5th Annual Christmas Shopping Thread

I am seriously behind this year. Normally I have a decent start by now, but have not started at ALL! :confused3 Actually, I blame it on the fact that I took the summer off work to stay home with DS9, and shopping hasn't been a priority (what is wrong with me? LOL). I go back to work in August, so I'll probably get started then.

I have been doing this for a few years now. Really makes it handy when I go to wrap presents - less chance of forgetting something since it all tends to get shoved into a closet. It also helps keep track of budgets! I love lists. :lmao:

Hey girlie! Glad to see you over here!! :hug: You have plenty of time yet!!
Hi Everybody!! My boys will be 1 & 3 this year so they are pretty great ages to shop for. We try to keep it simple stockings with fruit and a couple of small items new toothbrushes and socks. A big gift from santa and a few gifts from Mom and Dad. Their aunts overwhelm them with gifts no matter what we ask, so we really keep it simple. I work nights so I do a lot of my shopping online and I check out the stores first thing in the morning on my way home and find a lot of clearance deals that way. I hate shopping when the stores are mobbed.

I don't like shopping with the crowds either...I hate feeling pressured also...let me have open aisles and time to calculate! LOL!!!

I'm joining though I won't be shopping for a while. :cool1:

My DD turns four in October - so I won't be shopping for Christmas until her birthday is done.

:welcome: I loooove October birthdays! My grandmother had an Oct birthday!!

Leslie~that looks like cool puzzles, but I am clueless where you should look! And I noticed the allergy to ragweed in your siggie...Lord that stuff kills me too!! And we are not too far-away-neighbors!!
May I ask a question? For those of you with children to shop for, how do you know what they'll be into months before the holidays? My boys are 2 and 3 (2.5 and 3.5 at Christmas) and I am having trouble thinking of what they'd like 6 months from now. As an example, my oldest was VERY into Thomas around his birthday. He has now somewhat moved passed trains and is into pirates. Who knows if he will continue to like pirates around Christmas. I would love to be able to buy something for them now - hopefully while it's on clearance - but I'm worried that I'll get something and they'll be over it by the time Christmas comes around.

I have the same problem with my 2 boys. When I buy early, I stick with basic stuff like crayons, coloring books, puzzles, and ed. stuff.

My boys love to color and draw, so back to school time is good for me to get art supplies and such. My eldest son loves numbers, letter, shapes, and colors, so that is good for this time period also. My boys like music and sing a longs, so I will buy them some DVDs. I will get character specific as Yule gets closer.

I have the same problem with my 2 boys. When I buy early, I stick with basic stuff like crayons, coloring books, puzzles, and ed. stuff.

My boys love to color and draw, so back to school time is good for me to get art supplies and such. My eldest son loves numbers, letter, shapes, and colors, so that is good for this time period also. My boys like music and sing a longs, so I will buy them some DVDs. I will get character specific as Yule gets closer.


Oh, thank you! I didn't think about books and puzzles. I could definitely get that stuff now!
Glad I found this year's thread!

I've already started shopping. We will have 7 kids of our own to shop for this year because our newest baby is due in less than 9 weeks. :cool1: I also have extra shopping to do because 3 of our kids have Dec birthdays. I haven't bought much yet, but I've started making a list. Hopefully, that will help.

DH wants to make a big pirate ship playscape in the backyard for all the kids. (He found plans online.) In addition to that, he made wooden pirate swords and is planning on getting each child their own treasure box filled with gems. He made 4 extra swords for our niece and 3 nephews and he'll get them treasure boxes, too. I'll probably put some cash in their boxes. I have a great start on gems. I just need to find some nice treasure boxes.
Glad I found this year's thread!

I'll probably put some cash in their boxes. I have a great start on gems. I just need to find some nice treasure boxes.

I don't know if you have Hobby Lobby down there but some place like that or a discount furniture place might have some decorative boxes meant for home decoration that could work great as a treasure box. You could also get plain wood ones and let the kids stain and decorate them themselves with strips of brass or stickers, etc.
I am going to jump in. I have been using and app on my iPhone called Santa's Bag that allows you to set a budget and then add all the people you are buying for and add the gifts and the cost to help you stay in budget. This year my daughter will be 5 for Xmas and I have already purchased a few American Girl things for her. I have McKenna's bed, McKenna's bars set and the crutches set as well. I was afraid they would not be available come Xmas time. Other then that I haven't purchased anything else.

We are thinking about doing baskets for the couples we buy for with homemade lotions, soaps, lip balms, cookies, and ornaments.
Our kids are getting the trip to Disney as their present from santa. So this year I have no gifts to buy other than to make stuff for them for the trip. And we will be there on Christmas and have reservations at CP for an early dinner.
I am going to jump in. I have been using and app on my iPhone called Santa's Bag that allows you to set a budget and then add all the people you are buying for and add the gifts and the cost to help you stay in budget. This year my daughter will be 5 for Xmas and I have already purchased a few American Girl things for her. I have McKenna's bed, McKenna's bars set and the crutches set as well. I was afraid they would not be available come Xmas time. Other then that I haven't purchased anything else.

