51 Marathons, 50 States + DC ((71 Days til #4 NOLA)) -- Comments Welcome!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Packet Pick Up!!

Wow, I can't believe it. No, I seriously can't believe it. I'm sitting in my room, not knowing what to think about the race I'm going to run tomorrow morning. At the packet pick-up, I definitely felt less nervous and more excited, but I'm now at like this weird in between that I don't really know what to do with. Everything is laid out, I'm prepped and ready to go, and I even got moved up corrals (Corral D, anyone??). Now is the time to DO.

3:45, here I come. No excuses, just getting it done.

Tomorrow: MARATHON #1!!

Marathon #1
Walt Disney World Marathon
Orlando, Florida
January 9, 2011

I was so nervous leading up to the start, even though I had everything that I was planning to ever have. I had my bagel, I had my orange juice, I got on the bus with plenty of time and I didn't feel rushed. When I was sitting in my corral waiting for the start of the marathon, I felt such a huge surge of adrenaline and all of a sudden all my worries melted away.

Crossing the start line and peeling my sweatshirt off was, well, a little cold, but also THE biggest rush of my life. I wasn't really sure how I was going to handle it, how I was going to finish, but I knew for sure that this was going to be the experience of a lifetime.

For the first 6 miles, I was feeling great. When we hit mile 3 and we started to go through the east end of EPCOT, it really hit me that yes, I was running at Disney World and, yes, I would be running through all four parks. I was on top of the world! I thought that I got through the first 10K pretty strong, and that I was set for the rest of the race.

When we passed the Contemporary, though, the miles started getting longer for sure. I didn't slow down according to my 10 mile split, but I could feel everything starting to lengthen a little bit.

When I turned down the straightaway running down Main Street, though, I couldn't help but tear up. Seriously, I have never felt so much support or so much love in one place, and it really made me feel happy. My friends were all really supportive of me doing this and my mom was there to cheer me on, but to have so many people get so excited for you to run by...it really was a great feeling that I don't think I could ever duplicate.

Things really started to get tough around the Grand Floridian (mile 12/12.5). I could feel my legs starting to seize up and I knew it was a mistake that I had not had anything to eat during this entire stretch of time. I was coming up on two hours running without anything besides Gatorade or Powerade and I was starting to feel it. 3:45:00 was out of my reach, but I knew 4:00:00 wasn't, so I set that as my new goal as I crossed the half-marathon mark at 2:01:00. I knew I would have to run a faster end 13 miles than the beginning, but I thought I could do it.

Half a mile later, I found out I was way wrong. My right leg completely cramped up, and it was only after I got that banana in my system that I could get it to move and run again. It was on again/off again running well through mile 16 and the Animal Kingdom, and I finally started to hit a wall. Granted, most people are supposed to hit this wall by mile 20, but I was hitting it a little early.

Around mile 16 and the entrance to the Animal Kingdom, I met a wonderful woman named Liz, who started talking to me and really, really carried me through the entire park. She was so inspirational and such a motivator, so I have to give her mad props. I lost her at the next water station because I had to take another break, but she was really one of the nicest people I met on the course and I wish I could go back and thank her for that.

From mile 18 on, it was walking and running the whole way. The 4:15:00 pace group passed me quick, as did the 4:30:00 pace group, so I tried to forget about any time goal, even though now I was really hoping to finish by 4:30:00 (since that pace group started in Corral B and I was in Corral D, I knew there was a chance).

At the mile 20.5 turnaround, the ESPN guys were playing the Fight Song for USC, so I knew that that was a sign that I was going to get my second wind soon. I really never got it :lmao: but I was able to muster up the tenacity to finish the race at least.

I remember getting onto the HS/EPCOT walkway and saying that I was going to get 4:30 and knowing that it was a stretch, so then I bumped it up to 4:40, because I wanted to finish my race with some modicum of a goal.

Sidenote: running along the World Showcase was THE longest mile I have ever run in my entire life. It never ended! I've walked that thing so many times, but for some reason it seemed so much longer when it was most of mile 25, you know?

