Hall in Fargo.
See, with a name like that, it has to be good. I mean, if they called it Best Bier Hall you would probably think “well, that can’t be right”. Reminds me of the world’s best cup of coffee scene in Elf. (Link below if you haven’t seen it)

I humbly present the Bacon Flight:

The shoes are not there to make the photo interesting, they’re just in the redneck dryer after having taken a dip in the Mississippi earlier in the day.
I do appreciate the smell-ovision though.
The Recombobulation area is about the only good thing at Mitchell Field. It's means you're leaving Milwaukee!

Ha! I kill me!


This just makes me want to take off my shoes and wade right on in.

It’s a nice, quiet spot, and several people were taking the opportunity to wade in the Mississippi on a hot summer day. We thought that sounded like a good idea. Behold the Mighty Mississippi River!

Ah. Great minds think alike?

We were in Fargo, North Dakota. Try to contain your enthusiasm.

It'll be tough.

As we got closer to the trip, he checked to confirm the date and realized he had a conflict—a friend’s daughter was graduating that day, and he had agreed to photograph the ceremony for them. So, rather than take the simple step of having the school cancel or re-schedule the ceremony and driving six hours to meet a stranger, he took the easy way out and kept his promise to his friend. Thanks a lot, pkondz. I see where I rate.

Typical pkondz, always being so selfish.

I really wish it could have happened.

Me too. Though I'm not sure I would have been able to contain myself if my two favorite TR writers had a meet.

There was almost a fighting match over the tray, and in the end we had to split the dish six ways, which of course results in everyone getting not enough bacon. I wish I had the budget to buy everyone appetizers at $5 a pop, but that adds up quickly with a large family

You didn't spring for the beer pairings?

My father once attended a national conference of highway engineers. They had representatives from each state introduce themselves to the room, and asked them to add a little tidbit about their home state. When it was time for the North Dakota representative to introduce himself, he stood and said, “North Dakota is so flat, it’s possible to stand on top of a beer can at one end of the state and see clear across the other side.”

Later, the New Hampshire representative stood and said, “The highest point in New Hampshire is Mt. Washington, at an elevation of 6,289 feet. On an especially clear day, you can look way out to the west…and see some idiot standing on a beer can in North Dakota.”

:rotfl: :rotfl2: :lmao:

This reminds me of the Windows XP standard wallpaper. Which apparently is a real place. I just don't know where.

I do remember having similar feelings after driving through Kentucky and West Virginia on the way to Indianapolis the first time. I was really tired of green. The most recent time I forced my group to drive an extra hour because I refused to drive through Ohio.
Julie loves Italian subs, so she went with that.

That Julie is a smart woman, usually my top choice for subs!

I took a photo of the gate because it reminded me of Monsters University.

It does look a lot like the movie!

I wanted to be able to confirm my friends’ suspicions that I have, indeed, been to B.S. University.

Well you've got that going for you, which is nice!

It’s kind of neat to be able to say you crossed the Mississippi River on a log bridge.


I really wish it could have happened. As most of you know, pkondz is one of the most entertaining writers on this site, as well as perhaps the funniest.

Don't forget quirky! We can talk about him since he's gone. It will take him forever to get caught back up!

Pkondz still helped our trip immensely, because we went with his recommendation for lunch: The Wurst Bier Hall in Fargo.

Well at least he left you with a good recommendation.

But I looked at the appetizers on the menu, and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but:


Oh, you meant the bacon flight.

There was almost a fighting match over the tray, and in the end we had to split the dish six ways, which of course results in everyone getting not enough bacon. I wish I had the budget to buy everyone appetizers at $5 a pop, but that adds up quickly with a large family.

I really admire you folks for sticking to your principles. I'd be inclined to make my meal of all appetizers and by the end of the trip I'd be breaking the budget and promising to make it up selling my ______________ on eBay or Craigslist! :lmao:

J.K. Rowling could not make this drive interesting. My favorite travel writer, Bill Bryson, could not make this drive interesting. Steven Spielberg would struggle to make this drive interesting, even if he were allowed to add UFO’s and exploding helicopters (although they would help).

:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:

You might also be able to see a statue of a giant cow.

Well that makes it all worth it!

We finally made it to the town of Dickinson, which was our stop for the night and where we deployed another road trip strategy: the Pizza and Pool Party ®. After a long day of boring drives, sometimes the last thing you want to do is get back in the car and hunt for a place to eat.

The pool and pizza party is a fabulous idea. And the picture of the five of you in the pool is priceless.

Coming Up Next: Five days in, and we start to see some actual sights!

All those travel delays sound like a perfect nightmare!! And the waterfalls that only the alternate universe family got to see seemed to be quite lovely. So sorry for that horrible start to the vacation.

Thanks. It was a trial, for sure. And it was hard to miss out on some of the sights we had planned to see. I think we did pretty well in terms of making adjustments and reacting quickly. I was really glad our hotels allowed us to cancel without penalty.

While I am not convinced of the "German-ness" of the "German" restaurant, I do appreciate you accompanying the bacon flight with German music!! :thumbsup2

I probably should have said it was "German-influenced", because clearly it's not an authentic German restaurant.

And the food did look really good - just not German. But then, you would say the same on a number of "American" restaurants. One of Michael's favorite restaurants here in Nuremberg is "Mexican" and he thinks it is hilarious what Germans think is Mexican. And what kind of music they are playing. The Nuremberg Tiki Bar for example plays the music that ought to play in the Mexican restaurant in his opinion.

Certainly, they had some German items on the menu, such as the sausages, spaetzle and schnitzel. But it was scattered amongst the more American dishes. I'm sure it's a lot of fun for travelers to see how other countries interpret them!

Lol! Classic.

That's "Minnesota nice" for you.

I've been there! Many, many eons ago, when my family went on what we called The Big Trip West. I'm pretty sure that's the same sign that I have in a photo somewhere.

Cool! That sign has probably been there for ages.

