8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 2

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Lisa, Am I on the manifest.:confused3 I have a Cat 5 but no room number yet.:sad2: There will just DH and myself. I thought there had to be over 300on this board. I talk a lot but........

Have you sent me an email with your info?
Is that all it seems like so many more.
Tell me you did not go back through and count. ........
ARe you talking about who has emailed you their stuff?

OF COURSE I am only doing the emails. ARE YOU INSANE???? LOL! If you send in your info, you get access to the site. :thumbsup2
TastyKakes....I worked for TastyKake the summer between my freshman and sophmore years in college.....

Boy was that fun.....Hard work sometimes but fine...

Worked in the cookie dept on an assembly line for wrapping and packaging

Well I'm ashamed to say I never really liked 'em :blush: Being from "All Over" I wasn't raised with the hankering for them, actually, I like Twinkies better.
Lisa , are you using Tripod again or are you trying something different ?????

Well I finally caught up and now it's bedtime :sad:

I'm sure I'll have more time on the weekend. Although Saturday is my work Christmas party.............Yes, you read it right, Christmas Party. It might be the day after Ground Hog's Day, but it's my Job's Christmas Party.

Andrew all the best to your DD and DW for speedy recoveries
Judy hope your daughter's better.
Lisa thanks for the work on the website
Doreen did we not spend the WHOLE WEEK together pal!

Have a great night all!

Mary Rose
Did Caroline ever catch up????

I haven't seen her on here in a while. It was funny last cruise. She didn't tell her DH about the group until right before the cruise. She would be in the basement room with the computer cracking up with us & he would wonder what she was reading. :lmao: Best part....she met us and Kristina's family in Baltimore at the aquarium when we were there for DH's graduation 9/1. The kids met each other & DS & her youngest DD became buddies. She would ask her mom about "that boy" and Caroline would have to change the subject. :lmao:
Ohana, don't worry about bringing the little ones...There will be plenty of teen babysitters for hire if you want.

(DD's gotta pay her way ya know)

Hey!! Great idea!! DD will be 18yo by the time the EBRC rolls around. I'll rent her services out ... I'm sure Flounders will be booked a lot and alternate babysitting services will be appreciated. :lmao:
goofyforlife said:
Ohana, don't worry about bringing the little ones...There will be plenty of teen babysitters for hire if you want.

(DD's gotta pay her way ya know)

ooooh! I totally didn't think about that! We could have an in-room sitter put him down for the night...while we can see a show! :cloud9:
ooooh! I totally didn't think about that! We could have an in-room sitter put him down for the night...while we can see a show! :cloud9:

Wanna bet the teens would try to charge way more than Flounders. ;)

Thanks for all of your work on the manifest!
Thanks for doing all this work Lisa. Oh course I had to send you 2 emails as I left info off the first:confused3
Catch up with everyone tomorrow.:wave2:
Wow...took well over a minute for that last post to register!
LOL! I am considering getting the kids the small IPOD shuffle for Christmas this year. They should be good for the plane trip to CA.
Okay, Lisa, forgive me if this is too much . . .
We looked at the iPOD shuffles b/c they were a bit cheaper. DS12 has a friend with one who hates it b/c you can't tell what song is playing. The little extra it costs for the nano is definitely worth it. We didn't go for the original iPOD b/c DH and DS12 would use the nano for exercise. The nano has a flash drive which will better tolerate the jumping and bumping of exercise. Mind you by Christmas 2007, there may be totally new and exciting and better things available . . .LOL Just my two geeky cents . . :idea:
Okay, Lisa, forgive me if this is too much . . .
We looked at the iPOD shuffles b/c they were a bit cheaper. DS12 has a friend with one who hates it b/c you can't tell what song is playing. The little extra it costs for the nano is definitely worth it. We didn't go for the original iPOD b/c DH and DS12 would use the nano for exercise. The nano has a flash drive which will better tolerate the jumping and bumping of exercise. Mind you by Christmas 2007, there may be totally new and exciting and better things available . . .LOL Just my two geeky cents . . :idea:

One other option--

The apple site has been offering reconditioned shuffles for something like $25 recently. For that price, I'm tempted to buy them for my family. I'd rather have the kids misplace a $25 shuffle than a new Nano. :blush:
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