Once I ran past the EPCOT ball for the second time, I was determined to finish and finish strong. It seemed like I was flat out sprinting (although looking back at the video I clearly wasn't), and crossing that finish line...wow. I've never felt so good in my life. Like I've accomplished things before, but I've never felt such a great sense of accomplishment. And to have such a positive energy of runners around made it such a great event. I couldn't do anything but cry after I finished because I didn't really know what to do.

Except 5 minutes later when I started thinking about the next one! :cool1:

Final time: 04:39:36

Like I said before, it's never too early to start thinking about training, right? Well, the second I got back on the plane from Orlando to Denver on my way back to LA, I began thinking about what I did right and what I did wrong. I started looking at how I felt during certain portions of the race and I felt like I learned and grew as a runner. But now, I'm announcing the start of training for race #2: the Los Angeles Marathon!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Practice: Yoga
Time: 75 minutes

Yeah, I know it's bad that my first day back to real training was well over a week past the marathon, but getting back to school the day AFTER it started was really tough on my schedule. Here's to hoping a new year will bring me more discipline with my schedule!

First off, Jillian Michaels was in my yoga class, which was SUPER cool. It was a little awkward, because we were in triangle pose when I saw her in the mirror (she was behind me at this point) and I gave her one of those "oh my god, it's a celebrity!" looks that I try not to give to people. But I failed. And she noticed, but she was really nice about it.

I feel so much stronger now that I've completed this marathon. It really seems to be symbolic of what I can accomplish and how much I hold myself back. I know that sometimes I'm happiest when I'm unhappy, but this just goes to show myself that if I can open myself up and really complete the things that I want to do, I can make myself a better and happier person.
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Distance: 6 Miles

I decided not to really pay attention to my time today and rather focus on the fact that I finished my run. This was my first training run (well, recovery run) since the marathon and boy, was it hard. It was a lot harder than I expected, especially since the LA Marathon is less than two months away.

I've been really trying to dig deep lately because I can feel that motivational lull that follows when you run a marathon. It's like, you completed your goal, now what? Now's the time to get faster, but I get down on myself a lot about how I can't do that (among other things), so I've really been trying to see the positive lately. It's been hard, and sometimes it hasn't been happening, but I'm trying my absolute hardest to work on it.
I just wanted to say... WOW! You have an amazing goal.

Monday, January 25, 2011

Distance: 3 miles
Time: 25:02
Pace: 8:19/mi

Well, well, well, I can tell you right now that marathon recovery is not easy, nor is it fun. I'm one of those people who is competitive all the time. I always want to get ahead and I want to make sure that I'm doing the best that I can. That's how I got so good at volleyball and I really think that's what got me through WDW. And, now that I think about it more, that's what's pushing me to finish this crazy goal that I have.

However, having to hold back so that I don't injure myself permanently is hard. It's hard not to give 110% every time you do something, every time you're trying to finish, every time you're trying to complete a goal. You always want to give your all--I think it's human nature. But I have to keep telling the competitive side of myself that, yes, you're still being competitive, because it's either this or get injured and not run at all.

Running has saved me in more ways than one and I don't know what I would do without it. It gives me a channel for stress. A path for anger. A way for me to funnel my feelings into something good for myself and productive. I have to keep reminding myself of that.
Dude you are awesome and totally inspire me on those days that I really dont want to drag my lazy butt to the gym or out the door to run. I am even considering checkin out yoga...but would hope Jillian doesnt show up, she kinda scares me. hahaha She probably doesnt make it down here to the OC anyways.

Keep those updates comin! Cant wait to see how you do in LA.
Eeeek! This week with everything happening in Egypt/Jordan/the Middle East has made things SUPER crazy, but I'm finally starting to get back on track...starting with a double whammy! A day late? Yes, but it's still going up!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Practice: Yoga
Time: 45 minutes
Level: Intermediate

Unfortunately, I had no time to get over to my yoga studio, so I just did it at home with my super awesome iPhone app. It was just as tough, if not tougher because I felt like since I was doing this solely for myself (there was no pressure to look good in front of a class), I was holding the moves longer, really trying to make sure they were correct and trying to feel a stability and a balance in everything I was doing. It felt great! Seriously, NOTHING parallels the feeling after 45-75 minutes of flowing. Your body feels achy but so wonderful at the same time--I have to say the people who invented this are totally on to something.

