5th Annual Christmas Shopping Thread

I want to try cutting down too. Last year I feel like we got dd too mucn and she didn't play with what we got for long -.- Plus since last Christmas we had a son and his birthday is December 26th so we'll be buying for that too! So this year we're having a "big present" for both of the kids which is a trip to Disney a little less than a month before Christmas. The hard part will be explaining to dd that it's part of her present :p Then we'll get them both a couple of smaller presents. Now to decide on things that will actually last :)
I'm in! And in major news, attempting to practice some restraint this year. Last year was WAY overboard -- even I admit that -- and I took some toys and gave it to the kids for their birthdays instead.

I've started a bit already as I picked up a snow white costume (non-Disney -- that glitter ticks me off and gets EVERYWHERE!) for about $10 (yay me). I also picked up some dolls on sale. Waiting to see if she kind of wants them or wants something else. Not sure of the big gift yet but looking at a tea set that she can use with her friends (not a tiny doll set). Also have to look for PJs and a Christmas ornament.

I did get DS his big gift when he was 1 -- picked up a Black and Decker workbench off kidswoot then for a great deal. Just need to find some smaller things.

The main questions will be for my nieces and nephew. Also with DH's family, we draw names so waiting to see who we get. But we have to do his parents' stockings and of course, pre-me, he got the giant sized because he thought it was funny. Now it is a pain in the you-know-what filling those. I usually look for things like cans of coffee because they are large and take up space for little money. Already picked up a few things I saw like pig corn holders (MIL likes pigs) and an apron.

So have some things purchased which will help spread the pain a bit but need to start stocking up for the rest! The one thing DH and I are going to do is go through and cull the toys. We figure it is time to donate some stuff that they kids don't play with much to our local child advocacy program. It'll help teach them about less fortunate kids and make room for any new toys.

ETA: another thing to watch -- shipping! Lord, I get stiffed on shipping every year. So this year I am restraining myself from buying a clearance item unless I am sure it is worth the price PLUS the cost to ship it versus picking it up on Amazon and asking someone to wrap it for me.
You are all welcome!! I enjoy this thread too!! Sounds like a major theme this year is 'scaling down' on the amount of toys/junk. I have started doing that too..and I really like for family who isn't going to stick to the list to give the kids cash. I have some who used to just pick out stuff to give them just so the kids could open a gift...I do not shop like that and don't really like people doing that for my kids either...it just makes so much stuff they don't like, want, or need...They enjoy having money to save and when they see something later that they really, really want they have their own money.
High on my gift list has always been books...I give them in baby shower gifts, kids birthdays, or gift cards to a local bookstore...And my kids enjoy getting them too--so y'all may want to start that too! You can never go wrong with a classic book for kids!
High on my gift list has always been books...I give them in baby shower gifts, kids birthdays, or gift cards to a local bookstore...And my kids enjoy getting them too--so y'all may want to start that too! You can never go wrong with a classic book for kids!

I couldn't agree more. I love to get and give books. And those are often the first things that make the kids pause and read for a bit before going on to other gifts. In fact, my mom gets a People subscription for Christmas every year and she said it's her favorite present!
Love this thread!

I'm primarily shopping for dd (will be 5) and ds (turning 1 the week before Christmas).

Also will be looking for gifts for nephew (6mos), niece (3 mos) and three teenage nephews (14, 14, 15).

Ds will be turning 1 right before Christmas so I will be on the lookout for bday gifts for him as well.

This year I am determined to cut back. I've been saying that for 3 years, but I'm really serious this time. lol We have gone way overboard on my dd in the past. Last year we (I guess I should say I) did a little better on dd, but still...it was too much. My problem is I have a hard time passing a good deal. Next thing you know the master closet is full.

I love Black Friday shopping. Like, Black Friday, is MY holiday. lol
Well, I will try to scale back! :rotfl:

Last year, I should have scaled back because DH was on sabbtical, and my independent contractor work really slowed down. We also fit in another holiday trip (DVC points and annual passes are a dangerous combination!)

However, finances are looking better this year, as I have more work, and DH will be back to full salary in just over a month from now. The trick will be not to rebound too far and go overboard.

I have not yet figured out the sewing project for the nieces and nephews for this year. The fleece quillows have become birthday presents throughout the year because I ran out of time at Christmas. I may do fleece mittens again, as it has been a couple of years, and everyone has outgrown theirs!

DD wants the AG doll of the year. I may get the DVD/Bluray this month while AG has free shipping. DS is interested in the Skylander portal, but he wants some big LEGO sets too.

Thanks again for doing this! :flower3:
I'm subbing now, so I don't miss any good ideas! It's never too early to start, and I always try to be finished with my shopping by Halloween. There aren't many people we buy for, but I like to get good things for those people without spending a ton of money. Then, we go wild buying for our kids :scared: But as always, I have no ideas what to get for them (DD15 and DS9).
Great idea for a thread!