That, however, was not there.

Uh...right. That's what I meant.

Reminds me of a song from an incredibly obscure band I saw at a folk festival once (and then my dad bought the tape): I Hate to Wake up Sober in Nebraska. Nothing but miles and miles of miles and miles...

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: That is perhaps the best song title ever. And don't worry, we still have yet to reach Nebraska!

Since Milwaukee is my local airport, I never thought that the Recombobulation area was something to take note of. Funny!!

Well, no one else has one! It's pretty unique.

Yes, the cheesehead and cheese tie are cliche. What can I say, we are born to consume cheese!

It's a good look. Especially on Scotty. And cheese makes everything better.

Culvers is completely awesome! Cheese curds are a food group in my household. The custard flavors change daily....and I renew my gym membership every January:D

That would definitely be a requirement if you ate there regularly! But totally worth it.
:rotfl2: Well, at least he wouldn't overheat.

So yeah, there's that.

Never been to one, but I have heard good things. I'll keep it in mind if I'm in that area and need a sub. :thumbsup2

Mmmm...I love my Wawa.

Ugh is right. :crazy2: You have a very dedicated dad!

As @pkondz rightly pointed out, Dads do live for that kind of stuff.

Is that how the game actually went? Wouldn't surprise me, as the Twins have had a sickeningly awful record this season. I'd just be surprised if they were ahead at all.

Um...sure. That's how it went. Yes.

Or any road construction, right? I'm sure it was glorious.

Not in the alternate universe! Smooth sailing!

Wouldn't surprise me. :rotfl: We actually went up to Duluth and the North Shore last weekend (just for the day). I saw the lighthouse from the road, but we didn't have enough time to make a stop at Split Rock or Gooseberry this time. (But we made it up to Lutsen to watch my step-mom finish a marathon, so that was good!) Hopefully next summer we can get back up there and show Izzy more than Canal Park in Duluth (well, we also managed to grab some Betty's Pies in Two Harbors JUST before they closed, so that was good too).

Those pies sounded good. That was on my list of possible places to check out.

Well, that makes sense if Minnesotans were taking your pictures. We're a nice, conscientious bunch. :thumbsup2


Guess ya gotta come back. ::yes::

Sure looks that way, doesn't it?

I guess at least it went off? I can only think of it getting worse if you missed your flight.

We made it. The long nightmare was finally over.
I've seen this in a couple TRs. :lmao:

Barry is the one who started pointing it out to me.

Mmmm, gotta love cheese curds! For what it's worth, the kids meals there are not a bad deal...they include a frozen custard sundae! :thumbsup2

That's how we first sampled the custard! Drew has dairy issues so he couldn't have his dessert.

:thumbsup2 Classic site! There was a recent news story about Babe getting blown down in a wind storm, but I looked it up and I believe it was a different one...I guess there are multiple photo ops with them!

Could be. I only know about this one!

Yeah, it's good enough food there. Seems like Country Inns and Green Mills are always near each other.

It was fine. Bemidji didn't have too many options.

Very nice!


It is pretty cool. Good stop!

That was a nice spot. The kids liked wading in the water.

Okay, that seems REALLY weird for a MN gift shop. Also, there is a "joke" that Minnesotans think ketchup is too spicy (and I know people who feel that way), so makes me wonder if this is really hot at all. :confused3

No clue. I didn't want to find out!

When I lived in Sioux Falls, SD I had a free day and looked at my atlas and realized I was within driving distance of Fargo...so I just drove up there to see it. Wasn't very exciting, but I can say I've been there and drove around. :rotfl2:

Well, there ya go. Now you can go back for sausage!

Aw, that would have been a cool meet. Guess you gotta come back! :goodvibes

Yeah, I would have loved to make that one work.

I will have to keep this in mind if we ever find ourselves in Fargo. Sounds really good!

Definitely worth a visit!

Yum! We got a bacon flight at a place in the Twin Cities a while back and it was really good!

You can't go wrong with a bacon flight.

:rotfl2: Kind of like driving across the western half of Nebraska.

Oh, don't worry--that's coming up!:rotfl:

Love this picture!

I believe many of us have attended...

Our wives certainly think so.

Can't, busy today. Maybe next Tuesday.

Let me know what you find out! No rush.

It would seem they really wanted to make sure you had a nice day.

Minnesota nice.

Now, see this is where the immature 12 year old in me would have been thinking "if I pee in the river here, does that mean it will go all the way to Louisiana?"

:rotfl2::rotfl2: We're all thinking it, but I'm glad you said it out loud.

Meh, he probably didn’t have too much else to do. It’s not like he gets called in to work very often or anything…

What a slacker. Does he even go to work?

See, with a name like that, it has to be good. I mean, if they called it Best Bier Hall you would probably think “well, that can’t be right”. Reminds me of the world’s best cup of coffee scene in Elf. (Link below if you haven’t seen it)

I wasn't a huge fan of that movie, but that was my favorite scene!

I do appreciate the smell-ovision though.


The Recombobulation area is about the only good thing at Mitchell Field. It's means you're leaving Milwaukee!

Ha! I kill me!

Thank you! I'll be here all week. Try the veal.
This just makes me want to take off my shoes and wade right on in.

Well, what's stopping you?

Ah. Great minds think alike?

Um...sure. Let's go with that.

It'll be tough.

I figured. You only get so many chances to see North Dakota.

Typical pkondz, always being so selfish.

Seriously. If he's not going to rearrange his whole life just to eat lunch with me, then he probably won't do it for anyone.

Me too. Though I'm not sure I would have been able to contain myself if my two favorite TR writers had a meet.

Ah, it would have just involved bacon and fart jokes. Just like our TR's!

You didn't spring for the beer pairings?

Too cheap. Also, I still had to drive 4 hours.

This reminds me of the Windows XP standard wallpaper. Which apparently is a real place. I just don't know where.

I don't know where, but I do remember that wallpaper!