And the best part about it is that I feel slightly better about myself the rest of the day, which is something I can't say I do every day!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Distance: 4 miles
Time: 38:32
Pace: 9:33/mi

I'm still taking it easy, which is frustrating, but at the same time super essential. I started out going wayyyyy faster (around 7:05/mi) when I felt a very strange pulling the back of my calf, so I immediately backed off. The rest of the run was a jog, but I still wanted to be careful because I refuse to tear anything or hurt myself. This is really the only outlet I have now for stress and getting some kind of self-esteem back into my life, so I really can't afford to lose it.

I think I've realized that the thing I like the most about running is that it's a constant, which is something that's not very prevalent in my life. I don't have a lot of constants. And even though the time can change, the distance can change, etc., it's still the same motion and the same feeling, and it makes me feel somewhat stable knowing that, no matter what I have to do that day, I can always wake up early in the morning and go run.
Whew! This week has been super, super busy because Egypt is never ending, so I only got the chance to workout one time between Tuesday and now. New goal: 6 days a week!!

Thursday, February 4, 2011

Distance: 4 miles
Time: 32:04
Pace: 8:01/mi

This run was much more natural and I felt better when I was done (aka I felt like I exerted less effort), which was nice to feel. However, I was disappointed that I couldn't get my Wednesday run in, as well as my Friday yoga or Saturday/Sunday runs in because I feel like, at this point, I'm just making excuses.

My whole issue is that I want to be seeing results, whether it's getting faster or getting a better body. And I'm not seeing them, but I know it's my own fault because I'm not running or being as active as I should be. And with this impending deadline of the LA Marathon, it's scary and frustrating at the same time.

I think I'm so wound up because I recently learned that several guys think that I'm standoffish and cold and it really got to me. It's upsetting to me that I can have such a sense of accomplishment and I can let other people tear that down in a matter of days, you know? I feel like the more I focus on school, work and running this week, the better off I'll be.

More updates to come...
Eek! Triple update! I'm getting bad at this...but hey, at least I've worked out 3 out of the 4 days this week. I'm on track to go 6 for 7! Now if only I could do this every week...

Monday, February 7, 2011
Practice: Ashtanga Yoga
Time: 45 minutes

So this was one of my super-late night, I'm-not-going-to-bed inspired workouts because I was pulling yet another Monday all-nighter (since I produce on Tuesdays, which requires that I get up at 5 am). So it was very serene to be doing in my room at 2 am, but also a little strange. I thought it was borderline eerie and very introspective, because I didn't have much else to think about. However, I quickly shifted gears back to what I was doing until...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 47:04
Pace: 9:22/mile

Ok, so I'm still recovering, but at least everything is feeling a little more fluid. I walked very minimally this time, even if I was running out of steam by the end. It's hard when you wake up in the morning and you don't eat anything before you run, but I'm working to fix that because I've realized that that doesn't work. And, hey, if it means waking up a little earlier, then I should put in the effort. I mean is it really that hard to wake up 25-30 minutes earlier so I can feel better on my run? Otherwise I feel miserable.

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Distance: 3 miles
Time: 32:01
Pace: 10:40/mile

This run was rough because my left calf was really, really tight, so I kept trying to go easy because the last thing I want to do is hurt myself before LA and before I really get into training. At the same time, it's incredibly frustrating to run such a short distance in such a long period of time, because you'd think that after you finish one marathon, you're infinitely better when you might not be. I think a lot of things have been getting to me lately self-esteem wise, so this really isn't what I needed this morning. At least tomorrow is just a jog, so I won't be worried about time so much as I will be about making sure I feel good. Recovery over on Sunday!!

Tomorrow: 2 mile jog
Monday, February 14, 2011

Practice: Yoga
Time: 1 hour

So I made it through yet another Valentine's Day. Phew...this one was definitely not easy. It was very lonely, I'm not going to lie. Most of my friends were partnered up, so it was just me, myself and I today. So I decided to treat myself to something this morning and went to yoga, which was OK. It was nice, I thought it was fun and it was nice to really get out and do a really tough class and get all the toxins out...but it still didn't help. I spent a good amount of the day moping around, so all the endorphins kind of disappeared from this morning.