DH & I don't usually exchange gifts - we do small stocking stuff.

DS1 will be 6 and DS2 will be almost 4 - they each get 3 gifts from Santa and 1-2 gifts from us. And small stocking stuff. They have a new idea of what they want each day, depending on what commercial they've seen recently! Should be interesting.

I need to try and get all my shopping done EARLY this year since this baby is due 12/1 (will have a repeat C-section the week after Thanksgiving). Amazon Prime is also my best friend at holiday time! So if I need to, I can do most of my shopping online.

So excited that Christmas is around the corner, partially because that means baby #3 will be here :D
I already know what the grandparents are getting - I got a coupon for a free photobook from Shutterfly and will be making one full of DD's art. I'll have some photos of her "creating" and on the opposite page the finished project.

Still have to think what to get all my nieces - 6 girls ages 9 months - 12 years :upsidedow
The 9 month old is pretty easy, I have a cute pink Snoopy I got her last month and a couple of cute outfits I found on clearance.
For the 4 year old I am thinking a Lalaloopsy - I have been watching them on Ebay and Amazon to find the best deal.

DD is getting the Kinect Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure game. She loooves her Kinect and Pixar movies so it is perfect. Now I am saving my Swagbuck points for Amazon gift cards :thumbsup2 Other than that I am drawing a blank. Her Bday is in August and I got her a some presents I know she will love - a big pizza pillow :-)lmao:), a Perplexus and a Just Dance Kids Kinect game.

Does anyone know when Brave is coming out on DVD? I know it is still in theaters but Amazon has it on pre-order already so I was wondering if it will be out for Christmas :confused3
We have 4 kids and all have b-days in Aug, Nov and Dec. Our extended family also loves to buy for the kids. It's a lot of toys!:scared1: This year we are buying less and trying:
1. "Something you want, something you need, something you wear, something you read" from Mom & Dad
2. Santa's big gift
3. 3-4 small stocking items (candy, stickers, matchbox cars, etc)
4. A tree ornament and Christmas PJs each child's elf brings before Christmas Eve

I know Santa is thinking of the new Little People Disney castle, carriage, and figures for YDD, and the Toy Story toys may be on YDS's list. ;)

I love your #1, how great that is. Love Christmas, usually start shopping around August. Have been thinking about my November WDW trip, havent even thought about Christmas yet. Hope to find some fun stuff at the parks.
Great idea for a thread!

DH & I don't usually exchange gifts - we do small stocking stuff.

DS1 will be 6 and DS2 will be almost 4 - they each get 3 gifts from Santa and 1-2 gifts from us. And small stocking stuff. They have a new idea of what they want each day, depending on what commercial they've seen recently! Should be interesting.

I need to try and get all my shopping done EARLY this year since this baby is due 12/1 (will have a repeat C-section the week after Thanksgiving). Amazon Prime is also my best friend at holiday time! So if I need to, I can do most of my shopping online.

So excited that Christmas is around the corner, partially because that means baby #3 will be here :D

I already know what the grandparents are getting - I got a coupon for a free photobook from Shutterfly and will be making one full of DD's art. I'll have some photos of her "creating" and on the opposite page the finished project.

Still have to think what to get all my nieces - 6 girls ages 9 months - 12 years :upsidedow
The 9 month old is pretty easy, I have a cute pink Snoopy I got her last month and a couple of cute outfits I found on clearance.
For the 4 year old I am thinking a Lalaloopsy - I have been watching them on Ebay and Amazon to find the best deal.

DD is getting the Kinect Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure game. She loooves her Kinect and Pixar movies so it is perfect. Now I am saving my Swagbuck points for Amazon gift cards :thumbsup2 Other than that I am drawing a blank. Her Bday is in August and I got her a some presents I know she will love - a big pizza pillow :-)lmao:), a Perplexus and a Just Dance Kids Kinect game.

Does anyone know when Brave is coming out on DVD? I know it is still in theaters but Amazon has it on pre-order already so I was wondering if it will be out for Christmas :confused3

Again, a great big :welcome: to all the new ladies from today!!
ama,...I had c-sections too..they can be pretty rough recovering sometimes, so a plan is good!! LOL!! Especially when you already have other kiddos rolling around and you don't have the luxury of just laying in bed with the newborn all day! Congrats! Do you know what your baby's gender is? Just curious! I have 2 boys and a girl!
tzeitel~ not sure about Brave, man!! That was a great show!!!
Again, a great big :welcome: to all the new ladies from today!!
ama,...I had c-sections too..they can be pretty rough recovering sometimes, so a plan is good!! LOL!! Especially when you already have other kiddos rolling around and you don't have the luxury of just laying in bed with the newborn all day! Congrats! Do you know what your baby's gender is? Just curious! I have 2 boys and a girl!
tzeitel~ not sure about Brave, man!! That was a great show!!!