I do remember having similar feelings after driving through Kentucky and West Virginia on the way to Indianapolis the first time. I was really tired of green. The most recent time I forced my group to drive an extra hour because I refused to drive through Ohio.

At least those states have elevation changes. Something.

That Julie is a smart woman, usually my top choice for subs!

I don't usually go out of my way for cold cuts. They're all glorified ham-and-cheese sandwiches. A Philly cheese steak, however...

It does look a lot like the movie!

I'm glad you agree!

Well you've got that going for you, which is nice!

You suspected it all along, didn't you?

Don't forget quirky! We can talk about him since he's gone. It will take him forever to get caught back up!

:woohoo: He'll probably never notice all the crap we're giving him!

Well at least he left you with a good recommendation.

We were really glad we stopped there.


Oh, you meant the bacon flight.


I really admire you folks for sticking to your principles. I'd be inclined to make my meal of all appetizers and by the end of the trip I'd be breaking the budget and promising to make it up selling my ______________ on eBay or Craigslist! :lmao:

We don't have any _______ to sell to make up for shortfalls!:rotfl2:

Well that makes it all worth it!

At least it broke up the drive.

The pool and pizza party is a fabulous idea. And the picture of the five of you in the pool is priceless.

Thanks, Alison!:goodvibes
I'm always thinking about a return to Buena Vista. Drew will have to have his first Disney World trip sometime. But right now I'm inclined to wait and see when Star Wars/Toy Story Lands are scheduled to open. It might be worth holding off the trip if we can include those places for his first visit.
Probable wise to get a bit more age on him as well.
Yes, you can take infants and toddlers to the Land of Walt…
But a more developed memory and cultural understanding will certainly “plus” the experience.

So, next summer is more of the latter idea. Ideally I'd like to use our Southwest travel credit and hit Texas/New Mexico over spring break. Then we'll do a road trip from our house over the summer to try and cover the rest of the South. I have a rough idea of the itinerary in mind but am still figuring it out.
Knowing generally where y’all are likely aiming for I can see you heading through the Blue Ridge but not necessarily down here through the piedmont. If you’re bound and determined though, I’d be honored to welcome y’all.

There is a National Battle Field here that your NPS passes will grant you access to (and a couple more such in the drivable area as well). Don’t know if they offer Junior Ranger programs, but they may. The National White Water Center includes more than you’d expect and there’s also an excellent AAA ball park among a few other sundry and obscure “sites” handy.

If you’d care to share that rough idea, I know me fairly well enough to be able to say with a decent amount of certainty that I’d probably be kibitzing a bit more, as well.

It was a beautiful day in Bemidji.
A Bemidji Sunrise…
Sounds like a mixed drink.

We were up early, because nobody sleeps in on vacation, right?

Also, we’d bought a couple of air mattresses to help the kids sleeping on the floor have a better night…
Tools we’ve used fairly often and with great success.

but it had backfired because we’d put Drew on one of them and he’d had a horrible night and kept climbing into bed with us.
Yeah, never tried it with a toddler.
(infant, yes, toddler… no)

Thankfully, coffee was in plentiful supply at the hotel breakfast.
And considerably cheaper than Charbuck$

Not only is the word fun to say, but the town had also featured in one of our favorite current TV shows, “Fargo” on FX. And no, obviously the show doesn’t entirely take place in Fargo.
If I remember, the movie didn’t spend much time there either.

We figured the easiest place to accomplish Julie’s Bemidji t-shirt dream was at the bookstore on the campus of Bemidji State University. So we found the campus, right on the lake in town, and wandered a bit. I took a photo of the gate because it reminded me of Monsters University.
Did you commemorate that historic first step onto the campus?

I also grabbed a coffee mug, because I wanted to be able to confirm my friends’ suspicions that I have, indeed, been to B.S. University.

If truthful, haven’t we all?

I look for ways to break up the drives so that we’re not stuck in the car for too many hours at a time. Sometimes, I’m successful. Sometimes, we pray the DVD player doesn’t break down.
This really is a good representation of nearly all road trips.

Except when I was a kid, there were no DVD players, so more primitive tools were required.
1973… Miami to Denver (and back again, of course)…
One of the most vivid collective memories of my childhood.

(Note: the state park itself claims the length of the Mississippi is 2,552 miles. Wikipedia says 2,320. The National Park Service says 2,350—that’s the number I went with. If any of you wants to take a float trip and measure it accurately, just let me know your results and I’ll update the chapter.)
I think Mark Twain would agree that the length don’t matter much…
It’s the father of waters on this continent, and that’s all that need be said.

Upon entering the park, we were immediately put on alert by the elaborate warning system.

They’re out on the bleeding edge of technological innovation…
They even chose to forgo installing the prerequisite headphone jack long before the concept occurred to the folks at Apple.

Behold the Mighty Mississippi River!

From acorns grow mighty… oh never mind.
At least it looks like a river; you can’t actually straddle it.
The Mighty Missouri starts as a spring trickling out from a few rocks.

The big kids decided to wade back across on the rocks.

And I suspect they’ll actually consider that as a major memory of the trip.

The visitor center took its cues from Disney World and included a gift shop, which always draws us touristy types in like a magnet. Not much to see in there, although I did start to worry Julie would start to get some bad ideas.

How could anyone suggest depriving husbands of gluten and fat!
That’s down-right Un-American.

And on a side note…
Why weren’t they selling Minnesota Roadhouse BBQ sauce?
(“Specifically blended to compliment the complex flavors of lutefisk”)

We were in Fargo, North Dakota. Try to contain your enthusiasm.
Hay… I was excited to be writing about our trip to Dayton

Way back in the planning stages of this trip, I’d been scanning Google Maps (this is how I plan my route).
Works for me.

No, really…

Of course, when you live on the east coast, everything is further west.
Irrefutable observation of our occasionally myopic point of view

But as I looked at the map, I ran the numbers and saw that it was a 3-hour drive from Winnipeg to Fargo (one way). So poor pkondz would be driving six hours just to eat lunch with us.
Well, he’ll admit right off that sanity is not necessarily his strong suit.