At least it's over now...I thought I would want to talk about it more, but I'd rather just leave it at this: I think I've realized that I'm too much effort to be with, and it'd just be easier for me if I were alone. *sigh*

Tomorrow: 5 mile run
Friday, February 18, 2011

Practice: Yoga
Time: 1 hour

This week was unbelievably long and difficult to get through. I'm giving myself major props that I made it this far!! In between getting plastered on Wednesday (don't ask me why, it just happened) and dealing with a lot of stuff all week, I was pleased that I was able to get out and do this for myself.

I'm a little upset that I haven't done anything all weekend, though, but Monday is the start of a new week, and it's the time when I can really take charge towards improving my time for LA. I want this so bad, but everything had been really precluded lately with relationships that have been going on around me. My best, best friend started dating a guy who I've had a crush on for a year and a half, and this guy who I really like who's been flirting back (the one guy!) has a boyfriend. Couple that with Valentine's Day and you get quite the unproductive week, lol.

Monday: Yoga!
Thursday, February 27, 2011

Distance: 5 miles
Time: 45:02
Pace: 9:00/mi

Ok, so this is the first time I got a chance to workout this week and wow, it felt great. I keep forgetting how much running makes me feel better, especially with everything else going on in my life, you know?

I've been so bogged down this week with thoughts about guys, and this one guy who I've been flirting with for weeks now who just told me he's seeing someone and wants to keep it casual...I've been sitting in my room drunk almost every night, but getting up this morning and doing something good for myself felt so good, so I have to try to keep that in mind as LA quickly approaches...

Tomorrow (Saturday): 10 miles!
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Distance: 4.63 miles
Time: 41:28
Pace: 8:57/mile

So Sunday was supposed to be a 16-miler, but I had to work the Oscars (no complaining here!), so there really wasn't any way to fit it in so I wasn't completely exhausted for the big night. I felt good about at least getting something in, you know? I think that I've been finding myself making up excuses that aren't really relevant or valid because I "have no time," when I can always fit in something. I may not be able to get in the distance I want, but something is better than nothing.

Today was supposed to be a yoga day, but I didn't get around to it for several reasons. One, I didn't wake up early enough to get to the class at my studio because I got home super late--which was because I finally met up with a guy that I've been taking to online after I finished up at the Oscars. He was super, super nice, also a runner, incredibly smart, a med student at Keck (USC's med school), a good cook...something completely out of the blue from many other guys that I've met in LA.

Two, I texted him last night that I got home safe and I thanked him for the pizza he made me, and he still has yet to text me back. I really thought we connected, we hugged at the end of the night and he seemed earnest when he said he wanted to hang out again. Now what do I have? Nothing.

Lately, I've really been trying to use the small boosts that I get from running to really put myself out there, because normally I'm one to hole up in my room and be all gloom and doom. However, all I've been getting is buttkiss and a dose of feeling ****ty every single time. It seems like I can't even get past the first date.

Normally, I would say that there's an equitable division of blame, because it's not like everyone is compatible, etc. But these are guys who I thought I had a connection with and it's a constant disappointment over and over again. There has to be something wrong with me, but I find so much that I can't even pick out one thing and it's a general feeling of bleh that's really hard to shake.

What's even worse: this guy is running the LA Marathon, too, so it makes me not even want to go. Like I feel embarrassed...I feel like it's a place I don't belong, even though I know he'll be one of thousands of people there. Sigh, I just wish life were a little simpler.

Tomorrow: 6 miles
First off, I want to apologize to everyone who's been reading this, because I really do appreciate your support. Midterms was a crazy time both physically and mentally, so I haven't found the time to post nearly as much as I want to. However, I wanted to post my thoughts before I run the Los Angeles Marathon tomorrow:

The reason why I love marathons is because they really make me stop and think about life. Like who else gets to run this far and do this amazing feat? It's not every day I get to do one (or anyone, for that matter), and I think that I've really got something good going. For once I can be proud of myself and say that I did this, that it was me that made this accomplishment. For once, I can be happy with who I am, and accept the praise of others for doing something good.