We are thinking about doing baskets for the couples we buy for with homemade lotions, soaps, lip balms, cookies, and ornaments.

That sounds like a super cool app!!! Love the basket idea!!!

Our kids are getting the trip to Disney as their present from santa. So this year I have no gifts to buy other than to make stuff for them for the trip. And we will be there on Christmas and have reservations at CP for an early dinner.

What a great Christmas present!! Way to go Santa!! LOL!!
I always love this thread. I have aleady bought DD7several gifts from Kmarts toy sale and from the disney store sale. I also have her pajamas. She wants a laptop this year, so if we get her that I am almost done with her.

DD21 I have already bought her several DVDs that she wants and she is also asking for a kindle and a couple of other high dollar items but we will have to see, her laptop died a couple of days ago, so I am getting her a new one next week and that kinda of hurts the budget a little.

Inlaws I am going to make them a basket of homemade jams & jellies, because they love to try new ones and they really don't need anything.

Nephews & neice are getting gcs.

I printed a chocolate chip cookie cookbook off of goosebery patch yesterday which has 25 diff. recipes, I think I am going to make several diff. kinds and make trays up for friends.

I want to be done by black friday this year. We will see.
I too need to and want to cut back this year. The last 2 years my girls have gotten everything they asked for. This year I want to make Christmas more about family and friends, baking and crafting.
I got my new Family Fun magazine yesterday and saw an ad for this site www.ajscollection.com. I think I will be getting my mom a necklace with all the grandkids names on them (and I'm going to email my DH and drop a big hint for myself too :lmao:).

I also stumbled on the reuseit.com website while fiddling around on pinterest and a few people might be getting the reusable grocery cart size totes!
I'm joining in. I joined last year but couldn't keep up with the thread. I'm hoping I'll be able to this year.

The only gift that is a "must have" so far is a Pink LeapPad for our daughter. Our local Wal-Mart has them in stock pretty often now so I think either pay day in August or September we are going to pick it up.

Besides that I have no idea what to get for anyone else. I do want to start picking up things on sale here and there to put away.
I'm joining in. I joined last year but couldn't keep up with the thread. I'm hoping I'll be able to this year.

The only gift that is a "must have" so far is a Pink LeapPad for our daughter. Our local Wal-Mart has them in stock pretty often now so I think either pay day in August or September we are going to pick it up.

Besides that I have no idea what to get for anyone else. I do want to start picking up things on sale here and there to put away.

:welcome: Sorry you couldn't keep up last year!! I think it was the year before that I couldn't keep up either!!! Too much was going on!! And isn't Walmart offering lay-a-way again? That might be an idea for those who have to space it all out---at least it won't get picked over.....
:welcome: Sorry you couldn't keep up last year!! I think it was the year before that I couldn't keep up either!!! Too much was going on!! And isn't Walmart offering lay-a-way again? That might be an idea for those who have to space it all out---at least it won't get picked over.....
They only offer it at christmas time and not for everything in the store only certain departments and items worth over $15. Wish they would keep the layaway and have all department.
Hello all!! I usually lurk over @ the budget board but I love all things Christmas!!! I haven't started shopping yet; I am compiling items for my list though.

I use my iPhone app Santa's Little Helper to track gifts and my budget for DH and our 4 children. We also have Christmas club accounts that will be available Oct 1st; that's about half of our budget there. I mainly shop on Amazon (gotta love Prime) and yes I am out on Black Friday :)
:)DS's b-day is 11 days before Christmas, so we always have extra shopping to do, but like many of you, we are also cutting back. Right now, he's in to legos. This has been pretty consistent (and increasing in intensity) for the last 6-7 months, so I'm pretty confident that we can do those for Christmas. Other than that, I'm thinking a Dizzy Disc (a sit and spin for older kids - good for some sensory issues!), and I don't know what else. We already picked up holiday PJs at the Disney store on clearance a couple of months ago.
Hope you all don't mind if I join you, but this thread is great!!! I have a 3 year old dd, she'll be 4 by the time Christmas rolls around, and I have no idea where to start. I am going to really try to cut down on gifts this year as well because I always buy way to much. My problem is that I love the shopping, the wrapping, and the decorating, but when the time comes to put it all away after Christmas, I literally want to rip my hair out :headache: We have one big gift that we know were getting dd, so that will only leave a few small things to buy like a few toys and movies, but still, i'm lost on where to start this year.

I have been on the petit jury for the past 4 months :eek: and even though I wasnt' thrilled to be picked to do it, I have earned a nice sum of "extra money" that I am going to take along with us on our trip to disney and hopefully pick up a few Christmas gifts while i'm there..considering it would go toward holiday shopping anyway :woohoo:

I wanted to add that dd's birthday is November 5th, so ontop of holiday shopping, i've got to get motivated for her birthday as well.
I am with everyone- Cutting back this year!! I told the kids Santa is not going to bring any toys. LOL With what I buy and then the family it is crazy. Half of the stuff they never play with. But like one poster I love the shopping and everything that goes with it.:) My kids are 5 and will be 3. I like what one poster put about it being more family than about all the stuff.


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