Heck, I’d have done it. I drive that same distance fairly regular just to watch a marching band.
(granted it’s a really good marching band)

He also said his daughter was willing to travel to the ends of the earth to eat spaetzle,
That is a known truth as well.

Thanks a lot, pkondz. I see where I rate.
Ehhh, cut him a break…
That’s about where we all rate you (even your kids I suspect)

And stop calling me Shirley.
But it’s so much fun!

Pkondz still helped our trip immensely, because we went with his recommendation for lunch: The Wurst Bier Hall in Fargo.
Does look like a good spot.
I love that brew houses are cropping up all over the place.

But I looked at the appetizers on the menu, and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but:
Reindeer Schnitzel?

They had a bacon flight! There is absolutely positively no way I am not ordering that.
So, not the poutine then?
OK, your choice actually does sound more dad-like.

I humbly present the Bacon Flight:

And for carnivores the world over…
there was much rejoicing

because really—does bacon ever need any improvement?
Nope… bacon *is* the improvement.

Dave shocked us all by ordering a Philly cheesesteak sausage.
Didn’t have pizza on the menu, I take it.
He was searching for a way to tie it back to home.

The drive across North Dakota involves hours and hours of this:

Reminds me of the drive across Kansas way back in 1973.
(I think I related the Kansas Radio incident somewhere or other, didn’t I)

“North Dakota is so flat, it’s possible to stand on top of a beer can at one end of the state and see clear across the other side.”
:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:

Later, the New Hampshire representative stood and said, “The highest point in New Hampshire is Mt. Washington, at an elevation of 6,289 feet. On an especially clear day, you can look way out to the west…and see some idiot standing on a beer can in North Dakota.”
:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:

You might also be able to see a statue of a giant cow.

That’s a might taller than a beer can.
I bet that cow can see all the way to New Hampshire.

Or whatever this thing is:

Sauron’s North Dakota Cousin.
He defends his lands with geese rather that Orcs.
(but Orcs would have made the drive more interesting)

we deployed another road trip strategy: the Pizza and Pool Party ®.
A venerable Oblivious Family institution…

Coming Up Next: Five days in, and we start to see some actual sights!
You saw a cow on a hill…
Was that not a sight?
Probable wise to get a bit more age on him as well.
Yes, you can take infants and toddlers to the Land of Walt…
But a more developed memory and cultural understanding will certainly “plus” the experience.

Yeah, we didn't mind taking infants or toddlers to WDW...as long as they were free of charge. Once they cost the price of a ticket, we want to make sure they understand what's going on, can ride most of the rides and can remember it afterwards.

Knowing generally where y’all are likely aiming for I can see you heading through the Blue Ridge but not necessarily down here through the piedmont. If you’re bound and determined though, I’d be honored to welcome y’all.

There is a National Battle Field here that your NPS passes will grant you access to (and a couple more such in the drivable area as well). Don’t know if they offer Junior Ranger programs, but they may. The National White Water Center includes more than you’d expect and there’s also an excellent AAA ball park among a few other sundry and obscure “sites” handy.

If you’d care to share that rough idea, I know me fairly well enough to be able to say with a decent amount of certainty that I’d probably be kibitzing a bit more, as well.

National White Water Center? This intrigues me...

I will put together a PM for you with the general itinerary to peruse. But if I recall correctly, you won't see it until you get back from the World, right?

A Bemidji Sunrise…
Sounds like a mixed drink.

It does! I like that.

Tools we’ve used fairly often and with great success.

You do what you gotta do.

Yeah, never tried it with a toddler.
(infant, yes, toddler… no)

Not sure I recommend it. We really thought once he was asleep he'd be ok.

And considerably cheaper than Charbuck$

So is my mortgage payment!

If I remember, the movie didn’t spend much time there either.

I don't think it spent any time there at all, actually.

Did you commemorate that historic first step onto the campus?

No. I forgot.:sad2:

If truthful, haven’t we all?

I spent a lot more time there once I became a dad.

This really is a good representation of nearly all road trips.

Except when I was a kid, there were no DVD players, so more primitive tools were required.
1973… Miami to Denver (and back again, of course)…
One of the most vivid collective memories of my childhood.

Wow, that's a hike. I would have loved a DVD player in my youth. Of course, I was allowed to crawl around the back seat and the back of the station wagon while driving, too. And thank goodness I could read in moving car without getting sick.

I think Mark Twain would agree that the length don’t matter much…
It’s the father of waters on this continent, and that’s all that need be said.

Works for me.:thumbsup2

They’re out on the bleeding edge of technological innovation…
They even chose to forgo installing the prerequisite headphone jack long before the concept occurred to the folks at Apple.


From acorns grow mighty… oh never mind.
At least it looks like a river; you can’t actually straddle it.
The Mighty Missouri starts as a spring trickling out from a few rocks.

Pretty amazing. I told the kids to remember this day when we hit St. Louis later in the trip.

And I suspect they’ll actually consider that as a major memory of the trip.

They enjoyed it! It's a scientific fact that kids will always enjoy the chance to take off their shoes and wade in a river. Unless it's a river in New Jersey.

How could anyone suggest depriving husbands of gluten and fat!
That’s down-right Un-American.

And on a side note…
Why weren’t they selling Minnesota Roadhouse BBQ sauce?
(“Specifically blended to compliment the complex flavors of lutefisk”)


Hay… I was excited to be writing about our trip to Dayton

Sure beats writing about work!

Irrefutable observation of our occasionally myopic point of view

I just knew Winnipeg was a long flight for the Flyers' road games, so I assumed it was more western Canada than central Canada.

Well, he’ll admit right off that sanity is not necessarily his strong suit.