When I cross that finish line tomorrow, I'll be one step closer to my ultimate goal, and checking that box off my list is going to feel so good. I know that sometimes I don't give myself enough credit, sometimes I tear myself down, but tomorrow, it's all about me and what I can accomplish, and I need to keep that in mind.

The past month and a half has been rough to say the least. My training was incredibly bumpy, not very consistent and I went through a very hard time. It wasn't really anything in particular that set it off, either, which is why I feel so stupid writing about this and trying to convey why I was so upset, but in the end, it really sounds trivial. No one died, no one was injured, there was really no loss of anything important--it was just me pitying myself for something I can't control.

I feel like, every day, I'm learning something new about myself. I'm learning something new about the way I relate to others, how I identify myself, how I interact and react--things that I would never otherwise think about. And the more I learn about myself, the more comfortable I am with myself, and that makes me feel good.

I've realized that I don't need a guy in my life to make me that happy. Yes, it would make things brighter, but maybe I'm not meant to have that yet. There are going to be days when it's tough, when it's lonely, when I'm upset, when I just want someone to hold me, but it's just like passing mile 20 in a race--you push through the pain and you move on, because that's all you can do. I can't go to a store and buy one, I can go skank around in a bar until I find one, sure, but who says that's the right one? In fact, who says that there's someone out there at all for me?

It's something I definitely plan on exploring more in the future (and yes, I promise I will keep this updated more often, I've missed writing in it), but for now, I'm going to leave it at this: I've been able to do the best that I can in the things that I can control. There are going to be things that I can't control, but I can't concern myself with them, because I have so many other great things to be happy about. Just like a marathon, life is not a journey without pain, but there is a finish line at the end of the road that makes it totally worth it.

To 26.2 miles.

Thank you to EVERYONE so far for your support--here's to a great race tomorrow from the stadium to the sea!
I've been following along and think you are doing great! Here's hoping you had a successful, albeit wet, LA Marathon run!

Honda LA Marathon
Los Angeles, California
March 20, 2011

This was truly a test of determination, because it was me, myself and I out on that track. My parents weren't there, my friends weren't there, it was just me and the track.

Luckily, the start was a little later than Disney, so I got to sleep a little more. I drove to Santa Monica and then got on a shuttle to Dodger Stadium, and I was significantly less nervous than my first one, which I thought was a good sign!

On the way to the stadium, the talk of the shuttle was if, or when, it would rain. Most people thought it would rain around noon, when IW as slated to finish. Still, I'd dressed prepared for the weather, hoping that it would be a little drizzle here and there, because I like running in that weather. It's breezy, it's easy to breathe in, and there's little to no chance of overheating.

Unluckily for me, right before the race started, I saw the one guy I did not want to see: I'll call him "N" and I met him one time after I was done covering the Oscars. We met in yoga, when he was on a trial period, and he said he didn't like it, but he also said I should come over sometime and he'd cook me dinner. So I went over to his house and he cooked me dinner. We talked and I thought we really hit it off. For the first time, I'd found someone who was smart and motivated (he's in his 4th year of medical school at USC), funny, cute and has similar interests (he, too, was running the LA Marathon).

Then I never really heard from him again. And when I did, I was the one to initiate the conversation, and he was always too busy to meet. I was really torn up about it, but, as indicated by my previous posts, I was trying desperately to get over it. And I thought I had.

Then I saw him at the marathon, and I pretended not to notice, to see if he would notice me. I was wearing a hat, so I didn't think he would, and he didn't. I thought I was fine at the beginning of the race, but he would end up lingering on my mind for the entire 26.2 miles.

At the start, it was nice because I'd been seeded in a corral, so I was in front of the 20,000+ runners coming out of Dodger Stadium. However, as we exited the stadium and we were coming down Elysian Park Drive (literally as we were passing under the sign that says "Thanks for visiting Dodgers Stadium!"), the skies opened up and it started to rain. Drizzle at first, but then the real rain hit.

For those of you who are not familiar with Los Angeles, the drainage in the streets is not that good. So, for a good portion of the race, I may as well have been running in a river. Here's a couple pictures from the race, which I'll try to use to illustrate how wet it was:


Despite the rain and the hills, I thought I was doing pretty well. Through mile 15, I was well above a 4:15 pace, and I thought I might actually be able to finish the race a full 30 minutes faster than Disney. I could see it in my head, and my goal at that point became 4:09:00. I knew it was a stretch, but I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could pull it off.