Thanks for the welcome! No, we didn't find out the gender, we like to keep it a surprise until birth. :goodvibes
Hats off to you, early shoppers! I admire your organizational skills!

May I ask a question? For those of you with children to shop for, how do you know what they'll be into months before the holidays? My boys are 2 and 3 (2.5 and 3.5 at Christmas) and I am having trouble thinking of what they'd like 6 months from now. As an example, my oldest was VERY into Thomas around his birthday. He has now somewhat moved passed trains and is into pirates. Who knows if he will continue to like pirates around Christmas. I would love to be able to buy something for them now - hopefully while it's on clearance - but I'm worried that I'll get something and they'll be over it by the time Christmas comes around.

I can shop early for YDS and YDD, but ODS and ODD have been known to change their minds. If I buy ahead for them I end up with too much, or have to do lots of returns/exchanges. I do serious toy buying closer to November for them. However, I did get great deals on books for the kids last Aug from Amazon. I have created a spreadsheet for all family members and our immediate family with categories (mom/dad, stocking, santa, elves) and budget amounts for the last 3 years. As I buy, I enter it on the spreadsheet and have an image folder for pics of the item by recipient.
Great idea for a thread!

DH & I don't usually exchange gifts - we do small stocking stuff.

DS1 will be 6 and DS2 will be almost 4 - they each get 3 gifts from Santa and 1-2 gifts from us. And small stocking stuff. They have a new idea of what they want each day, depending on what commercial they've seen recently! Should be interesting.

I need to try and get all my shopping done EARLY this year since this baby is due 12/1 (will have a repeat C-section the week after Thanksgiving). Amazon Prime is also my best friend at holiday time! So if I need to, I can do most of my shopping online.

So excited that Christmas is around the corner, partially because that means baby #3 will be here :D

Congratulations!!! Definitely try to get as much shopping done as you can. I had two c-section births in Dec 2010 and Dec 2011. I was glad I had put up my tree by early Nov and ordered most things online by Thanksgiving, or it wouldn't have gotten done.
Thanks for the welcome! No, we didn't find out the gender, we like to keep it a surprise until birth. :goodvibes

My first 2 were surprises..but #3 I knew from day one that it was a girl!! I went ahead and got an ultrasound because I had NOTHING for a girl...alllll boys!! I thought it would be weird knowing..but my first 2 baby boys were emergency C's and everyone in our families knew the gender and had seen them in the nursery before I did! So,..in case #3 didn't make it to the scheduled day, I wanted to know!!!! I do not regret it at all--had they all been normal births I would not have wanted to know. Baby #1 I did go through all the labor and was pushing when they decided emergency C...so that was a TOTAL bummer!!!!
I can shop early for YDS and YDD, but ODS and ODD have been known to change their minds. If I buy ahead for them I end up with too much, or have to do lots of returns/exchanges. I do serious toy buying closer to November for them. However, I did get great deals on books for the kids last Aug from Amazon. I have created a spreadsheet for all family members and our immediate family with categories (mom/dad, stocking, santa, elves) and budget amounts for the last 3 years. As I buy, I enter it on the spreadsheet and have an image folder for pics of the item by recipient.

AAAhhhh...I love your organization!! Want to be BFFs?!!!:rotfl:
Thanks for the welcome! No, we didn't find out the gender, we like to keep it a surprise until birth. :goodvibes

Congrats! We also like to keep it a surprise! We didn't know with DD and aren't finding out with this one either.

My c-section is scheduled for 11/21, so I too am trying to have as much done as I can before the baby comes.

Good luck to you!
I am seriously behind this year. Normally I have a decent start by now, but have not started at ALL! :confused3 Actually, I blame it on the fact that I took the summer off work to stay home with DS9, and shopping hasn't been a priority (what is wrong with me? LOL). I go back to work in August, so I'll probably get started then.

I have created a spreadsheet for all family members and our immediate family with categories (mom/dad, stocking, santa, elves) and budget amounts for the last 3 years. As I buy, I enter it on the spreadsheet and have an image folder for pics of the item by recipient.

I have been doing this for a few years now. Really makes it handy when I go to wrap presents - less chance of forgetting something since it all tends to get shoved into a closet. It also helps keep track of budgets! I love lists. :lmao:
Hi Everybody!! My boys will be 1 & 3 this year so they are pretty great ages to shop for. We try to keep it simple stockings with fruit and a couple of small items new toothbrushes and socks. A big gift from santa and a few gifts from Mom and Dad. Their aunts overwhelm them with gifts no matter what we ask, so we really keep it simple. I work nights so I do a lot of my shopping online and I check out the stores first thing in the morning on my way home and find a lot of clearance deals that way. I hate shopping when the stores are mobbed.
I'm joining though I won't be shopping for a while. :cool1:

My DD turns four in October - so I won't be shopping for Christmas until her birthday is done.
I want something like this for my 4.5yo son -

I am also looking into

His birthday is Sept. 28th.



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