Heck, I’d have done it. I drive that same distance fairly regular just to watch a marching band.
(granted it’s a really good marching band)

You and I agree on many things, but I don't have quite the same enthusiasm for marching bands. I'd do the 3-hour drive to meet up with you for lunch, though.

Ehhh, cut him a break…
That’s about where we all rate you (even your kids I suspect)

I had that same suspicion.

Does look like a good spot.
I love that brew houses are cropping up all over the place.

As long as they're good!

Reindeer Schnitzel?


So, not the poutine then?
OK, your choice actually does sound more dad-like.

All other foods pale in comparison to bacon.

And for carnivores the world over…
there was much rejoicing


Nope… bacon *is* the improvement.

Darn right!:thumbsup2

Didn’t have pizza on the menu, I take it.
He was searching for a way to tie it back to home.

Actually mac-and-cheese is his go-to meal.

Reminds me of the drive across Kansas way back in 1973.
(I think I related the Kansas Radio incident somewhere or other, didn’t I)

I was going to get into it later, but you really have to pick your poison with the Great Plains states. There's just no good drives across any of them.

That’s a might taller than a beer can.
I bet that cow can see all the way to New Hampshire.

He can see some guy on Mt. Washington with binoculars and a quizzical look on his face.

Sauron’s North Dakota Cousin.
He defends his lands with geese rather that Orcs.
(but Orcs would have made the drive more interesting)

Beware the Dark Lord's bird-bombings.

A venerable Oblivious Family institution…

It worked so well the first time. We recycle good ideas.

You saw a cow on a hill…
Was that not a sight?

Technically, it does fit the definition.
Clearly an alert designed for grouchy people!

They must have heard about our airport adventures!

Sounds like a typical drive to me, in Alberta. However I'm kind of over the 6 hour drive to visit my sister over a weekend. I'd like 4 days please, and a really good audiobook.

6 hours is a tough haul going anywhere. It all depends on whether the destination is worth it!

Looks like home!

Awww, it does look like home? See - at least one of your readers found these pictures soothing and peaceful. :hippie:

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it! And Delaware is just as flat, so it's not like I have room to complain.
I see your little green light on. Enjoying your lunch break?

ETA: I could have sworn I commented, but thinking back, I read this on my own lunch break quite a while back, and guess I never went back too.

First off, the very first picture that you posted of the lake was fantastic! Very pretty!

All of the "wurst" jokes have been made; mine would only be wurster, so I'll just not.

Loved the family swimming time- now THAT's vacation! Making up for lost time in great fashion.
I mention this because vacation planning gives me the same sense of anticipation that I used to get in the days before Christmas.*


*Full disclosure: I still can’t sleep on Christmas Eve. But now, it’s because I can’t wait for everyone else to open their gifts.

Double yes.

Julie is also tossing and turning, but she’s wondering what we’re going to forget to take with us.

And another yes.

Ever try and keep a 2-year-old boy peaceful and happy in an airport? Wait, let me re-phrase that: ever try and keep a 2-year-old boy peaceful and happy anywhere?

Oh my. I can't even imagine.

Imagine how much he’d enjoy it if the Phillies were any good!


Good job Dad!

Poor Dave was devastated to miss the game and was in tears. I felt awful for him. But the situation was completely out of our control.

Aw man poor kid.

NOT EVEN TWO MINUTES LATER: “Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that your flight has been cancelled.” Thanks again for stringing me along, Mr. Desk Clerk!

“Did you put in a request to have your bags pulled from the plane? If you didn’t put in a request to have them pulled, our policy is to send them on.”

This whole situation got me so frustrated for you guys! :headache: What a terrible day.

And how come they could get to Minneapolis but we couldn’t?


Wawa is a Philadelphia-area institution and quite simply the greatest convenience store in the world. If you don’t have a Wawa near you, I feel sorry for you. But don’t worry, they are expanding. I even saw a few in Florida last time I was there. Anyway, they were having their annual summer “Hoagiefest” where their 10-inch subs are $5 apiece. Their food is surprisingly good for a convenience store.

Never heard of it but will keep my eye out for it next time!


This whole story was AWESOME! :rotfl2:

And you can’t kill time without taking Scotty to the crappy gift shops.


Uh, I think you mean the finest gift shops! DH needs that tie ASAP.

There’s one major tourist attraction in Bemidji, and it’s a truly iconic place. I’m talking about a real bucket-list destination, the kind of place your kids will talk about with their children someday.


the town had also featured in one of our favorite current TV shows

Great show!

Good catch, really does look like MU!

Such good lookin' kids. Good work!

In the end, his work schedule wasn’t the problem. As we got closer to the trip, he checked to confirm the date and realized he had a conflict—a friend’s daughter was graduating that day, and he had agreed to photograph the ceremony for them. So, rather than take the simple step of having the school cancel or re-schedule the ceremony and driving six hours to meet a stranger, he took the easy way out and kept his promise to his friend. Thanks a lot, pkondz. I see where I rate.

Poop! I'm sure the two of you would have had such a fun time eating bacon together!

And what a spectacular place this is. Seriously, Guinness Glaze?! :faint::faint::faint:

Just wait until you come out to CA (Northern). Brown, flat and hot.

My father once attended a national conference of highway engineers. They had representatives from each state introduce themselves to the room, and asked them to add a little tidbit about their home state. When it was time for the North Dakota representative to introduce himself, he stood and said, “North Dakota is so flat, it’s possible to stand on top of a beer can at one end of the state and see clear across the other side.”

Later, the New Hampshire representative stood and said, “The highest point in New Hampshire is Mt. Washington, at an elevation of 6,289 feet. On an especially clear day, you can look way out to the west…and see some idiot standing on a beer can in North Dakota.”

I see your little green light on. Enjoying your lunch break?

I was trying! I feel like I get much less "green light" time here than I used to.

ETA: I could have sworn I commented, but thinking back, I read this on my own lunch break quite a while back, and guess I never went back too.

Oddly, I think the DIS ate my first attempt at a response here as well.