Then mile 17 hit. As I was running down Wilshire Boulevard out of Beverly Hills, my legs were in intense pain. I was miserable from being soaked and I could barely move, so I had to take a break at the medical tent, which didn't have IcyHot, just ice packs and aspirin. I tried to recover as much as I could and I was walking for portions of the next 9 miles.

By then, I was just trying to beat my Disney time (4:39:36), because I didn't come this far and train this hard to not beat that time, especially running in the stupid rain. Around Mile 24, I got a huge second wind, because we were running down the streets in Santa Monica, and I could actually count down the number of blocks until we hit the beach, where the finish line was. Little did I know that that was the beginning of the fight to the finish.

When I rounded the corner onto Ocean Boulevard, I could see the finish line. However, the finish line was about half a mile away, and it didn't seem to be getting any closer. I'm running my *** off at a pace that I feel is faster than I've ever run before (my Nike+ says I was running around a 7:35/mi), and I'm passing people, but the finish line doesn't seem to be drawing any closer. At all. Ever.

And then I crossed the finish line and it was over. I was officially a second-time marathoner, but all I could think about was how lonely I felt, and I started sobbing. For some reason, there was no sense of accomplishment, there was no feeling of "wow, I can't believe I just did that," it was all self-pity and depression. I was fighting to hold back tears as I went through the crowds of people, but it really was too much to bear knowing that I didn't have anyone there supporting me. I had just run what was possibly the most grueling race of my life, but I still felt like crap because no one was there to celebrate it with me.

That's when it hit me: I don't think the way I live my life is ever going to keep me happy, or even get me remotely close. Instead, I just live this numbed version of my life, hoping that feelings will go away and I can work my way around it, because I've proven to myself so far that, with some perseverance and hard work, anything can happen.

Then my thoughts started drifting back to N. I felt stupid, I felt dumb for feeling stupid, I felt alone, I wondered what was wrong with me--it was a wave of negative emotion that I really didn't let hit me until I got back to my car, at which point I turned on the radio and let it all out. An hour later, once I'd gotten home, I fell asleep listening to the sound of the rain outside, hoping everything would be better. I even texted N, congratulating him for finishing, assuming that he did.

When I woke up, I had a text from him, so I texted him back, and we ended up making plans for Wednesday. I all of a sudden had an injection of hope. All the embarrassment that I had bared this past week from having my friends sign me up on online dating sites, all the anxiety and weird bouts of sadness...I felt like they finally were culminating in something worthwhile.

Fast forward to Tuesday night: he calls me out of the blue to have a chat with me. I knew that something was coming, but I don't think I was quite prepared for it: he got matched for his residency at an Ivy League on the east coast, and he's moving out there at the end of April, so he just wanted to let me know that so I don't get my hopes up. Great.

But I didn't let that stop me from going out with him last night, I tried to keep a positive attitude. I went to dinner with him, and then we went back to his place and cuddled. I've never done this with another guy before, and I was definitely tentative, but I was SO happy that I did. I have never felt wore wanted or understood or comfortable ever, and I had a fantastic time.

Then I woke up this morning and realized that a) he might not want this to happen again (he didn't text me back again) and b) even if he did, I only have five weeks left with him. Is it really worth it to go through this? Am I going to beat myself up over it too much (even though I clearly am)? It's a rush of feelings that I've never really felt before and I don't know how to deal with because I don't think there are a lot of things about myself that I fully accept.

So now here I am. I feel like I should be ecstatic that I finished this race. I should feel accomplished. I should feel something positive. But I'm really struggling to find any kind of sunshine on this gloomy day, and it seems like this isn't the right way to feel (though is there ever really a right way to feel?). And then I feel stupid for feeling negative, which is just perpetuating the cycle. At this point, I'm just trying to keep it all together so I don't completely fall apart, and I've got my eyes on the next prize: The Bank of America Marathon in Chicago on October 9.