First off, the very first picture that you posted of the lake was fantastic! Very pretty!

Thanks! I couldn't believe I had forgotten to post that one.

All of the "wurst" jokes have been made; mine would only be wurster, so I'll just not.

Oh, come on. They can't be any wurst than mine.

Loved the family swimming time- now THAT's vacation! Making up for lost time in great fashion.

We're doing our best!

Double yes.

And another yes.

I like this trend. Soon I'll have you agreeing to just about anything!:rotfl2:

Oh my. I can't even imagine.


Good job Dad!

Thanks! More sentences that are rarely uttered in my house.:rotfl:

Aw man poor kid.

Yeah, I felt terrible for him. I made it up to him this past week.:goodvibes

This whole situation got me so frustrated for you guys! :headache: What a terrible day.

Yes! Terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day!

Never heard of it but will keep my eye out for it next time!

Can't go wrong with Wawa.

This whole story was AWESOME! :rotfl2:

Please feel free to join us in the Alternate Universe anytime!

Uh, I think you mean the finest gift shops! DH needs that tie ASAP.

I'll have to pick up one for him next time.

Great show!

I'm glad there's at least one other Fargo fan here!

Good catch, really does look like MU!


Such good lookin' kids. Good work!

Ok, look at me. Then look at Julie. You really think I have anything to do with that?:rotfl2:

Poop! I'm sure the two of you would have had such a fun time eating bacon together!

Yeah, we were both really disappointed it didn't work out.

And what a spectacular place this is. Seriously, Guinness Glaze?! :faint::faint::faint:

Bacon. So. Good.

Just wait until you come out to CA (Northern). Brown, flat and hot.

Well, that's quite the sales pitch. I'd better look at flights right away!


I love that story!
Chapter 4: The Rough Riders

Want to know how we could tell our vacation was getting better? The morning started with Holiday Inn Express cinnamon rolls.

Mmmm…cinnamon rolls…

Hmm? What? Oh, sorry. My mind wandered a bit into the realm of gooey icing. I’m back.

We got an early start, on the road somewhere between 7:00 and 7:30 a.m. Why? Well, you’ll never believe this, but we had a lot of ground to cover that day. And in the middle of all the driving, we were going to try and do some actual sightseeing.

Our first destination was a half-hour west of Dickinson, North Dakota. As we drove west, the landscape finally began to change—we saw actual elevation changes! We took an exit and right there, just off the interstate, was our first stop: the Painted Canyon overlook and visitor center at Theodore Roosevelt National Park.


Yes, Drew is growing up fast, but he still has yet to master the art of looking at the camera for more than 0.3 seconds at a time.

Or even just sit still.


Painted Canyon marks the spot where the grasslands that make up the majority of North Dakota begin to transition into badlands. “Badlands” are termed as such because of the lack of water features. The foreboding, dry sandstone formations seem to insure that no farming is possible here, hence they’re “bad lands” for settling. But they are, in their own way, quite striking visually.


It was a cool, windy morning, so we broke out our sweatshirts. We didn’t have one for Drew, so we just fished out his pajama top. Fashion-wise, he can pull it off. Whereas people just look at me funny when I do it.


The visitor center there wasn’t open yet, so we just took a few photos and drove on. We drove into the town of Medora, which houses the main visitor center and entrance to the loop road that explores the South Unit of the park. It also houses several hotels, restaurants and all-around tourist traps. We needed some gas for the van so I stopped at the only station in town, which was a real blast from the past. It was an old analog-style gas pump, and I had to run inside the convenience store to give them the pump number and tell them to turn it on for me. Then I had to go back and turn the crank to re-set the numbers on the gallons/price dial before I could start pumping. It was only later that I found out I’d pulled up to the pump for premium, not regular gasoline. Oops.

Theodore Roosevelt first visited this area in 1883 while on a buffalo hunt, and liked the area so much he bought a ranch there. On the tragic date of February 14, 1884, both his mother and his wife passed away. He marked the date with a large “X” in his diary and wrote one sentence: “The light has gone out of my life.” Overcome with grief, he returned to the area and lived in solitude at his ranch. He credited his time spent here, living alone in the wilderness, as being incredibly vital in his development as a leader and in his learning to live with grief. He also developed a fierce conservationist streak and became a huge proponent of the National Parks later in his presidency.

The park consists of both the North and South Units, two separate tracts along the Little Missouri River. The South Unit is adjacent to Interstate 94, so it is the most-visited section of the park. There is a 36-mile loop road that covers the entire South Unit—this is what we were hoping to explore that morning.

We stopped at the visitor center to get the lay of the land and pick up Junior Ranger books for the kids. Sadly, Sarah decided that she was going to bow out of the Junior Ranger programs this year—just the latest of many signs that she’s growing up. And it’s happening way too fast and I can’t stop it from happening and I’m not ready for it and no I’m not crying and STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!

Ahem. Anyway, we piled into the van and started our drive on the loop road. We crossed the interstate into the heart of the park and pulled off to the side of the road by a large grass field. The field appeared to be moving. Or rather, lots of pieces of it appeared that way.

Prairie dogs. Lots and lots of prairie dogs.


Isn’t he cute? They’re pretty fascinating to watch. Prairie dogs have a sophisticated communication system, with several of them acting as lookouts and various calls and chirps, each with their own meaning, used to communicate the presence of predators. Don’t ask me what each call means, though—I don’t speak prairie dog.


We watched for a while and then drove into the badlands. My research had suggested that first-time visitors drive in a counter-clockwise fashion, so that’s what we did.



We took our time, enjoying the morning scenery and occasionally spotting a bison or an elk. We took a short side road that led to a trail to the top of Buck Hill, one of the highest points in the park. It was a little windy up there, but the view was nice.



The park guide said to allow about 2 hours for the drive, and I think that was about right. We didn’t stop at every overlook. The best stop was near the end of the drive, at the northwest corner of the loop road—there’s a short trail that takes you to an overlook of the Little Missouri River. This was a nice view, even though the water in the river was low, and a great spot to get out of the van for a walk.



We saw a bison way off in the distance:


And a small herd grazing on the other side of the river.



Just a short way down the road, we found a herd of wild horses. Wild horses travel in herds, right? I’m never sure how they come up with the various names of groups of animals, such as herds, flocks, gaggles, families, towns, or my personal favorite: the “murder” of crows. All I know is that it seems like they’re just throwing darts when they come up with these things. It also never fails to bring to mind a great line from the TV show Justified, when our hero stumbles upon a meeting of various bad guys and remarks to his partner, “Now, would you call this a herd, a gaggle, or a flock of a------s?”

So anyway, the wild horses were cool. We found another bison fairly close to the road, too.


Once back at the visitor center, Sarah and Julie went to check out Teddy Roosevelt’s old cabin while I stayed with the boys as they finished up their Junior Ranger work. Soon after, they had their first badges of the trip in hand.


Julie made our first PB&J sandwiches of the trip and we ate lunch in the car as we headed out. Before long, we’d entered Big Sky Country.


I wonder why they call it that?


This was one of the drives I was most worried about when planning the vacation. It was 3.5 hours across mostly back roads in Montana and Wyoming—only the first 15 – 20 minutes were on the interstate. We turned south at the first exit on Montana Route 7 and entered The Void. I’d been worried about how the kids would hold up on such a boring drive. Here’s a behind-the-scenes glimpse of our typical road trip:


Luckily, it was Drew’s nap time, so eventually he stopped fussing and fell asleep.

Part of my fears were due to the fact that I wasn’t entirely sure what the road would be like. Google maps had said this was the fastest route, so I went with it. But when looking at the route on Google Earth, I’d noticed that the photos along the way showed Route 7 to be a mostly dirt road. I was sure 3.5 hours on a dirt road would be absolute torture, so I had a moment of panic. Then I did a search basically asking, “Is Route 7 in Montana paved?”

I found that it had been paved for its entire length in 2010, after decades of planning and debate (insert state highway engineer jokes here). For years, the town of Ekalaka, Montana had been the only county seat in the U.S. that didn’t have a paved road running through it.

Of course, when I started this drive, the GPS in the van directed me to go the other way, through North and South Dakota. I had another moment of panic before deciding that Google was probably more up-to-date than the GPS unit. I hoped.

It turned out just fine. The road was indeed fully paved except for a few miles of a construction project (insert more obligatory state highway worker jokes here). While driving on the unpaved, torn-up road in the middle of nowhere, I told Julie, “You know, you could have married any number of men who were richer or more good-looking than I am. But I bet none of them would have taken you here.”


Eventually, we crossed into Wyoming and then finally arrived at our next destination: Devils Tower National Monument.


Devils Tower is America’s first National Monument, dedicated in 1906 by (guess who?) President Theodore Roosevelt. It’s a geologic oddity—in the middle of gentle, rolling hills and small mountains of sedimentary rock, this monolith of volcanic rock stands out. There’s nothing like it anywhere in the surrounding area. No one quite knows how it formed or why it’s here. For a few theories on its formation, check out this link. The Tower has always been an iconic American landmark, but it was made even more so by Steven Spielberg’s 1977 movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, in which various people were drawn to this location as a meeting site for first contact with beings from another world.

We drove up to the visitor center and met up with some friends. They were from Delaware, not another planet. Sorry to disappoint you. Although if you’ve ever been to Delaware, you might think the idea isn’t that far off. Anyway, our friends have the same love of travel as we do, and had been taking a massive road trip all the way out to California and back, and we’d made plans to meet up and spend a few days together in the Black Hills area. They have six kids (3 adopted), which officially makes them crazier than we are. When we get together, it tends to be a little noisy.

I hope the park ranger enjoyed giving out all those Junior Ranger badges at once!

While the kids worked on their badges, we admired the view.


The Tower cuts a striking, imposing figure. You can see it from miles around, and it just stands out. I’m glad I made the trip to see it.

However, I would struggle to spend more than an hour or two here. You can hike all the way around the tower, but I didn’t see the need. It looks mostly the same from each angle. You drive up, and there it is. That’s about it. So it was a little different for me as compared to, say, the Grand Canyon, which I feel offers similar yet endlessly fascinating variations in the views you get in that park.

Also, there wasn’t a single UFO in the sky, so that movie was full of crap.

Maybe I needed to hum the 5-note theme in order to get them to appear. Admit it, you were just humming it, weren't you?



The kids got their Junior Ranger badges. With so many kids at the desk, Drew hopped right in line and got his very own badge without having to do any work, once again proving every theory you’ve ever had about the youngest kid being spoiled rotten. We got in the van and headed off once more, stopping for one more look back.


We got on I-80 and headed back east, crossing the South Dakota border and adding another state to our count.


We were staying in Rapid City that evening. After checking into our hotel, we drove a short distance to grab dinner at the Millstone Family Restaurant.

As you experience life, you encounter some underrated pleasures. These are things that you might not normally seek out every day, but every time you experience them they a) never let you down, and b) make you wonder why you don’t do those things more often. I’m thinking of experiences like

· watching shooting stars late at night.

· Playing sports in the backyard with the family until it gets so dark you can’t see the ball anymore. Then playing another 10 minutes.

· Date nights.

· Making your kids shovel the driveway out from snow while you sip coffee inside.

· Making your kids mow the lawn in 90-degree weather while you sip ice-cold lemonade inside.

· Basically, anything involving using your kids as slave labor.

Among the very best of these underrated pleasures is: breakfast for dinner.

I think I could happily eat breakfast food for dinner for the rest of my life. I have no good answer as to why we don’t do it more often.

Millstone is a diner, with a typical large diner menu full of comfort food. I saw the words “Breakfast Served All Day” and keyed right in on that part of the menu. I got a skillet featuring all my favorites: eggs, hashbrowns, thick slices of bacon, and French toast. What more do you need?