Finish time: 04:34:31

Tomorrow: easy 3 mile run
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Distance: 5K
Time: 29:25
Pace: 9:28/mi

You know, it's wonders what a little sleep and a little work can do for the attitude. I know I was quite the downer in the last post, so I'm trying to keep it positive this time, because being positive is the only way that you can cut it and still be sane, you know what I mean? If you're negative all the time, well then what's the point in even trying? Seeing the best in something could mean the difference between a good day and a bad day. And I've decided I'm done having bad days--I only want good days from here on out (or at least mildly enjoyable ones!)

Today was a little rough getting back out on the road, and it's always intimidating because you don't know how your legs are going to react, and, to be honest, it's frustrating not to be able to put 100% into it, but I had to keep reminding myself that it's a recovery run. This isn't the time for speed exercises--I have all summer for that. This is to help myself get better, to feel better and to start moving on to the next marathon.

With that said, I'm pretty proud of how I did. I wasn't running that fast leading up to the marathon, so I was pretty damn happy with that! It felt good to run again, I felt like I'd gained part of my life back. It also got my endorphins going, which really helped pull me out of my funk. I think last week was hard because I didn't see my friends that much and I hadn't seen them at all leading up to the race, so everything just caved in on me.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Distance: 2.73 mi
Time: 29:18
Pace: 10:44/mi

Today is an example of why I need to be much more careful. I was moving along at a pretty quick clip at the beginning of what was supposed to be a 6 mile jog. About a mile in, my right calf completely seizes up and still to this moment feels very sore. It was a quick reminder that I may feel better, but I'm not 100% healed, so I can't start going around running as if I can do anything! I need to step back and realize that I'm only a week out of LA and I need to take it easy so I can recover.

Just as a sidenote, I'm not too happy about the NCAA games today--my bracket got totally busted! I'm 0/4 in the Final Four after being 30/32 in the first round! So close, lol.
Ok, so after a very long hiatus (almost made it a month!) I'm back and more prepared than ever to keep up with this, lol. School is finally dwindling down and summer is almost here--my last week of classes is THIS week, eek!--so now all I have for the summer is work, a summer class and training for a half and a fall in September and October. Great, huh? So onto today...

Tuesday, April 26
Distance: 4 Miles
Time: 35:42
Pace: 8:53/mi

Not the best, but considering I've run all of 25 miles in the last month, I was pretty surprised/excited/proud of how good I felt after. Now that school is winding down, I'll finally have enough time to really focus on training. Which gets me to the next exciting point...


I've signed up for marathon #3 on my quest to 51! I'll be traveling to Minneapolis, Minnesota for the Twin Cities Medtronic Marathon on October 3, 2011, so I'm super excited about it. I haven't been back to the midwest in a while and, I totally wasn't even thinking about it, but I'll be missing the first home game of my senior year...while they're playing the Minnesota Gophers. It really is a shame that drinking before a race is so bad, because I wish I could be there to taunt all the Minnesota fans in a bar in downtown Minneapolis...but I guess I'll just have to settle for bringing my jersey and being sober, haha.

The only setback is some unexpected medical problems that have recently arisen that I have to get taken care of next week. It's nothing too big, but I will be getting surgery next Monday, and I'll have to stop running for 2-6 weeks. I'm a little scared because I haven't ever stopped running for that long (or rather, I've never not had the option to run for two weeks), and it's not like I can keep up with other stuff, too...exercise is pretty much off limits. I get the whole letting your body heal thing, but still! Ugh, it's really frustrating, so if anyone has any experience with this, or ideas about how to get around it, let me know or shoot me a PM. I would be super appreciative!

As for my personal life, I'm excited to say that things have started to look up a little bit. I think I've learned a lot in the last couple months with all my friends who are graduating me and leaving me lost and forlorn in Los Angeles (insert "overdramatic" sign here), and I'm approaching things with a much healthier attitude. I've been dating someone since the beginning of the month and everything has gone slow, but in a really good way. I'm trying really hard not to like him too much and, as hard as that is, I think I'm being at least a little successful. He invited me to his birthday bash on Friday, though, so I guess we'll see how that goes...sigh.

Anyway, I'm excited to begin this new chapter and see what new life lessons and experiences are going to come with this training cycle. Hopefully I can break 4:15 in Minneapolis and still be ready to conquer Goofy at the beginning of next year!


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