Sarah ordered the exact same meal I did. I think she finished it first, too. You do not want to get between this young woman and her breakfast food. Also, I really miss teenage metabolism.

Scotty ordered “pigs in a blanket”, which in this case was three massive sausages wrapped in more massive pancakes. He didn’t finish, but I admired the effort.


We were all stuffed to the gills after this meal, but in the most pleasant state of food coma possible. It was delicious, good, hearty American breakfast food. Like I said, breakfast for dinner never lets you down. We are happy to award the Millstone Family Restaurant a Drooling Homer Award for Excellence in Unpretentious Dining.


Coming Up Next:
A Rope Drop that’s even more vital than the Magic Kingdom.
My mind wandered a bit into the realm of gooey icing.
I like that place. It makes me feel warm and gooey inside. I guess that's appropriate.

Painted Canyon marks the spot where the grasslands that make up the majority of North Dakota begin to transition into badlands. “Badlands” are termed as such because of the lack of water features. The foreboding, dry sandstone formations seem to insure that no farming is possible here, hence they’re “bad lands” for settling. But they are, in their own way, quite striking visually.
The sign itself looks like it was just plopped in the middle of a big grassy field, almost as an afterthought “here, let’s stick a national park sign here, we’ve got nothing better to do”. But the next picture makes up for it. Beautiful place.

It was a cool, windy morning, so we broke out our sweatshirts. We didn’t have one for Drew, so we just fished out his pajama top. Fashion-wise, he can pull it off. Whereas people just look at me funny when I do it.
That’s not fair at all. We should protest. Last time I was home I was at a touristy shop and saw a Star Wars themed shirt. It was a moose (because of course it was, it was a Canadian tourist shop, so chances are you’re getting a moose or a beaver) and the moose had on a Darth Vader helmet with the quote “may the forest be with you”. I really wanted it, but it was a pajama top and I figured I couldn’t pull it off.

Sadly, Sarah decided that she was going to bow out of the Junior Ranger programs this year—just the latest of many signs that she’s growing up. And it’s happening way too fast and I can’t stop it from happening and I’m not ready for it and no I’m not crying and STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!
I hear you. I’ve been there once with my 16 year old. Soon to be there again with my 9 year old. Then what?? :sad:

Isn’t he cute? They’re pretty fascinating to watch. Prairie dogs have a sophisticated communication system, with several of them acting as lookouts and various calls and chirps, each with their own meaning, used to communicate the presence of predators. Don’t ask me what each call means, though—I don’t speak prairie dog.
They are pretty cute. Being from the east coast, I had never seen one until last summer I went to western Canada (Calgary) and saw them a few times. I can understand how people who live with then all the time consider them pests though, because they so seem a bit destructive tearing up the grass.

I’m never sure how they come up with the various names of groups of animals, such as herds, flocks, gaggles, families, towns, or my personal favorite: the “murder” of crows. All I know is that it seems like they’re just throwing darts when they come up with these things.
One of the more interesting ones is a “parliament of owls”. Our Canadian parliament is similar to your congress. It’s where all our politicians sit and do whatever governments apparently do. According to google, a group of owls was called a parliament because they are wise. All I know is that if I was naming a group of animals after a bunch of politicians, owls are not the first animal that comes to mind!

Devils Tower is America’s first National Monument, dedicated in 1906 by (guess who?) President Theodore Roosevelt. It’s a geologic oddity—in the middle of gentle, rolling hills and small mountains of sedimentary rock, this monolith of volcanic rock stands out. There’s nothing like it anywhere in the surrounding area. No one quite knows how it formed or why it’s here. For a few theories on its formation, check out this link. The Tower has always been an iconic American landmark, but it was made even more so by Steven Spielberg’s 1977 movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, in which various people were drawn to this location as a meeting site for first contact with beings from another world.
I think it’s very cool, but I actually have a degree in geology, so I guess I’m a bit weird anyway! Too bad there was no UFO. Maybe next time…

Making your kids shovel the driveway out from snow while you sip coffee inside.

· Making your kids mow the lawn in 90-degree weather while you sip ice-cold lemonade inside.
Regrettably, I have mastered neither of these.

Millstone is a diner, with a typical large diner menu full of comfort food. I saw the words “Breakfast Served All Day” and keyed right in on that part of the menu. I got a skillet featuring all my favorites: eggs, hashbrowns, thick slices of bacon, and French toast. What more do you need?


Sarah ordered the exact same meal I did. I think she finished it first, too. You do not want to get between this young woman and her breakfast food. Also, I really miss teenage metabolism.
Oh my

oops, sorry, I got distracted licking the screen. I need more stuff like this in my life. Of course, without the teenage metabolism, my waistline would not thank me.
Very cool pictures of your family at the NPs. But all I'll remember is how much I love breakfast for dinner too! I hope your kids like it as much as you and Julie.
Sadly, Sarah decided that she was going to bow out of the Junior Ranger programs this year—just the latest of many signs that she’s growing up. And it’s happening way too fast and I can’t stop it from happening and I’m not ready for it and no I’m not crying and STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!


He is rather cute. Nice shot!

Awww, look at you gettin' all artsy fartsy! Admiration where admiration is due.

It also never fails to bring to mind a great line from the TV show Justified, when our hero stumbles upon a meeting of various bad guys and remarks to his partner, “Now, would you call this a herd, a gaggle, or a flock of a------s?”


For years, the town of Ekalaka, Montana had been the only county seat in the U.S. that didn’t have a paved road running through it.

So, did you have to know that little piece of trivia to pass your P.E. Exam or as a minimum requirement for DelDot?

“You know, you could have married any number of men who were richer or more good-looking than I am. But I bet none of them would have taken you here.”

Dang you're lucky!

Also, there wasn’t a single UFO in the sky, so that movie was full of crap.

Yes, but it was full of mashed potatoes too.


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